Mysql query to return server load average - sql

Does anyone know of a MySQL query that returns the server's current load average?

Do you mean the actual system load average? This has nothing to do with MySQL. For example on Linux, you can get it from /proc/loadavg.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the load average variable is a property of the machine, not the MySQL server.
So to retrieve the avg. load you should be looking for a system call, not a SQL-query.

You might want to look into this statement:
[LIKE 'pattern' | WHERE expr]
SHOW STATUS provides server status information. This information also can
be obtained using the mysqladmin
extended-status command. The LIKE
clause, if present, indicates which
variable names to match. The WHERE
clause can be given to select rows
using more general conditions, as
discussed in Section 20.28,
“Extensions to SHOW Statements”. This
statement does not require any
privilege. It requires only the
ability to connect to the server.

Do you have mytop installed?
mytop is a console-based (non-gui)
tool for monitoring the threads and
overall performance of a MySQL 3.22.x,
3.23.x, and 4.x server
Mytop allows you to monitor what is happening in real time, everything from number of queries per second to key efficiency of the queries.
See Using Mytop: A MySQL Monitor


How to calculate accumulated sum of query timings?

I have a sql file running many queries. I want to see the accumualted sum of all queries. I know that if I turn on timing, or call
query 1;
query 2;
query 3;
query n;
at the beginning of the script, it will start to show time it takes for each query to run. However, I need to have the accumulate results of all queries, without having to manually add them.
Is there a systematic way? If not, how can I fetch the interim times to throw them in a variable.
The pg_stat_statements is a good module that provides a means for tracking execution statistics.
First, add pg_stat_statements to shared_preload_libraries in the
postgresql.conf file. To know where this .conf file exists in your
filesystem, run show config_file;
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements'
Restart Postgres database
Create the extension
CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements;
Now, the module provides a View, pg_stat_statements, which helps you to analyze various query execution metrics.
Reset the contents of stat collected before running queries.
SELECT pg_stat_statements_reset();
Now, execute your script file containing queries.
\i script_file.sql
You may get all the timing statistics of all the queries executed. To get the total time taken, simply run
select sum(total_time) from pg_stat_statements
where query !~* 'pg_stat_statements';
The time you get is in milliseconds, which may be converted to desired format using various timestamp related Postgres functions
If you want to time the whole script, on linux or mac you can use the time utility to launch the script.
The measurement in this case is a bit more than the sum of the raw query times, because it includes some overhead of starting and running the psql command. On my system this overhead is around 20ms.
$ time psql < script.sql
real 0m0.117s
user 0m0.008s
sys 0m0.007s
The real value is the time it took to execute the whole script, including the aforementioned overhead.
The approach in this answer is a crude, simple client side way to measure the runtime of the overall script. It is not useful to measure milli-second precision server side execution times. It still might be sufficient for many use-cases.
The solution of Kaushik Nayak is a way more precise method to time executions directly on the server. It also provides much more insight into the execution (eg. query level times).

How to show full execution query - PostgreSQL

I have some heavy queries in my server and I want to copy the full query (more than 1024 characters).
But the field from view pg_stat_activity dont show me more than 2014.
I saw that I can change the postgres server parameter track_activity_query_size, but I dont want to restart my server to apply it, and I am not sure if it works really. So, there is another table, view, function, or something I want to find it? The full execution query.
All the views and functions that show the query string only seep a maximum of track_activity_query_size characters.
Unless you want to use the log file, as "a horse with no name" suggested, you'll have to restart the server.

Choose different division of Exact Online when using distributed query with Invantive SQL

I have a set of SQL statements using distributed option of Invantive SQL that extract shipped goods information from Exact Online and create for each serial number shipped a ticket in Freshdesk, together with the consumer as a contact.
This works fine when connected to Exact Online and Freshdesk under one log on code. However, the end user uses a different log on code. In that case the set of SQL statements retrieves data from their test division in Exact Online instead of the correct production division.
When using no distributed option, I can change the division using:
use 123123
Where 123123 is the unique division number in the Exact Online country.
When connected both to Exact Online and Freshdesk, I get a:
itgenuse002: List of partitions could not be determined.
How can I enforce that the set of SQL statements is executed for a specific Exact Online division instead of the default one set at that moment for the log on code?
Sample SQL query that shows the problem:
create or replace table fulladdress#inmemorystorage --STAP 1.
, acad.addressline1 || ' ' || acad.postcode || ' ' || fulladdress
from ExactonlineREST..Accounts#eolnl acad
where acad.status = 'C'
The use statement shown is for databases with exactly one data container. In that case, there is only one data container that can handle the question and everything runs smooth.
With a distributed query in Invantive SQL, you need to direct the use statement which data container to use. Otherwise, the first data container will try to handle it (in this case probably Freshdesk which has no concept of partitioning). That is similar to appending the data container alias to each tables as in:
select ...
from table#eolnl
join table2#freshdesk
on ...
Here eolnl and freshdesk specify where the tables should looked up.
So, in this case use:
use 123123#eolnl
The same also holds for the set statement.
From your code it seems you have multiple data containers running in your connection. From the user interface you can only set the partitions on the default data container.
However, there is an easy code solution to use. You have to know the alias of the data container you want to set the partition for. The use that alias in a use call (in this sample 123123 is the partition you want to choose):
use 123123#eolnl
Or to use all partitions available:
use all#eolnl

