Slow query with left outer join and is null condition - sql

I've got a simple query (postgresql if that matters) that retrieves all items for some_user excluding the ones she has on her wishlist:
select i.*
from core_item i
left outer join core_item_in_basket b on ( and b.user_id=__some_user__)
where b.on_wishlist is null;
The above query runs in ~50000ms (yep, the number is correct).
If I remove the "b.on_wishlist is null" condition or make it "b.on_wishlist is not null", the query runs in some 50ms (quite a change).
The query has more joins and conditions but this is irrelevant as only this one slows it down.
Some info on the database size:
core_items has ~ 10.000 records
core_user has ~5.000 records
core_item_in_basket has ~2.000
records (of which some 50% has
on_wishlist = true, the rest is null)
I don't have any indexes (except for ids and foreign keys) on those two tables.
The question is: what should I do to make this run faster? I've got a few ideas myself to check out this evening, but I'd like you guys to help if possible, as well.

try using not exists:
select i.*
from core_item i
where not exists (select * from core_item_in_basket b where and b.user_id=__some_user__)

Sorry for adding 2nd answer, but stackoverflow doesn't let me format comments properly, and since formatting is essential, I have to post answer.
Couple of options:
CREATE INDEX q ON core_item_in_basket (user_id, item_id) WHERE on_wishlist is null;
same index, but change order of columns in it.
SELECT i.* FROM core_item i WHERE not in (select item_id FROM core_item_in_basket WHERE on_wishlist is null AND user_id = __some_user__); (this query can benefit from index from point #1, but will not benefit from index #2.
SELECT * from core_item where id in (select id from core_item EXCEPT select item_id FROM core_item_in_basket WHERE on_wishlist is null AND user_id = __some_user__);
Let us know the results :)

You might want to explain more about the purpose of this query - as some techniques make and some don't make sense, depending on use case.
How often are you running it?
Is it run for only 1 user, or you run it for all users in some kind of loop?
Do: explain analyze and put the output on so you will see why it is so slow.

Have you tried adding an index on on_wishlist?
It seems that this column needs to be checked for every row in the query. If your tables are that big, this might have quite a significant impact on the query speed.
As you put the on_wishlist condition in the where clause, which will cause it (depending on the what the query planer decides) to be evaluated after the join has been performed, that comparison has to be done for potentially every row resulting from the join. Both the core_items and core_item_in_basket tables are pretty big, and you don't have an index for that column, so there is very little for the query optimizer to do, which probably leads to the excessive query time.
The size of core_user should have no influence (as it is not referenced in the query).


Mystery query fail: Why did this create a massive output?

I was attempting to do some basic Venn Diagram subtraction to compare a temp table to some live data, and see how they were different.
This query blew up to well north of 15 million returned rows, and I noticed it was duplicating (by 10,000x or more) a known unique field - indicating something went very wrong with my query (I mean by this that rows were being duplicated and I could verify this by this Globally Unique Identifier field). I was expecting to get at most 200 rows returned:
select a.*
from TableOfLiveData a
inner join #TempDataToBeSubtracted b
on a.GUID <> b.guidTemp --I suspect the issue is here
where {here was a limiting condition that should have reduced my live
data to a "pre-join" count(*) of 20,000 at most...}
After I hit Execute the query ran much longer than expected and I could see that millions of rows were being returned before I had to cancel out.
Let me know what the obvious thing is!?!?
edit: FYI: If the where clause were not included, I would expect a VAST amount of rows returned...
Although your query is logically correct, the problem is you have a "Cartesian product" (n x m rows) in your join, but the where clause is executed after the join is made, so you have a colossal number of rows over which the where clause must be executed... so it will be very, very slow.
A better approach is to do an outer join on the key columns, but discard all successful joins by filtering for missed joins:
select a.*
from TableOfLiveData a
left join #TempDataToBeSubtracted b on b.guidTemp = a.GUID
where a.field1 = 3
and a.field2 = 1515
and b.guidTemp is null -- only returns rows that *don't* match
This works because when an outer join is missed, you still get the row from the main table and all columns in the joined table are null.
Creating an index on (field1, field2) will improve performance.
Thank you #Lamak and #MartinSmith for your comments that solved this problem.
By using a 'not equals' in my "on" clause, I ensured that I would be selecting every row in LiveTable that didn't have a GUID in my #TempTable, not just once as I intended, but for each entry in my #TempTable, multiplying my results by about 20,000 in this case (the cardinality of the #TempTable).
To fix this, I did a simple subquery on my #TempTable using the "Not In" Statement as recommended in the comments. This query finished in under a minute and returned under a 100 rows, which was much more in-line with my expectation:
select a.*
from TableOfLiveData a
where a.GUID not in (select b.guidTemp from #TempDataToBeSubtracted b)
and {subsequent constraint statement not relevant to question}

