Getting debug output in SQL Server Management Studio - sql

I'm generating a large script to do a bunch of inserts and updates. When I run it I get some errors, but the error messages don't let me pinpoint the problem - the line numbers are since the last "GO", so I can't find the right line.
I'd like to add calls to my script to a function in T-SQL that will just write to the results window, so I'd have a better idea where the error occurs.

You can simply use PRINT in the pleces that you suspect can cause problems
print 'Step 1'
insert into tableA -- some code here
print 'Step 2'
You can also wrap your code into block of TRY CATCH statements and throw custom errors or print error messages if something goes wrong

PRINT statements as suggested by #kristof would do what you want.
However you could run SQL Profiler side-by-side when you execute the script, catching all classes in the Errors and Warnings section and all SQL:StmtStarting events -- this would mean you wouldn't have to edit your script.


PyCharm Selenium not openening Chrome, "Process finished with exit code 0" [duplicate]

I am new to PyCharm and I have 'Process finished with exit code 0' instead of getting (683, 11) as a result (please see attachment), could you guys help me out please? Much appreciate it!
That is good news! It means that there is no error with your code. You have run it right through and there is nothing wrong with it. Pycharm returns 0 when it has found no errors (plus any output you give it) and returns 1 as well as an error message when it encounters errors.
Editors and scripts do not behave like the interactive terminal, when you run a function it does not automatically show the the result. You need to actually tell it to do it yourself.
Generally you just print the results.
If you use print(data.shape) it should return what you expect with the success message Process finished with exit code 0.
exit code 0 means you code run with no error.
Let's give a error code for example(clearly in the below image): in below code, the variable lst is an empty list,
but we get the 5 member in it(which not exists), so the program throws IndexError, and exit 1 which means there is error with the code.
You can also define exit code for analysis, for example:
right_name, right_password = 'xy', 'xy'
name, password = 'xy', 'wrong_password'
if name != right_name:
if password != right_password:
I would recommend you to read up onexit codes.
exit 0 means no error.
exit 1 means there is some error in your code.
This is not pyCharm or python specific. This is a very common practice in most of the programming languages. Where exit 0 means the successful execution of the program and a non zero exit code indicates an error.
Almost all the program(C++/python/java..) return 0 if it runs successful.That isn't specific to pycharm or python.
In program there is no need to invoke exit function explicitly when it runs success it invoke exit(0) by default, invoke exit(not_zero_num) when runs failed.
You can also invoke exit function with different code(num) for analysis.
You can also see for more details.
What worked for me when this happened was to go to
Run --> Edit Configurations --> Execution --> check the box Run with
Python Console (which was unchecked).
This means that the compilation was successful (no errors). PyCharm and command prompt (Windows OS), terminal (Ubuntu) don't work the same way. PyCharm is an editor and if you want to print something, you explicitly have to write the print statement:
In your case,
I think there's no problem in your code and you could find your print results (and other outputs) in the tab 5: Debug rather than 4: Run.
I just ran into this, but couldn't even run a simple print('hello world') function.
Turns out Comodo's Firewall was stopping the script from printing. This is a pretty easy fix by deleting Python out of the Settings > Advanced > Script Analysis portion of Comodo.
Good Luck
I had same problem with yours. And I finally solve it
I see you are trying to run code "Kaggle -"
but your pycharm try to run "" instead of your code.
(I think only contains functions so pycharm can run without showing any result)
Check on tab [Run] which code you are trying to run.
Your starting the program's run from a different file than you have open there. In Run (alt+shift+F10), set the python file you would like to run or debug.

Is there anything that ignore the error lines and execute whole code and generate the output automatically

Consider, I have a code which give the output. If there are some lines of codes in between the code. those lines can't alter the output.
In this case, Is there anything that ignore the error lines and execute whole code and generate the output automatically.
Awaiting for the response.

SSIS Conditional Split Error Output not writing any data to table

I have created this simple SSIS package:
This is my conditional split:
This is the Configure Error Output:
I am getting this error when running:
[ErrorTable [52]] Warning: Rows sent to the error output(s) will be
lost. Add new data flow transformations or destinations to receive
error rows, or reconfigure the component to stop redirecting rows to
the error output(s).
Before I got this error it was creating the error table but did not write any rows so I changed it to redirect row and now have this error. I'd be grateful for any help.
I just ran into the same issue and think I found the answer.
The output from your conditional split should not be the red "Error" path, but another output path (blue) to the "Error" file.
I kept expecting the red path to output the data from the conditional split, but it didn't because there actually weren't any errors.
I'm learning here, but I'm guessing the red "error" path is for actual data issues and not the conditional split functions.
Hope that helps! I

How detect failure of Web Performance Test run from command line

I've got a visual studio 'web performance test' to run from the command line. The plan is to create a scheduled task to run this. How do i trigger an email on failure? Either I wire that logic up in the test itself or it's external and dependent on return code but i don't think there is a return value - i.e. failure is shown in output text or by checking the saved results file.
You can use the /resultsfile:[ file name ] option with mstest.exe to create a ".trx" file. Its contents is XML and it contains a section similar to:
<ResultSummary outcome="Completed">
<Counters total="1" executed="1" passed="1" error="0" failed="0"
timeout="0" aborted="0" inconclusive="0" passedButRunAborted="0"
notRunnable="0" notExecuted="0" disconnected="0" warning="0"
completed="0" inProgress="0" pending="0" />
(Extra white space added for clarity).
It should be a simple matter to examine the TRX file after the run and send an email if anything failed.

Error loading data "operation: Unexpected"

This is a repost from a question asked on the (now disfunct) bigquery forum.
While uploading data from the bq tool I get the following error:
BigQuery error in load operation: Unexpected. Please try again.
I've tried running several files, but each gives the same exception.
The latest failed job is job_5251c0bf5eb24436a350bdfbdbdb3cd8
It looks like that job hit a SECURITY_VIOLATION error. This is likely due to a line that is longer than the maximum line length (64k).
In the next build of BigQuery (which will probably go live next week) it will give you a better error in this case -- it will tell you which lines are too long, and long lines won't cause the import to fail (subject to the maxBadRecords limit).
In the meantime, you can make sure that your input lines are shorter than 64k (note that newlines can be quoted, so stray quotes can cause lines to appear to be too long).