How to set the text of list items in Windows Forms -

I am trying to figure out how to set the value of the text that is displayed for each item of a list control, such as a checkbox list, but really this applies to most list controls, not just the checklistbox control.
I have a checklistbox control,
Friend WithEvents clstTasks As System.Windows.Forms.CheckedListBox
that I usually want to populate with a list of task names. I call the add method to add a Task object to the list. I know that if I override the ToString method, whatever value is returned by that function will be displayed as the text for the list item.
However, in rare situations, I want to display something else other than just the name. For example, perhaps I want to display the name and the value of another property, such as the value of the Boolean property "Optional" shown in parenthesis following the name.
What is the best way to do this?
The best that I can think of is to define a property which is set in the GUI layer and then used by the ToString function to determine how it should behave when called. If the controlling property is set to one value, the ToString will return the Name, else it will return the Name followed by the value of the Optional flag. This seems a little disjoint a kludged to me.
The other alternative which seems a little overkill is to define a new class which inherits from Task, for example TaskOptional, which overrides the Tostring method on the base class. In this subclass, the ToString function would return the Name/Optional flag value. However, this, too, seems a little nuts to have to come up with a new class just to modify how the text is being displayed in the presentation layer. I feel that I should be able to control this in the presentation layer without changing the business object or creating a new derived object.
What is the best way to accomplish this?
For Each CurrentTask As Task In _MasterTaskList
clstTasks.Items.Add(CurrentTask, True)
Public Class Task
Private _Name As String
Private _Optional As Boolean
Public Sub New (name As String, optional As Boolean)
_Name = name
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return _Name
End If
End Function
End Class

You can set the DisplayMember property of your CheckedListBox to the name of one of your custom class' property.
Let's say you create a property like the following:
Public ReadOnly Property NameOptional() As String
Return _Name & " (" & _Optional & ")"
End Property
then you can set the display member like this:
clstTasks.DisplayMember = "NameOptional"
When you set a display member, this property will be displayed instead of the ToString value.

You could do the following
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return string.Format("{0}{1}", _Name, IIF(_Optional, " (Optional)", ""))
End Function
EDIT: You will have to set the value of _optional in the constructor, which is missing in the code you have provided.


Is it possible to change the appearance of a custom class's object in the VBA editor's locals and watch windows? [duplicate]