Left join or Select in select (SQL - Speed of query)

I have something like this:
SELECT CompanyId
FROM Company
WHERE CompanyId not in
(SELECT CompanyId
FROM Company
WHERE (IsPublic = 0) and CompanyId NOT IN
(SELECT ShoppingLike.WhichId
FROM Company
ShoppingLike ON Company.CompanyId = ShoppingLike.UserId
WHERE (ShoppingLike.IsWaiting = 0) AND
(ShoppingLike.ShoppingScoreTypeId = 2) AND
(ShoppingLike.UserId = 75)
It has 3 select, I want to know how could I have it without making 3 selects, and which one has better speed for 1 million record? "select in select" or "left join"?
My experiences are from Oracle. There is never a correct answer to optimising tricky queries, it's a collaboration between you and the optimiser. You need to check explain plans and sometimes traces, often at each stage of writing the query, to find out what the optimiser in thinking. Having said that:
You could remove the outer SELECT by putting the entire contents of it's subquery WHERE clause in a NOT(...). On the face of it will prevent that outer full scan of Company (or it's index of CompanyId). Try it, check the output is the same and get timings, then remove it temporarily before trying the below. The NOT() may well cause the optimiser to stop considering an ANTI-JOIN against the ShoppingLike subquery due to an implicit OR being created.
Ensure that CompanyId and WhichId are defined as NOT NULL columns. Without this (or the likes of an explicit CompanyId IS NOT NULL) then ANTI-JOIN options are often discarded.
The inner most subquery is not correlated (does not reference anything from it's outer query) so can be extracted and tuned separately. As a matter of style I'd swap the table names round the INNER JOIN as you want ShoppingLike scanned first as it has all the filters against it. It wont make any difference but it reads easier and makes it possible to use a hint to scan tables in the order specified. I would even question the need for the Company table in this subquery.
You've used NOT IN when sometimes the very similar NOT EXISTS gives the optimiser more/alternative options.
All the above is just trial and error unless you start trying the explain plan. Oracle can, with a following wind, convert between LEFT JOIN and IN SELECT. 1M+ rows will create time to invest.

Sql query optimization using IN over INNER JOIN

Table y
id int clustered index
name nvarchar(25)
Table anothertable
id int clustered Index
name nvarchar(25)
Table someFunction
does some math then returns a valid ID
WHERE dbo.SomeFunction( IN (SELECT
FROM AnotherTable)
JOIN AnotherTable ON dbo.SomeFunction( ON
While timing these two queries out I found that at large data sets the first query using IN is much faster then the second query using an INNER JOIN. I do not understand why can someone help explain please.
Execution Plan
Generally speaking IN is different from JOIN in that a JOIN can return additional rows where a row has more than one match in the JOIN-ed table.
From your estimated execution plan though it can be seen that in this case the 2 queries are semantically the same
WHERE dbo.Foo(A.Col1) IN (SELECT Col1 FROM B)
JOIN B ON dbo.Foo(A.Col1) = B.Col1
Even if duplicates are introduced by the JOIN then they will be removed by the GROUP BY as it only references columns from the left hand table. Additionally these duplicate rows will not alter the result as MAX(A.Col2) will not change. This would not be the case for all aggregates however. If you were to use SUM(A.Col2) (or AVG or COUNT) then the presence of the duplicates would change the result.
It seems that SQL Server doesn't have any logic to differentiate between aggregates such as MAX and those such as SUM and so quite possibly it is expanding out all the duplicates then aggregating them later and simply doing a lot more work.
The estimated number of rows being aggregated is 2893.54 for IN vs 28271800 for JOIN but these estimates won't necessarily be very reliable as the join predicate is unsargable.
Your second query is a bit funny - can you try this one instead??
FROM dbo.y
INNER JOIN dbo.AnotherTable a ON = dbo.SomeFunction(
Does that make any difference?
Otherwise: look at the execution plans! And possibly post them here. Without knowing a lot more about your tables (amount and distribution of data etc.) and your system (RAM, disk etc.), it's really really hard to give a "globally" valid statement
Well, for one thing: get rid of the scalar UDF that is implied by dbo.SomeFunction( That will kill your performance real good. Even if you replace it with a one-row inline table-valued function it will be better.
As for your actual question, I have found similar results in other situations and have been similarly perplexed. The optimizer just treats them differently; I'll be interested to see what answers others provide.

Queries within queries: Is there a better way?

