Fluent NHibernate Map Address Type - nhibernate

I have a Customer table and an AddressTable. My table looks like this :
Table Customer
Table Address
(AddressType is 1 for HomeAddress and 2 for WorkAddress)
In my Customer class I have 2 properties for Address type
class Customer
Address HomeAdress;
Address WorkAddress;
How can I map these two properties by using FluentNHibernate ?

You map the two addresses as components of Customer. This link explains component mapping and uses an address class as an example.
Edited to add: I'm completely missed that Address was a separate table so my first response is wrong. Hopefully this is more helpful: You have a one-to-many relationship between Customer and Address. One way to map this is to map a private collection of Addresses on Customer, then expose properties for HomeAddress and WorkAddress.


nhibernate "multi key" mapping - bank accounts/adress data for different entities

I am searching for the right way to model the following situation with nhibernate:
bank account and/or address data cloud be linked to the following entities
which are totally different, so that it cloud not linked to common parent.
At the moment, my only solution is the use of unique link tables for every constellation:
bank has mapped collections like
address has equal collections like
I have a bad feeling to solve the requirement to search for a bank account or street and show which entities are linked with the result set.
Maybe four results for "abc street" in adresse query than it is necessary to query all "add_" link tables four times to identify all links...
perhaps there is a better solution or modeling of the problem?
thank for any suggestion
maybe any / many-to-any Mapping adresse the problem
but it is coupled with inheritance
use many-to-any with an interface
interface IHaveContacts
ICollection<Contact> Contacts { get; }
class Contact
ICollection<IHaveContacts> EntitiesWithContacts { get; private set; }
unfortunatly it is not supported with FNH as it seems. use hbm.xml for this mapping alone or edit the mapping before adding it to the config.

Eager loading an optional one-to-one with NHibernate

Consider the following simplified domain:
public class Movie
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual MovieDetail MovieDetail { get; set; }
public class MovieDetail
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual Movie Movie { get; set; }
A MovieDetail cannot exist without a Movie, but a Movie could exist without a MovieDetail (i.e. we have no details about it).
Our database has a separate table for Movie with columns Id, and a separate table for MovieDetail with columns Id and MovieId. There is also a foreign key from MovieDetail.MovieId to Movie.Id.
We've got this all mapped in NHibernate, but when getting a collection of Movie instances, we want a left outer join with MovieDetail. If not, we could have a N+1 problem when iterating over the Movie instances. That is the case now: there is a separate query for every call to the Movie.MovieDetail property.
I've tried one-to-one mapping, but that seems to be for the case when you have both instances. In our case, we don't always have a MovieDetail. Also, they don't share the same primary key.
I've researched formula's, but that would require me to make my MovieDetail implement IUserType, essentially putting NHibernate into my domain. I'd like to avoid that.
Maybe you could try adding a many-to-one relation in the Movie mapping to MovieDetail, it will act as a one to one mapping.
When you set the option 'not-null' to "false" it is also nullable I suppose.
I don't know if you are lazy loading or not, when this is so the MovieDetailis loaded when needed and not by a left join construction.
Shouldn't all the properties be virtual in both classes?
<many-to-one name="MovieDetail" column="Id" class="MovieDetail" not-null="false" lazy="false"/>
I'm in a bit of a hurry and I don't know if you can modify your domain / db schema but you might want to try and take a look at http://ayende.com/blog/3937/nhibernate-mapping-component.
It seems to me that a Movie can have at most one MovieDetail which might not be there. MovieDetail might have properties like Description, ReleaseDate, Actors, etc. I don't really understand why you separated these concepts. By bringing them together you would have 1 less table and 1 less FK to join on each time you want to list movies.
The component allows you to isolate your data into a separate entity while mapping to the same table as Movie.

