Is there a better way to get visual studio to ignore try/catch in debug mode -

I want the designer to catch the error when I am debugging and I want the user to see my friendly message if an error occurs for them. I know I can acomplish this with the following:
#If Debug=False Then
#End If
'some code here
#If Debug=False Then
Catch ex as exception
Messagebox.Show("Errors suck")
End Try
#End If
I do not want to have to write all the #statements and having them cluttering up my code. It seems like this should be a common need and there has to be a better way. Does anyone know a better way?

In VS.NET you can say whether you want the debugger to break when an exception is thrown (not just when it's unhandled).
Look on the Debug | Exceptions... menu item (Ctl-Alt-E on my keyboard shortcuts). Pick the excepption you're interested in, then tick the "thrown" box for that exception.
You can tick that box at several levels (all CLR exceptions, all CLR exceptions in a given namespace, or very specific exceptions)

There is no good way to get it to ignore a try catch other than what you've done. But you can make the code a little bit cleaner and essentially get the same effect. You essentially are trying to prevent the action in the catch block from running. A better way to do that is a conditionally compiled method.
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
<Condition("DEBUG)> _
Public Sub DebugLog(ByVal ex As Exception)
Messagebox.Show("errors suck")
End Sub

In the catch section of your Try..Catch you should write the exception message, stacktrace, and anything else you may want to a log file -- additionally you could write that data to the Windows Event log as well.
At worst, you could just put break-points in the Catch section of your Try..Catch blocks, since you shouldn't normally hit them it should'nt be a big deal once setup.

Here is how I do it:
Try ' : Catch: End Try
' Try
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Disable the above by deleting the two comment characters:
Try : Catch : End Try
Catch ex As Exception
End Try


How to write 'if not caught' code in a Try Catch

Wondering if the following can be done in a simple way:
Some Statements
Catch ex As ...
Error handling stuff
Code to handle *only* if there was no Catch
End Try
A Finally bloc will not do it, because it is executed even if the Catch was executed. Putting the code after the End Try doesn't work either, as it's always executed. I tried to place an Exit Try after the Error handling stuff, but then nothing is executed any more before the End Try.
Is there an clean and easy way to do this without variables to remember that the Catch was executed?
The normal way is like this:
Some Statements
Code to handle *only* if there was no Catch
Catch ex As ...
Error handling stuff
End Try
This works because as soon as an exception is thrown, control jumps to the catch block and the rest of the try block is ignored. Or to put it another way: If a line in the "try" runs, then you know there hasn't been an exception yet.
If you have other requirements that means this wont work then you'll need to provide more information.

VB not stopping at exceptions

I like VB.Net, but there is something that is driving me nuts. Too many times when an exception occurs, it simply continues somewhere else, usually by exiting the sub or function, but otherwise keeps on rolling. As an example, I was using Asc() instead of AscW(). It didn't throw an exception, it just left the function as if a Return was executed. Meanwhile I'm leaving red dot stop points all over like it has chicken pox trying to figure out what is causing it.
Is there a setting that can be used to used to actually cause VB to stop and give a line number?
Try catch statements will help you out greatly.
Take a read here:
Have you tried using a Try..Catch..Finally statement. E.g. The ex.string will put the exception into a string in the message and tell you the vb line.
'code here
Catch ex as Exception
MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong. " & ex.ToString, "Data Error ")
End Try

