Can two different sites running on same host, share same database for storage and retrieval? - sql

I am building a personal site, for a blog I wish to use WordPress and for a wiki i will use
wikia. Is it possible that i use the same database for storing articles from both frontends (WordPress and wiki). If yes can i some how populate articles from my wiki to the blog, under a specific category.
EDIT-- By two different sites I mean two different frontends, hosted at different subdomains.

At installation time, both WordPress and Wikka allow you to prefix their tables with different names to prevent naming collisions. So yes it is possible to allow both applications to share the same database.
We have plenty of customers on our shared hosting environment who do this without any issues.
In answer to your second question, you may be in for a bit of custom code to do that.

Why not, its possible, just take care from any tables names conflict between both tables, you may need to edit some tables names.
And about populating one from another, i think you will need to edit its code some how to let it understand the new tables.

A host will put multiple clients on the same database server, so yes.
If you control the database and the apps, then you could code them to "share info"

They can quite happily use the same database. Depending on the RDBMS you are using, you may want to create an additional Database or user instance for each site.
With SQL Server you can create an additional database, or you can add a schema for each site. for Oracle you can create a user specific to each site.
To return data from one place to another, simply build a view which is accessible to each schema. You will need to set privileges on the source database to do this, but that's pretty straightforward.

The short answer is YES.
However, you will need to watch out for database object naming conflicts.
Also, when you say 'two different sites' do you mean 2 different sites? Or just different 'frontends' within the same site? If it just different front apps running in the same website, then you will also have to make sure you won't have any configuration conflicts.

I'm not really sure what your aim is. Is your intention simply to share data between Wordpress and Wikia?
You should not store two unrelated schemas in one database. It's just asking for collisions. Both Wikia and Wordpress maintain their own schemas: they may name different functional database objects the same.
If you want to share data between the two databases, you can set up triggers and views to move data from one to the other without them being in the same database.


Creating "Archive" database to unload application "Main" database

I want to create a web application that is supposed to contain a lot of data. I want to ask if anyone of you have ever met a system that contained two databases - main and archive. I want to create a mechanism that will move old data from main database to archive database in order to unload it. For instance, when I have a table of user accounts, I want to move the ones that weren't used for, say, more than three months to an archive database. Having this done, main database may be significantly unloaded so I expect it to work faster. However such mechanism has to work in two directions - not only migrating from main to archive but also from archive to main db in order to allow user's to "refresh" their accounts. Of course in such scenario I will use GUID's instead of BIGINT's as PRIMARY KEY. What do you think about it? Is such concept right or I shouldn't bother about it and assume that there should be only one database? Thanks in advance.
Having archive database never hurts, but usually it's used for restoring or reporting. I think in most cases partitioning will serve your purpose better. Also, many RDMS systems propose different solutions out of the box, like database clustering, mirroring, etc.

custom table in Ektron database

I am adding a custom table to an Ektron database. What is the best practice for connecting to the database? Using standard ADO.NET code or is there a way to use the CMS' connection to the database? What is best practice?
Ektron 8.0.1 SP1
Adding Custom tables to the Ektron Database will not cause any issues,there is no need of another Database if you are having only few custom tables to be added.
Altering the Ektron tables will create issues,so it is better not to go for that.
For accessing data from the Custom Tables make use of LINQ (refer:here).
I know this question is a little old and answered, but I wanted to add my two cents. While altering Ektron's tables isn't advised (that is, without the API or scripts they've provided), adding your own table does no harm. If Ektron didn't support it they wouldn't provide the "Sync Custom Tables" option in eSync.
I came across this and thought that I could add a little to the discussion in case anyone is considering adding a custom table to the Ektron database. I think this topic is still relevant to the current version of Ektron and could be helpful.
Here are some good points:
Do not alter tables created by Ektron. (Point made by Bisileesh extended comment below)
Adding custom tables to the Ektron database is recommended in certain circumstances.
Using a smart form for content may be recommended but there are times when it is not optimal.
Here are some reasons why I say these things:
You should not alter tables created by Ektron for several reasons. Basically you don't want to change these because the Ektron software relies on these tables and modifications could cause errors. Besides the possibility of breaking things, if you ever upgrade Ektron, the Ektron Update may alter table definitions and erase your changes.
Adding tables to the existing Ektron database is a good idea when compared to adding a new database for several reasons.
First, you don't incur the additional cost of a full database structure on your server when you add a table.
Second if you are working in a multiple server environment (development, staging, live) by adding your tables to the Ektron database you will be able to use eSync to manage transferring the data between servers. If you use your own database, you will need to manage synchronization elsewhere.
I started with the idea that it was better to use my own database, but over the years I have discovered the advantages of using the Ektron database. Just as if you were using your own database, you should save the scripts to create the custom tables and perform database backups on a regular basis to ensure that you are protected.
After doing Ektron upgrades you should ensure that your customized tables are still present in the Ektron database.
When setting up eSync for custom tables I had to first run the sync on an empty table. After running the sync to establish a relationship, I was able to add data. There is also a requirement that there be a primary key on the custom tables and I don't think it can be an auto-incremented field. Consult Ektron for the latest requirements.
When considering whether to add data to a smart form or a custom table here are some things to consider. If you use the Smart Form you are committing to using the Ektron provided controls to access your data. This may be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your requirements and the current state of Ektron.In my case, search was a big deal. In versions 7.6 and 8.0 there were problems with the Ektron Search and it was no easy to do boolean searches across multiple fields. To overcome this I used custom tables that I could directly query. The search in version 8.6 has been changed but I still use my custom solution so I don't know if things are working better now.There are other data management issues that come up with smart forms and the Ektron Workarea that make it a good idea to avoid smart forms in some other cases too. The best place to store your data is not one place or the other, it depends on your requirements.
Best practice is to not use custom tables. If you can store your data as smart forms, users can use the workarea to edit their data. If you have to use a custom table, there are several ways:
One way is to pull the connection string from the web.config in an ASPX page
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="EktronSqlDataSource" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ConnectionStrings:Ektron.DBConnection %>" ></asp:SqlDataSource>
I'd look at using a different database. As mentioned by maddoxej, Ektron doesn't really like you messing with SQL and tables and what-not.
Granted, you may have admin reasons for using one database, but for the sake of maintainability I think it's worth having a second database which you fully control.
You can add custom tables without effecting existing ones. But to use them you need custom controls each time. Like custom layouts, custom forms, custom widgets.

