Castle Windsor Fluent API: Define Array with Single item as Dependency - api

Given this XML configuration (which works)
<component type="X.Y.Z.ActivityService, X.Y.Z.Services" id="X.Y.Z.ActivityService" lifestyle="transient">
<component type="X.Y.Z.DefaultActivityListener, X.Y.Z.Services" id="DefaultActivityListener" lifestyle="transient" />
I have converted to use the fluent API as below (which doesn't work):
When I now attempt to resolve an instance of X.Y.Z.ActivityService Windsor throws a NotImplementedException in Castle.MicroKernel.SubSystems.Conversion.ArrayConverter.PerformConversion(String, Type).
The implementation of the PerformConversion method is:
public override object PerformConversion(String value, Type targetType)
throw new NotImplementedException();
I should add that if I remove the ServiceOverrides call, all behaves as expected. So there is specifically something wrong in the way I am wiring up the Listeners parameter. Listeners by the way is a property as opposed to a constructor parameter.
Seeing as the XML config works as expected how do I best use the fluent API (short of implementing the PerformConversion method) in order to achieve the same result?
I am using Release 2.0.
I will extend the question to how would you achieve this configuration in code, with or without use of the fluent API.
It appears the problem occurs if you attempt to assign a single element to an array property. Unit tests provided below to illustrate issue.
namespace Components
public class A
public I[] I { get; set; }
public interface I
string Name { get; }
public class B : I
public string Name { get { return "B"; } }
public class C : I
public string Name { get { return "C"; } }
public void ArrayPropertyTestApi()
using (Castle.Windsor.WindsorContainer container = new Castle.Windsor.WindsorContainer())
container.Register(Component.For<Components.A>().ServiceOverrides(ServiceOverride.ForKey("I").Eq(typeof(Components.B).FullName, typeof(Components.C).FullName)));
Components.A svc = container.Resolve<Components.A>();
Assert.IsTrue(svc.I.Length == 2);
Assert.IsTrue(svc.I[0].Name == "B");
Assert.IsTrue(svc.I[1].Name == "C");
public void ArrayPropertyTestApi2()
using (Castle.Windsor.WindsorContainer container = new Castle.Windsor.WindsorContainer())
Components.A svc = container.Resolve<Components.A>(); //Throws NotImplementedException
Assert.IsTrue(svc.I.Length == 1);
Assert.IsTrue(svc.I[0].Name == "B");
Question still stands.

public class WindsorTests {
public void ArrayConfig() {
var container = new WindsorContainer();
.ServiceOverrides(ServiceOverride.ForKey("listeners").Eq(new[] {"listener"})));
var service = container.Resolve<ActivityService>();
Assert.AreEqual(1, service.Listeners.Length);
public class Listener {}
public class ActivityService {
public Listener[] Listeners { get; set; }
The key part here is the new[] {"listener"}. The MicroKernel needs to know that the parameter listeners is an array, if you pass just "listener" it assumes that the parameter is scalar and throws because it can't convert a scalar to an array.


How can I validate different types within a collection using FluentValidation?

