How to Suppress the SELECT Output of a Stored Procedure called from another Stored Procedure in SQL Server? - sql

I'm not talking about doing a "SET NOCOUNT OFF". But I have a stored procedure which I use to insert some data into some tables. This procedure creates a xml response string, well let me give you an example:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[insertSomeData] (#myParam int) AS
DECLARE #reply varchar(2048)
... Do a bunch of inserts/updates...
SET #reply = '<xml><big /><outputs /></xml>'
SELECT #reply
So I put together a script which uses this SP a bunch of times, and the xml "output" is getting to be too much (it's crashed my box once already).
Is there a way to suppress or redirect the output generated from this stored procedure? I don't think that modifying this stored procedure is an option.
I guess i should clarify. This SP above is being called by a T-SQL Update script that i wrote, to be run through enterprise studio manager, etc.
And it's not the most elegant SQL i've ever written either (some psuedo-sql):
WHILE unprocessedRecordsLeft
SELECT top 1 record from updateTable where Processed = 0
EXEC insertSomeData #param = record_From_UpdateTable
So lets say the UpdateTable has some 50k records in it. That SP gets called 50k times, writing 50k xml strings to the output window. It didn't bring the sql server to a stop, just my client app (sql server management studio).

The answer you're looking for is found in a similar SO question by Josh Burke:
-- Assume this table matches the output of your procedure
DECLARE #tmpNewValue TABLE ([Id] int, [Name] varchar(50))
INSERT INTO #tmpNewValue
EXEC [ProcedureB]
-- SELECT [Id], [Name] FROM #tmpNewValue

I think I found a solution.
So what i can do now in my SQL script is something like this (sql-psuedo code):
create table #tmp(xmlReply varchar(2048))
while not_done
select top 1 record from updateTable where processed = 0
insert into #tmp exec insertSomeData #param=record
drop table #tmp
Now if there was a even more efficient way to do this. Does SQL Server have something similar to /dev/null? A null table or something?

Answering the question, "How do I suppress stored procedure output?" really depends on what you are trying to accomplish. So I want to contribute what I encountered:
I needed to supress the stored procedure (USP) output because I just wanted the row count (##ROWCOUNT) from the output. What I did, and this may not work for everyone, is since my query was already going to be dynamic sql I added a parameter called #silentExecution to the USP in question. This is a bit parameter which I defaulted to zero (0).
Next if #silentExecution was set to one (1) I would insert the table contents into a temporary table, which is what would supress the output and then execute ##ROWCOUNT with no problem.
USP Example:
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_SilentExecutionProc
#silentExecution bit = 0
SET #strSQL = '';
SET #strSQL = 'SELECT TOP 10 * ';
IF #silentExecution = 1
SET #strSQL = #strSQL + 'INTO #tmpDevNull ';
SET #strSQL = #strSQL +
'FROM dbo.SomeTable ';
Then you can execute the whole thing like so:
EXEC dbo.usp_SilentExecutionProc #silentExecution = 1;
The purpose behind doing it like this is if you need the USP to be able to return a result set in other uses or cases, but still utilize it for just the rows.
Just wanted to share my solution.

I have recently come across with a similar issue while writing a migration script and since the issue was resolved in a different way, I want to record it.
I have nearly killed my SSMS Client by running a simple while loop for 3000 times and calling a procedure.
DECLARE #counter INT
SET #counter = 10
WHILE #counter > 0
-- call a procedure which returns some resultset
SELECT #counter-- (simulating the effect of stored proc returning some resultset)
SET #counter = #counter - 1
The script result was executed using SSMS and default option on query window is set to show “Results to Grid”[Ctrl+d shortcut].
Easy Solution:
Try setting the results to file to avoid the grid to be built and painted on the SSMS client. [CTRL+SHIFT+F keyboard shortcut to set the query results to file].
This issue is related to : stackoverflow query

Man, this is seriously a case of a computer doing what you told it to do instead of what you wanted it to do.
If you don't want it to return results, then don't ask it to return results. Refactor that stored procedure into two:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[insertSomeData] (#myParam int) AS
DECLARE #reply varchar(2048)
--... Do a bunch of inserts/updates...
EXEC SelectOutput
SET #reply = '<xml><big /><outputs /></xml>'
SELECT #reply

From which client are you calling the stored procedure? Say it was from C#, and you're calling it like:
var com = myConnection.CreateCommand();
com.CommandText = "exec insertSomeData 1";
var read = com.ExecuteReader();
This will not yet retrieve the result from the server; you have to call Read() for that:
var myBigString = read[0].ToString();
So if you don't call Read, the XML won't leave the Sql Server. You can even call the procedure with ExecuteNonQuery:
var com = myConnection.CreateCommand();
com.CommandText = "exec insertSomeData 1";
Here the client won't even ask for the result of the select.

You could create a SQL CLR stored procedure that execs this. Should be pretty easy.

I don't know if SQL Server has an option to suppress output (I don't think it does), but the SQL Query Analyzer has an option (under results tab) to "Discard Results".
Are you running this through isql?

You said your server is crashing. What is crashing the application that consumes the output of this SQL or SQL Server itself (assuming SQL Server).
If you are using .Net Framework application to call the stored procedure then take a look at SQLCommand.ExecuteNonQuery. This just executes stored procedure with no results returned. If problem is at SQL Server level then you are going to have to do something different (i.e. change the stored procedure).

You can include in the SP a parameter to indicate if you want it to do the select or not, but of course, you need to have access and reprogram the SP.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[insertSomeData] (#myParam int, #doSelect bit=1) AS
DECLARE #reply varchar(2048)
... Do a bunch of inserts/updates...
SET #reply = '<xml><big /><outputs /></xml>'
if #doSelect = 1
SELECT #reply

ever tried SET NOCOUNT ON; as an option?


How to represent dynamic query in SQL Server view

I have the following SQL code:
DECLARE #sql_code varchar(max) = '';
DECLARE #repeats INT = 4;
WHILE #i <= #repeats
SET #sql_code = #sql_code+'SELECT ''foo'+cast(#i as varchar)+''' as bar UNION ALL '
SET #i = #i + 1
SET #sql_code = LEFT(#sql_code,LEN(#sql_code) - 10)
exec (#sql_code)
,which when run in SSMS produces this:
How can I reproduce the same result as view (dynamically)?
I know you can't use declarations in view, but could it be done through stored procedure or function?
You can't use dynamic sql inside a view. But yes you can create table valued User-Defined functions as mentioned in this post.
Link to the post:
Answer by Gavin Campbell should give you the idea of what can be done.
Note : For more information on Table valued User-Defined Functions: Visit this documentation:
Actually, despite what Utsav's good answer says, you can do anything if you put your mind to it. 😉
While this is generally not recommended (this answer is for informational purposes), there are certain use cases where it makes sense to use OPENQUERY() inside a View. OPENQUERY() allows you to execute raw SQL against a remote or local SQL Server. Either in the raw SQL itself, or probably more organized in a stored procedure, there's essentially no limitations on the queries you can run, including dynamic SQL.
SELECT 1 AS Foobar;
EXEC sp_executesql #DynamicSQL;
CREATE VIEW dbo.SomeViewThatExecutesDynamicSQL
EXEC YourDatabaseName.dbo.RunSomeDynamicSQL
Foobar INT
FROM dbo.SomeViewThatExecutesDynamicSQL;
You'll notice I'm using the WITH RESULT SETS keyword when executing my procedure inside of OPENQUERY(). This is because OPENQUERY() needs to know the shape of the result set from the executing query. This is one way to describe that when executing a procedure.
One use case for using OPENQUERY() in a View is so you can maximize your ability to performance tune your query (e.g. inside a stored procedure) without losing consumability of the database object.
One important fact about using OPENQUERY() is that the SQL Server Engine always estimates the cardinality of the results to be 10,000 rows. This means if your result set is much larger than 10,000 rows, for example 10 million rows, then you may not get the most optimal execution plan to serve your query.
Also, despite my informational answer, you can of course use a stored procedure alone if that's sufficient for your use case.
could it be done through stored procedure
Sure, just wrap a stored procedure around your code:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SomeStoredProcedure
DECLARE #sql_code NVARCHAR(MAX) = '';
DECLARE #repeats INT = 4;
WHILE #i <= #repeats
SET #sql_code = #sql_code+'SELECT ''foo'+cast(#i as varchar)+''' as bar UNION ALL '
SET #i = #i + 1
SET #sql_code = LEFT(#sql_code,LEN(#sql_code) - 10)
EXEC sp_executesql #sql_code
Note I changed the last line of your code to use sp_executesql because it minimizes your risk for SQL injection issues. You should always use that procedure for dynamic SQL execution instead of directly executing your SQL string.

Select results from stored procedure into a table

I have a stored procedure, usp_region and it has a select statement with 50 columns as the result set. This procedure is called by multiple other stored procedures in our application.
Most of the stored procedure pass a parameter to this procedure and display the result set that it returns. I have one stored procedure, usp_calculatedDisplay, that gets the columns from this stored procedure and inserts the values into a temp table and does some more calculations on the columns.
Here's a part of the code in usp_calculatedDisplay.
Begin Procedure
/* some sql statements */
Declare #tmptable
-- all the 50 columns that are returned from the usp_region procedure
Insert Into #tmptable
exec usp_region #regionId = #id
Select t.*, /* a few calculated columns here */
From #tmptable t
End of procedure
Every time I add a column to the usp_region procedure, I'll also have to make sure I have to add it to this procedure. Otherwise it breaks. It has become difficult to maintain it since it is highly possible for someone to miss adding a column to the usp_calculatedDisplay procedure when the column is added to the usp_region.
In order to overcome this problem, I decided to do this:
Select *
Into #tmptable
'EXEC [dbo].[usp_region]')
The problem is 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' component is turned off. So I can't use this approach to overcome this issue. I was wondering if there are any other ways of overcoming this problem. I would really appreciate any help. Thank you!
Every time I add a column to the usp_region procedure
SQL Server is a structured database and it does not meant to solve such cases that you need to change your structure every day.
If you add/remove columns so often then you probably did not choose the right type of database, and you better re-design your system.
It has become difficult to maintain it since it is highly possible for someone to miss adding a column to the usp_calculatedDisplay procedure when the column is added to the usp_region.
There are two simple solutions for this (1) using DDL Triggers - very bad idea but simple to implement and working. (2) Using my trick to select from stored procedure
Option 1: using DDL trigger
You can automate the entire procedure and ALTER the stored procedure usp_calculatedDisplay every time that the stored procedure usp_region is changed
The basic approach is
#var_xml.value('(EVENT_INSTANCE/DatabaseName)[1]', 'sysname') = 'tempdb'
#var_xml.value('(EVENT_INSTANCE/SchemaName)[1]', 'sysname') = 'dbo'
#var_xml.value('(EVENT_INSTANCE/ObjectName)[1]', 'sysname') = 'usp_region'
-- Here you can parse the text of the stored procedure
-- and execute ALTER on the first SP
-- To make it simpler, you can design the procedure usp_region so the columns names will be in specific row or between to comment which will help us to find it
-- The code of the Stored Procedure which you need to parse is in the value of:
-- #var_xml.value('(EVENT_INSTANCE/TSQLCommand/CommandText)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'))
-- For example we can print it
SET #SP_Code = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), #var_xml.value('(EVENT_INSTANCE/TSQLCommand/CommandText)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'))
-- In your case, you need to execute ALTER on the usp_calculatedDisplay procedure using the text from usp_region
Option 2: trick to select from stored procedure using sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set
This is simple and direct way to get what you need.
CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE usp_calculatedDisplay AS
-- Option: using simple table, so it will exists outsie the scope of the dynamic query
select #sqlCommand = 'CREATE TABLE MyTable(' + STRING_AGG ([name] + ' ' + system_type_name, ',') + ');'
from sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set (N'EXEC usp_region', null,0)
PRINT #sqlCommand
EXECUTE sp_executesql #sqlCommand
INSERT MyTable EXECUTE usp_region;
Note!!! Both solutions are not recommended in production. My advice is to avoid such needs by redesign your system. If you need to re-write 20 SP so do it and don't be lazy! Your goal should be what best for the database usage.

Add Debug script into Stored Procedures

If you’re writing dynamic SQL, always add a Debug mode. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy at first, just something like:
IF #Debug = 1 BEGIN PRINT #MySQLInjectionGift END;
How can we use the above script in our Stored procedure
It can be used as a parameter to inject code.
DROP PROC IF EXISTS dbo.usp_myproc
CREATE PROC dbo.usp_myproc (#Debug bit = 0)
DECLARE #MySQLInjectionGift varchar(max) ='a=''HI THERE'','
DECLARE #SQL varchar(max) =
SELECT TOP 3'+IIF(#Debug=1,#MySQLInjectionGift,'')+'* FROM SYS.TABLES
EXEC usp_myproc
EXEC usp_myproc #Debug = 1
You can do anything with it like create WHERE clauses on the fly, create columns that do calculations that are not part of the actual query but helpful in debugging. Typical injection include arbitrary SQL select statements that show progress from one SQL to another as when the stored procedure is large, the decision execution path may not be clear especially when there are lots of conditional statement. The debug mode can also run start-up code that can prepare the data or execute a unit test at the end of the query.

Select from table with current user's schema

I am working in a database where each user has a table in their schema called FindResults
eg: MyDatabase.User1.FindResults, MyDatabase.User2.FindResults, etc.
If I run a SELECT query on this table while logged in as one of the users it works just fine. However, I have a stored procedure (MyDatabase.dbo.ReadFindResults) that tries to run a SELECT query on this table, it fails because it tries to read MyDatabase.dbo.FindResults (does not exist). I have gotten around this by using dynamic SQL, but I was hoping there was a way to avoid this.
Is there a way to tell the stored procedure to use the current user's schema or perhaps something to change the scope to allow it to find the table I want?
EDIT: Here is the code for the stored procedure
-- Returns the IDs contained in the given find results set
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ReadFindResults]
#resultsid int -- The ID of the results set
SELECT objectid FROM FindResults WHERE resultsid = #resultsid
In your stored procedure you can say:
SELECT cols FROM MyDatabase..FindResults;
(Leaving out the schema name.)
However this seems very error-prone, and IMHO you should either have separate, schema-bound stored procedures as well, or a single table with a column to indicate whose row it is.
A hack could be to execute as the username:
EXEC sp_executesql #sql;
SELECT whatever FROM Findresults;
But I haven't had the opportunity to test this (you're better equipped to test in your scenario anyway).
It still seems like a remarkably avoidable problem in the first place, but maybe that's just me.
You could use dynamic SQL like this:
DECLARE #sql NVARCHAR(1024) = "SELECT something FROM [userName].someTable"
SET #sql = REPLACE(#sql, "[userName]", #userName)
EXEC sp_executesql #sql
That too is a hakish way of doing that query. More reading about dynamic SQL here:
Im at home right now and do not have access to a SQL Server. I will edit my post in the morning when Im at work if needed.

Execute stored proc with OPENQUERY

I have SQL Server 2008 with a linked Sybase server and I am trying to execute a stored procedure on the Sybase server using OPENQUERY. If I have a stored proc that doesn't take parameters it succeeds fine. If I have a stored proc with parameters it fails. I even tried a very basic stored proc that only took an int an that still failed. Below is the syntax I am using:
select * from
OPENQUERY([LINKSERVER],'exec database.user.my_stored_proc ''AT'',''XXXX%'',''1111'',1')
Msg 7357, Level 16, State 2, Line 3
Cannot process the object "exec database.user.my_stored_proc 'AT','XXXX%','1111',1". The OLE DB provider "ASEOLEDB" for linked server "LINKSERVER" indicates that either the object has no columns or the current user does not have permissions on that object.
As the proc will execute just fine without parameters, I don't think it is a permission issue.
This worked for me,
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(LOCALSERVER, 'SET FMTONLY OFF EXEC snr.dbo.GetAllSignals #controlRunId = 25, #experimentRunId = 26')
I was creating temporary tables, and that's why i got access denied
Here is more info
I create a sp that doesn't return any value and it doesn't work.
Your SP in mysql have to return a value!
for example I do this in "mysql":
CREATE DEFINER=`root`#`localhost` PROCEDURE `MyPro`(IN `Name` VARCHAR(50), IN `Id` INT, OUT `Result` INT)
SET Result = 0;
INSERT into MyTable (Id,Name) VALUES(Id,Name);
SELECT Result;
That "Id" and "Name" is input parameter and "Result" is output parameter
and create linked server in SQL SERVER and call it like this:
select * from openquery
Test,'call mydb.MyPro(''Name'',''16'', #P0);'
It works for me :D
Linked Servers and OPENQUERY, Gems to MS SQL Server...that are wolves in sheep clothing. I've found the following solutions to work when dealing with parameters
If the SP is basically just SELECT statements, the move the same to a VIEW and just pass SQL statements via OPENQUERY.
Build the OPENQUERY as a string and then use execute_sql.
You could also see if it works to precede exec with SET FMTONLY ON:
OPENQUERY([LINKSERVER],'SET FMTONLY ON; exec database.user.my_stored_proc ''AT'',''XXXX%'',''1111'',1')
If you try this and it works, you should probably Google FMTONLY+OPENQUERY to get an idea of what it means.
Try this,
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(linked_server_name, 'SELECT postgres_procedure_name (parameters)');
I experienced a very similar issue, but my SP wasn't taking any parameters.
I tried experimenting with altering the query sent through the openquery to include 'SET NOCOUNT ON' and 'SET FMTONLY OFF' but this had no difference.
The only solution that worked for my stored procedure was dropping the existing version, and altering the code to specifically 'SET NOCOUNT ON'
After doing this I was able to successfully run my stored proc through my linked server connection.
First of all you have to add hard code text fields then you have to
replace it by your parameters value like FromDate,TillDate,EmpID,CompCode,0,DeptID,DesgId,LocationID,AtnType
DECLARE #startdate varchar(255) = '2019-12-17'
DECLARE #enddate varchar(255) = '2019-12-17'
Set #SQL = 'SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(' + quotename(#LinkedServer) + ',' + '''' +
'SET FMTONLY OFF; exec [TAP].[dbo].[GetAttendanceList] ' + 'FromDate,TillDate,EmpID,CompCode,0,DeptID,DesgId,LocationID,AtnType,1'')'
You have to replace your parameters values shown below
set #SQL=REPLACE(#SQL,'FromDate',+''''+''''+#startdate+''''+'''')
set #SQL=REPLACE(#SQL,'TillDate',+''''+''''+#enddate+''''+'''')
set #SQL=REPLACE(#SQL,'CompCode',+''''+''''+#CompCode+''''+'''')
set #SQL=REPLACE(#SQL,'AtnType',+''''+''''+''''+'''')
if #EmpID is Null
set #SQL=REPLACE(#SQL,'EmpID','null')
if #DeptID is Null
set #SQL=REPLACE(#SQL,'DeptID','null')
if #DesgId is Null
set #SQL=REPLACE(#SQL,'DesgId','null')
if #LocationID is Null
set #SQL=REPLACE(#SQL,'LocationID','null')
print #SQL
exec ( #SQL)