New to sharepoint development, do lists replace your database?

We're just starting Sharepoint development, and one of my first tasks is to build a data collection tool. It will be used across multiple sites, so there will be an admin area, and each site will pull in it's related questions, and record the data. I've gone through a bunch of tutorials on development, and have a fairly good idea of how to start. I just want to make sure I understand one thing. Do lists basically take the place of your database? If this was a regular app, I would create a question table, a link table that tells which questions are connected to which site, a table that stores the answer, linking to the site and question table.
Is this the basic pattern you follow, or should I be doing things differently for Sharepoint applications?
If the thought is to use an external databse, can anyone point me to some info on this?
In our Sharepoint project we stared with Lists. It was good to some point - till DB had only few relations between data. After adding tables and relations performance falls a lot and we had to switch to use standard DB in MS SQL Server. So I recomend to use DB.
Disadventages: you cannot use sharepoint controls to edit/view data and cannot restrict access to data from sharepoint level
Adventages: much faster access to data

What good are SQL Server schemas?

I'm no beginner to using SQL databases, and in particular SQL Server. However, I've been primarily a SQL 2000 guy and I've always been confused by schemas in 2005+. Yes, I know the basic definition of a schema, but what are they really used for in a typical SQL Server deployment?
I've always just used the default schema. Why would I want to create specialized schemas? Why would I assign any of the built-in schemas?
EDIT: To clarify, I guess I'm looking for the benefits of schemas. If you're only going to use it as a security scheme, it seems like database roles already filled that.. er.. um.. role. And using it a as a namespace specifier seems to have been something you could have done with ownership (dbo versus user, etc..).
I guess what I'm getting at is, what do Schemas do that you couldn't do with owners and roles? What are their specifc benefits?
Schemas logically group tables, procedures, views together. All employee-related objects in the employee schema, etc.
You can also give permissions to just one schema, so that users can only see the schema they have access to and nothing else.
Just like Namespace of C# codes.
They can also provide a kind of naming collision protection for plugin data. For example, the new Change Data Capture feature in SQL Server 2008 puts the tables it uses in a separate cdc schema. This way, they don't have to worry about a naming conflict between a CDC table and a real table used in the database, and for that matter can deliberately shadow the names of the real tables.
I know it's an old thread, but I just looked into schemas myself and think the following could be another good candidate for schema usage:
In a Datawarehouse, with data coming from different sources, you can use a different schema for each source, and then e.g. control access based on the schemas. Also avoids the possible naming collisions between the various source, as another poster replied above.
If you keep your schema discrete then you can scale an application by deploying a given schema to a new DB server. (This assumes you have an application or system which is big enough to have distinct functionality).
An example, consider a system that performs logging. All logging tables and SPs are in the [logging] schema. Logging is a good example because it is rare (if ever) that other functionality in the system would overlap (that is join to) objects in the logging schema.
A hint for using this technique -- have a different connection string for each schema in your application / system. Then you deploy the schema elements to a new server and change your connection string when you need to scale.
At an ORACLE shop I worked at for many years, schemas were used to encapsulate procedures (and packages) that applied to different front-end applications. A different 'API' schema for each application often made sense as the use cases, users, and system requirements were quite different. For example, one 'API' schema was for a development/configuration application only to be used by developers. Another 'API' schema was for accessing the client data via views and procedures (searches). Another 'API' schema encapsulated code that was used for synchronizing development/configuration and client data with an application that had it's own database. Some of these 'API' schemas, under the covers, would still share common procedures and functions with eachother (via other 'COMMON' schemas) where it made sense.
I will say that not having a schema is probably not the end of the world, though it can be very helpful. Really, it is the lack of packages in SQL Server that really creates problems in my mind... but that is a different topic.
I tend to agree with Brent on this one... see this discussion here.