Although an experienced VBA programmer it is the first time that I make my own classes (objects). I am surprised to see that all properties are 'duplicated' in the Locals Window. A small example (break at 'End Sub'):
' Class module:
Private pName As String
Public Property Let Name(inValue As String)
pName = inValue
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = pName
End Property
' Normal module:
Sub Test()
Dim objTest As cTest
Set objTest = New cTest
objTest.Name = "John Doe"
End Sub
Why are both Name and pName shown in the Locals Window? Can I in some way get rid of pName?
As comments & answers already said, that's just the VBE being helpful.
However if you find it noisy to have the private fields and public members listed in the locals toolwindow, there's a way to nicely clean it up - here I put the Test procedure inside ThisWorkbook, and left the class named Class1:
So what's going on here? What's this?
Here's Class1:
Option Explicit
Private Type TClass1
Name As String
'...other members...
End Type
Private this As TClass1
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = this.Name
End Property
Public Property Let Name(ByVal value As String)
this.Name = value
End Property
The class only has 1 private field, a user-defined type value named this, which holds all the encapsulated data members.
As a result, the properties' underlying fields are effectively hidden, or rather, they're all regrouped under this, so you won't see the underlying field values unless you want to see them:
And as an additional benefit, you don't need any pseudo-Hungarian prefixes anymore, the properties' implementations are crystal-clear, and best of all the properties have the exact same identifier name as their backing field.
All the Inspection windows not only show the public interface of the objects to you, but also their private members. AFAIK there is nothing you can do about it.
Consider it a nice feature to get even more insights while debugging.
In my experience this is less of an issue in real world objects as they tend to have more fields and properties. Assuming a consistent naming (as your example shows), fields and properties are nicely grouped together.
If you really dont want to see even Mathieu's This you could wrap it into a function. This is a bit more involved, and can be achieved using
a second class that stores the data in public variables. This will be marginally slower then Mattieu's implementation
a collection object that accesses the data using keys. This does not require additional clutter in the project exporer's 'class module' list but will be a little slower if you call the This repeatedly in fast sucession
An example for each is given below. If you break in the Class's Initialisation function, you can add me to the watch window and only the Name property will be listed
Using 2 Objects example
insert a classmodule and name it: InvisibleObjData
Option Explicit
Public Name As String
Public plop
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Name = "new"
plop = 0
End Sub
insert a classmodule and name it: InvisibleObj
Option Explicit
Private Function This() As InvisibleObjData
Static p As New InvisibleObjData 'static ensures the data object persists at successive calls
Set This = p
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
This.Name = "invisible man": Debug.Print Name
Me.Name = "test": Debug.Print Name
This.plop = 111: Debug.Print This.plop
End Sub
Property Let Name(aname As String): This.Name = aname: End Property
Property Get Name() As String: Name = This.Name: End Property
' in the immediate window type
' set x=new invisibleObj
If you dont like splitting the class over two objects, a similar behaviour can be generated using a 'wrapped' collection object:
insert a classmodule and name it: InvisibleCol
Option Explicit
Private Function This() As Collection
Static p As New Collection
'static ensures the collection object persists at successive calls
'different instances will have different collections
'note a better dictionary object may help
Set This = p
End Function
Private Function add2this(s, v)
'a better dictionary object instead of the collection would help...
On Error Resume Next
This.Remove s
This.Add v, s
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
add2this "name", "invisible man": Debug.Print Name
Me.Name = "test": Debug.Print Name
add2this "plop", 111
Debug.Print This("plop") ' use the key to access your data
Debug.Print This!plop * 2 ' use of the BANG operator to reduce the number of dbl quotes
' Note: This!plop is the same as This("plop")
End Sub
Property Let Name(aname As String): add2this "name", aname: End Property
Property Get Name() As String: Name = This!Name: End Property
' in the immediate window type
' set x=new invisibleCol

