Web service calls and proxy authentication in the real world - wcf

We are developing an app that consists of a web server that hosts a web service (amongst other things) and a client that will be communicating with that web service. Both the client app and the server are expected to be used within a corporate firewall. This application will be packaged up and deployed to organizations across the world—so it needs to be flexible enough to work in multiple types of environments.
My question revolves around web service authentication and what is appropriate for real world scenarios. I know some companies have proxy servers that require a separate authentication. How often is this a requirement across organizations? When does the proxy server force the user to authenticate (can you access internal sites without authenticating.. is the authentication for only external sites)?
Reason I ask these questions, is I’m not sure what kind of capability we should build into our client application for authentication to the web service. By default, we are taking the current user credentials and passing that up to the server. Do you think this is sufficient? In a case where a company will require some form of alternate authentication for internal access, this will not work. My question revolves around this last case—how often does it happen? Why would a company force alternate credentials for internal access?

Why not make it configurable? Further, use WCF and you have the ability to configure just about anything you might need, in most cases without changing your code.

If Internet Explorer can reach a site through the proxy server without prompting the user, your call to the web service should "just work". If the user is prompted by IE, you'll need to put together a way to fill in the proxy server authentication information.
I've run into quite a few problems getting web services rock solid, but never had a proxy server authentication issue.


Securing an internal WCF service

I need to find out what's the best way of securing a WCF web service I'm writing. The service will be hosted internally and will perform checks against Active Directory and a third party database.
The service will be called by a public-facing webpage on a different server (a sign up page) and nothing else will be able to access it (due to firewall rules). The web page will NOT require credentials to access it.
The service will take a username and another field and check to see if they're an existing AD user. If they are, it will check to see if they have a personal (non-work) email address in the third-party database. If not, it will ask them to specify one.
Website <-> Service <-> AD/Database.
If these firewall rules are in place, do I need to go about securing the service?
These codeplex application scenarios might help you configure what you're trying to achieve:
Internet – Web to Remote WCF Using Transport Security (Trusted Subsystem)
Intranet – Web to Remote WCF Using Transport Security (Trusted Subsystem, HTTP)
This guide is well put together defiantly something to look into it covers all situations including yours.

What restrictions does transport security with Windows authentication require?

I'm investigating using a WSHttpBinding in WCF with transport security and Windows authentication. However I'm having problems finding information on what restrictions using this applies to the server and client, i.e. domain membership of the machines or users and any restrictions that might apply in other areas.
If you use Windows Authentication then your service will authenticate against a single domain and it is fairly simple to setup. I believe you can setup a trust with other domains to allow them to windows authenticate as well but then you are opening up a door into a whole other level of complexity and/or security concerns.
Without knowning more about what the purpose of this service or how many domains (and how they are configured for access). I would probably consider using UserName Authentication which is also fairly simple to setup. This is a good link to get started on Custom Authentication.

Authenticating from a "child" application via CAS

I have a portal application that loads external content (widgets) via an iframe. Users login to CAS via the portal itself. There are a few portal APIs, though, that need to be called from that external content. What information do I have to pass from the portal to the widgets that the widgets can use to make these calls without being rejected by CAS?
The more I investigate, the more I think that my question boils down to how CAS actually does what it's supposed to do. In other words, how can I go from one site where I've authenticated to another and tell it that I've already done the authentication thing. What's the mechanism behind that and how can I employ in in a web context.
The portal scenario you describe is exactly what CAS' proxy ticketing was designed for. We use it with an iframe-based web portal system and it works fine.
The CAS proxy ticketing mechanism allows a client (your portal) to dish out service tickets to other clients (the widgets loaded in your portal's iframes). This saves your users a trip through the CAS server for each widget that their browser loads. Proxing is also useful if you're trying to use CAS for web service authentication (i.e. when one web service needs to connect to another CAS-protected web service).
Note though that for your purpose proxy ticketing isn't actually necessary. Your portal-iframe setup should work without it. But without proxy ticketing, each widget will have to go through the CAS server as it loads. At the very least this would slow down load times.
A while back I wrote a guide for setting up CAS proxy ticketing for RubyCAS-Client. The instructions are specific to the Ruby client, but they should give you a good overview of how CAS proxying works. Admittedly the implementation is a bit complicated -- mostly due to the "Proxy Granting Ticket" negotiation process:
(scroll down to the "How to act as a CAS proxy" section about 2/3rd down)
It looks like I may be asking CAS to do more than it's capable of doing. I've been thinking of it as an SSO engine where a given session can be passed around so that authentication only happens once. Instead, it seems that CAS is primary geared to be a centralized auth service (yes, I see the irony that this is what the acronym actually stands for). By handing authentication requests off to a central server, a single cookie can be read by that server. Stateless connections like APIs, then, cannot be validated this way.
It looks like CAS' proxy tickets may offer some hope, but I'm not ready to venture down that path just yet.

