WCF, SubSonic SimpleRepository and multithreading - wcf

I'm currently in the process of writing a WCF REST service with SubSonic SimpleRepository and the WCF REST Contrib library. The service is going to be hosted on IIS 7. The database is going to be MS SQL Server. I could not really find a good example which is using this combination of technologies on the internet. The service should expose a database in a RESTful manner but also contains some business rules (e.g. registering users, saving statistics) so I can't use ADO.net Data Services. Because there are going to be a lot of clients accessing the service at the same time it's important that the service can serve several clients at the same time.
For good performance I want to use the following service behaviour:
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode=InstanceContextMode.PerSession, ConcurrencyMode=ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)]
There are no instance variables in the Service class and as I understand it, those attribute values cause new a instance of the service class to be created for every call (not per session because it is called over https).
I used the following simple class for creating the SimpleRepository once (singleton):
public class DB
private static SimpleRepository _Repository;
public static SimpleRepository Repository
if (_Repository == null)
_Repository = new SimpleRepository("5Drive", SimpleRepositoryOptions.RunMigrations);
return _Repository;
Here is an example method of my service:
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "vehicles")]
Vehicles GetVehicles();
public Vehicles GetVehicles()
// get all vehicles for the logged in user
var vehicles = from v in DB.Repository.All<Vehicle>()
where v.UserID == GetUserID()
orderby v.Name
select v;
return new Vehicles(vehicles);
So, here is my question: can I do it this way? Is SimpleRepository thread-safe? Do I have to create a SimpleRepository in every method instead of using a singleton? What about performance when I do that? I looked at the SimpleRepository source code and I think that the migration code is not thread safe because the "private readonly List migrated;" is not synchronized but I might be wrong.
Maybe I'm missing something and I can just ignore multi-threading and configure IIS differently?
Thanks for your help!


How to configure AutoMapper 9.0 in IIS hosted WCF application

I want to use AutoMapper 9.0 in a WCF project containing several services that will be hosted in IIS. I've only found one other related SO question but its dealing with a 10 year old version of AutoMapper and is not asking the same question. Its answer is similar to the top hits on Google which suggest using a ServiceBehavior but that doesn't seem applicable when I want multiple services to use the same mapper. The defense rests.
In a web project, you might create a static MapperConfiguration in the Global.asax when the application starts, but WCF doesn't have a Global.asax. It looks like there are a few options for executing initialization code in WCF:
Include an AppInitialize() method in the App_Code folder. This will be dynamically compiled at runtime and people have complained that it can have missing reference issues in IIS so I'm not confident AutoMapper or its dependencies will be found once deployed to IIS.
Create a custom ServiceHost. This seems like it would execute once when the application starts, but also looks like it ignores the web.config configuration, which I don't want.
Use the Configure method per service. This has the same drawback as #2 and also I become concerned with thread safety (as in the ServiceBehavior approach) since two services could try to initialize the MapperConfiguration at once.
I considered just creating a class with a static property that would create a static MapperConfiguration or IMapper instance if it was not already created, but as in #3, I'm worried this may not be thread safe. Maybe if I did something like this?
public static class MapperConfig
private static IMapper _modelMapper;
private static readonly object _mapperLocker = new object();
public static IMapper ModelMapper
if (_modelMapper == null)
var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.AddProfile(new MappingProfile1()));
_modelMapper = config.CreateMapper();
return _modelMapper;
Where two services may call ModelMapper simultaneously. Another downside of this is the first request to any service will have to wait for the mapping to compile, but I'm not sure I can get away from that. I definitely don't want it compiling the mappings per call and would prefer not to even have to do it per service. Can you advise on the thread safety of MapperConfiguration and the best way to use it in IIS-hosted WCF?

How do you inject wcf client dependencies in a ViewModel and keep it testable?

What is a good and testable way to implement the dependency between the ViewModels and the WCF services in a MVVM client?
Please read the rest of the question for more details about the problems I encountered while trying to do this:
I am working on a silverlight client that connects to a wcf service, and I want to write unit tests for the client.
So I'm looking for a good solution for using the wcf clients in my ViewModels and testing that interaction. I have found two solutions until now:
Solution 1: This is actually how I have implemented it until now:
public class ViewModelExample
public ViewModelExample(IServiceClient client)
client.DoWorkCompleted += ..
//This is how the interface looks like
public interface IServiceClient
event EventHandler<AsyncCompletedEventArgs> DoWorkCompleted;
void DoWorkAsync();
//I was able to put the interface on the generated clients because they are partial classes, like this:
public partial class GeneratedServiceClient : IServiceClient
The good part: it's relatively easy to mock
The bad part: my service client lives as long as my ViewModel, and when I have concurrent requests I don't know which answer belongs to which request.
Solution 2: Inspired by this answer
WCF Service Client Lifetime.
public class ViewModelExample
public ViewModelExample(IServiceFactory factory)
var client = factory.CreateClient();
client.DoWorkCompleted += ...
The good part: each request is on a different client, so no more problems with matching requests with answers.
The bad part: it's more difficult to test. I would have to write mocks for both the factory and the wcf client every time. This is not something I would like to do, since I alreay have 200 tests... :(
So my question is, how do you guys do it? How do your ViewModels talk to the wcf services, where do you inject the dependency, and how do you test that interaction?
I feel that I'm missing something..
Try having a Func<IServiceClient> injected into your VM instead of the a client instance; you'll have a 'language-level factory' injected instead of building a class for this. In the factory method you can instantiate your client however you want (each access could create a new instance for that for example).
The downside is that you'll still have to touch your tests for the most part, but I assume it will be less work:
public ViewModelExample(Func<IServiceClient> factoryMethod)
var client = factoryMethod();
client.DoWorkCompleted += ...
The WCF service should have it's own tests that confirm the functionality of itself.
You should then be mocking this WCF service and writing unit tests within your consumers.
Unfortunately, it's a pain and something we all have to do. Be pragmatic and get it done, it will save you getting bitten in the future.
Are you using IoC container by a chance? If you had, this problem would be totally mitigated by container (you'll simply register IService dependency to be created as brand new upon each request).
If that's not the case, then
I would have to write mocks for both the factory and the wcf client every time
is how you deal with this kind of "problems". The cost is relatively small, probably 2-3 extra lines of code per test (all you have to do is setup factory mock to return service mock, which you do need either way).

WCF Proxy Pool/Manager

My application needs to comunicate with several external WCF services to satisfy requests from client applications. Being itself a WCF service, it must of course be able to process several simultaneous requests. That being, and since I will be acessing more than one service, I thought about grouping clients in the following manner:
public static class ClientManager
private static readonly Service1Client _service1Client = new Service1Client();
private static readonly Service2Client _service2Client = new Service2Client();
public static Service1Client Service1DefaultClient { get { return _service1Client; } }
public static Service2Client Service2DefaultClient { get { return _service2Client; } }
Then, from the remaining of the code, I would only need to execute
The idea is to create a central place to better manage WCF clients. However, I don't really know if this design is the most appropriate one for a service which will be issuing several requests at the same time to Service1DefaultClient and Service2DefaultClient. What do you suggest? Creating a more complex client pool with several proxies from each service to choose from?
Having static client proxies doesn't look like a good idea to me.
If ClientBase instance transitions to the Faulted state, it becomes unusable and you have to re-create it.
If you have a stateful service, session lifetime will be the same as lifetime of a client proxy object, which is very long in your case.
Depending on your binding settings, ClientBase may serialize concurrent calls made on the same proxy instance. In your case, this may strongly affect performance.
I just don't see what problem does this solve.
Proxies are relatively lightweight because of the ChannelFactory caching, so I would just create a new instance every time it is needed.

Switching between in-memory and WCF service?

