Rails combined ('AND') searches on associated join tables - sql

I cant get rails to return combined ('AND') searches on associated join tables of an Object.
E.g. I have Books that are in Categories. Lets say: Book 1: is in category 5 and 8
But I can't get 'AND' to filter results using the join table? E.g ::->
Class Books
has_and_belongs_to_many :categories, :join_table => "book_categories"
Book.find :all, :conditions => "book_categories.category_id = 5 AND book_categories.category_id = 8", :include => "categories"
... returns nil
(why does it not return all books that are in both 5 & 8 ??)
However: 'OR' does work:
Book.find :all, :conditions => "book_categories.category_id = 5 OR book_categories.category_id = 8"
... returns all books in category 5 and 8
I must be missing something?

The problem is at the SQL level. That condition runs on a link table row, and any individual link table row can never have a category_id of both 5 and 8. You really want separate link table rows to have these IDs.
Try looking into Rails' named_scope, specifically the part that allows filtering with a lambda (so you can take an argument). I've never tried it out myself, but if I had to implement what you're looking for, that's what I'd look in to.


Rails ActiveRecord Join Query With conditions

I have following SQL Query:
SELECT campaigns.* , campaign_countries.points, offers.image
FROM campaigns
JOIN campaign_countries ON campaigns.id = campaign_countries.campaign_id
JOIN countries ON campaign_countries.country_id = countries.id
JOIN offers ON campaigns.offer_id = offers.id
WHERE countries.code = 'US'
This works perfectly well. I want its rails active record version some thing like:
Campaign.includes(campaign_countries: :country).where(countries: {code: "US"})
Above code runs more or less correct query (did not try to include offers table), issue is returned result is collection of Campaign objects so obviously it does not include Points
My tables are:
campaigns --HAS_MANY--< campaign_countries --BELONGS_TO--< countries
campaigns --BELONGS_TO--> offers
Any suggestions to write AR version of this SQL? I don't want to use SQL statement in my code.
I some how got this working without SQL but surely its poor man's solution:
in my controller I have:
campaigns = Campaign.includes(campaign_countries: :country).where(countries: {code: country.to_s})
render :json => campaigns.to_json(:country => country)
in campaign model:
def points_for_country country
CampaignCountry.joins(:campaign, :country).where(countries: {code: country}, campaigns: {id: self.id}).first
def as_json options={}
json = {
id: id,
cid: cid,
name: name,
offer: offer,
points_details: options[:country] ? points_for_country(options[:country]) : ""
and in campaign_countries model:
def as_json options={}
json = {
face_value: face_value,
actual_value: actual_value,
points: points
Why this is not good solution? because it invokes too many queries:
1. It invokes query when first join is performed to get list of campaigns specific to country
2. For each campaign found in first query it will invoke one more query on campaign_countries table to get Points for that campaign and country.
This is bad, Bad and BAD solution. Any suggestions to improve this?
If You have campaign, You can use campaign.campaign_countries to get associated campaign_countries and just get points from them.
> campaign.campaign_countries.map(&:points)
=> [1,2,3,4,5]
Similarly You will be able to get image from offers relation.
Ok, I guess now I know what's going on. You can use joins with select to get object with attached fields from join tables.
cs = Campaign.joins(campaign_countries: :country).joins(:offers).select('campaigns.*, campaign_countries.points, offers.image').where(countries: {code: "US"})
You can than reference additional fields by their name on Campaign object
But be sure, that additional column names do not overlap with some primary table fields or object methods.
After some more research I came to conclusion that my first version was actually correct for this case. I will use my own console as example.
> u = User.includes(:orders => :cart).where(:carts => { :id => [5168, 5167] }).first
> u.orders.length # no query is performed
=> 2
> u.orders.count # count query is performed
=> 5
So when You use includes with condition on country, in campaign_countries are stored only campaign_countries that fulfill Your condition.
Try this:
Campaign.joins( [{ :campaign_countries => :countries}, :offers]).where('`countries`.`code` = ?', "US")

