JAVA_HOME gets mangled by Maven - maven-2

I'm retrofitting bunch of existing Java projects with unified Maven build. Since each project is mature and has established Ant based build all I'm using maven-antrun-plugin to execute existing build.xml as follows:
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="compile" />
When I run mvn compile build fails with this message:
[INFO] An Ant BuildException has occured: The following error occurred
while executing this line:
build.xml:175: Unable to find a javac compiler; is not on the classpath.
Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK.
It is currently set to "C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre"
What puzzles me is
I have JAVA_HOME=C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_13 as part of my environment setup and when mvn.bat is executed that is exactly value I'm getting, however as you see in the error message it comes up as C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\jre
If I run ant compile everything compiles just fine
Does it mean that perhaps maven-antrun-plugin does something like set JAVA_HOME=%JAVA_HOME%\jre? I searched my batch/build files I can't find where that change occurs

Thats the down side of external links in an accepted answer. Codehaus shut down and thus the solution is gone. For reference here's the content behind the link - you basically only need to copy the <dependencies>...</dependencies> block to your antrun plugin...
The maven-antrun-plugin runs ant with JAVA_HOME set to the jre subdirectory of the JDK, even if the JAVA_HOME for the overall run is a JDK.
There is documentation elsewhere about how to create a dependency at the project level for the JDK's tools.jar, but this does not help out antrun, which is a plugin.
The following profile does the job. The '..' in the path hauls up past the 'jre' directory to the lib directory.

I was able to fix this by putting the following property definition in my ant build.xml file:
<property name="build.compiler" value="extJavac"/>


Maven plugin dependencies are ignored

I created this profile for deploying artifacts on the server via SCP. I know Ant's scp task is optional, therefore I've added the dependencies.
<scp .../>
<sshexec .../>
However, when I run the profile, I end up with
An Ant BuildException has occured:
Problem: failed to create task or type
scp Cause: the class
was not found.
This looks like one of Ant's optional components. Action: Check
that the appropriate optional JAR
exists in
-the IDE Ant configuration dialogs
Do not panic, this is a common
problem. The commonest cause is a
missing JAR.
This is not a bug; it is a
configuration problem
Is it possible maven wasn't able to download those dependencies or it just ignores them?
The problem was Maven (2.2.1) didn't download the dependencies. I've found out after I upgraded Maven to version 3. For some reason,the new version downloaded the plugin dependencies and it miraculously started to work.
I have a suspicion the problem was in old version Maven's settings - pluginRepository wasn't configured.
It is likely that maven has downloaded the jars but it is not in ant's classpath. If the objective is to deploy the artifacts using maven, you should probably use Maven Deploy Plugin. What you are doing seems to be a roundabout way.
There is a maven-antrun-plugin bug entry, that could explain why this is happening in Maven-2, they also describe workarounds
In multi-module builds, if there are multiple poms configuring the maven-antrun-plugin, the first(?) seems to win, so that the ones later in the build chain reuse the antrun config from earlier poms, thus missing out on stuff that is different ...
In my problem case, I opted to use Maven-3, where the issue seems to be fixed, instead of workarounds with Maven-2. This had the additional advantage of the build to also speed up - now taking 6min instead of the 10min before.
However, if Maven-3 is not possible for you, I'd try the workarounds...

How to skip install phase in Maven build if I already have this version installed in repo