I have a class with a collection that needs validation. The generic on the collection takes an interface and different types can be added to the collection.
What is the cleanest path forward to creating a FluentValidation validator that supports polymorphism?
public interface IWizardStep {}
public class WizardOne : IWizardStep
public string Model { get; set; }
public class WizardTwo : IWizardStep
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public class Wizard
public Wizard()
var w1 = new WizardOne();
var w2 = new WizardTwo();
Steps = new List<IWizardStep>
public IList<IWizardStep> Steps { get; set; }
public class WizardValidator : AbstractValidator<Wizard>
public WizardValidator()
RuleFor(x => x.Steps)
// Steps First where is WizardOne
// Model.NotEmpty()
// Steps First where is WizardTwo
// FirstName.NotEmpty()
FluentValidation doesn't support polymorphism for child collections like this out of the box, but you can add this behaviour by using a custom property validator, or by using OfType in your rule definitions.
I've written about both approaches before here:
Step 1: Create a validator for each implementor
Start by creating a validator for WizardOne and WizardTwo:
public class WizardOneValidator : AbstractValidator<WizardOne> {
public WizardOneValidator() {
RuleFor(x => x.Model).NotEmpty();
public class WizardTwoValidator : AbstractValidator<WizardTwo> {
public WizardTwoValidator() {
RuleFor(x => x.FirstName).NotEmpty();
Step 2: Create the parent validator
You have two options for defining the parent validator. The simplest approach is to use OfType, but this is less performant. The more complex option is to use a custom property validator.
Option 1: Using OfType
public WizardValidator : AbstractValidator<Wizard> {
public WizardValidator() {
RuleForEach(x => x.Steps.OfType<WizardOne>()).SetValidator(new WizardOneValidator());
RuleForEach(x => x.Steps.OfType<WizardTwo>()).SetValidator(new WizardTwoValidator());
This is the simplest approach, but calling OfType inside the call RuleFor will end up bypassing FluentValidation's expression cache, which is a potential performance hit. It also iterates the collection multiple. This may or may not be an issue for you - you'll need to decide if this has any real-world impact on your application.
Option 2: Using a custom PropertyValidator.
This uses a custom custom validator which can differentiate the underlying type at runtime:
public WizardValidator : AbstractValidator<Wizard> {
public WizardValidator() {
RuleForEach(x => x.Steps).SetValidator(new PolymorphicValidator<Wizard, IWizardStep>()
.Add<WizardOne>(new WizardOneValidator())
.Add<WizardTwo>(new WizardTwoValidator())
Syntactically, this isn't quite as nice, but doesn't bypass the expression cache and doesn't iterate the collection multiple times. This is the code for the PolymorphicValidator:
public class PolymorphicValidator<T, TInterface> : ChildValidatorAdaptor<T, TInterface> {
readonly Dictionary<Type, IValidator> _derivedValidators = new Dictionary<Type, IValidator>();
// Need the base constructor call, even though we're just passing null.
public PolymorphicValidator() : base((IValidator<TInterface>)null, typeof(IValidator<TInterface>)) {
public PolymorphicValidator<T, TInterface> Add<TDerived>(IValidator<TDerived> derivedValidator) where TDerived : TInterface {
_derivedValidators[typeof(TDerived)] = derivedValidator;
return this;
public override IValidator<TInterface> GetValidator(PropertyValidatorContext context) {
// bail out if the current item is null
if (context.PropertyValue == null) return null;
if (_derivedValidators.TryGetValue(context.PropertyValue.GetType(), out var derivedValidator)) {
return new ValidatorWrapper(derivedValidator);
return null;
private class ValidatorWrapper : AbstractValidator<TInterface> {
private IValidator _innerValidator;
public ValidatorWrapper(IValidator innerValidator) {
_innerValidator = innerValidator;
public override ValidationResult Validate(ValidationContext<TInterface> context) {
return _innerValidator.Validate(context);
public override Task<ValidationResult> ValidateAsync(ValidationContext<TInterface> context, CancellationToken cancellation = new CancellationToken()) {
return _innerValidator.ValidateAsync(context, cancellation);
public override IValidatorDescriptor CreateDescriptor() {
return _innerValidator.CreateDescriptor();
This will probably be implemented in the library as a first class feature at some point in the future - you can track its development here if you're interested.

MockingKernel and Received throws an NotASubstituteException

I'm using NSubstituteMockingKernel in order to build all my dependencies of my library classes. I've been struggling to solve a trouble for a week and I'm really exhausted. I need some help.
This is my class:
class Core : ICoreService, ICore {
private ICoreConfiguration configuration;
Core(ICoreconfiguration configuration) {
this.configuration = configuration;
override ICoreService.ParentMethod() { //ICoreService implementation
foreach (Item item in this.configuration.Items)
virtual ChildMethod() {
//do something
ICoreService is:
interface ICoreService {
void ParentMethod();
ICore is:
interface ICore {
ICoreConfiguration Configuration { get; }
ICoreConfiguration is:
interface ICoreConfiguration {
IEnumerable<Item> Items { get; }
My test is:
public class UsersManagementTests
private readonly NSubstituteMockingKernel IoCKernel;
public UsersManagementTests()
this.IoCKernel = new NSubstituteMockingKernel();
public void SetUp()
[Test(Description = "Configured Users are well loaded on Kernel")]
public void InitializationWithUsersTest()
//Setup Data
Item item = Item.Create("item1");
IEnumerable<Item> items = new List<Item>() { item };
//Setup Mocks
Core core = this.IoCKernel.Get<Core>();
IEnumerable<NSubstitute.Core.ICall> calls = kernel.ReceivedCalls(); // ((((((1))))))
kernel.Received(1).ChildMethod(); // ((((((2))))))
When ((((((1)))))) or ((((((2)))))) are reached, I'm getting this NSubstitute.Exceptions.NotASubstituteException exception message now on last line:
NSubstitute extension methods like .Received() can only be called on objects created using Substitute.For() and related methods.
As you can see I'm trying to test ChildMethod method is reached once at least. ChildMethod must be called according to my Core.Kernel implementation.
I will really appreciate some help.

DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider.RegisterAdapter in ASP.Net Core MVC

In ASP.Net MVC 5, custom data annotation validator can be implemented by inheriting DataAnnotationsModelValidator and registering using DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider.RegisterAdapter(...). In ASP.Net Core MVC, how can I achieve this?
I found similar question at core MVC 6 Data Annotations separation of concerns, but can anyone show me simple example code?
It seems to me ASP.NET Core MVC does not have support for DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider.RegisterAdapter anymore. The solution I discovered is as follows:
Suppose I want to change the Validator for RequiredAttribute to my own validator adaptor (MyRequiredAttributeAdaptor), Change the default error message of EmailAddressAttribute, and change the Localized Error Message Source for 'CompareAttribute' to my own message.
1- Create a custom ValidationAttributeAdapterProvider
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.DataAnnotations;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.DataAnnotations.Internal;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Localization;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
public class CustomValidationAttributeAdapterProvider
: ValidationAttributeAdapterProvider, IValidationAttributeAdapterProvider
public CustomValidationAttributeAdapterProvider() { }
IAttributeAdapter IValidationAttributeAdapterProvider.GetAttributeAdapter(
ValidationAttribute attribute,
IStringLocalizer stringLocalizer)
IAttributeAdapter adapter;
if (attribute is RequiredAttribute)
adapter = new MyRequiredAttributeAdaptor((RequiredAttribute) attribute, stringLocalizer);
else if (attribute is EmailAddressAttribute)
attribute.ErrorMessage = "Invalid Email Address.";
adapter = base.GetAttributeAdapter(attribute, stringLocalizer);
else if (attribute is CompareAttribute)
attribute.ErrorMessageResourceName = "InvalidCompare";
attribute.ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Resources.ValidationMessages);
var theNewattribute = attribute as CompareAttribute;
adapter = new CompareAttributeAdapter(theNewattribute, stringLocalizer);
adapter = base.GetAttributeAdapter(attribute, stringLocalizer);
return adapter;
2- Add the CustomValidationAttributeAdapterProvider to start up:
Add the following line to public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) in Startup.cs:
services.AddSingleton <IValidationAttributeAdapterProvider, CustomValidationAttributeAdapterProvider> ();
Here is MyRequiredAttributeAdaptor adaptor:
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.Validation;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Localization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.DataAnnotations.Internal;
public class MyRequiredAttributeAdaptor : AttributeAdapterBase<RequiredAttribute>
public MyRequiredAttributeAdaptor(RequiredAttribute attribute, IStringLocalizer stringLocalizer)
: base(attribute, stringLocalizer)
public override void AddValidation(ClientModelValidationContext context)
if (context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
MergeAttribute(context.Attributes, "data-val", "true");
MergeAttribute(context.Attributes, "data-val-required", GetErrorMessage(context));
/// <inheritdoc />
public override string GetErrorMessage(ModelValidationContextBase validationContext)
if (validationContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(validationContext));
return GetErrorMessage(validationContext.ModelMetadata, validationContext.ModelMetadata.GetDisplayName());
1- See the example of Microsoft: Entropy project: This is a great sample for diffrent features of .NET Core. In this question: see the MinLengthSixAttribute implementation in the Mvc.LocalizationSample.Web sample:
2- In order to see how the attribute adapters works see asp.Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.DataAnnotations on github:
To define a custom validator by a annotation you can define your own class that derives from ValidationAttribute and override the IsValid method. There is no need to register this class explicitly.
In this example a custom validation attribute is used to accept only odd numbers as valid values.
public class MyModel
public int Number { get; set; }
public class OddNumberAttribute : ValidationAttribute
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
var number = (int) value;
if (number % 2 == 1)
return ValidationResult.Success;
return new ValidationResult("Only odd numbers are valid.");
catch (Exception)
return new ValidationResult("Not a number.");
A second approach is that the Model class implements IValidatableObject. This is especially useful, if validation requires access to multiple members of the model class. Here is the second version of the odd number validator:
public class MyModel : IValidatableObject
public int Number { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
if (Number % 2 == 0)
yield return new ValidationResult(
"Only odd numbers are valid.",
new [] {"Number"});
You can find more information about custom validation in

