Adding update SQL queries - sql

I have a script that updates itself every week. I've got a warning from my hosting that I've been overloading the server with the script. The problem, I've gathered is that I use too many UPDATE queries (one for each of my 8000+ users).
It's bad coding, I know. So now I need to lump all the data into one SQL query and update it all at once. I hope that is what will fix my problem.
A quick question. If I add purely add UPDATE queries separated by a semicolon like this:
UPDATE table SET something=3 WHERE id=8; UPDATE table SET something=6 WHERE id=9;
And then update the database with one large SQL code as opposed to querying the database for each update, it will be faster right?
Is this the best way to "bunch" together UPDATE statements? Would this significantly reduce server load?

Make a delimited file with your values and use your equivalent of MySQL's LOAD DATA INFILE. This will be significantly faster than an UPDATE.
LOAD DATA INFILE '/path/to/myfile'
REPLACE INTO TABLE thetable(field1,field2, field3)
//optional field and line delimiters

Your best bet is to batch these statements by your "something" field:
UPDATE table SET something=3 WHERE id IN (2,4,6,8)
UPDATE table SET something=4 WHERE id IN (1,3,5,7)
Of course, knowing nothing about your requirements, there is likely a better solution out there...

It will improve IO since there is only one round trip, but the database "effort" will be the same.

A curiosity of SQL is that the following integer expression
(1 -abs(sign(A - B))) = 1 if A == B and 0 otherwise. For convenience lets call this expression _eq(A,B).
update table set something = 3*_eq(id,8) + 6* _eq(id,9)
where id in (8,9);
will do what you want with a single update statement.


Deleting in SQL using multiple conditions

Some background, I have a code column that is char(6). In this field, I have the values of 0,00,000,0000,000000,000000. It seems illogical but that's how it is. What i need to do is delete all rows that possess these code values. I know how to do it individually as such
delete from [dbo.table] where code='0'
delete from [dbo.table] where code='00'
and so on.
How does one do this one section of code instead of 6
Try this:
delete from [dbo.table] where code='0'
or code='00'
or code='000'
etc. You get the idea.
There can be more efficient ways when the set of vales gets larger, but your 5 or 6 values is still quite a ways from that.
If your list grows long, or if your table is significantly larger than can reside in cache, you will likely see a significant performance gain by storing your selection values into an indexed temporary table and joining to it.
It strongly depends on your DBMS, but I suggest to use regular expressions. For example, with MySQL you just need simple query like this:
delete from dbo.table where code regexp '(0+)'
For most of popular DBMS you can do the same, but syntax may be various
I can't test it right now, but the following should work:
DELETE FROM dbo.table WHERE CONVERT(int, code) = 0
edit- Just thought of another way, that should be safer:
DELETE FROM dbo.table WHERE LEN(code) > 0 AND LEFT(code + '0000000000', 10) = '0000000000'

Replace SQL User defined Function with Set operation to Update

I have a table say, TestTable which has columns StartDate, 1stDeliveryDate, DeliveryFrequency, HolidayCalenderId(which links to other table calender).
Now i have to add a column FinalDeliveryDate which needs some calulation using the other fields mentioned above.I have managed to write a Function which does the calculations and updates the field. The final query to update looks something like,
Update TestTable
Set FinalDeliveryDate = dbo.GetCalculatedFinalDeliveryDate(StartDate, 1stDeliveryDate, HolidayCalenderId)
WHere dbo.GetCalculatedFinalDeliveryDate(StartDate, 1stDeliveryDate, HolidayCalenderId) >= GETDATE
This example above is just to explain the scenario how the function is used. Now the size of TestTable is increasing rapidly as the business is growing. I am worried about performance as the query needs to run quite frequently and on all the rows in the test table. Just to clarify, I am a developer and not a DBA, but after researching about functions, I know its best to avoid them in Select and Where clause. If possible can someone point me in the right direction for how to remove this function and do a set operation to update the rows.. I am not able to think of any other way to replace this fucntion..

Search and replace part of string in database - what are the pitfalls?

I need to replace all occurrences "" that are met in the SQL db table Column1 with "newurl". It can be a full cell value, a part of it (substring of varchar()), can be met even several times in a cell.
Based on SO answer search-and-replace-part-of-string-in-database
this is what I need:
Column1 = Replace(Column, '', 'newurl')
However, in that answer it is mentioned that
You will want to be extremely careful when doing this! I highly recommend doing a backup first.
What are the pitfalls of doing this query? Looks like it does the same what any texteditor would do by clicking on Replace All button. I don't think it is possible in my case to check the errors even with reserve copy as I would like to know possible errors in advance.
Any reasons to be careful with this query?
Again, I expect it replaces all occurences of with 'newurl' in the Column1 of MyTable table in the SQL db.
Thank you.
Just create a test table, as a replica of your original source table, complete the update on there and check results.
You would want to do this as good SQL programming practice to ensure you don't mess up columns that should not be updated.
Another thing you can do is get a count of the records before hand that fit the criteria using a SELECT statement.
Run your update statement and if it's a 1-1 match on count, you should be good to go.
The only thing i can think of that would happen negatively in this respect is that additional columns get updated. Your WHERE clause is not specific for us to see, so there's no way to validate that what you're doing will do what you expect it to.
I think the person posting the answer is just being cautious - This will modify the value in Column1 for every row in MyTable, so make sure you mean it when you execute. Another way to be cautious would be to wrap it in a transaction so you could roll it back if you don't like the results.