Filtering Parents by Children

I'm doing a simple blog application - There are posts, which have many tags through a posts_tags table (my models are below). What I have implemented is if a user clicks a tag, it will show just the posts with that tag. What I want is for the user to them be able to select another tag, and it will filter to only the posts that have both of those tags, then a third, then a fourth, etc. I'm having difficulty making the active record query - especially dynamically. The closest I've gotten is listed below - however its in pure SQL and I would like to at least have it in ActiveRecord Rubyland syntax even with the complexity it contains.
Also, the "having count 2" does not work, its saying that "count" does not exist and even if I assign it a name. However, it is outputting in my table (the idea behind count is that if it contains a number that is as much as how many tags we are searching for, then theoretically/ideally it has all the tags)
My current test SQL query
select posts_tags.post_id,count(*) from posts_tags where tag_id=1 or tag_id=3 group by post_id ### having count=2
The output from the test SQL (I know it doesnt contain much but just with some simple seed data).
post_id | count
1 | 2
2 | 1
My Models:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :posts_tags
has_many :tags, :through => :posts_tags
class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :posts_tags
has_many :posts, :through => :posts_tags
class PostsTag < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :tag
belongs_to :post
Give a try to:
Post.joins(:tags).where(tags: {id: [1, 3]}).select("posts.id, count(*)").group("posts.id").having("count(*) > 2")
I think "count = 2" is not correct. It should be "count(*) = 2". Your query then will be
select post_id,count(post_id)
from posts_tags
where tag_id = 1 or tag_id = 3
group by post_id
having count(post_id) = 2
In general you want to stay away from writing raw sql when using rails. Active Record has great helper methods to make your sql more readable and maintainable.
If you only have a few tags you can create scopes for each of them (http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_querying.html#scopes)
Since people are clicking on tags one at a time you could just query for each tag and then use the & operator on the arrays. Because you have already requested the exact same set of data from the database the query results should be cached meaning you are only hitting the db for the newest query.

Rails: Many to one ( 0 - n ) , finding records

I've got tables items and cards where a card belongs to a user and a item may or may not have any cards for a given user.
The basic associations are set up as follows:
Class User
has_many :cards
Class Item
has_many :cards
Class Card
belongs_to :user
has_and_belongs_to_many :items
I've also created a join table, items_cards with the columns item_id and card_id. I'd like to make a query that tells me if there's a card for a given user/item. In pure SQL I can accomplish this pretty easily:
SELECT count(id)
FROM cards
JOIN items_cards
ON items_cards.card_id = cards.id
WHERE cards.user_id = ?
AND items_cards.item_id = ?
I'm looking for some guidance as to how I'd go about doing this via ActiveRecord. Thanks!
Assuming you have an Item in #item and a User in #user, this will return 'true' if a card exists for that user and that item:
Card.joins(:items).where('cards.user_id = :user_id and items.id = :item_id', :user_id => #user, :item_id => #item).exists?
Here's what's going on:
Card. - You're making a query about the Card model.
joins(:items) - Rails knows how to put together joins for the association types it supports (usually - at least). You're telling it to do whatever joins are required to allow you to query the associated items as well. This will, in this case, result in JOIN items_cards ON items_cards.card_id = cards.id JOIN items ON items_cards.item_id = items.id.
where('cards.user_id = :user_id and items.id = :item_id', :user_id => #user, :item_id => #item) - Your conditional, pretty much the same as in pure SQL. Rails will interpolate the values you specify with a colon (:user_id) using the values in the hash (:user_id => #user). If you give an ActiveRecord object as the value, Rails will automatically use the id of that object. Here, you're saying you only want results where the card belongs to the user you specify, and there is a row for the item you want.
.exists? - Loading ActiveRecord objects is inefficient, so if you only want to know if something exists, Rails can save some time and use a count based query (much like your SQL version). There's also a .count, which you could use instead if you wanted to have the query return the number of results, rather than true or false.

rails 3 query with count on nested resource

Consider I have 3 tables: Users (has_many) -> Websites (has_many) -> Visits.
How would one find out the total number of Visits each user has without writing plain sql code?
I have an idea of which I'm not very proud since I let rails do the math instead of mysql:
count = 0
user.websites.each |website|
count += website.visits.count()
I'm new with rails and maybe i'm missing some docs. Is it possible to find out that count just from the query builder?
you can define that the User has many Visits through the Websites like this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :websites
has_many :visits, :through => :websites
now, if you do
this sql is executed:
(0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "visits" INNER JOIN "websites" ON "visits"."website_id" = "websites"."id" WHERE "websites"."user_id" = 1
=> 8
That is, ActiveRecord creates the SQL query for you.

rails 3: database query

I have an Artists model with name:string and other attributes. BUT I have multiple Artist entries under the SAME name.
Is there a way to pull an array of artist objects without any duplicates of name?
I've found ways to do with with only the name attribute but nothing where I can get the entire artist object.
These both do just the name attribute:
#artists = Artist.select('DISTINCT name').all
#artists = Artist.all.collect{ |a| a.name }.uniq
Activerecord group does what you're looking for: Artist.group(:name).all
My rails 3 is not so good but it still has rails 2 syntax.
#artists = Artist.find(:all, :select => 'DISTINCT name')
And then we can get some rails 3 love.
One way is to grab the ids of distinct rows and grab the rest of the data from there:
Artist.where('artists.id IN (SELECT MIN(a.id) FROM artists AS a GROUP BY a.name)').all