ToString not updating on object when altering ListBox in VB

I have a form that alters the content of a class within a list box. The information is updated correctly, but my ToString override on my object doesn't refresh - meaning the old ToString doesn't change. How would I fix this?
Here's my object:
Public Class Destination
Public strDestinationName As String
Public strAddress As String
Public intQuality As Integer
Public intPrice As Integer
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return strDestinationName
End Function
End Class
Here's the code where it should be updated
Dim selectedDestination As Destination
selectedDestination = CType(ListForm.lbNames.SelectedItem, Destination)
selectedDestination.strDestinationName = tbName.Text
selectedDestination.strAddress = tbAddress.Text
selectedDestination.intPrice = cbPrice.SelectedIndex
selectedDestination.intQuality = cbQuality.SelectedIndex
Regardless of how you add items to a ListBox, it is the ListBox that actually displays the data. In your case, it appears that you are adding Destination objects to the ListBox somehow, given that the SelectedItem is a Destination object. Given that you have written that ToString method, you are presumably relying on that to produce the text that the ListBox displays for each item. You are now expecting to be able to change the value of the strDestinationName field of one of the items and have the ListBox reflect that change. How exactly do you think that is going to happen?
The ToString method has to be called in order to get the new value and who do you think is going to call it? It would be the ListBox that calls it because it is the ListBox that displays the result. When you change that field, you are expecting the ListBox to call your ToString method but why would it do that? What reason has the ListBox got to call that method? It has no knowledge of the change you made so why would it think that it has to get new data?
The solution to your problem is to change your code in some way to notify the ListBox that data has changed so that it knows that it needs to get that new data and display it. There are multiple ways that you could do that.
The simplest option would be to bind your data to the ListBox via a BindingSource and then, when you modify an item, call the ResetItem method or similar of the BindingSource. That will raise an event that is handled by the ListBox and the ListBox then knows that it needs to refresh the data for that item. That is what will prompt the ListBox to call your ToString method and get the new data to display. You would add the BindingSource to the form in the designer and then do the binding where you are currently adding the items, e.g.
Dim destinations As New List(Of Destination)
For i = 1 To 10
Dim d As New Destination
d.strDestinationName = "Destination " & i
destinationBindingSource.DataSource = destinations
destinationListBox.DataSource = destinationBindingSource
The modification would look something like this:
Dim selectedDestination = DirectCast(destinationBindingSource.Current, Destination)
selectedDestination.strDestinationName = "New Destination"
The Current property returns the item currently selected in the bound UI and the ResetCurrentItem method notifies the bound UI to refresh the display of that item.
This is really not the best way to go about it though, given that you have control over the item type. What you ought to do is implement the type using properties rather than fields, get rid of the ToString method that only returns the value of one property and then add a change event to that property:
Public Class Destination
Private _destinationName As String
Public Property DestinationName As String
Return _destinationName
End Get
Set(value As String)
If _destinationName <> value Then
_destinationName = value
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Property Address As String
Public Property Quality As Integer
Public Property Price As Integer
Public Event DestinationNameChanged As EventHandler
Protected Overridable Sub OnDestinationNameChanged(e As EventArgs)
RaiseEvent DestinationNameChanged(Me, e)
End Sub
End Class
You can now bind a list of Destination objects directly and specify any of those properties as the DisplayMember to have that property value displayed:
Dim destinations As New List(Of Destination)
For i = 1 To 10
Dim d As New Destination
d.strDestinationName = "Destination " & i
destinationListBox.DisplayMember = "DestinationName"
destinationListBox.DataSource = destinations
You don't need the ToString method because the DisplayMember specifies that the value of the property with that name should be displayed. When you modify the value of the DestinationName property of an item, it will raise the DestinationNameChanged event and that will notify the ListBox that it needs to refresh the display for that item, so you don't need any additional code to make the ListBox update.
That's fine if you only plan to modify existing items. There's still a problem if you want to add and/or remove items after binding though. The List(Of T) class that is used to bind the items to the control in this example does not have any events to notify the control of changes to the list like that. In that case, you can use a BindingSource again if you want. If you add and remove items via the BindingSource then it will raise that appropriate events and the ListBox will update. If you wanted to add and remove via the underlying list then you'd have to call an appropriate method of the BindingSource when you made a change.
An alternative would be to use a BindingList(Of Destination) instead of a List(Of Destination). As the name suggests, the BindingList(Of T) class is made for binding, so it will automatically raise the appropriate events when the list changes to enable the UI to update without extra code from you. Using the combination of property change events in your item class and a BindingList(Of T), you can add, edit and remove items in the bound list and the UI will reflect those changes automatically.

What do the Get and Set commands in Visual Basic do?