Large number of UPDATE queries slowing down page

I am reading and validating large fixed-width text files (range from 10-50K lines) that are submitted via our website (coded in VB.Net). I do an initial scan of the file to check for basic issues (line length, etc). Then I import each row into a MS SQL table. Each DB rows basically consists of a record_ID (Primary, auto-incrementing) and about 50 varchar fields.
After the insert is done, I run a validation function on the file that checks each field in each row based on a bunch of criteria (trimmed length, isnumeric, range checks, etc). If it finds an error in any field, it inserts a record into the Errors table, which has an error_ID, the record_ID and an error message. In addition, if the field fails in a particular way, I have to do a "reset" on that field. A reset might consist of blanking the entire field, or simply replacing the value with another value (e.g. replacing the string with a new one that has all illegals chars taken out).
I have a 5,000 line test file. The upload, initial check, and import takes about 5-6 seconds. The detailed error check and insert into the Errors table takes about 5-8 seconds (this file has about 1200 errors in it). However, the "resets" part takes about 40-45 seconds for 750 fields that need to be reset. When I comment out the resets function (returning immediately without actually calling the UPDATE stored proc), the process is very fast. With the resets turned on, the pages take 50 seconds to return.
My UPDATE stored proc is using some recommended code from, whereby it uses CASE instead of dynamic SQL:
UPDATE dbo.Records
SET dbo.Records.file_ID = CASE #field_name WHEN 'file_ID' THEN #field_value ELSE file_ID END,
. (all 50 varchar field CASE statements here)
WHERE dbo.Records.record_ID = #record_ID
Is there any way I can help my performance here. Can I somehow group all of these UPDATE calls into a single transaction? Should I be reworking the UPDATE query somehow? Or is it just sheer quantity of 750+ UPDATEs and things are just slow (it's a quad proc server with 8GB ram).
Any suggestions appreciated.
Don't do this in sql; fix the data up in code, then do you updates.
If you have sql 2008, then look into table-value parameters. It enables you to pass an entire table as a parameter to a s'proc. From their you just have the one insert/update or merge statement
If your looping through the lines and doing individual updates/inserts this can be really expensive... Consider using SqlBulkCopy which can speed up all your inserts. Similarly, you can create a DataSet, make your updates on the dataset and then submit them all in one shot through a SqlDataAdapter.
I believe you are doing 50 case statements on every update. Sounds like that would be slow.
It is possible to solve this problem with inject proof code via parameterized querys and a string constant table.
Quick and dirty example code.
string [] queryList = { "UPDATE records SET col1 = {val} WHERE ID={key}",
"UPDATE records SET col2 = {val} WHERE ID={key}",
"UPDATE records SET col3 = {val} WHERE ID={key}",
"UPDATE records SET col50 = {val} WHERE ID={key}"}
Then in your call to SQL you just pick the item in the array corresponding to the col you want to update and set the value and key for the parameterized items.
I'm guessing you will see a significant improvement... let me know how it goes.
Um. Why are you inserting numeric data into VARCHAR fields then trying to run numeric checks on it? This is yucky.
Apply correct data typing and constraints to your table, do the INSERT, and see if it failed. SQL Server will happily report errors back to you.
I would try changing the recovery model to simple and look at my indexes. Kimberly Tripp did a session showing a scenario with improved performance using a heap.

SQL to search and replace in mySQL

In the process of fixing a poorly imported database with issues caused by using the wrong database encoding, or something like that.
Anyways, coming back to my question, in order to fix this issues I'm using a query of this form:
UPDATE table_name SET field_name =
And thus, if the table I'm working on has multiple columns I have to call this query for each of the columns. And also, as there is not only one pair of things to run the find and replace on I have to call the query for each of this pairs as well.
So as you can imagine, I end up running tens of queries just to fix one table.
What I was wondering is if there is a way of either combine multiple find and replaces in one query, like, lets say, look for this set of things, and if found, replace with the corresponding pair from this other set of things.
Or if there would be a way to make a query of the form I've shown above, to run somehow recursively, for each column of a table, regardless of their name or number.
Thank you in advance for your support,
Let's try and tackle each of these separately:
If the set of replacements is the same for every column in every table that you need to do this on (or there are only a couple patterns), consider creating a user-defined function that takes a varchar and returns a varchar that just calls replace(replace(#input,'search1','replace1'),'search2','replace2') nested as appropriate.
To update multiple columns at the same time you should be able to do UPDATE table_name SET field_name1 = replace(field_name1,...), field_name2 = replace(field_name2,...) or something similar.
As for running something like that for every column in every table, I'd think it would be easiest to write some code which fetches a list of columns and generates the queries to execute from that.
I don't know of a way to automatically run a search-and-replace on each column, however the problem of multiple pairs of search and replace terms in a single UPDATE query is easily solved by nesting calls to replace():
UPDATE table_name SET field_name =
If you have multiple replaces of different text in the same field, I recommend that you create a table with the current values and what you want them replaced with. (Could be a temp table of some kind if this is a one-time deal; if not, make it a permanent table.) Then join to that table and do the update.
Something like:
update t1
set field1 = t2.newvalue
from table1 t1
join mycrossreferncetable t2 on t1.field1 = t2.oldvalue
Sorry didn't notice this is MySQL, the code is what I would use in SQL Server, my SQL syntax may be different but the technique would be similar.
I wrote a stored procedure that does this. I use this on a per database level, although it would be easy to abstract it to operate globally across a server.
I would just paste this inline, but it would seem that I'm too dense to figure out how to use the markdown deal, so the code is here: