Automatic Webpage Data Entry based on The Page Content - automation

Is it possible to make a program that open a page (as if a bookmark file were opened by IE), and based on its content generate a feedback, that should be fedback in a textbox on said page by pressing a button on said page?
I need this program to execute on a set time schedule to feed some data to a web server based on time dependent web page data.

Yes, that is possible. It is generally called screen scraping. You basically retrieve the web page in question via a HTTP request, parse/analyze the page you got, then send back the data that should go into the textbox (again a HTTP request).
There are libraries to do that. Here is an article describing an example in Perl:


Managing session temporarily in ibm mobilefirst?

i have to develop a multipage application that includes invocation of several web services.
My first page has a login page. based on the user input i have to traverse to next page while calling the next web service simultaneously. so obviously this all depends on the login page information that has the userid and password and the response from the web service such as personId etc.
i need to store this information temporarily for a particular session but... how to do this?
There are two kinds of page:
There are the UI states as seen by the user. Your Login page and your Next page are examples of these. From the user's perspective they see a succession of pages.
However you are writing an App, a single controlling thing that is in charge of all those "UI pages". I suppose that you are using MobileFirst to create a hybrid application that is effectively executing in a browser. From that browser's perspective you have a single HTML page. This is important, MobileFirst only works with single-page applications.
Now the browser loads the HTML and JavaScript for your single application page and that JavaScript stays resident as the user moves between the different "UI Pages", so the JavaScript can have variables for keeping the state you are asking about. The actual UI navigation from "page" to "page" is usually done by hiding and revealing DIVs.
Hence your WebService call results will be delivered (asynchronously) to some JavaScript function you define, and in the meantime your code can hide the login page and reveal the next page as required. The login data being held in JavaScript variabes.
All of this is simplified by using a framework such as AngularJS which abstracts the messy details of hiding and revealing and dealing with asynch delivery.

capturing a browser refreshed event using Selenium Web Driver

I am writing a program to automate link validations in a site. Our site is having more than 400 links per page and we need to open each link and see it is returning a valid page i.e 200, there are other requirements as well to check if the page is a 404 redirection page etc. It means to validate 400 inks it will take about 30 minutes or so.
My design is to integrate this with the Front-End (Selenium) automation in a way that each time the browser loads a new page or browser refreshes it will trigger a new thread by passing the page source for validating all the href available.
We are not following a page object model otherwise I could trigger this in my each page.
Question here is that is there any way we can listen to a browser refresh or page load event using Selenium Web Driver?
Correct me if I don't understand your question, but page_refresh and page_load_event can be two very different goals for you, if you are dealing with AJAX. You can try this article about the AJAX part
and this one for selenium custom events synchronization.
This solution here is the most actual I could find.
Actually Selenium is JS driver so this answers can be helpful if you want to try it too:

How do I get a Captcha off a website and display it in a picturebox using VB.NET?

In Visual Basic .NET is there a way to access a website/signup page and then get the Captcha and load it into a picturebox? How would I do it?
From your question, I can't tell if you are looking for a captcha plug-in or use a plug-in from another site. If you're looking for a plugin, try Recaptcha.
Trying to pull a the captcha image off of a site could be done in two ways, but it the captcha rotation were done correctly, it would no do you any good to be able to pull it off.
One way would be to just right-click on the image and reference that URL in your code. However, as stated previously, this would not be that reliable. The service that generates the image would rotate, and the image URL would be different on every refresh. In other words, the copied URL would only be good for the one time you copied/captured it via right-click or whatever. If the URL did not rotate, then that would be a security issue for the site which is why the image source is different on each refresh.
Another way would be to make a direct request to the page, scrape the content for the captcha image's source, and pull the source from the parsed content. The code for this would be fairly specific per page, and, with my limited knowledge, I can't think of a way to make a generic application to do so.
I don't know why you would want to do what you are wanting to do, unless this is a homework assignment, or you are up to no good.
Depends on the captcha service the website uses.
If the site uses reCAPTCHA, you would probably need to look for the image tag that has id "recaptcha_challenge_image" and display that image tag in a web browser control.
Here is the demo page I found: If the captcha itself is in a frame (or iframe), you will need to check the code in the frame itself.

POST a HTML Form programmatically?

I need to POST a HTML form to a 3rd party website (a Mass-SMS texting system).
In the past I've done this by forwarding to a page containing a form I've pre-populated and hidden (using display:none), then I've ran a javascript function at the end of the page to automatically submit this form.
However I'm hoping theres someway I can do all this programmatically (as I don't care about the response, and the user doesn't need to see the page the form is being posted to).
How can I do this? Cheers
You could use a WebClient.UploadValues method to send an HTTP POST request to a remote server from your code behind. Just fill up the name/value collection with the values coming from the hidden fields.
If you're willing to get into PHP, you can very easily use cURL for this.
Otherwise it's going to be quite difficult using just Javascript.
See here for a detailed tutorial.

How to load two websites in one page?

I don't want to use frame or iframe because most websites are busting it nowdays.
what are the possible methods to do this?
The intended behaviour is as if like two browser controls loaded in a website.
What is wrong with an iframe? What do you mean by busting (lots of websites are full of iframes)? You do not want to use iframes within an email but that is a different point!
The advantage is when people click on links within an iframe the content of the iframe gets refreshed, while if you pull the content of a webpage and then display it within a div the user will be moved on loosing the rest of the page.
you can pull it via script (PHP / curl) and display the code from there.
or you can use good old frames, although i wouldn't recommend it.
If you do not want frames, then another option is to do it server side - make your server access the pages and combine them into one response stream.
You can also so this client side using Javascript and DHTML
fopen() returns a file pointer:
$file = fopen("", "r");