Oracle Form Builder: Switching between tabs in a form - sql

i am building a form in oracle forms builder
i have a tabbed canvas
i need to know how to swap to the next tab when a button is pressed
so what do i program into the next-tab button??

Best way normally is to navigate to an item on the new tab page, e.g.
OR you can make the tab page topmost explicitly:


Is there a way to automatically change the selected menu page in a master detail project when the detail changes?

My project uses the "Master Detail" project from Xamarin.Forms, so it comes equipped with the hamburger menu button in the top left which is supposed to be the main source of navigation throughout the app. However, my app requires the user to go through multiple of those screens without the use of the hamburger menu. But when a user uses my own buttons to change the detail, the hamburger menu still says the user is on the previous page.
For example, a user is on Page A. They click a button outside of the menu which sends them to Page B. The menu will still show Page A.
My Attempt:
I really didn't know where to start, so I tried taking the MenuItemType and passing it through the following function:
// This changes the screen without changing the menu and it works.
((MasterDetailPage)Application.Current.MainPage).Detail = new NavigationPage(new PageB());
// This was my attempt to change the menu.
(Application.Current.MainPage as MenuPage).RootPage.NavigateFromMenu((id)MenuItemType.PageB);
But that returned a Null Reference Exception when run.
I've also tried manually calling the list view associated with the hamburger menu and changing the selectedItem property, but that didn't work either. Is there any way to change the selected menu?
For Clarity:
Since StackOverflow won't let me post a video, here's a link to how the app acts. As you can see, I use the Menu to go to the "About" Page. I click a button on the screen which takes me back to the "Browse" Page. However, when I open the menu, it still says "About" is selected. I can't reselect "About" until the menu moves away, meaning I have to reopen "Browse" despite already being on that screen.
What I'm looking for is a function which will automatically change the selected menu item to "Browse" when I press that button on the "About" Page. The app is currently using a Master Detail Page which has the "Detail" component changing from the About Page to the Browse Page. The menu page is a Content Page which came built with the app beforehand.

Add global button in CRM

Is there a way to add a new button to ALL PAGES in CRM?
I have tried different ways but in some views, the new button is shown at the end. Im trying to found a way to create a button and place it as first button, to any view, entity and page in CRM. Is this accomplisable?
I'm afraid that out-of-the-box buttons will often take precedence over custom buttons, and the only way to change that would be to hide the out-of-the-box buttons.
I'm assuming you are adding the button via the Application Ribbon, correct? (not every single form and grid)
You can add items to the "Jewel", (the dropdown from "File" in the top left). It's not exactly the same as putting it in the ribbon because you have to make an extra click, but it should show up globally.

How to create a nice add button to list view like in the Weather app?

Following these steps:
Open the Weather app.
Right click
Click on places
See that little item with the + symbol? I want to do something exactly like that, the looks and behaviour.
Assuming you are just trying to get some basic ideas about metro-ui controls and you are on Release Preview.
When you do right click, the control that's being triggered is called App Bar. The "place" button is a App Bar Command. Clicking on the button will take you to another page (HTML or XAML). This page contains a ListView control with GridLayout. You can dynamically change the ListView Template and assign different actions to the itemInvoke event.
Here is a quick tutorial for App Bar and commands:
Here is a quick tutorial for List View control:

bring page to foreground? multipage editor

I'm develpping an RCP user interface. I have a multipage editor in which pages are editors (EditorPart). From a first page in my multipage editor I want to open a second one if a button is pressed. I've managed to do that but the problem that I'm facing is that the created page is visible only if we switch to it, i.e only the tab is visble.. what I want is to directly switch to the new page automatically after its creation. In other words, how can I bring the new page to foreground exactly when it is created.
Can you help me please
Kind Regards,
It seems to me that the calling the method org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiPageEditorPart.setActivePage(int) should do the trick. - tab control?

I have a Tab Control on a Winform. I want to add another page but I want it to appear between the current page 1 and page 2, basically I want to insert it. How can I do this?
If you are looking to do this from the deseigner:
Under the TabControl Properties,
select TabPages. This will bring up
the tab pages dialog.
Click the Add button. Should add a
new tab page at the end.
Use the arrows to move the page to
the position required.
If you wish to do this from code:
Have a look at TabControl.TabPages.Insert
Inserts a tab page into the collection
at the specified index.