C preprocessor on Mac OSX/iPhone, usage of the '#' key? - objective-c

I'm looking at some open source projects and I'm seeing the following:
NSLog(#"%s w=%f, h=%f", #size, size.width, size.height)
What exactly is the meaning of '#' right before the size symbol? Is that some kind of prefix for C strings?

To elaborate on dirkgently's answer, this looks like the implementation of a macro that takes an NSSize (or similar) argument, and prints the name of the variable (which is what the # is doing; converting the name of the variable to a string containing the name of the variable) and then its values. So in:
NSSize fooSize = NSMakeSize(2, 3);
the macro would expand to:
NSLog(#"%s w=%f h=%f", "fooSize", fooSize.width, fooSize.height);
and print:
fooSize w=2.0 h=3.0
(similar to NSStringFromSize, but with the variable name)

The official name of # is the stringizing operator. It takes its argument and surrounds it in quotes to make a C string constant, escaping any embedded quotes or backslashes as necessary. It is only allowed inside the definition of a macro -- it is not allowed in regular code. For example:
// This is not legal C
const char *str = #test
// This is ok
#define STRINGIZE(x) #x
const char *str1 = STRINGIZE(test); // equivalent to str1 = "test";
const char *str2 = STRINGIZE(test2"a\""); // equivalent to str2 = "test2\"a\\\"";
A related preprocessor operator is the token-pasting operator ##. It takes two tokens and pastes them together to get one token. Like the stringizing operator, it is only allowed in macro definitions, not in regular code.
// This is not legal C
int foobar = 3;
int x = foo ## bar;
// This is ok
#define TOKENPASTE(x, y) x ## y
int foobar = 3;
int x = TOKENPASTE(foo, bar); // equivalent to x = foobar;

Is this the body of a macro definition? Then the # could be used to stringize the following identifier i.e. to print "string" (without the codes).


Lexing/tokenization delimited strings

I'm writing a hand-written lexer for a small language but have one weird requirement that I'm not sure how to handle.
I need to be able to support the notion of delimited strings where the delimiter could be any char. eg. strings are most likely to be delimited using double quotes (eg. "hello") but it could just as easily be /hello/ or ,hello,
eg. some sample input lines might be:
x = /abc/
y = "abc" + ,def,
z = zabcz
The last case is a bit pathological, but technically possible.
I'm trying work out if there's any way I can do this in the tokenization phase in the general case? Any thoughts or suggestions would be grand.
Here are solutions in c++ and js.
#include "vector"
#include "string"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
// Lexically Analyze method
auto lex_argument(string code){
// Define variables
size_t equal_location;
int counter = 0;
auto variable;
string variable_name;
auto variable_info[2]
string code_for_inspection;
/* In the case of a variable , these two characters will hold the beginning and end of the string */
char string_variable_characters[2];
equal_location = code.find("=",0,code.length());
variable_value = code.substr(equal_location + 2,code.length());
variable_name = code.substr(code.begin(),equal_location - 2);
variable_info[0] = variable_name;
string_variable_characters[0] = (char) variable_value.substr(0,1);
string_variable_characters[1] = (char)
variable_value.substr(variable_value.length() - 1,variable_value.length());
if(string_variable_charecters[0] = string_variable_charecters[1]){
variable_value.erase(variable_value.length() - 1,variable_value.length());
variable_info[1] = variable_value;
return variable_info;
and in js:
function lex_argument(code){
var equalLocation = code.search("=");
var variableInfo = [null,null];
variableInfo[1] = code.substr(1,equalLocation - 2);
variableInfo[0] = code.substr(equalLocation,code.length);
string_delimeters = [variableInfo[0].substr(1,2),variableInfo[0].substr(variableInfo[0].length - 1,variableInfo[0].length];
return variableInfo;

Can macros accept types?

Unless my understanding is incorrect, the following macro
int i; // for loop
const char* ctype; // proprietary type string
void** pool = malloc(sizeof(void*) * (nexpected - 1));
size_t poolc = 0;
#define SET(type, fn) type* v = (pool[poolc++] = malloc(sizeof(type))); \
*v = (type) fn(L, i)
#define CHECK(chr, type, fn) case chr: \
SET(type, fn); \
switch (ctype[0]) {
CHECK('c', char, lua_tonumber);
should expand to
int i; // for loop
const char* ctype; // proprietary type string
void** pool = malloc(sizeof(void*) * (nexpected - 1));
size_t poolc = 0;
switch (ctype[0]) {
case 'c':
char* v = (pool[poolc++] = malloc(sizeof(char)));
*v = (char) lua_tonumber(L, i);
but upon compilation, I get:
src/lua/snip.m:185:16: error: expected expression
CHECK('c', char, lua_tonumber);
src/lua/snip.m:181:9: note: expanded from macro 'CHECK'
SET(type, fn); \
src/lua/snip.m:178:23: note: expanded from macro 'SET'
#define SET(type, fn) type* v = (pool[poolc++] = malloc(sizeof(type))); \
src/lua/snip.m:185:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'v'
CHECK('c', char, lua_tonumber);
src/lua/snip.m:181:5: note: expanded from macro 'CHECK'
SET(type, fn); \
src/lua/snip.m:179:6: note: expanded from macro 'SET'
*v = (type) fn(L, i)
2 errors generated.
What is going on here? Isn't the preprocessor a literal text replacement engine? Why is it trying to evaluate expressions?
Keep in mind while this looks like straight C, this is actually clang Objective C (note the .m) under the C11 standard. Not sure if that makes any difference.
I'm a loss at how to continue without expanding the code for each entry.
Your understanding is correct! But you're running into a quirk of the C language. A label, including a case label, must be followed by an expression, not a variable declaration.
You can work around this by inserting a null statement (e.g, 0;) after the case, or by enclosing the case body in a set of braces. A practical way of doing this might be by redefining CHECK as:
#define CHECK(chr, type, fn) \
case chr: { SET(type,fn); } break;

java.text.DecimalFormat equivalent in Objective C

In java, I have
String snumber = null;
String mask = "000000000000";
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(mask);
snumber = df.format(number); //'number' is of type 'long' passed to a function
//which has this code in it
I am not aware of the DecimalFormat operations in java and so finding it hard to write an equivalent Obj C code.
How can I achieve this? Any help would be appreciated.
For that particular case you can use some C-style magic inside Objective-C:
long number = 123;
int desiredLength = 10;
NSString *format = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%%0%dd", desiredLength];
NSString *snumber = [NSString stringWithFormat:format, number];
Result is 0000000123.
Format here will be %010d.
10d means that you'll have 10 spots for number aligned to right.0 at the beginning causes that all "empty" spots will be filled with 0.
If number is shorter than desiredLength, it is formatted just as it is (without leading zeros).
Of course, above code is valid only when you want to have numbers with specified length with gaps filled by zeros.
For other scenarios you could e.g. write own custom class which would use appropriate printf/NSLog formats to produce strings formatted as you wish.
In Objective-C, instead of using DecimalFormat "masks", you have to live with string formats.

XOR reverse a string in objective-c get an error

I want to use the following code to reverse a char * type string in objective-c:
- (char *)reverseString:(char *)aString
unsigned long length = strlen(aString);
int end = length - 1;
int start = 0;
while (start < end) {
aString[start] ^= aString[end];
aString[end] ^= aString[start];
aString[start] ^= aString[end];
return aString;
But I got an error EXC_BAD_ACCESS at this line
aString[start] ^= aString[end]
I googled and found people said I can't modify a literal string because it is readonly. I am new to C so I wonder what simple data type (no object) I can use in this example? I get the same error when I use (char []) aString to replace (char *) aString.
I assume you're calling this like
[myObj reverseString:"foobar"];
The string "foobar" here is a constant literal string. Its type should be const char *, but because C is braindead, it's char *. But it's still constant, so any attempt to modify it is going to fail.
Declaring the method as taking char[] actually makes no difference whatsoever. When used as a parameter type, char[] is identical to char*.
You have two choices here. The first is to duplicate the string before passing it to the method. The second is to change the method to not modify its input string at all but instead to return a new string as output. Both can be accomplished using strdup(). Just remember that the string returned from strdup() will need to be free()'d later.

Structure of a block declaration

When declaring a block what's the rationale behind using this syntax (i.e. surrounding brackets and caret on the left)?
For example:
int (^myBlock)(int) = ^(int num) {
return num * multiplier;
C BLOCKS: Syntax and Usage
Variables pointing to blocks take on the exact same syntax as variables pointing to functions, except * is substituted for ^. For example, this is a function pointer to a function taking an int and returning a float:
float (*myfuncptr)(int);
and this is a block pointer to a block taking an int and returning a float:
float (^myblockptr)(int);
As with function pointers, you'll likely want to typedef those types, as it can get relatively hairy otherwise. For example, a pointer to a block returning a block taking a block would be something like void (^(^myblockptr)(void (^)()))();, which is nigh impossible to read. A simple typedef later, and it's much simpler:
typedef void (^Block)();
Block (^myblockptr)(Block);
Declaring blocks themselves is where we get into the unknown, as it doesn't really look like C, although they resemble function declarations. Let's start with the basics:
myvar1 = ^ returntype (type arg1, type arg2, and so on) {
block contents;
like in a function;
return returnvalue;
This defines a block literal (from after = to and including }), explicitly mentions its return type, an argument list, the block body, a return statement, and assigns this literal to the variable myvar1.
A literal is a value that can be built at compile-time. An integer literal (The 3 in int a = 3;) and a string literal (The "foobar" in const char *b = "foobar";) are other examples of literals. The fact that a block declaration is a literal is important later when we get into memory management.
Finding a return statement in a block like this is vexing to some. Does it return from the enclosing function, you may ask? No, it returns a value that can be used by the caller of the block. See 'Calling blocks'. Note: If the block has multiple return statements, they must return the same type.
Finally, some parts of a block declaration are optional. These are:
The argument list. If the block takes no arguments, the argument list can be skipped entirely.
myblock1 = ^ int (void) { return 3; }; // may be written as:
myblock2 = ^ int { return 3; }
The return type. If the block has no return statement, void is assumed. If the block has a return statement, the return type is inferred from it. This means you can almost always just skip the return type from the declaration, except in cases where it might be ambiguous.
myblock3 = ^ void { printf("Hello.\n"); }; // may be written as:
myblock4 = ^ { printf("Hello.\n"); };
// Both succeed ONLY if myblock5 and myblock6 are of type int(^)(void)
myblock5 = ^ int { return 3; }; // can be written as:
myblock6 = ^ { return 3; };
source: http://thirdcog.eu/pwcblocks/
I think the rationale is that it looks like a function pointer:
void (*foo)(int);
Which should be familiar to any C programmer.