Is it possible to create a table with a variable name in PostgreSQL? - sql

Using PL/pgSQL or (some other mechanism), is it possible to create a table with a variable name?
I would like to create multiple tables named table_1, table_2, table_3, etc... and it would be simpler if I could use a loop to create them, instead of explicitly creating each one.
I suspect the answer to this is no, but I would like to confirm it.

While I would question your design if you're relying on such tricks, your question is general and you didn't give specific information to judge either way.
It should be possible, actually. It's only a matter of programmatically building the table names as strings and then, in a loop, execute your CREATE statements as dynamic queries.
See this page in the postgres documentation:

Generate a script by building the commands dynamically in a loop, then run the resulting output script.


Why to use full 2-part table names in SQL Server

I asked a previous question about shortening the table names in SQL Server, and came across this article:, which suggests using the fully scoped table name, such as [dbo].[Title] instead of just Title.
What is the reason to use the fully-scoped table name? I've never come across a place where there have been multiple identical table names in a database (actually I didn't even think it's possible?), so for me that seems like it's unnecessary, but I'm very new to SQL Server, so was wondering why this is the preferred way to do it.
From the documentation that you gave link to:
"For ad-hoc queries and prepared statements, query reuse will not occur if object name resolution needs to occur. Queries that are contained within stored procedures, functions, and triggers do not have this limitation.
However, in general it should be noted that the use of two-part object names (that is, schema.object) provides more opportunities for plan reuse and should be encouraged."
query reuse will not occur if object name resolution needs to occur

Oracle - does a column have a sequence attached to it?

Kind of a general question here but is there an easy way to determine, in Oracle database, if a field has a sequence number attached to it? This seems like it should be obvious, but I'm missing it.
In general, no. Sequences are separate first-class objects. Normally, you'd create one sequence per table and use that sequence consistently to populate the key (via a trigger or via whatever procedural API you have to do the insert). But nothing stops you from using the same sequence to populate multiple tables or writing code that doesn't use the sequence when one exists.
If you are on a recent version of Oracle and you are looking only at columns that are explicitly created as identity columns rather than the old-school approach of creating a separate sequence and using a trigger/ column default to populate the key, you can use the identity_column column in all_tab_columns (or user_tab_columns/ dba_tab_columns) to see whether the column was declared as an identity.
there is no way to attach a sequence to a field in oracle, what you can do is to use the sequence in your application as you see fit.
General you'll need to look for triggers on the table, and for procedures that maybe used to insert data to this table, some people use those to regulate sequence use and to sort of attach it to a field but it's not a real attachment but they are just using the sequence and it could be used in many other ways.

Finding table and package references in oracle

I have a list of tables and a list of packages. I need to come up with the below two lists
What are the packages that uses the given set of tables
List of tables that are referenced by each of the given package
The packages uses dynamic sql, hence I may not be able to depend only on dba_reference table.
The other way I could think of is using a LIKE clause against the dba_source table. But, I will have to write a OR condition for each of the tables that I need (or of course a function or procedure which can loop through each table)
Is there any better way of doing this?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Edit: rephrasing the question -
I have a package which select/inserts/updates several tables. This has dynamic sql. One example is provided below.
I want to identify all the tables referred in this package. What is the best way to achieve this?
In the below example I want to capture both table1 and table2.
if flag = 'Y'
then final_sql := 'insert into table1 (...)';
else final_sql := 'insert into table2 (...)';
end if;
execute immediate final_sql;
For systems using a lot of dynamic SQL I suggest two approaches.
First one is to apply strict coding standards so you know what to look for and can then reliably parse out the table names from the rest of the code. I mean, always have the table same string written to a known variable name, and search for that variable.
This is not always easy to do, especially if you have mountains of code that do not follow the standard. It only takes a couple of folk to not adhere to the standard and it all falls down. However it can be made to work, but probably never going to be 100% reliable.
Another approach is to write test scripts that exercise the whole code base and logic paths. Write them in such a way that they log the procedure name. Enable SQL Trace and capture the trace files from the tests. With clever scripting you should be able to tie the trace to the procedure. This will give you the "raw" SQL, which you can then grep for matches with you list of tables. You might be able to get the same info by harvesting V$SQL tying to V$SESSION.
This is an old school way of doing this, but one that I have used and works.
On one of the largest systems I worked on I wrote a CRUD parser which tokenised the code and produced a CRUD matrix by source file and table access. For dynamic SQL we processed SQL Trace/tkprof files.
If the code has good amount of debugging which dumps out these the table names you could again run the test scripts and harvest the debug logs.

View or Temporary Table - which to use in MS SQL Server?

I have a problem to decide whether to use a view or a temp table.
I have a stored procedure that i call from program. In that SP i store the result of a long query in a temp table, name the columns and make another queries on that table store the results in labels or a gridview or whatever and drop the Temp Table. I could also store the query-result in a view and make queries on that view. So what is better or in what case do i HAVE to use a VIEW/ Temp Table.
According to my research a view has the benefit of: Security, Simplicity and Column Name Specification. My temporary table fulfills all that too (according to my opinion).
If the query is "long" and you are accessing the results from multiple queries, then a temporary table is the better choice.
A view, in general, is just a short-cut for a select statement. If does not imply that the results are ever run and processed. If you use a view, the results will need to be regenerated each time it is used. Although subsequent runs of the view may be more efficient (say because the pages used by the view query are in cache), a temporary table actually stores the results.
In SQL Server, you can also use table variables (declare #t table . . .).
Using a temporary table (or table variable) within a single stored procedure would seem to have few implications in terms of security, simplicity, and column names. Security would be handled by access to the stored procedure. Column names are needed for either solution. Simplicity is hard to judge without more information, but nothing sticks out as being particularly complicated.
A view must replicate the processing of your "long query" each time it is run, while a temp table stores the results.
so do you want to use more processing or more storage?
You can store some view values (persistent index) which could help on processing, but you don't provide enough info to really explore this.
If you are talking about just storing the data for the use within a single procedure call, then a temp table is the way to go.
I'd like to also mention that for temporary table,
You cannot refer to a TEMPORARY table more than once in the same query.
This make temp table inconvenient for the cases where you want to use self join on it.
It is really a situational and operation specific question and answer may vary depending on the requirements of the scenario.
However, a small point that i would like to add is that if you are using a view to store results of a complex query, which are in turn used in operations of a GridView, then it can be troublesome to perform update operations on complex views. On the contrary, Temp Tables can suffice to this perfectly.
Again, There are scenario's where Views may be a better choice [ as in Multiple Database Servers if not handled properly] but it depends on what you want to do.
In general I would use a temporary table when I want to refer multiple times to the same table within a stored procedure, and a view when I want to use the table across different stored procedures.
A view does not persist the data (in principle): each time you reference the view SQL uses the logic from the view to access the original table. So you would not want to build a view on a view on a view, or use multiple references to a view that has complex logic.

SQL Dynamic query for searching

I am working on a problem that I'm certain someone has seen before, but all I found across the net was how not to do it.
Fake table example and dynamic searching.
(Due to my low rating I cannot post images. I know I should be ashamed!!)
Clicking the add button automatically creates another row for adding more criteria choices.
(Note: My table is most definitely more complex)
Now to my issue, I thought I knew how to handle the SQL for this task, but I really don't. The only examples of what I should do are not meant for this sort of dynamic table querying. The examples didn't have the ability to create as as many search filters as a user pleases (or perhaps my understanding was lacking).
Please let me know if my uploaded image is not of good enough quality or if I have not given enough information.
I'm really curious about the best practice for this situation. Thank you in advance.
I had a similar question. You can use dynamic sql with the sp_executesql stored proc where you actually build your select statement as a string and pass it in.
Or you might be able to write a stored proc kinda like the one I created where you have all of the conditions in the where clause but the NULL values are ignored.
Here's the stored proc I came up with for my scenario:
How do I avoid dynamic SQL when using an undetermined number of parameters?
The advantage with the parameterized stored proc I wrote is that I'm able to avoid the SQL injection risks associated with dynamic SQL.
Two main choices:
Linq to Sql allows you to compose a query, add to it, add to it again, and it won't actually compile and execute a SQL statement until you iterate the results.
Or you can use dynamic SQL. The trick to making this easy is the "WHERE (1=1)" technique, but you do have to be careful to use parameters (to avoid SQL injection attacks) and build your sql statements carefully.
The original post:
Write a sql for searching with multiple conditions
select * from thetable
where (#name='' or [name]=#name) and (#age=0 or age=#age)
However, the above query forces table scan. For better performance and more complex scenario (I guess you simplified the question in you original post), consider use dynamic sql. By the way, Linq to SQL can help you build dynamic SQL very easily, like the following:
IQueryable<Person> persons = db.Persons;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) persons = persons.Where(p=>p.Name==name);
if (age != 0) persons = persons.Where(p=>p.Age=age);
Check out SqlBuilder, a utility for Dynamic SQL.