What do the Get and Set commands in Visual Basic do? I encountered the Get and Set commands in my book's chapter on Object-Oriented Programming. Here is some code:
Public Property SocSecNum() As String
Return m_ssn
End Get
Set(value As String)
m_ssn = value
End Set
End Property
When you have a field, i.e. a member variable, you can get its value:
var = someObject.SomeField
or you can set its value:
someObject.SomeField = someValue
The whole point of a property is that, from the outside, it behaves just like a field but, from the inside, it behaves like methods. That means that you can get and set a property just like you can a field but, on the inside, rather than just straight assignment and retrieval, it actually executes the Get and Set part of the property definition.
When your project is compiled, they are actually implemented as methods and the property value is stored elsewhere. That might be a dedicated field or it might not. An example of the latter is the Lines property of a TextBox. The is no dedicated field for that data. What actually happens is that the Get part takes the current text, splits it on line breaks and returns the resulting array. Similarly, the Set part combines the array provided into a single String and sets the Text. Two of the most common reasons for extra code are validation and raising events.
A simple field declaration looks like this:
Public SomeField As SomeType
A fully-implemented property looks like this:
Private someField As SomeType
Public Property SomeProperty As SomeType
Return someField
End Get
Set(value As SomeType)
someField = value
End Set
End Property
As you can see, the field is private and, when the property is invoked in code, the getter and setter will get or set the value of that field. Once compiled, that code actually looks like this:
Private someField As SomeType
Public Function get_SomeProperty As SomeType
Return someField
End Function
Public Sub set_SomeProperty(value As SomeType)
someField = value
End Sub
As you can see, the getter and setter are literally methods and the property is just syntactic sugar. Java doesn't have properties and Java developers literally write these two methods as accessors for a field.
More recently, the authors of VB have realised that it's laborious to write all that code out over and over for lots of properties so we now have auto-properties. You can simply write this:
Public Property SomeProperty As SomeType
and everything else is implied. There's still a backing field and there is still a getter and a setter but your code is not cluttered up by showing them. This is how you will write most properties these days. As I said before, you'll still need to write the property out in full if you want to add any extra functionality to the getter or setter. Raising a changed event is probably the most common example of that, e.g.
Public Event SomePropertyChanged As EventHandler
Private someField As SomeType
Public Property SomeProperty As SomeType
Return someField
End Get
If someField <> value Then
someField = value
End If
End Set
End Property
Protected Overridable Sub OnSomePropertyChanged(e As EventArgs)
RaiseEvent SomePropertyChanged(Me, e)
End Sub
In this case, when the property is set, the backing field is set if and only if the new value is different to the old value and then an event is raised to notify listeners of that change in property value. The fact that properties can include extra code like this is why they should be used over fields for public data.
On the Tools menu select Options. Click on Debugging. Uncheck Step over properties and operators
Create your class thusly. It can be nested in the form class for this little test.
Public Class SomeClass
Private m_ssn As String
Public Property SocSecNum() As String
Return m_ssn
End Get
Set(value As String)
m_ssn = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Now, in the Button.Click create an instance of your class. Set the SocSecNum. Then Get the value and assign it to a text box.
Next set a break point in your code on the first line of the button code. Do this by positioning your cursor on the gray line to the left of the code and clicking.
Run your program and click the button. You will encounter the break point. You can now step through your code line by line. Use the Step into symbol.
You will see that when you set the property the Property Procedures Set is called. The value is stored in the Private m_ssn variable. Likewise, when you get the property the value of the private variable is returned. Hold your cursor over the m_ssn variable when you are in the Property Procedure and you will see the value stored there.
All this boilerplate code disappears in current versions of Visual Studio where the default Getter, Setter and private member are created for you behind the scenes with auto properties. You can still write the Get and Set and private variable when you need to do things to the input or output.
Here's a little that can give you an idea
I used this if to easily disable some buttons while process is running
and then when you call the "decrypting = false" the disabled buttons will become enabled
Dim dec As Boolean
Private Property decrypting As Boolean
Return dec
End Get
Set(value As Boolean)
dec = value
partialFile = False
btnAddFiles.Enabled = Not dec
btnAddFolder.Enabled = Not dec
btnAddKeyFile.Enabled = Not dec
btnSaveAs.Enabled = Not dec
txtOutputFileName.Enabled = Not dec
txtOutputFolder.Enabled = Not dec
txtInputFilePath.Enabled = Not dec
txtKeyFilePath.Enabled = Not dec
LV.Enabled = Not dec
btnDecrypt.Enabled = Not dec
btnAbort.Enabled = dec
If Not decrypting Then
Me.Text = "TS Decrypter and Joiner v1.0"
End If
End Set
End Property