What problems may occur while querying SQL databases with big amount of data over internet

I am having this big database on one MSSQL server that contains data indexed by a web crawler.
Every day I want to update SOLR SearchEngine Index using DataImportHandler which is situated in another server and another network.
Solr DataImportHandler uses query to get data from SQL. For example this query
SELECT * FROM DB.Table WHERE DateModified > Config.LastUpdateDate
The ImportHandler does 8 selects of this types. Each select will get arround 1000 rows from database.
To connect to SQL SERVER i am using
The parameters I can add for connection are:
So my question is:
What can go wrong while doing this queries every day ? ( except network errors )
I want to know how is SQL Server working in this context ?
Further more I have to take a decicion regarding the way I will implement this importing and how to handle errors, but first I need to know what errors can arise.
Later edit
My problem is that I don't know how can this SQL Queries fail. When i am calling this importer every day it does 10 queries to the database. If 5th query fails I have to options:
rollback the entire transaction and do it again, or commit the data I got from the first 4 queries and redo somehow the queries 5 to 10. But if this queries always fails, because of some other problems, I need to think another way to import this data.
Can this sql queries over internet fail because of timeout operations or something like this?
The only problem i identified after working with this type of import is:
Network problem - If the network connection fails: in this case SOLR is rolling back any changes and the commit doesn't take place. In my program I identify this as an error and don't log the changes in the database.
Thanks #GuidEmpty for providing his comment and clarifying out this for me.
There could be issues with permissions (not sure if you control these).
Might be a good idea to catch exceptions you can think of and include a catch all (Exception exp).
Then take the overall one as a worst case and roll-back (where you can) and log the exception to include later on.
You don't say what types you are selecting either, keep in mind text/blob can take a lot more space and could cause issues internally if you buffer any data etc.
Though just a quick re-read and you don't need to roll-back if you are only selecting.
I think you would be better having a think about what you are hoping to achieve and whether knowing all possible problems will help?

SQL query giving wrong result on linked server

I'm trying to pull user data from 2 tables, one locally and one on a linked server, but I get the wrong results when querying the remote server.
I've cut my query down to
select * from SQL2.USER.dbo.people where persId = 475785
for testing and found that when I run it I get no results even though I know the person exists.
(persId is an integer, db is SQL Server 2000 and dbo.people is a table by the way)
If I copy/ paste the query and run it on the same server as the database then it works.
It only seems to affect certain user ids as running for example
select * from SQL2.USER.dbo.people where persId = 475784
works fine for the user before the one I want.
Strangely I've found that
select * from SQL2.USER.dbo.people where persId like '475785'
also works but
select * from SQL2.USER.dbo.people where persId > 475784
brings back records with persIds starting at 22519 not 475785 as I'd expect.
Hope that made sense to somebody
Any ideas ?
Due to internal concerns about doing any changes to the live people table, I've temporarily moved my database so they're both on the same server and so the linked server issue doesn't apply. Once the whole lot is migrated to a separate cluster I'll be able to investigate properly. I'll update the update once this happens and I can work my way through all the suggestions. Thanks for your help.
The fact that LIKE operates is not a major clue: LIKE forces integers to string (so you can say WHERE field LIKE '2%' and you will get all records that start with a 2, even when field is of integer type). Your incorrect comparisons would lead me to think your indexes are corrupt, but you say they work when not used via the link... however, the selected index might be different depending on the use? (I seem to recall an instance when I had duplicate indexes and only one was stale, although that was too long ago to recall the exact cause).
Nevertheless, I would try rebuilding your index using the DBCC DBREINDEX (tablenname) command. If it turns out that doing so fixes your query, you may want to rebuild them all: here is a script for rebuilding them all easily.
Is dbo.people a table or a view? I've seen something similar where the underlying table schema had been changed and dropping and recreating the view fixed the problem, although the fact that the query works if run directly on the linked server does indicate something index based..
Is the linked server using the same collation? Depending on the index used, I could see something like this perhaps happening if the servers were not collation compatible, but the linked server was set up with collation compatible (which tells Sql Server it can run the query on the remote server).
I would check the following:
Check your definition on the linked server, and confirm that SQL2 is the
server you expect it to be
Check and compare the execution plans both from the remote and local servers
Try linking by IP address rather than name, to ensure you have the proper machine
Put the code into a stored procedure on the remote machine, and try calling that instead
Sounds like a bug to me - I;ve read of some issues along these lines, btu can't remember specifically what. What version of SQL Server are you running?
select * from SQL2.USER.dbo.people where persId = 475785
for a PersID which fails how does:
FROM OpenQuery(SQL2, 'SELECT * FROM USER.dbo.people WHERE persId = 475785')