How can I view the Eclipse platform logging? - eclipse-plugin

I am using the AccuBridge plugin for AccuRev. This plugin uses the acdiffgui tool for carrying out diffs. The acdiffgui tool lives in /usr/bin as a symbolic link:
acdiffgui -> /opt/accurev/bin/acdiffgui
This works fine within Eclipse; I can diff two files with no problem. However, the acdiffgui tool is rather limited and I would like to use Meld instead.
Because there is no way to configure this from within the plugin itself I updated the symbolic link to point to the meld tool:
acdiffgui -> /usr/bin/meld
Now when I try to diff two files nothing happens, not even an error! Therefore, I'd be interested in looking at the Eclipse output to see if there is any indication as to what is going wrong.
I've looked at the /.metadata/.log file but no errors appearing. Is this the correct place to look, and if so, is there a way to increase the logging level?
Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

From the menu: Window -> Show View -> Error Log
Or from the file system look for <workspace-directory>/.metadata/.log is the path used when you start eclipse


PyCharm - Send directory to run configuration from right-click menu?

I have a run configuration in PyCharm with script parameters that take in a directory. Then, I have several directories (a changing number) in my project which I would like to easily be able to run this configuration on. Is there anyway to add an option to the right-click menu of directories to run the configuration passing that directory to the configuration? Or some other method which provides similar accessibility to running the configuration on a directory?
For my specific problem, I have many log directories for TensorBoard (from TensorFlow) and I would like to selectively and easily be able to start up an instance of TensorBoard running on a given directory.
Basically if you would run it in pycharm You can write your own plugin to add some functionality to the IDE. There is a great documentation on how to create plugins in idea/pycharm:
We have done it before and it was a successful plugin, it really sped up the development processs. :)

How can I stop indexing intellij idea?

Without "excluding" folders, how can I stop Indexing intellij idea on start? It's very very annoying that it starts indexing on startup without allowing you to, for example, debug a test case making you wait until indexing has finished.
You can stop synchronizing/indexing each time you switch to the IDEA and it's quite useful when dealing with big projects and outside build process which triggers indexing.
Just disable checkbox System Settings -> Synchronize files on frame or editor tab activation.
Make sure you run indexing manually to update hints when needed through Synchronize menu (Cmd-Alt-Y on Mac) or File -> Reload All from Disk to run it manually for IDEA 2020 running under Linux
File-> Invalidate Caches / Restart.
I think that this issue happens (at least for me it seems to be the reason) if you start commit and then close the IDE in the middle of the process.
Now, "excluding" folders is the only way to disable indexing when a change occurs in one of excluded folders (except for generated sources that mustn't be excluded).
Checked with Intellij 2016.2.5
I suggest you to tune your Intellij configuration, see this post :
You Can easily resolve it.
Just Go to: File -> Setting -> Directories.
Stop all the files that are going to included and need to empty ADD Content Root.
Like This:
It may be because of libraries folder is added more than one sub folder in the project. example in my case i have node_modules folder in two locations in the project. one is under root directory(app-->node_modeules) another one is under(app-->test-->node_modules)
Simply Right click on each folder and then selected Mark Directory As --> Excluded
It resolved my problem. Hope it would be helpful.
After struggling with this issue for around a week and searching all the solution I came to below conclusion:
either upgrade your intellij which gives you feature to pause the indexing ( I can't upgrade my intellij due to license issues ) so the other option was to disable all the plugins and then try enabling as per the need one by one.
After enabling any of the plugin if you see it behaving the same uninstall the plugin and download some alternative of it.
If longer indexing is an issue you can enable the shared indexes.
Add this plugin in your intellij and follow the instructions from here.
In my case i had constantly indexing files in Angular application when i remove node_modules folder.
I've tried to invalidate caches multiple times what didn't help at all.
Only solution was to remove project with clear Git state and reclone project - than everything started to work just flawlessly.

intellij navigate to file stopped working

So we have a large project and I use the intellij navigate to file cntrl+shift+n all the time. I don't know what happened but now when I try and use it - it can't find anything. I haven't recently installed any plugins or anything.
I've restarted intellij a couple times, checked the little filter icon to make sure I'm not filtering on anything...nothing seems to be working. Any ideas what I need to do to get it working again?
Try 11.1.2 build and File | Invalidate Caches. If it doesn't help, contact JetBrains support with a sample project to reproduce it.
Also try to verify if some plugins are updated, and disable them to try if some of them is the problem.
In my case it was:
Apache config (.htaccess) support Version 131.61
Make sure your keymap is set to Default. You may be using different keymap, so go to File > Setting and search for Keymap. You can change it there.
When you press Ctrl+Shift+N the Find Window will pop up, check the filter icon (on top right of the Find Window) on the search box and ensure that the file type you are looking for is checked.
For me restarting the Webstorm with the project folder again sorted it out.
File -> New -> Project
Just restarting it kept the go to file source pointed to the Webstorm app directory.
I program in rust.
So for me installing the missing rust plug-in solved it.
I deleted the project and then reimported it using maven(right corner of IDE) -> plus icon to add project again
What helped me was to run an update (Help > Check for updates) and update what was needed (2 plugins)

Start two instances of IntelliJ IDE

Well my question is pretty simple, how do I start two instances of IntelliJ (community edition).
When I have one instance started and I try to start another one, all that happens is that my started instance gets focus.
I'm developing Android applications using IntelliJ.
Any thoughts?
Press Ctrl+Alt+SChoose Appearance & Behavior, then System Settings, check radio button: Open project in new window.
You need to configure each instance to use its own folders for config/plugins/system locations by editing file on Windows/Linux and Info.plist on Mac. You can find the details in FAQ.
Note that normally it's not necessary since you can open multiple projects in different IDEA frames within the same instance using File | Open or Open Recent.
CrazyCoder has roughly the right idea. However, setting the config file alone was not sufficient for me to run multiple instances. Here are my steps to get this going (in GNU/Linux, I am sure you can figure out equivalent in other systems):
Create a folder/directory per instance you want to run.
mkdir -p ~/idea/instance-0
Go to the installation directory (e.g. /opt/intellij) and copy the (in bin) file over to your instance directory.
cp /opt/intellij/bin/ ~/idea/instance-0/
Copy 3 more directories: system, plugins, and config. I highly recommend doing this without the running instance
cp -r /opt/intellij/system ~/idea/instance-0/
cp -r /opt/intellij/plugins ~/idea/instance-0/
cp -r /opt/intellij/config ~/idea/instance-0/
mkdir ~/idea/instance-0/log
Open your file and update the configurations for your directories:
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE config folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE system folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to user installed plugins folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE logs folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.
Now, you can start IntelliJ with the new setup:
IDEA_PROPERTIES=~/idea/instance-0/ /opt/intellij/bin/idea
Obviously, you probably want to put the command in a script file for invocation. This seems to work for me.
File->Settings->General and in section "Startup/Shutdown" check "Confirm window to open project in"
With Ultimate 2020.2, go to Appearance & Behavior > System Settings in the settings dialog and select the "Ask" option for "Open project in"
As per the directions from jetbrains you'll need go to the 'General' page of the 'Settings' dialog and chose 'Open project in a new window'. Then proceed to open a project as you normally do. IntelliJ should then startup a completely new instance.
There is an other very quick way of doing it. There is always an EAP version of the IDE and it can run at same time with the current one. For example I am using AppCode 2017.2 and 2017.3 EAP in parallel.
Go go to IntelliJ | Tools | Create Command-line Launcher...
Keep the defaults (which creates a binary named "idea"):
Now, go to your command line.
Cd to your project directory and type: idea .
This will create a .idea directory for IntelliJ configurations for that project, which it will re-use each time to start IntelliJ from that directory.
You can now go to a different project directory and type: idea .
Assuming you left the previous IntellJ IDE open, you will now have two IntellJ IDEs open, one for each project.
1) If your project uses environment variables, then I'd recommending opening a separate terminal tab/window for each project and set that project's environment variables before running: idea .
2) Depending on what you're trying to accomplish, you may need to modify your classpath (or settings like Project GOPATH) for each IntelliJ instance.
My answer is not directly related to the question but its a solution for some cases where we think we need 2 Intellij instances.
For my issue I was thinking to launch 2 Intellij instances. But after careful thinking and searching for other options, I found an easy and quick solution and I wanna share with the community
If you are looking to compare files between different branches, and you wanna compare the difference, that can be done with git comparison. You don't need 2 different Intellij instances.
My Case:
In my case, I wanted to copy very specific code from 1 branch to another and I wanted to compare the difference between the code. The restriction was, I can't do git merge or cherry-pick because we didn't want full commit to be part of new branch. Just few necessary lines were required in the new branch.
My Solution:
Select the branch
Open the file where you wanna insert code
Right Click -> Git -> Compare with... (refer to pic)
Select the branch and you will get the difference
Append or Copy the difference
If you have new files or directories, you can create it manually and copy-paste the content
I know this answer doesn't directly relates to what has been asked, but sometimes we miss alternative solutions.
Hope this can be helpful as an alternative solution.
In addition to the above comments from #crazycoder and #magice, Make sure that you are not trying to load Pycharm with the same project two times which happened to me!!!.
For example, in windows10 already loaded with ONLY one project in PyCharm and tried to load another Pycharm instance by clicking on the PyCharm desktop shortcut or from task-bar if added. In this case, Pycharm will not load the second instance.
I have wasted some time here. So, wanted to share with the community as it will help someone out there!!

Build and Debug application outside the default package

If I try to build an application with the application class outside the default package, so the application file path is /app/AppClass.mxml instead of /AppClass.mxml (as would normally be the case), Flash builder cannot launch the application for debugging because it is looking for the SWF in debug/app/AppClass.swf and the SWF is being output to debug/AppClass.swf instead. Changing the output folder to debug/app makes it put the swf in debug/app, but then it puts the application configuration file "AppClass-app.xml" in /debug/app/app and then that can't be found.
Is there a way to change only the SWF output folder, or the location of the xml configuration file in the run-configuration?
You may use symbolic link to created swf file -
for example for Windows :
cd project/path/bin-debug/package/path/
MKLINK ClassName.swf project/path/bin-debug/ClassName.swf
and it's work
or you can use symbolic link for folder:
cd project/path/bin-debug/package/
MKLINK path project/path/bin-debug/ /D
I think I remember this worked for me. But it was long time ago. And, yes, it is a known problem, I also recall Adobe people mentioning it as a limitation of FB.
In my Ant script, you'll need to do the adjustments to reflect your actual file names and directory structure. Also note that it will make it more cumbersome to debug it from FB. You'll need to use the debugging target in Ant, and then connect the debugger to the running application (so that some info, especially on the startup) will be lost. The only way you would be able to debug it, though I've never tried it, is with the commandline tools (I'm not sure of adl syntax for breakpoints / printing / stack frames, so idk how to do it.
Also, for the released application you will probably want to change the signing mechanism.