As I build bigger, more advanced web applications, I'm finding myself writing extremely long and complex queries. I tend to write queries within queries a lot because I feel making one call to the database from PHP is better than making several and correlating the data.
However, anyone who knows anything about SQL knows about JOINs. Personally, I've used a JOIN or two before, but quickly stopped when I discovered using subqueries because it felt easier and quicker for me to write and maintain.
Commonly, I'll do subqueries that may contain one or more subqueries from relative tables.
Consider this example:
(SELECT username FROM users WHERE records.user_id = user_id) AS username,
(SELECT last_name||', '||first_name FROM users WHERE records.user_id = user_id) AS name,
FROM records
ORDER BY in_timestamp
Rarely, I'll do subqueries after the WHERE clause.
Consider this example:
(SELECT name FROM organizations WHERE (SELECT organization FROM locations WHERE records.location = location_id) = organization_id) AS organization_name
FROM records
ORDER BY in_timestamp
In these two cases, would I see any sort of improvement if I decided to rewrite the queries using a JOIN?
As more of a blanket question, what are the advantages/disadvantages of using subqueries or a JOIN? Is one way more correct or accepted than the other?
In simple cases, the query optimiser should be able to produce identical plans for a simple join versus a simple sub-select.
But in general (and where appropriate), you should favour joins over sub-selects.
Plus, you should avoid correlated subqueries (a query in which the inner expression refer to the outer), as they are effectively a for loop within a for loop). In most cases a correlated subquery can be written as a join.
JOINs are preferable to separate [sub]queries.
If the subselect (AKA subquery) is not correlated to the outer query, it's very likely the optimizer will scan the table(s) in the subselect once because the value isn't likely to change. When you have correlation, like in the example provided, the likelihood of single pass optimization becomes very unlikely. In the past, it's been believed that correlated subqueries execute, RBAR -- Row By Agonizing Row. With a JOIN, the same result can be achieved while ensuring a single pass over the table.
This is a proper re-write of the query provided:
SELECT u.username,
u.last_name||', '|| u.first_name AS name,
LEFT JOIN USERS u ON u.user_id = r.user_id
ORDER BY r.in_timestamp
...because the subselect can return NULL if the user_id doesn't exist in the USERS table. Otherwise, you could use an INNER JOIN:
SELECT u.username,
u.last_name ||', '|| u.first_name AS name,
JOIN USERS u ON u.user_id = r.user_id
ORDER BY r.in_timestamp
Derived tables/inline views are also possible using JOIN syntax.
a) I'd start by pointing out that the two are not necessarily interchangable. Nesting as you have requires there to be 0 or 1 matching value otherwise you will get an error. A join puts no such requirement and may exclude the record or introduce more depending on your data and type of join.
b) In terms of performance, you will need to check the query plans but your nested examples are unlikely to be more efficient than a table join. Typically sub-queries are executed once per row but that very much depends on your database, unique constraints, foriegn keys, not null etc. Maybe the DB can rewrite more efficiently but joins can use a wider variety of techniques, drive the data from different tables etc because they do different things (though you may not observe any difference in your output depending on your data).
c) Most DB aware programmers I know would look at your nested queries and rewrite using joins, subject to the data being suitably 'clean'.
d) Regarding "correctness" - I would favour joins backed up with proper constraints on your data where necessary (e.g. a unique user ID). You as a human may make certain assumptions but the DB engine cannot unless you tell it. The more it knows, the better job it (and you) can do.
Joins in most cases will be much more faster.
Lets take this with an example.
Lets use your first query:
(SELECT username FROM users WHERE records.user_id = user_id) AS username,
(SELECT last_name||', '||first_name FROM users WHERE records.user_id = user_id) AS name,
FROM records
ORDER BY in_timestamp
Now consider we have 100 records in records and 100 records in user.(Assuming we dont have index on user_id)
So if we understand your algorithm it says:
For each record
Scan all 100 records in users to find out username
Scan all 100 records in users to find out last name and first name
So its like we scanned users table 100*100*2 time. Is it really worth. If we consider index on user_id it will make thing better, but is it still worth.
Now consider a join (nested loop will almost produce same result as above, but consider a hash join):
Its like.
Make a hash map of user.
For each record
Find a mapping record in Hashmap. Which will be certainly much more faster then looping and finding a record.
So clearly, joins should be favorable.
NOTE: Example used of 100 record may produce identical plan, but the idea is to analyze how it can effect the performance.

