How does one configure PHPUnit to log to the test database? - sql

I am trying to work out how to configure PHPUnit to use the "test database" that is described on this wiki page: However I can't find any documentation on how to enable and configure it.
Has Anyone got any ideas?

Chapter 9 has a quick example of initializing your test database. If you meant how do you go about configuring MySQL (or any other database, for that matter), just let us know and we can get that info for you too.

Seems I can answer this one my self!
After doing a google for "phpunit depreciated" I came across the following changelog:
Thought I'd leave the question up in case anyone else got confused.


Attach Screenshot in ALM Test Case step level using QuerySerge

can we execute Test Cases and attach screenshot in ALM/HPQC using QuerySerge Tool.
We are trying to implement automation and want to execute the Test case and attach screenshot using the tool. I am aware that we can connect the QC and QuerySerge. But not finding any useful info regarding my requirement of running the Test Case and attaching the screenshot. Please share any useful info or any links that will help me.
Thanks in advance.
Could you please be more specific on your query? Which version of QC are you using? Old HP or the new micro focus version?
On the MicroFocus site you have the complete userguide. For instance you can use different kind of scripting (SQL query or API).
I am using REST API and able to connect, update test results and attachment of whatever type.
Please check on the microfocus if you can find what is needed for your QuerySerge (not sure on that):
Hope that help and clarify your question.
Have a nice day.

Google Cloud Big Query Scheduled Queries weird error relating JURISDICTION

All my datasheets, tables, and ALL items inside BQ are un EU. When I try to do a View->to->Table 15 min scheduled query I get an error regarding my location, which is incorrect, because all, source and destiny are both on EU...
Anyone knows why?
There is a transient known issue matching your situation, GCP support team needs more time for troubleshooting. There may be a potential issue in the UI. I would ask you to try the following steps:
Firstly, try to make the same operation in Chrome's incognito mode.
Another possible workaround is trying to follow this official guide using a different approach than the UI (CLI for instance).
I hope it helps.

Dynamics CRM Unable to Uninstall Managed Solution

I've currently got an issue in our Dynamics CRM test environment, we currently cannot 'uninstall' the managed solution we have imported from our development environment.
The error we are getting when we try to uninstall is: "[entity] doesn't have a valid quick find query defined for it.". The log that they allow you to download with 'more details' essentially says the same thing with an error code of -2147089917.
I can't find any information on google or in the dynamics documentation around what could cause this issue or what it means.
We have done some basic customisation to the quick find query for that entity which appears to be in the solution. We can use the search and it uses the quick find query we have defined so that appears to be correct.
The solution we have is exported from our development environment and then imported as a managed solution to the test environment.
We've tried importing a newer version of the same solution over the top and we still can't delete.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what could cause/solve this issue.
you have to remove the entities existing in the solution which you want to uninstall from the Quick find Search before deleting the solution.
To do this:
go to Settings > Administration > System Settings
In the tab marked “General” you will see a heading called “Set up Quick Find”
Select the record entities that you would like to remove and click OK
And now you should be able to uninstall your solution.
Hope this help!

Rename NServiceBus.Host.exe

This may very well be a silly question, but I cannot find any documentation on this or where anyone has really asked this question except here NServiceBus Yahoo Groups. I want to rename my NServiceBus.Host.exe, even though they have different names in the services group when I install the service, in task management all the services are NServiceBus.Host.exe. I have tried renaming the exe, but of course this has issues with deployment, and it simply will not run as per the url I had posted, encountering an endpoint config error.
I've looked through the configuration options and I do not see anything that looks as such an option, if anyone knows a good way to do this, that would be great. Thanks!
That sounds like not a very good idea. That road is bound to be riddled with potholes.
In order to tell the processes apart in Task Manager, there's a pretty simple solution.
Go to View -> Select Columns, and add "Command Line" which is just a few up from the bottom.
This will show you the full path to the specific NServiceBus.Host.exe instance, along with the command line arguments, which can give you valuable information like the Profiles that were used.

How to automate interactive telnet commands?

I would like to query a telnet server on port 105. What I have to do currently is start an interactive session and enter the commands later one by one.
Since I already know the commands, I would like to automate this process and fetch the results without any manual intervention.
When I try to use pipe to push commands at the time of logging in, this doesn't work. Any help is highly appreciated.
You are probably looking for a tool like expect.
Since you do not say what OS you use, and what kind of script language you want to use I will just provide a few suggestions for further reading.
this questions might answer what you are looking for.
Also I found this that could help you out a bit.