NHibernate - drilling down from the aggregrate root - nhibernate

Given an aggregate root X, which has many Y, and Y which has many Z...
How can I drill down through the associations and select only those X's whose Z's have a certain property value?
IList Xs = Session.CreateCriteria(typeof(X))
.CreateAlias("Ys", "Y")
.CreateAlias("Y.Zs", "Z")
.Add(Expression.Eq("Z.Property", 1))
Doing this results in a PropertyAccessException, and I have no idea why.
Loading all Xs and testing their Z properties would be massively redundant.

I have tried it out, and in my test setup it works flawlessly. A PropertyAccessExceotion can be about an unavailable setter or a type mismatch when a property is set. If you would post some mapping and entity souce code it might help.


Prolog: consider clauses from a dynamic module when calling a predicate

In the SWI Prolog manual, I found the following remark:
For example, assume an application that can reason about multiple worlds. It is attractive to store the data of a particular world in a module, so we extract information from a world simply by invoking goals in this world.
This is actually a very good description of what I'm trying to achieve. However I ran into a problem. While I do want to model many different worlds, there are also things that I want to share across all of them. So my idea is to have an allworlds module for things that are true in every world, and one module for every world that I want to reason about, and the latter imports from the former. So I'd do something like this in the REPL:
allworlds:asserta(grandparent(X, Z) :- (parent(X, Y), parent(Y, Z))).
add_import_module(greece, allworlds, start).
greece:asserta(parent(kronos, zeus)).
greece:asserta(parent(zeus, ares)).
Now I'd like to query greece:grandparent(kronos, X) and get X = ares, but all I get is false. When allworlds:grandparent calls parent, it doesn't call greece:parent like I want it to, but allworlds:parent. My research seems to indicate that I need to make the grandparent predicate module-transparent. But calling allworlds:module_transparent(grandparent/2). didn't fix the issue, and it's also deprecated. This is where I'm stuck. How can I get this working? Is meta_predicate/1 part of the solution? Unfortunately I can't make heads or tails of its documentation.
Prolog modules don't provide a good solution for the "many worlds" design pattern. Notably, making the predicates meta-predicates (or module transparent or multifile) would be a problematic hack. But this pattern is trivial with Logtalk, which is a language extends Prolog and can use most Prolog systems as a backend compiler. A minimal (but not unique) solution for your problem is:
:- object(allworlds).
:- public(grandparent/2).
grandparent(X, Z) :-
::parent(X, Y),
::parent(Y, Z).
:- public(parent/2).
:- end_object.
:- object(greece,
parent(kronos, zeus).
parent(zeus, ares).
:- end_object.
Here, we use inheritance (the individual worlds inherit the common knowledge) and messages to self (the ::/1 control construct) when common predicates need to access world specific predicate definitions (self is the object/world that received the message - grandparent/2 in the example).
Assuming the code is saved in a worlds.lgt file and that you're using SWI-Prolog as the backend:
$ swilgt
?- {worlds}.
% [ /Users/pmoura/worlds.lgt loaded ]
% (0 warnings)
?- greece::grandparent(kronos, X).
X = ares.
P.S. If running on windows, use the "Logtalk - SWI-Prolog" shortcut from the Start Menu after installing Logtalk.
I ultimately solved this by passing the module around explicitly and invoking predicates in it with the : operator. It reminds me a bit of doing OOP in C, where you do things like obj->vtable->method(obj, params) (note how obj is mentioned twice, just like the M in my code below).
Similar to the Logtalk solution, I need to explicitly call into the imported module when I want to consider its clauses. As an example, I've added the fact that a father is also a parent to the allworlds module.
allworlds:assertz(grandparent(M, X, Z) :- (M:parent(M, X, Y), M:parent(M, Y, Z))).
allworlds:assertz(parent(M, X, Y) :- M:father(M, X, Y)).
add_import_module(greece, allworlds, start).
greece:assertz(parent(_, kronos, zeus)).
% need to call into allworlds explicitly
greece:assertz(parent(M, X, Y) :- allworlds:parent(M, X, Y)).
greece:assertz(father(_, zeus, ares)).
After making these assertions, I can call greece:grandparent(greece, kronos, X). and get the expected result X = ares.

How should I set variables and nested data in UML diagrams?

I'm trying to set a UML from code with a bunch of nested data structures to view better the relationship and how I should to step to process this data.
I'm working in a Objects Diagram. How I should put a variable in a diagram like this? Are there a better way to set this "list inside a dict, inside a pd.DataFrame, inside a dict... and so on" code than with association (compositions, aggregations...)?
Python example:
x = 3
y = 'str'
z = [x, y]
a = [{b: ['d', 'f', {j: 'j', k: 'k'}], c: [[1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6]]}, z, y]
My first attempt would be the next:
(Note: I added inside a parenthesis some values, but I know this is not correct, what should be the right way?)
I would like to see in one view al this data and clearly find the steps to process this.
Your diagram is almost correct.
The composition relationship is not allowed between objects, only between classes. Objects have links. The value of an object can be specified as shown in the following diagram (incomplete).
See UML 2.5 specification, figure 9.28.
You can model the value of object inside the Specification property of the InstanceSpecification

Is property with exact cardinality one functional?