Question about SQL Server Optmization Sub Query vs. Join

Which of these queries is more efficient, and would a modern DBMS (like SQL Server) make the changes under the hood to make them equal?
FROM shipments
FROM parts
WHERE color = ‘Red’)
FROM shipments, parts
WHERE shipments.P# = parts.P#
AND parts.color = ‘Red’
The best way to satiate your curiosity about this kind of thing is to fire up Management Studio and look at the Execution Plan. You'll also want to look at SQL Profiler as well. As one of my professors said: "the compiler is the final authority." A similar ethos holds when you want to know the performance profile of your queries in SQL Server - just look.
Starting here, this answer has been updated
The actual comparison might be very revealing. For example, in testing that I just did, I found that either approach might yield the fastest time depending on the nature of the query. For example, a query of the form:
Select F1, F2, F3 From Table1 Where F4='X' And UID in (Select UID From Table2)
yielded a table scan on Table1 and a mere index scan on table 2 followed by a right semi join.
A query of the form:
Select A.F1, A.F2, A.F3 From Table1 A inner join Table2 B on (A.UID=B.UID)
Where A.Gender='M'
yielded the same execution plan with one caveat: the hash match was a simple right join this time. So that is the first thing to note: the execution plans were not dramatically different.
These are not duplicate queries though since the second one may return multiple, identical records (one for each record in table 2). The surprising thing here was the performance: the subquery was far faster than the inner join. With datasets in the low thousands (thank you Red Gate SQL Data Generator) the inner join was 40 times slower. I was fairly stunned.
Ok, how about a real apples to apples? This is the matching inner join - note the extra step to winnow out the duplicates:
Select Distinct A.F1, A.F2, A.F3 From Table1 A inner join Table2 B
on (A.UID=B.UID)
Where A.Gender='M'
The execution plan does change in that there is an extra step - a sort after the inner join. Oddly enough, though, the time drops dramatically such that the two queries are almost identical (on two out of five trials the inner join is very slightly faster). Now, I can imagine the first inner join (without the "distinct") being somewhat longer just due to the fact that more data is being forwarded to the query window - but it was only twice as much (two Table2 records for every Table1 record). I have no good explanation why the first inner join was so much slower.
When you add a predicate to the search on table 2 using a subquery:
Select F1, F2, F3 From Table1 Where F4='X' And UID in
(Select UID From Table2 Where F1='Y')
then the Index Scan is changed to a Clustered Index Scan (which makes sense since the UID field has its own index in the tables I am using) and the percentage of time it takes goes up. A Stream Aggregate operation is also added. Sure enough, this does slow the query down. However, plan caching obviously kicks in as the first run of the query shows a much greater effect than subsequent runs.
When you add a predicate using the inner join, the entire plan changes pretty dramatically (left as an exercise to the reader - this post is long enough). The performance, again, is pretty much the same as that of the subquery - as long as the "Distinct" is included. Similar to the first example, omitting distinct led to a significant increase in time to completion.
One last thing: someone suggested (and your question now includes) a query of the form:
Select Distinct F1, F2, F3 From table1, table2
Where (table1.UID=table2.UID) AND table1.F4='X' And table2.F1='Y'
The execution plan for this query is similar to that of the inner join (there is a sort after the original table scan on table2 and a merge join rather than a hash join of the two tables). The performance of the two is comparable as well. I may need a larger dataset to tease out difference but, so far, I'm not seeing any advantage to this construct or the "Exists" construct.
With all of this being said - your results may vary. I came nowhere near covering the full range of queries that you may run into when I was doing the above tests. As I said at the beginning, the tools included with SQL Server are your friends: use them.
So: why choose one over the other? It really comes down to your personal preferences since there appears to be no advantage for an inner join to a subquery in terms of time complexity across the range of examples I tests.
In most classic query cases I use an inner join just because I "grew up" with them. I do use subqueries, however, in two situations. First, some queries are simply easier to understand using a subquery: the relationship between the tables is manifest. The second and most important reason, though, is that I am often in a position of dynamically generating SQL from within my application and subqueries are almost always easier to generate automatically from within code.
So, the takeaway is simply that the best solution is the one that makes your development the most efficient.
Using IN is more readable, and I recommend using ANSI-92 over ANSI-89 join syntax:
JOIN PARTS p ON p.p# = s.p#
AND p.color = 'Red'
Check your explain plans to see which is better, because it depends on data and table setup.
If you aren't selecting anything from the table I would use an EXISTS clause.
FROM shipments a
FROM parts b
WHERE b.color = ‘Red’
AND a.P# = b.P#)
This will optimize out to be the same as the second one you posted.
FROM shipments,parts
WHERE shipments.P# = parts.P# and parts.color = ‘Red’;
Using IN forces SQL Server to not use indexing on that column, and subqueries are usually slower