I have a project that consist of 3 different libraries. When I run install script it takes all libraries from repo and run mvn clean install on them. But this version of library already installed in repo. Is there a way to skip install phase if version in pom.xml equal version in my local repo.
I know that I can use local repo and just set dependencies. But my boss want that our project can build only with public repos and without any our repos.
You can bypass like this
Last week Olivier Lamy patched this jira.
Most maven plugins can be skipped by specifying something like:
you can also set up build profiles to set properties and use that to determine the value. for example, running the command: mvn -Pexample would select the "example" profile. The POM would then contain:
Using these POM additions, the default behavior for the install plugin will be to perform its default goal, but if the example profile is selected, then the install plugin will skip its goal.
Using what I learned from the other answers, this was the cleanest result for me.
In my super pom I added a pluginManagement/plugin to disable default-install and default-test phases when the property deployOnly is set.
So on the command line, I can disable install and test phases by adding -DdeployOnly.
mvn clean install #build and test everything
mvn deploy -DdeployOnly #just deploy it
I know that I can use local repo and just set dependencies. But my boss want that our project can build only with public repos and without any our repos.
Are you sure you understood correctly what you boss meant? I interpret the above as "don't install third party libraries in your local repository, use only libraries available in public repositories". This is different from "don't use your local repository" which is basically impossible, that's just not how maven works. I'd try to clarify this point.
Apart from that, I don't get the question which is very confusing (what repo are you talking about? What is the install script doing? Why do you call clean install on libraries? etc).
Extending the other answers, from the future.
Maven plugins have a surprisingly high freedom, how do they run. If they want, they can ignore/override the typical pom.xml settings. Furthermore, also the <configuration><skip>true</skip></configuration> is only a convention, nothing obligates a plugin to follow it, except that most of them is developed so.
My experiments with the recent problem show, that both #Cemo's and #MiloshBoroyevich solution should be utilized, also the plugin requires both to really let us in peace. More concretely, the only working configuration by me was this:
One of your options is to put the deployment to another module. I.e. have one pom.xml build the artifact and install it to the local repo, and another pom.xml to deploy it. This separation is quite common in larger projects, where the testsuite is sometimes a separate module or even a project, the packaging happens in several stages, etc.
- pom.xml - myProject-root - type=pom
- pom.xml - myProject-artifact - type=jar
- pom.xml - myProject-deploy - type=pom, does the deployment, skips it's own `install` goal

Maven 2 assembly with dependencies: jar under scope "system" not included

I am using maven-assembly plugin to create a jar of my application, including its dependencies as follows:
(I omitted some other stuff that is not related to the question)
So far this has worked fine because it creates a lib directory with all dependencies. However, I recently added a new dependency whose scope is system, and it does not copy it to the lib output directory. i must be missing something basic here, so I call for help.
The dependency that I just added is:
The only way I was able to include this dependency was by adding the following to the assembly element:
However, this forces me to change the pom and the assembly file whenever this jar is renamed, if ever. Also, it seems just wrong.
I have tried with <scope>runtime</scope> in the dependencySets and <include>sourceforge.jchart2d:jchart2d</include> with no luck.
So how do you include a system scoped jar to your assembly file in maven 2?
Thanks a lot
I'm not surprised that system scope dependencies are not added (after all, dependencies with a system scope must be explicitly provided by definition). Actually, if you really don't want to put that dependency in your local repository (for example because you want to distribute it as part of your project), this is what I would do:
I would put the dependency in a "file system repository" local to the project.
I would declare that repository in my pom.xml like this:
I would just declare the artifact without the system scope, this is just a source of troubles:
I'm not 100% sure this will suit your needs but I think it's a better solution than using the system scope.
Update: I should have mentioned that in my original answer and I'm fixing it now. To install a third party library in the file-based repository, use install:install-file with the localRepositoryPath parameter:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-file> \
-DgroupId=<myGroup> \
-DartifactId=<myArtifactId> \
-Dversion=<myVersion> \
-Dpackaging=<myPackaging> \
You can paste this as is in a *nix shell. On windows, remove the "\" and put everything on a single line.
Btw you can automate it and make it a part of your maven build. The following will install your jar into your local repository before compilation:
I find easy solution in case you creating jar
You can also handle this via adding a supplemental dependencySet in your dependencySets.
The best thing would be to use a Repository Manager (like Nexus, Artifactory, Archiva) and install this kind of dependency in a particular repository. After that you can use such things as a simple dependency. This will simplify your life.
Edited: Sorry that i didn't realize alx also mentioned about the clean life cycle workaround.
Base on the solution provided by alx, you can execute the install file step at clean phase. but since the clean phase is not in the default life cycle, you have to execute mvn clean at the first time to ensure the jar is ready in the local repo.
ex: mvn clean; mvn package
A simple solution for this is to add it into local maven repository
One way to do is via mvn install commands as suggested in previous post .
Another easy way is ,
1) In your eclipse ide right click on project select Maven option .
2) Select Install or deploy an artifact to a maven repository option and click on next.
3)Click on browse next to the Artifact file checkbox & select your jar file
4)Enter the GroupId and ArtifactId and version ensure generate pom & create checksum are checked & packaging is jar
Click on finish and that's it ! Your job is done the jar is added in your local repository which you can define in setting.xml or m2 directory
Now just add the simple maven dependency as per the GroupId,ArtifactId & jar version that you have entered as per the import and that's it your external jar will be packaged by maven.
it has worked in a easier way on my solution :
remove from your dependency :
Then add the maven-install-plugin in the pom.xml as well.