Simplest way to mock properties of PostSharp attribute

I'm using a PostSharp method attribute to do authorisation and auditing on my WCF service. It's working properly but now I'm trying to get my unit tests working with the attribute and am struggling to find a way to mock and inject the properties on the attribute.
My attribute is as below.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
public class AuthoriseAndAuditAttribute : OnMethodBoundaryAspect
private static ILog logger = AppState.logger;
private static Ninject.IKernel _kernel = MyKernel.Kernel;
private UserRoleTypesEnum _requiredRole = UserRoleTypesEnum.None;
public IServiceAuthToken _serviceAuthToken { get; set; }
public UserSessionDataLayer _userSessionDataLayer { get; set; }
public AuthoriseAndAuditAttribute(UserRoleTypesEnum role = UserRoleTypesEnum.None)
_requiredRole = role;
public override void OnEntry(MethodExecutionArgs args)
// Get the user's session from cookie.
UserSession userSession = GetUserSession();
// Check that user is in the required role.
bool isAuthorised = (_requiredRole == UserRoleTypesEnum.None || (userSession != null && userSession.Roles.Contains(_requiredRole)));
if (!isAuthorised)
logger.Warn("Not authorised for " + args.Method.Name + ".");
throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();
else if (userSession != null)
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = new MyPrincipal(userSession);
private UserSession GetUserSession()
if (_serviceAuthToken != null)
string sessionID = _serviceAuthToken.GetSessionID();
if (!sessionID.IsNullOrBlank())
return _userSessionDataLayer.GetForSessionID(sessionID);
return null;
I have a singleton class setting up the Ninject kernel:
public class MyKernel
public static StandardKernel Kernel { get; set; }
static MyKernel()
Kernel = new StandardKernel();
In my WCF service I use the PostSharp attribute as below:
public JSONResult<bool> IsAliveAuthorised()
return new JSONResult<bool>() { Success = true, Result = true };
And in my unit test I'm using RhinoMocks to try and mock the two DI properties in the attribute.
public void IsAliveAuthorisedIsAuthorisedTest()
var mockServiceAuthToken = MockRepository.GenerateStrictMock<ServiceAuthToken>();
mockServiceAuthToken.Stub(x => x.GetSessionID()).Return("x");
var mockUserSessionDataLayer = MockRepository.GenerateStrictMock<UserSessionDataLayer>();
mockUserSessionDataLayer.Stub(x => x.GetForSessionID(Arg<string>.Is.Anything)).Return(new UserSession());
var service = new MyService();
The issue I have is the mock objects in the unit test are never ending up being set as the properties on the attribute. What am I doing wrong or conversely is there a better way to do unit testing on a PostSharp attribute? Also bearing in mind I really want to minimise the use of the Ninject DI to the bare minimum.
Instead of using the [Inject] attribute on your properties, redefine them like this:
public IServiceAuthToken _serviceAuthToken { get { return _kernel.Get<IServiceAuthToken>(); } }
public UserSessionDataLayer _userSessionDataLayer { get { return _kernel.Get<UserSessionDataLayer>(); } }
Also, in your test method you need to re-bind (note also that you were using the concrete type ServiceAuthToken in the first bind instead of the interface IServiceAuthToken):

Ninject Cascading Inection with IList

I am trying to use Ninject to implement cascading injection into a class that contains an IList field. It seems that, unless I specifically specify each binding to use in the kernel.Get method, the IList property is always injected with a list of a single default object.
The following VSTest code illustrates the problem. The first test fails because the IList field contains one MyType object with Name=null. The second test passes, but I had to specifically tell Ninject what constructor arguments to use. I am using the latest build from the ninject.web.mvc project for MVC 3.
Does Ninject specifically treat IList different, or is there a better way to handle this? Note that this seems to only be a problem when using an IList. Createing a custom collection object that wraps IList works as expected in the first test.
public class NinjectTest
public void ListTest_Fails_NameNullAndCountIncorrect()
var kernel = new Ninject.StandardKernel(new MyNinjectModule());
var target = kernel.Get<MyModel>();
var actual = target.GetList();
// Fails. Returned value is set to a list of a single object equal to default(MyType)
Assert.AreEqual(2, actual.Count());
// Fails because MyType object is initialized with a null "Name" property
Assert.AreEqual("Fred", actual.First().Name);
public void ListTest_Passes_SeemsLikeUnnecessaryConfiguration()
var kernel = new Ninject.StandardKernel(new MyNinjectModule());
var target = kernel.Get<MyModel>(new ConstructorArgument("myGenericObject", kernel.Get<IGenericObject<MyType>>(new ConstructorArgument("myList", kernel.Get<IList<MyType>>()))));
var actual = target.GetList();
Assert.AreEqual(2, actual.Count());
Assert.AreEqual("Fred", actual.First().Name);
public class MyNinjectModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
Bind<IList<MyType>>().ToConstant(new List<MyType> { new MyType { Name = "Fred" }, new MyType { Name = "Bob" } });
public class MyModel
private IGenericObject<MyType> myGenericObject;
public MyModel(IGenericObject<MyType> myGenericObject)
this.myGenericObject = myGenericObject;
public IEnumerable<MyType> GetList()
return myGenericObject.GetList();
public interface IGenericObject<T>
IList<T> GetList();
public class StubObject<T> : IGenericObject<T>
private IList<T> _myList;
public StubObject(IList<T> myList)
_myList = myList;
public IList<T> GetList()
return _myList;
public class MyType
public String Name { get; set; }
lists, collections and arrays are handled slightly different. For those types ninject will inject a list or array containing an instance of all bindings for the generic type. In your case the implementation type is a class which is aoutobound by default. So the list will contain one instance of that class. If you add an interface to that class and use this one the list will be empty.