In short... schemas aren't terribly useful except for very specific use cases. Makes things messy. Do not use them if you can help it. And try to obey the K(eep) I(t) S(imple) S(tupid) rule.
I don't see the benefit in aliasing out users tied to Schemas. Here is why....
Most people connect their user accounts to databases via roles initially, As soon as you assign a user to either the sysadmin, or the database role db_owner, in any form, that account is either aliased to the "dbo" user account, or has full permissions on a database. Once that occurs, no matter how you assign yourself to a scheme beyond your default schema (which has the same name as your user account), those dbo rights are assigned to those object you create under your user and schema. Its kinda pointless.....and just a namespace and confuses true ownership on those objects. Its poor design if you ask me....whomever designed it.
What they should have done is created "Groups", and thrown out schemas and role and just allow you to tier groups of groups in any combination you like, then at each tier tell the system if permissions are inherited, denied, or overwritten with custom ones. This would have been so much more intuitive and allowed DBA's to better control who the real owners are on those objects. Right now its implied in most cases the dbo default SQL Server user has those rights....not the user.
I think schemas are like a lot of new features (whether to SQL Server or any other software tool). You need to carefully evaluate whether the benefit of adding it to your development kit offsets the loss of simplicity in design and implementation.
It looks to me like schemas are roughly equivalent to optional namespaces. If you're in a situation where object names are colliding and the granularity of permissions is not fine enough, here's a tool. (I'd be inclined to say there might be design issues that should be dealt with at a more fundamental level first.)
The problem can be that, if it's there, some developers will start casually using it for short-term benefit; and once it's in there it can become kudzu.
In SQL Server 2000, objects created were linked to that particular user, like if a user, say
Sam creates an object, say, Employees, that table would appear like: Sam.Employees. What
about if Sam is leaving the compnay or moves to so other business area. As soon you delete
the user Sam, what would happen to Sam.Employees table? Probably, you would have to change
the ownership first from Sam.Employees to dbo.Employess. Schema provides a solution to
overcome this problem. Sam can create all his object within a schemam such as Emp_Schema.
Now, if he creates an object Employees within Emp_Schema then the object would be
referred to as Emp_Schema.Employees. Even if the user account Sam needs to be deleted, the
schema would not be affected.
development - each of our devs get their own schema as a sandbox to play in.
Here a good implementation example of using schemas with SQL Server. We had several ms-access applications. We wanted to convert those to a ASP.NET App portal. Every ms-access application is written as an App for that portal. Every ms-access application has its own database tables. Some of those are related, we put those in the common dbo schema of SQL Server. The rest gets its own schemas. That way if we want to know what tables belong to an App on the ASP.NET app portal that can easily be navigated, visualised and maintained.

Single tenant, multiple application database design?

Most questions about tenancy are centered around multi-tenancy database design issues. I want to know about single tenancy but multiple applications. The software I'm developing allows for a single user to create, from a single code base, multiple applications(I call them "sections"):
user could create a blog inside, another blog on
I've already decided for a single database for everything But I am undecided whether or not I should use multiple tables for different application instances or the same table, maybe with a "sectionId" field to distinguish between them.
I'm using mysql and myisam tables. Could storing everything inside the same table lead to locking issues in the case of having many application instances running?
What's your experience on the subject?
I don't think people will typically use multiple tables in the same database. If you have multiple instances of the same application, you often have separate databases - typically only if new instances are created administratively, rather than through end-user actions. In this case, you'ld put the name of the database into a configuration file, and have the software connect to the right database.
In your case, I would go for the single-schema single-database approach, using sectionIds. This really is the same as multi-tenancy, perhaps minus the need to do access control.
You will of course have locking across concurrent transactions. However, this should never cause problems, since transactions for different sections won't operate on records in a conflicting manner (except when new sections are created - you'll probably have another table telling you what sections you have).