Remove Properties and Events from UserControl

I´m devoloment my own userControl with I´m new with this task.
I want to remove default properties.
After google, I found several topics, like this:
Removing certain properties in a user control, i.e. forcing one value and not editable in Design mode
So, I´m trying to use it, but doesn´t works for me. I don´t know what I missing or doing wrong.
Public Class MyControlDesigner
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner
Protected Overrides Sub PreFilterProperties(ByVal properties As System.Collections.IDictionary)
End Sub
End Class
<DesignerAttribute(GetType(MyControlDesigner))> _
Public Class MyUserControl
' ...
End Class
To hide overwrite properties I follow this topic Hiding inherited properties and this works fine, for some of them.
<Browsable(False), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)> _
Public Shadows Property AutoScroll() As Boolean
Return m_AutoScroll
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
m_AutoScroll = value
End Set
End Property
But still, I have other properties that I don´t know how to hide or remove. Like Font, ForeColor, Margin etc...
Thanks advanced
Edit: Once I finish my control, I don´t want to see, all the properties like the picture, Only I want to show mine´s.
Edit: Add code from #Plutonix
I do not have access to that control/tool/property editor, but you can try to use a TypeConverter. This works with a control that inherits from UserControl to hide properties from a Property Grid, but it wont hide them from the VS IDE property editor.
The VS IDE uses reflection to get the property list and apparently ignores the TypeConverter. If your tool does something similar, this wont work - again, I dont have the tool to test it, but it is simple and worth a try.
I created an actual UserControl with a few controls on it. Then:
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class YControlConverter
Inherits TypeConverter
Public Overrides Function GetPropertiesSupported(context As ITypeDescriptorContext) As Boolean
Return True
End Function
Public Overrides Function GetProperties(context As ITypeDescriptorContext,
value As Object,
attributes() As Attribute) As PropertyDescriptorCollection
Dim propNames() As String = {"backcolor", "forecolor",
"autoscroll", "autoscrollminsize",
"autoscrollmargin", "autoscrolloffset",
Dim pdc As PropertyDescriptorCollection = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(context.Instance)
' collection to store the ones we want:
Dim myPDCList As New List(Of PropertyDescriptor)
For Each pd As PropertyDescriptor In pdc
If propNames.Contains(pd.Name.ToLowerInvariant) = False Then
End If
Return New PropertyDescriptorCollection(myPDCList.ToArray())
End Function
End Class
Then decorate your usercontrol with the TypeConverter:
Public Class YControl
This basically runs thru the PropertyDescriptorCollection for the control and filters out the unwanted properties before returning the new collection. If it works, just add the names to the propNames array that you want to hide. View in a PropertyGrid:
As you can see, all the AutoScroll... properties are removed as well as BackColor. The others are gone as well. If the editor will use your TypeConverter instead of reflection, it should work.
How to test your TypeConverter using a PropertyGrid. Using a form with a property grid and a button, in the button click:
Dim yp As New YControl
PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = yp
If the AutoScroll... properties are missing from the prop grid, your TypeConverter works! If they still show in the other tool, it is using reflection like VS.

VB.NET Property as StringDictionary?

I'm trying to create a new property with a type of StringDictionary but when I use the property like a stringdictionary variable I am getting an error.
The goal is to NOT use a variable, I need to use a property for this. Behind the scenes I am saving the stringdictionary value to a global user-ID indexed collection. Here's the code that creates the property and attempts to get and set:
Public Property MaxLenDict As StringDictionary()
Return GetFromCollection("MaxLenDict")
End Get
Set(Value As StringDictionary())
SaveToCollection("MaxLenDict", Value)
End Set
End Property
Public Sub ExampleSub()
If MaxLenDict("hello world") = "" Then MaxLenDict.Add("Hello World", "I'm Here")
End Sub
Get this error in ExampleSub "StringDictionary cannot be converted to string" in the IF statement on this code:
MaxLenDict("hello world")=""
So how do I successfully make and use a property as a stringdictionary?
Your property is of type StringDictionary() (an array!), not StringDictionary.
I’m not sure that using StringDictionary is advised in the first place, though. The class is simply a remnant from pre-generics versions of .NET. Use Dictionary(Of String, String) instead.