In an OWL-DL ontology, consider a property p with domain D and range R where D has a restriction over p to have cardinality of exactly one:
D SubClassOf p exactly 1 Thing
(D ⊑ =1 p.Thing)
Can we then infer that p is a functional property, since each d of type D will have exactly one value for p? If this is correct, can a reasoner infer this knowledge?
In OWL, a property is function when each individual has at most one value for the property. That "at most" is important; it is permitted for something to have no value for the property. (That means that a functional property in OWL is actually more like a possibly partial function in mathematics.) That said, if every individual has a exactly one value for a property, then it clearly has at most one value for the property, so the property would, as you suspect, be functional. We can walk though a specific case, though, to be sure that this is general, and because we need to make sure that the property p here actually has at most one value for every individual.
Proof: Suppose the property p has domain D, and D is a subclass of =1 p.Thing, so that every D has exactly one p
value. Is it the case that every individual x has at most one value
for p? There are two cases to consider:
x is a D. Then by the subclass axiom with the restriction, x must have exactly one value for p, and one is less than or equal to
x is not a D. Then x has no values for p. If it did, then it would be in the domain of p, which is D, and that is a
contradiction. Then x has zero values for p, and zero is less
than or equal to one.
Then any individual x at most one value for the property p, which
is the definition of p being functional. Thus, p is functional.
An OWL DL reasoner should be able to confirm this, and it shouldn't be hard to check.

How are records stored in erlang, and how are they mutated?

I recently came across some code that looked something like the following:
-record(my_rec, {f0, f1, f2...... f711}).
update_field({f0, Val}, R) -> R#my_rec{f0 = Val};
update_field({f1, Val}, R) -> R#my_rec{f1 = Val};
update_field({f2, Val}, R) -> R#my_rec{f2 = Val};
update_field({f711, Val}, R) -> R#my_rec{f711 = Val}.
lists:foldl(fun update_field/2, #my_rec{}, Props).
My question is about what actually happens to the record - lets say the record has 711 fields and I'm generating it from a proplist - since the record is immutable, we are, at least semantically, generating a new full record one every step in the foldr - making what looks like a function that would be linear in the length of the arguments, into one that is actually quadratic in the length, since there are updates corresponding to the length the record for every insert - Am I correct in this assumption,or is the compiler intelligent enough
to save me?
Records are tuples which first element contains the name of the records, and the next one the record fields.
The name of the fields is not stored, it is a facility for the compiler, and of course the programmer. I think it was introduced only to avoid errors in the field order when writting programs, and to allow tupple extension when releasing new version without rewriting all pattern matches.
Your code will make 712 copies of a 713 element tuple.
I am afraid, the compiler is not smart enough.
You can read more in this SO answer. If you have so big number of fields and you want to update it in O(1) time, you should use ETS tables.

Test.QuickCheck: speed up testing multiple properties for the same type

I am testing a random generator generating instances of my own type. For that I have a custom instance of Arbitrary:
complexGenerator :: (RandomGen g) => g -> (MyType, g)
instance Arbitrary MyType where
arbitrary = liftM (fst . complexGenerator . mkStdGen) arbitrary
This works well with Test.QuickCheck (actually, Test.Framework) for testing that the generated values hold certain properties. However, there are quite a few properties I want to check, and the more I add, the more time it takes to verify them all.
Is there a way to use the same generated values for testing every property, instead of generating them anew each time? I obviously still want to see, on failures, which property did not hold, so making one giant property with and is not optimal.
I obviously still want to see, on failures, which property did not hold, so making one giant property with and is not optimal.
You could label each property using printTestCase before making a giant property with conjoin.
e.g. you were thinking this would be a bad idea:
prop_giant :: MyType -> Bool
prop_giant x = and [prop_one x, prop_two x, prop_three x]
this would be as efficient yet give you better output:
prop_giant :: MyType -> Property
prop_giant x = conjoin [printTestCase "one" $ prop_one x,
printTestCase "two" $ prop_two x,
printTestCase "three" $ prop_three x]
(Having said that, I've never used this method myself and am only assuming it will work; conjoin is probably marked as experimental in the documentation for a reason.)
In combination with the voted answer, what I've found helpful is using a Reader transformer with the Writer monad:
type Predicate r = ReaderT r (Writer String) Bool
The Reader "shared environment" is the tested input in this case. Then you can compose properties like this:
inv_even :: Predicate Int
inv_even = do
lift . tell $ "this is the even invariant"
(==) 0 . flip mod 2 <$> ask
toLabeledProp :: r -> Predicate r -> Property
toLabeledProp cause r =
let (effect, msg) = runWriter . (runReaderT r) $ cause in
printTestCase ("inv: " ++ msg) . property $ effect
and combining:
fromPredicates :: [Predicate r] -> r -> Property
fromPredicates predicates cause =
conjoin . map (toLabeledProp cause) $ predicates
I suspect there is another approach involving something similar to Either or a WriterT here- which would concisely compose predicates on different types into one result. But at the least, this allows for documenting properties which impose different post-conditions dependent on the the value of the input.
Edit: This idea spawned a library: