What does the last digit in the ActiveMQ message ID represent? - activemq

I have a system that seems to be working fine, but when a certain process writes a message, I get 10 messages appear in the queue. They are all almost duplicates, but the last section of the message id is incremented.
What does this mean? From what I can tell, the process is only writing one message.

Nevermind, I found it... The process WAS writing multiple messages, but using the same producer and transaction. ActiveMQ seems to use this as a session ID or something of that sort. Feel free to expand on this topic if you deem it necessary.

The message id is generated to be globally unique - and consists of a combination of a your host, a unique MessageProducer Id and an incrementing sequence for each message


RabbitMQ get message sequence number

Whenever I receive a message from a Queue, I want to be able to know somehow what is the sequence number of the message. This sequence number should be equal to the number of messages that were sent to the queue from the moment it was created plus 1. So the first message sent to the queue would have sequenceNumber = 1, second message would have sequenceNumber = 2 etc. So basically it should work similarly to database id sequence, that is inceremented every time we insert a new row.
Does RabbitMQ has some kind of mechanism to support that?
Of course, I could use database for that, but I need to avoid DB usage if that's possible.
Any help would be really appreciated,

Show message chain in search

I have a message thread, these messages are coming on splunk.
The chain consists of ten different messages: five messages from one system, five messages from another (backup) system.
Messages from the primary system use the same SrcMsgId value, and messages from the backup system are combined with a common SrcMsgId.
Messages from the standby system also have a Mainsys_srcMsgId value - this value is identical to the main system's SrcMsgId value.
The message chain from the backup system enters the splunk immediately after the messages from the main system.
Tell me how can I display a chain of all ten messages? Perhaps first messages from the first system (main), then from the second (backup) with the display of the time of arrival at the server.
With time, I understand, I will include _time in the request. I got a little familiar with the syntax of queries, but still I still have a lot of difficulties with creating queries.
Please help me with an example of the correct request.
Thank you in advance!
You're starting with quite a challenging query! :-)
To combine the two chains, they'll need a common field. The SrcMsgId field won't do since it can represent different message chains. What you can do is create a new common field using Mainsys_srcMsgId, if present, and SrcMsgId. Then link the messages via that field using streamstats. Finally sort by the common field to put them together. Here's an untested sample query:
```Get Mainsys_srcMsgId, if it exists; otherwise, get SrcMsgId```
| eval joiner = coalesce(Mainsys_srcMsgId, SrcMsgId)
| streamstats count by joiner
```Find the earliest event for each chain so can sort by it later```
| eventstats min(_time) as starttime by joiner
```Order the results by time, msgId, sequence
| sort starttime joiner count
```Discard our scratch fields```
| fields - starttime joiner count

RabbitMQ: expires-policy does not delete queues

I'm using RabbitMQ. The problem is, the queues are not getting deleted, despite me having a policy set up for this and I cannot figure out why it is not working.
This is the policy definition:
And this is a typical queue; it is idle for a long time and has 0 consumers.
I know the rules for expiring, however I cannot see that any of this would be the case. Any hints on what could be wrong here?
The pattern you provide restuser* doesn't match the name of the queue restresult-user001n5gb2, you can also confirm that from the Policy applied to the queue, here being ha.
Two additional points to pay attention to:
the pattern is a regular expression, and unless you "anchor" the beginning of the match or its end, as long as your pattern shows somewhere in the name it's good. restuse as a pattern should yield the same result as your pattern. If you want to match any queue starting with restuser, the pattern should be ^restuser
Policies are not cumulative (if you have configured high availability through policies, and you want to keep it for your restuser queues, you'll need to add the ha parameters to your clearrestuser policy too.

Preserving order of execution in case of an exception on ActiveMQ level

Is there an option on Active MQ level to preserve the order of execution of messages in case of an exception? . In other words, assume that we have inside message ID=1 info about an object called student having for example ID=Student_1000 and this message failed and entered in DLQ for a certain reason but we have in the principal queue message ID= 2 and message ID = 3 having the same ID of this student (ID=Student_1000) . We should not allow those messages from getting processed because they are containing info about same ID of object as inside message ID = 1; ideally, they should be redirected directly to DLQ to preserve the order of execution because if we allow this processing, we will loose the order of execution in case we are performing an update.
Please note that I'm using message groups of Active MQ.
How to do that on Active MQ level?
Many thanks,
Well, not really. But since the DLQ is by default shared, you would not have ordered messages there unless you configure individual DLQs.
Trying to rely on strict, 100% message order on queues to keep business logic simple is a bad idea, from my experience. That is, unless you have a single broker, a single producer and a single consumer and no DLQ handling (infinite redeliviers on RedeliveryPolicy).
What you should do is to read the entire group in a single transaction. Roll it back or commit it as a group. It will require you to set the prefetch size accordingly. DLQ handling and reading is actually a client concern and not a broker level thing.

Autoincrement in Redis

I'm starting to use Redis, and I've run into the following problem.
I have a bunch of objects, let's say Messages in my system. Each time a new User connects, I do the following:
INCR some global variable, let's say g_message_id, and save INCR's return value (the current value of g_message_id).
LPUSH the new message (including the id and the actual message) into a list.
Other clients use the value of g_message_id to check if there are any new messages to get.
Problem is, one client could INCR the g_message_id, but not have time to LPUSH the message before another client tries to read it, assuming that there is a new message.
In other words, I'm looking for a way to do the equivalent of adding rows in SQL, and having an auto-incremented index to work with.
I can't use the list indexes, since I often have to delete parts of the list, making it invalid.
My situation in reality is a bit more complex, this is a simpler version.
Current solution:
The best solution I've come up with and what I plan to do is use WATCH and Transactions to try and perform an "autoincrement" myself.
But this is such a common use-case in Redis that I'm surprised there is not existing answer for it, so I'm worried I'm doing something wrong.
If I'm reading correctly, you are using g_message_id both as an id sequence and as a flag to indicate new message(s) are available. One option is to split this into two variables: one to assign message identifiers and the other as a flag to signal to clients that a new message is available.
Clients can then compare the current / prior value of g_new_message_flag to know when new messages are available:
> INCR g_message_id
(integer) 123
# construct the message with id=123 in code
> INCR g_new_message_flag
> LPUSH g_msg_queue "{\"id\": 123, \"msg\": \"hey\"}"
Possible alternative, if your clients can support it: you might want to look into the
Redis publish/subscribe commands, e.g. cients could publish notifications of new messages and subscribe to one or more message channels to receive notifications. You could keep the g_msg_queue to maintain a backlog of N messages for new clients, if necessary.
Update based on comment: If you want each client to detect there are available messages, pop all that are available, and zero out the list, one option is to use a transaction to read the list:
# assuming the message queue contains "123", "456", "789"..
# a client detects there are new messages, then runs this:
> WATCH g_msg_queue
> LRANGE g_msg_queue 0 100000
> DEL g_msg_queue
1) 1) "789"
2) "456"
3) "123"
2) (integer) 1
Update 2: Given the new information, here's what I would do:
Have your writer clients use RPUSH to append new messages to the list. This lets the reader clients start at 0 and iterate forward over the list to get new messages.
Readers need to only remember the index of the last message they fetched from the list.
Readers watch g_new_message_flag to know when to fetch from the list.
Each reader client will then use "LRANGE list index limit" to fetch the new messages. Suppose a reader client has seen a total of 5 messages, it would run "LRANGE g_msg_queue 5 15" to get the next 10 messages. Suppose 3 are returned, so it remembers the index 8. You can make the limit as large as you want, and can walk through the list in small batches.
The reaper client should set a WATCH on the list and delete it inside a transaction, aborting if any client is concurrently reading from it.
When a reader client tries LRANGE and gets 0 messages it can assume the list has been truncated and reset its index to 0.
Do you really need unique sequential IDs? You can use UUIDs for uniqueness and timestamps to check for new messages. If you keep the clocks on all your servers properly synchronized then timestamps with a one second resolution should work just fine.
If you really do need unique sequential IDs then you'll probably have to set up a Flickr style ticket server to properly manage the central list of IDs. This would, essentially, move your g_message_id into a database with proper transaction handling.
You can simulate auto-incrementing a unique key for new rows. Simply use DBSIZE to get the current number of rows, then in your code, increment that number by 1, and use that number as the key for the new row. It's simple and atomic.