How can I validate text box input? -

I am creating a program and I need to validate my text boxes. For the program the user needs to put in a phrase. But I am not sure how to make sure that the user actually entered in a phrase, the phrase isn't (ex.) skldkfdl, or that there isn't a space.

Strings in Java
You could do a String.Trim() to get rid of trailing whitespaces first...
then do a String.IndexOf(" ") to check for a space.
If the function returns -1, it means there is no space in the string.

Running on the assumption that you're using VB.Net - Add an event handler for the event where you want to validate the text, such as when a "Submit" button is clicked. You may want to use a CancelEventHandler, so that you can cancel the click.
In the event handler, if you're looking for just simple validation, you can use if-statements to check some simple conditions, such as if you just want to check "if input.equals(password)".
Look here for an example of using CancelEventHandler
If you're looking for some more complex validation, you'll want to use regular expressions.
This page might help get you started
Checking to see if something is "a phrase", as in, proper English, would be very difficult. You would need to make sure that all of the words are in the dictionary, and then you would need to check for proper grammar, which is incredibly complex, given English grammar rules. You may want to simplify your approach, depending on your problem. For example, maybe just check that no weird characters are used, that there is more than one space, and that each word contains a vowel.


How to make a Password Validator in Scratch

So I am trying to make a password validator in Scratch where it asks the user to input an answer and then it puts the answer through some criterias and then outputs if it is a valid password or not. The criterias are:
Has at least 8 characters,
Has at least one uppercase letter,
Has at least one lowercase letter,
Has at least one number,
Has at least one special character,
Must contain less than 18 characters.
I tried to make a list first with all the different characters and check if the password contained them, but it doesn't actually work. I looked all over the internet for help on this but no one seems to have done it. The Scratch Wiki does have some stuff about case sensitivity but I haven't really been able to implement it. I really need help and I have been trying for a while now. Thanks.
If you just check if the password contains the list, it will only work if it has every single character of the list in order. If you want to make sure it contains each check, you're probably going to have to make a system that checks each letter for every check, which is a little complex.
Check if <lowercase letter/whatever check> contains(letter(text reading #) of (password))
If it passes this check, continue to the next check and set text reading # to 1. Otherwise, change text reading # by 1.
I assume you'll know how to code this properly, but I just partially phrased in the way a normal human would.
This will repeat until either it reaches the end of the password or it passes the check. it will then do this again, but for a different check. It's hard to explain in text, and this is my first answer, but I hope it helps.
You have to use the operators "contains", "length of" and > operators, from the end of the class. Combine "contains", "or" and "and".

Replacing first and last character of every word using REGEXP_REPLACE

My question is somewhat specific, I'm not using any kind of code compiler to achieve the result in the title, I am using a IRC Client that allows the use of "Quirks" so the users can have specific mannerisms when chatting, like starting every word with an uppercase, or changing every "s" into a "2".
Problem is that I can't see the whole code so even though I'm not familiar with REGEXP_REPLACE it makes things harder to learn.
The client simplifies the whole coding process, here's a screenshot of the
Filling the text boxes with "^(\w)" and "upper(\1)" respectively makes the first character capitalized, "(\w)$" and "upper(\1)" does the same with the last character.
I've discovered that "\b(\w)" will uppercase the first character of every word, i've tried "\b(\w)%" for the last character but it didn't work, as there is some syntax error, probably...
So, how do I get every last character capitalized?

IEnumString searching substrings - possible?

I've implemented auto completion to a combobox like this article shows. Is it possible to make it search for substrings instead of just the beginning of the words?
I haven't found any way to customize how IEnumString/IAutoComplete compares the strings. Is it possible?
The built in search options help a bit but it is complete chaos. To find instring matches you need to set flag AcoWordFilter. But this will prevent from numbers being matched!! However, there is a trick to get the numbers to match: preced with a double-quote as in "3 to find a string containing or starting with "3". Some more chaos? In the AcoWordFilter you also need to prefix other characters not considered part of a "word", eg. you need to prefix parentheses with a " but then you will not find parentheses at the first position!
So the solution is either to create your own implementation of IAutoComplete or offer the user to switch between the modes (a bit awkward).
I dont think that the MS engineers are especially proud of such chaos. How about one more option: AcoSearchAnwhere?
After retrieving the Edit control's IAutoComplete interface, query it for an IAutoComplete2 interface. Calling its SetOptions member you can disable prefix filtering by specifying the ACO_NOPREFIXFILTERING AUTOCOMPLETEOPTIONS.
This is available on Windows Vista and later. If you need a solution that works with pre-Vista versions, you'll have to write your own.

How to check if text in a UITextField matches a specific pattern?

I have a UITextField and I need to check, as the user types, if the text they have entered in the textfield so far matches a specific pattern.
More specifically, I need the text to match the pattern ####-##-## where # is any digit 0-9 and - is a dash (note that this is NOT a phone number or email). For example, the entry 1990-12-09 matches, 1990:12:09 does not match and 1990-12 DOES match because it has not yet violated the pattern (even though the text does not yet completely match the pattern).
How should I approach this? Ideally I would not have to hard code in a series of if statements .
The difficulty is that I want to check if the text in the textfield matches this pattern, as the user types. I don't want to just check it at the end.
I'm thinking that regular expressions are probably the way, but I'm not experienced enough at them to know if they hold the solution.
You could set the keyboard type to myTextField.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad that why you are limiting the type of input.
Then this post should help answer your formatting question: UITextField format in xx-xx-xxx

iRegex for date in user entered textfield

I have an input box and the user can write his DOB(mm/dd/yyyy) into the box.
Before I save the data I like to test for valid input. I am using Regexlite.h and Regexlite.m.I have the regular expression too. I want to compare the regex to the user entered value in text box.But am not knowing how to do it.
Any idea how to test for a valid date? (in .NET I use a simple regex but for the iPhone sdk I am a bit helpless) - but somebody must have been done this before.
Here is a regex you can use to parse it if your looking for something else just leave me a comment
I think that you should do more validation than that---you don't want anything happening on 30 February nor allow a birth-year of 1001 and 3001 (time-travellers and Methusaleh's Children can go hang).
Perhaps someone cleverer than I could do this all with regular expressions, but I'd suggest just looking at the string and using some logic.
Why are you not using UIDatePicker to prevent user to enter your own not valid date.