Sql Server 2000 trigger that references a Sql Server 2008 database fails - sql

We have a Sql Server 2000 database application that needs to update our applications Sql Server 2008 database when certain tables are changed. For this, we use a trigger on the Sql 2000 server that fires a stored procedure on our Sql 2008 server. When trying it from SMSS, I get this message:
The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction.
Our application used to use a Sql Server 2005 database, but we upgraded servers this weekend. The linked server objects have the same configuration as on the old server. Here is my DTC configuration. Is there anything else that could go wrong?
dtc configuration http://yourcls.com/dtc-configuration.png

Google came up with this knowledge base article for me. From your screenshot, it looks like you've got DTC configured right (though I'm skimming, definitely double check it). Have you checked your firewall settings?

It turns out the same DTC security configuration window on our Sql 2000 server did not have any network DTC access enabled. This apparently worked just fine with our old server, but when we upgraded to Server 2008 and Sql Server 2008, this needed to be enabled on BOTH servers. It is a mystery.


Connect to Azure Database from SQL Server

I am connecting to an Azure hosted SQL Server using SSMS and am getting an error I can't track down. This happens when I open the connection and try to select a database to use or try to refresh the database list.
Reference to database and/or server name in 'msdb.dbo.syspolicy_configuration' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
For the best experience with Azure SQL Database please download for free the latest version of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). Please download it from here.
The latest version of SSMS is compatible also with SQL Server 2008 and later.
SSMS 2012 is not compatible with many changes and improvements Azure SQL Database has received the last 6 years.

Downgrade from SQL Server 2014 Express to SQL Server 2012 Express

I had SQL Server 2012 Express installed on my PC at work, but we received a file from a client the was created in SQL Server 2014. Please keep in mind, I am newbie, and I only made this mistake about 7 months ago
I tried to install SQL Server 2014 Express as another instance on my PC along with SQL Server 2012. After noticing that my new SQL Server instance did not work and my old SQL Server did not work, I looked online and found that what I did was a step up from what an ape would do. Always read before attempting an install.
After un-installing SQL Server 2014 I tried to relaunch SQL Server 2012, but it would not connect to my instance that I was able to just before.
I now get this error:
Cannot connect to STID02\SQLEXPRESS.
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)
I have also read this thread Can't connect to SQL Server 2014 Express and found that the SQL Server service is stopped and I cannot start it, and the SQL Server Agent Service is stopped and won't start either.
I have not been effected by this until recently, I need to do some testing with DB's but I need my local instance to do the testing. I would appreciate any advice, as I am still new to SQL Server and most computer related things I would be very thankful to those how can dumb it down extremely low.
Thank you -Anthony
In short, uninstall everything, then reinstall the version you want to use.
Some configuration files must have been overwritten by SQL Server 2014. Don't worry, it can be fixed.
First: do you need any of your existing databases? I assume not as you haven't been using SQL Server for the last 7 months. If you do need some of the databases you'll find the .mdf, .ldf files in you SQL Server installation folder somewhere in the DATA folder.
Then: Uninstall SQL Server 2012 - note that since you've corrupted your current installation it might happen that some registry entries will be bad and/or services or libraries won't be removed. In that case fix the registry entries using some tool, like CCleaner, and try again to remove those programs/services.
Last step: reinstall whichever version you want. If you needed your previous databases overwriting the new mdf/ldf files should do the trick (of course while the server is not running). You can check the server's state from the SQL Server Configuration Manager or from Services.

No UI dialogs in MS Azure / SQL Server Management Studio

Recently, I purchased a licence for a Microsoft Azure SQL Server 2012 (packet "S0" - Standard, 250 GB)
When I connect with SQL Server Management Studio 2012 to this database, then all the user interface dialogs for creating tables, setting up users, etc. are gone.
You can only script and execute pure SQL statements.
Even the table editor is gone, so you even cannot edit the data in a table!
If I connect to a local database, then everything works. So the problem must be related to the Azure Database. Can anyone help ?
If this is Azure SQL Database, then keep in mind that this is not the same as SQL Server 2012 although you can use the same tools to connect to it. This behavior is therefore correct and normal. If you have installed or used an image for SQL Server on a VM then you should have everything as you expect.

Umbraco migration from SQL Server 2012 to SQL Server 2008 R2

I need to migrate from my home SQL Server 2012 Express server to SQL Server 2008 instance at my hoster.
I tried to save backup my server and restore db on hosters server, but server threw exception about SQL Server version compatibility.
Then I have gone to another way and installed on my server SQL Server 2008 R2 (v10.50). In Management Studio, I have connected to both servers and I have made export data from SQL Server 2012 to SQL Server 2008 R2. Exporting was successful and I was happy.
Then I have edited my web.config and IIS settings for my site. I have opened my website and logined to umbraco. All was well, but after I have edited my doctype and clicked save. Umbraco has shown me the YSOD page. With text similar to this:
Can`t insert value NULL in column "id" the table "MyTable.dbo.umbracoLog"; in column denied values NULL. Error in INSERT.
I can`t understand how to fix this problem.
P.S.: I can`t attach photo because my karma is too low, but I can write links. This is the screenshot of YSOD. It is write on Russian =)
Regards, Anton (Siberia)
You need to generate scripts and data inserts for your target database version (2008). See the following post for details:
How do I generate insert statements with Sql server 2012?

problem in connecting studio management to sql server

I had installed SQL Server 2008, but faced some complications with that. I then installed SQL Server 2005, and now installed SQL Server Management Studio for SQL Server 2005 successfully.
I am not able to connnect to the server name it suggests.
TITLE: Connect to Server
Cannot connect to POONAM-C586A95C\SQLEXPRESS.
This version of Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express can only be used to connect to SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 servers. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.ConnectionDlg)
It doesn't show any other option of SQL Server name, though I changed the name as I remembered but for no good.
How can this be solved?
It sounds as if you're trying to connect to the 2008 instance with the 2005 SSMS. It's not clear whether you un-installed the 2008 instance.
Suggest installing the SQL Server 2008 SSMS.
Confirm/modify as needed that you're running the SQL Server instance that you require. This will show you which instances are available.
I would also check to make sure that you're connecting to the correct port. I'm come across a similar error before and the solution was to specify the port to connect to, i.e.