Imagine I have the following, standard WCF, code :
interface ICustomerService {
Customer GetCustomer();
public ICustomerService {
public Customer GetCustomer()
return MyStore.WhatIsNeeded();
This is working well and allows me to distribute the service and the consuming code.
Is it possible (and is it a good idea) to completely bypass the WCF engine if working in a single box ?
In fact, I want the app to be able to run on farm servers, or on small single box servers.
To reduce WCF messaging cost, I'd like to have something like :
ICustomerService service = null;
service = new CustomerService(); // Direct instanciation of the service class. No WCF here ...
service = new CustomerServiceClient(); // Wcf client
var cust = service.GetCustomer();
If wrapped properly, can this technique reduce server charge ?
That won't work because the client will be attempting to access an endpoint for a service that no longer is exposing one. The WCF plumbing is required for the both the service and the client. For single box scenarios, look at the NetNamedPipeBinding which is the WCF plumbing done through the equivalent of shared memory.
This will surely reduce the overhead of WCF runtime. I'd create a factory class which will check if(singlebox) and new up the right implementation of ICustomerService.

wcf exposing generics

I have an application where client and server share types, and interoperability is not one of our concerns. I am planning to have a single repository for all web enabled objects, and i was thinking of a generic interface for my exposed service.
something like T GetObject(int id)
but wcf doesnt like it since its trying to expose its schema (which i dont really care about)
is it possible to do such a thing with WCF ?, i can use any type of binding doesnt have to be httpbinding or wsbinding...
No, you can't. Whether or not you want or need interoperability, the most basic foundation of WCF is message exchange.
The client send the server a message and gets back a response. That message is all that passes between client and server, and needs to be serializable into a XML or binary format. That's why any data being passed around must be atomic (like int, string) or a DataContract - a description for the WCF service stack about how to serialize and deserialize such objects.
You cannot pass any interfaces, or other "trickery" - all that goes between client and server must be expressable in XML schema, basically.
So I'm afraid what you're trying to achieve is quite contrary to what WCF offers. The world and paradigms of SOA (Service-Oriented Apps) are quite different and not always 100% in sync with the idea and mechanisms of OOP.
I suppose this is possible, though I'm not sure you'd want this. I'd take the following approach (untested, not sure if it works). First create the following project structure in your solution:
ServiceImplementations (references ServiceInterfaces and ModelClasses)
Host (references ServiceInterfaces and ServiceImplementations)
Client (references ServiceInterfaces and ModelClasses)
In ServiceInterfaces you have an interface like this (I skipped the namespaces, etc to make the example shorter):
public interface IMyService<T>
T GetObject(int id);
In ServiceImplementations you have a class that implements IMyService<T>:
public class MyService<T> : IMyService<T>
T GetObject(int id)
// Create something of type T and return it. Rather difficult
// since you only know the type at runtime.
In Host you have the correct configuration for your service in an App.config (or Web.config) file and the following code to host your service (given that it is a stand-alone app):
ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(MessageManager.MessageManagerService))
And finally in Client you use a ChannelFactory<TChannel> class to define a proxy:
Binding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(); // For the example, could be another binding.
EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:8000/......");
IMyService<string> myService =
ChannelFactory<IMyService<string>>.CreateChannel(binding, address);
string myObject = myService.GetObject(42);
Again, I'm not sure if this works. The trick is to share your service interfaces (in ServiceInterfaces) and domain model objects (in ModelClasses) between the host and the client. In my example I use a string to return from the service method but it could be any data contract type from the ModelClasses project.
You CAN DO that if you use ServiceKnownTypesDiscovery.
For example:
[ServiceKnownType("GetKnownTypes", typeof(ServiceKnownTypesDiscovery))]
public interface ISomeService
object Request(IRequestBase parameters);
where GetKnownTypes could be declared like so:
public static class ServiceKnownTypesDiscovery
public static IEnumerable<Type> GetKnownTypes(ICustomAttributeProvider provider)
var types = new List<Type>();
foreach (var asmFile in Directory.GetFiles(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.RelativeSearchPath ?? AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "*.dll"))
Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(asmFile);
types.AddRange(asm.GetTypes().Where(p=> Attribute.IsDefined(p,typeof(DataContractAttribute))));
return types;
In this case everything declared with [DataContract] (as long as they are discoverable on the server AND the client side) can be serialized.
I hope this helped!
Following the previous example, you could declare a DataContract with an object as DataMember. Then you could add an extension method to get and set a generic type on the object data member. You could also make this internal, this way you would be obliged to use the extension methods to get and set the value.
Of course, it only works if you generate the client using svcutil (or Visual Studio) and you reference the assembly containing the data contract and the class with the extensions methods.
Hope this helps...