Error when running maven generated executable jar

I'm having (a strange) problem when executing a maven generated executable jar:
user#host$ java -server -jar MyJar.jar
(and nothing more than this!!!)
Do you have any idea what this king of error comes from ?
In my pom.xml, I copy all the dependencies to a lib folder with:
And then I generate a .jar including the classpath (+ a prefix pointing to the lib folder):
The generated MANIFEST.MF seems to contain the proper classpath.
Thanks a lot for your help!
The error isn't saying much and this is indeed weird. Are you using Sun JDK?
Anyway, I don't really get how the dependencies get bundled into the final JAR with your setup and I don't think it contains everything required (I may be wrong of course).
Actually, I wouldn't even try to fix your current setup. To create an executable jar, you should prefer the assembly plugin. See this recent answer for example. Please modify your pom.xml with the suggested configuration (this will take 30 seconds) and try again. Then, please update your question with the new result/error, the pom.xml and the manifest.
I created a new Maven repository, rebuilt all the maven dependencies and somehow the issue was solved.
I've no idea how this happened, because I was just able to run without the jar ...
But thanks for your help anyway

Maven test dependency in multi module project

I use maven to build a multi module project. My module 2 depends on Module 1 src at compile scope and module 1 tests in test scope.
Module 2 -
This works fine. Say my module 3 depends on Module1 src and tests at compile time.
Module 3 -
When I run mvn clean install, my build runs till module 3, fails at module 3 as it couldn't resolve the module 1 test dependency. Then I do a mvn install on module 3 alone, go back and run mvn install on my parent pom to make it build. How can I fix this?
I have a doubt about what you are trying to do but but I'll assume you want to reuse the tests that you have created for a project (module1) in another. As explained in the note at the bottom of the Guide to using attached tests:
Note that previous editions of this guide suggested to use <classifier>tests</classifier> instead of <type>test-jar</type>. While this currently works for some cases, it does not properly work during a reactor build of the test JAR module and any consumer if a lifecycle phase prior to install is invoked. In such a scenario, Maven will not resolve the test JAR from the output of the reactor build but from the local/remote repository. Apparently, the JAR from the repositories could be outdated or completely missing, causing a build failure (cf. MNG-2045).
So, first, to package up compiled tests in a JAR and deploy them for general reuse, configure the maven-jar-plugin as follows:
Then, install/deploy the test JAR artifact as usual (using mvn install or mvn deploy).
Finally, to use the test JAR, you should specify a dependency with a specified type of test-jar:
Regarding to my comment to Pascals question i think i have found a stuitable answer :
The main difference here as you see here is the <phase> tag.
I will create the test-jar and it will be available in the compile phase of the tests and not only after the package phase.
Works for me.