Understanding the Open method and the Try block in VB.NET

I'm using VB.NET for the first time, to check if a file is in use, but there are some lines of code that I don't fully understand.
Can someone explain the two lines of code highlighted below in the comments?
Public Sub Main()
End Sub
Function IsFileInUse(filePath As String) As Boolean
IsFileInUse = False
If System.IO.File.Exists(filePath) Then
Dim fileInfo As System.IO.FileInfo
Dim stream As System.IO.FileStream
fileInfo = New System.IO.FileInfo(filePath)
' Can someone explain this line of code?
' how does this determines where to go from here, Catch or Finally?
stream = fileInfo.Open(System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite, System.IO.FileShare.None)
IsFileInUse = True
MessageBox.Show("It looks like the file is opened")
If stream IsNot Nothing Then
' What is this closing?
End If
End Try
MessageBox.Show("File does NOT Exist")
End If
End Function
how does this determines where to go from here, Catch or Finally?
Look at the documentation for FileInfo.Open. The Exceptions section shows all of the possible exceptions that can happen.
If an exception is thrown, the Catch block will be executed.
The Finally block always gets executed, whether or not an exception was thrown.
What is this closing?
It will release the stream's resources, in this case it will close the file.
The Try block runs the code. In the Try block, a stream is used to open the file and access its contents. If that code errors for any reason, it will throw an Exception, which will then cause to the Catch block to be run. The Finally block of the code will run whether an Exception is thrown or not. In the Finally block, the stream to the File is being closed.
The code is determining whether or not the file is currently "in use" by any other processes by attempting to open the file with read/write access. Whether the opening of the file fails or not, it always closes the file stream. It assumes that if opening the file in that mode fails for any reason, then it must be because it is "in use". That's a bad assumption to make, and likely not the best way to accomplish it anyway, but for what it's worth, that's what it's doing.
The Try/Catch block is VB.NET's preferred syntax for exception handling (it replaces the older On Error syntax which predated .NET). When anything inside of the Try section throws an exception, execution will jump to the Catch section. Once execution of the Catch section completes, it then jumps to the Finally section. If nothing in the Try section throws an exception, then once it's done, it also jumps to the Finally section. Essentially, everything in the Finally section is "guaranteed" to execute, whether or not an exception occurred, whereas the code in the Catch section only executes when there is an exception.
In other words, consider this example:
' Outputs "ABCE" (does not output "D")
And compare it to this example:
' Outputs "ABDE" (does not output "C")
Throw New Exception()
See the MSDN article for much more information on the topic.

Can I catch all possible errors with one message?

The project I'm working on is almost ready to ship. Occasionally, I'll encounter an error that won't allow the program to continue running like an out of bounds or a memory limitation.
These kinds of errors
I've been fixing them as I find them, but I'm sure there are others. However, I'm leaving this position in a few days so I need the users to not encounter these.
Is there a way in that anytime one of those errors wants to pop up, it can catch it with an message box to the user that says something like "Something really bad happened. Please restart program"?
If it's a winform, you can catch the errors by handling the Application.ThreadException event.
AddHandler Application.ThreadException, AddressOf UIThreadException
Private Shared Sub UIThreadException(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal t As ThreadExceptionEventArgs)
' Handle event here and show message
' Exception is in t.Exception
End Sub
Make sure there's no error in this error handler. I don't think it'll catch exception in other threads.
You can use the Try statement, which is a simple way to handle error.
Here is a simple example:
'Do something
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error occured")
End Try

Repeated error handling

So in my application, i've got alot of try and catch blocks for error handling, especially whenever my app talks to the db.
i'm running through a series of if/elseif statements to see if
ex.tostring.contains("Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts")
and various bits like that.
At the minute, I wrote this out and copy and pasted it into each catch, but I know there will be a much more efficient way to do this whereby the code is just in one place and called as and when required.
I tried to implement it as a function, but I had trouble passing info to the function.
So i thought I'd ask and see how you guys go about doing this?
You don't need multipe try...catch statements for a program. One is enough.
If i understood you correctly, you want to print or show the error that occured inside the Try block.
Public Sub main()
'Do something
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'Do something else
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
If ex.tostring.contains("something") than
End Sub
Instead you can do something like this:
Public Sub main()
'Do all your code here.
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
In this part, the compiler will automaticlly print the error occured in the program.
You can perform some action based on the type of exception thrown. Checking the text if not recommended as this could change with a new version of .net or mysqldata
Try something like this:
' Programming lines of code
Catch exError As MySqlException
' an error occurred with MySql
Catch e As Exception
' a General error occurred
' Cleanup custom and unmanaged resources if necessary
End Try
Have a look at the MySQL Documentation for their recommendations