What is the best suited authentication technique for this scenario?

Please suggest me the best authentication way to implement in the scenario mentioned below:
The requirement is I have to deploy a WCF web service in multiple countries across the world.
NOTE : All the machines on which the service is deployed are on the same domain.
1.The clients that access this service should fall in the same domain else the authentication should fail.
Currently I am using Message Security mode using "Windows"
I am curous why you would want the domain to be the same if it needs to be deployed in different countries around the world. Unless you are talking about hosting the service on an internal network that is not publicly exposed, enforcing the same domain name might be difficult. Different countries have different domain standards. America has a much richer set of domain roots to choose from. Other countries often have a country specific root, possibly with a regional subroot.
I would not couple your service to the domain that hosts it, nor would I recommend using the domain as a factor in authentication. If your service needs to be publicly exposed on the internet in each of these countries, I would recommend using something other than Windows security. A Claims-based security mechanism might work best. Internally inside the service implementation, claims can be checked, and if necessary, the windows identity can be authenticated separately from WCF authentication. Claims also allow you to utilize more than just a username/password or certificate to fully authenticate and authorize a client request. You can request the callers domain, country, region, and other evidence be included in the claim, allowing you to verify that calls are being made from the appropriate location and by the appropriate clients with much more flexibility than with Windows authentication (and if you publicly expose your service, Windows authentication will likely not be available anyway.)
Since you are running on an intranet and assuming that your Windows application will connect directly to the service, I would go with Transport Security using Windows authentication.
For some guidance consult patterns & practices Improving Web Services Security Guide.
I still question whether or not you need authorization. If you go with Windows authentication without any authorization it will simplify your service but will allow any domain user to access your service whether or not they are using the Windows application. Granted, they would have to have knowledge of the endpoint and the message structure but it would still be possible for them to do.
If Windows authentication is really all that is required, I would still raise the authorization issue and document it (and get sign off if applicable). On the one hand this covers you but also makes people explicitly aware of the decision and the possible risks.

Enabling authentication between applications

I have a set of .NET applications running in a public web environment which connect to a centralized component made up of web pages and web services.
Is there any way to implement a security feature to make the centralized web pages be sure of the caller applications identity? Making a post and supplying a querystring parameter stating the caller application is a naive solution, someone can manually change it.
Any ideas? Tks in advance.
Assign secret keys to each client-server pair and use them to sign messages passed between client and server (using HMAC for example).
TLS/SSL/HTTP. You just need to enable client authentication. SSL is usually only used in the scenario where the server needs to be authenticated. But the server end can be configured to authenticate the client also. Digital certs need to be installed on both ends. This then uses all the appropriate crypto to do the job, ie. public authentication, establishment of secure channel, using Diffie-Hellman, RSA, AES/3DES, whatever you configure.
Take a look at this post. Good place to start.
Another option, perhaps have you look at OpenID?
The current situation:
Servers A, B, and C are trusted and controlled by you. A visitor comes to site A and views a page that sends data to site C, and the data contains something like "origin=A". We're concerned that the user will change that to "origin=B".
A simple fix:
You control all three servers, so let them communicate to verify incoming data. For example, A will change "origin=A" to "origin=A&token=12345", where the token value is random. The user tries to tamper with it and sends "origin=B&token=12345" to server C. C makes a trusted connection to B, saying "Did you send someone to me with token 12345?" B says "Nope" and C knows to reject the request.
This can be arbitrarily elaborate, depending on your needs and whether you're using https. Maybe tokens expire after a certain time period. Maybe they're tied to IP address. The point is that server C verifies any information that comes from the end user with servers A and B.
Are you asking about single-sign-on? (i.e. someone authenticated on AppA should also be able to use AppB and AppC without re-authenticating)
You can do this by configuring the machineKey for your apps so they can share asp.net authentication tokens.
The company I work for currently uses shared forms authentication cookies across the enterprise by using the same machine keys on each web server. However, this is not ideal if you wish to SSO across different domains and it's not very neat for windows app that need to come into the web farm to use the web service methods...
So, where we have to do this we are using SAML
But to clean this all up and make it more unified and more secure we are beginning to implement Geneva
If you communicate with the web services and web pages using http post, you avoid putting the info in a query string.
Send the data over https so that it cannot be tappered with.
You then need to make sure that the call is coming from your public web environment. One way of doing this is to use windows authentication, based on the identity of the application pool.
Take a look at this link: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/WCF/WCFBasicHttpBinding.aspx
It shows how to set up windows authentication for WCF basic http binding.
Maybe look at the HTTP REFERER field. Under certain conditions this may be treated as reliable. In particular: An A mimic site won't send users from A to C according to HTTP REFERER.