Simple relation between two tables

I started using NHibernate today, but I cannot figure out how I setup a simple relation between two tables. I don't really know what it's called, it could be one-to-many or foreign key relation (I'm not that into database design and the terms used), but here's a very simple example.
I have a table Product with attributes Id (PK), ProductName and CategoryId. Then I have a table Categories with attributes Id (PK) and CategoryName.
I created these classes:
public class Product
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual string ProductName { get; set; }
public virtual int CategoryId { get; set; }
public virtual Category Category { get; set; }
public virtual string CategoryName
get { return this.Category == null ? String.Empty : this.Category.CategoryName; }
public class Category
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual string CategoryName { get; set; }
In other words, I simply want the Product to store to which category it belongs (via the CategoryId attribute which points to an Id in the Categories table). I don't need the Category class to hold a list of related Products, if that makes it any simpler.
To make it even more clear what I'm after, this is the SQL that I'm expecting:
SELECT Products.*, Categories.*
FROM Products INNER JOIN Categories ON Products.CategoryId = Categories.Id
at least that's what I think it should be (again, I'm not that good at database design or queries).
I can't figure out which kind of mapping I need for this. I suppose I need to map it in the Product.hbm.xml file. But do I map the CategoryId as well? And how do I map the Category property?
It seems like I would need a 'one-to-many' relation since I have ONE category per product (or is this reasoning backward?) but it seems like there is no one-to-many mapping...
Thanks for any help!
I tried to add the many-to-one relation in the Person mapping, but I keep getting an exception saying "Creating proxy failed", and in the inner exception "Ambiguous match found".
I should maybe mention I am using an old version of NHibernate (1.2 I think) because that is the only one I got running with MS Access due to it not finding the JetDriver in newer versions.
I've put the mapping files, classes, and code where the error occurs in screenshots because I can't figure out how to post XML code here... It keeps reading it as html tags and skipping half of it. Anyway.
The mappings:
The classes:
The loading code where the error occurs:
(As I said, the inner exception says "Ambiguous match found".
(Product in my example has been replaced by Person)
The Person and Category classes inherit Entity which is an abstract base class and defines the Id, Deleted, CreatedTime and UpdatedTime properties.
The code where the error occurs is in a generic 'manager' class (type parameter TEntity which must inherit Entity). It is simply supposed to load all entities with the Deleted attribute false. In this case, TEntity is 'Person'.
It works fine if I leave out the many-to-one Category mapping in the Person mapping, but then obviously the Category property is always null.
Oh yeah, sorry about the mix between C# and VB, the C# code is in a generic framework I use for multiple projects while the VB part is the actual implementation of that framework on my website and I just happened to use VB for that.
Help? Thanks!
In your Product class only needs to contain a Category object, you don't need a CategoryId property. Then in your Product mapping you need to have this entry
<many-to-one name="Category" column="CategoryId" />
Your mappings appear to be missing the fully qualified name of the mapped class in the tag. See http://nhibernate.info/doc/nh/en/index.html#mapping-declaration-class
See if this helps you NHibernate 1.2 in a .NET 4.0 solution
The 'Ambiguous match found' exception was caused by the project targeting .NET Framework 4, which does not seem to be compatible with NHibernate 1.2.1. I switched to 3.5 and that seems to solve that particular issue.
Now on to the next. As you can see, the Person class has a CategoryName property that should return the name of the current Category object, or an empty string if the category happens to be null. This is so I can databind a collection of Person objects to a grid, specifying 'CategoryName' as a property to bind a column to.
Apparently this does not work with NHibernate. Whenever I try to databind my collection of persons, I get this exception:
"Property accessor 'CategoryName' on object 'NHibernateWebTest.Database.Person' threw the following exception:'Could not initialize proxy - the owning Session was closed.'"
This occurs on the 'DataBind' method call in this code:
public virtual void LoadGrid()
if (this.Grid == null) return;
this.Grid.DataSource = this.Manager.Load();
(This is an ASP.NET project and 'Grid' is a GridView)
'this.Manager' returns an existing instance of NHibernateEntityManager, and I've already shown its Load method before, it contains this:
public virtual EntityCollection Load()
using (ISession session = this.GetSession())
var entities = session
.CreateCriteria(typeof (TEntity))
.Add(Expression.Eq("Deleted", false))
return new EntityCollection(entities);
(THere's some generic type parameters in there but this website seems to hide them (due to the html like tags I guess)... Sorry about that).
This may have something to do with NHibernate itself, as I said I'm completely new to this. When I call my Load method I would expect it to return an EntityCollection(Of Person) with all its properties already set. It seems I have to keep the ISession open while I am databinding for some reason..? That seems a little strange...
Can I get around this? Can I make my Load method simply return a collection of persons already fully loaded, so that I can access CategoryName whenever I want?
Wait... Is this lazy loading perhaps?

Joins in fluent nhibernate

I am using fluent nhibernate.
i have 3 tables i.e.
CustomerId pk
ProductId pk
cust_prodId pk
ProductId fk
CustomerId fk
Now, I want to show customername, productnae
so, how do i write mapping class for the same.
i want to use
like this. how do i do this..?
If you're looking for a full tutorial on how to do this, I recommend the FNH wiki or one of the many blog postings which can be found through Google.
However, you're trying to implement a many-to-many relationship here, and that seems to throw a lot of people off. Here's a rough guide:
On your Customer class, you'll need a collection like:
IList<Product> Products { get; private set; }
And similarly, on your Product class:
IList<Customers> Customers { get; private set; }
You start off a many-to-many map with the HasManyToMany function:
public class CustomerMap : ClassMap<Customer>
public CustomerMap()
// other mappings
HasManyToMany<Product>(x => x.Products)
.WithTableName("Cust_Product") // Specifies the join table name
.WithParentKeyColumn("CustomerId") // Specifies the key joining back to this table (defaults to [class]_id, Customer_id in this case)
.FetchType.Join(); // Instructs NHibernate to use a join instead of sequential select
Then repeat the process for the other side of the relationship (the Customers property on the Product class).

nhibernate - disable automatic\lazy loading of child records for one to many relationsihps

I would like to know if there is a way to disable automatic loading of child records in nHibernate ( for one:many relationships ).
We can easily switch off lazy loading on properties but what I want is to disable any kind of automatic loading ( lazy and non lazy both ). I only want to load data via query ( i.e. HQL or Criteria )
I would still like to define the relationship between parent child records in the mapping file to facilitate HQL and be able to join parent child entities, but I do not want the child records to be loaded as part of the parent record unless a query on the parent record
explicitly states that ( via eager fetch, etc ).
Fetching Department record from the database should not fetch all employee records from the database because it may never be needed.
One option here is to set the Employees collection on Department as lazy load. The problem with this approach is that once the object is given to the calling API it can 'touch' the lazy load property and that will fetch the entire list from the db.
I tried to use 'evict' - to disconnect the object but it does not seem to be working at all times and does not do a deep evict on the object.
Plus it abstracts the lazy loaded property type with a proxy class that plays havoc later in the code where we are trying to operate on the object via reflection and it encounters unexpended type on the object.
I am a beginner to nHibernate, any pointers or help would be of great help.
Given your request, you could simply not map from Department to Employees, nor have an Employees property on your department. This would mean you always have to make a database hit to find the employees of a database.
Aplogies if these code examples don't work out of the box, I'm not near a compiler at the moment
So, your department class might look like:
public class Department
public int Id { get; protected set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
/* Equality and GetHashCode here */
and your Employee would look like:
public class Employee
public int Id { get; protected set; }
public Name Name { get; set; }
public Department Department { get; set; }
/* Equality and GetHashCode here */
Any time you wanted to find Employees for a department, you've have to call:
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("Department", department)
Simply because your spec says "Departments have many Employees", doesn't mean you have to map it as a bi-directional association. If you can keep your associated uni-directional, you can really get your data-access to fly too.
Google "Domain Driven Design" Aggregate, or see Page 125 of Eric Evan's book on Domain Driven Design for more information
You can have the lazy attribute on the collection. In your example, Department has n employees, if lazy is enabled, the employees will not be loaded by default when you load a department : http://www.nhforge.org/doc/nh/en/#collections-lazy
You can have queries that explicitly load department AND employees together. It's the "fetch" option : http://www.nhforge.org/doc/nh/en/#performance-fetching-lazy