Objective C subclass that overrides a method in the superclass - objective-c

In Objective C, if you are subclassing something, and are planning to override a method on the superclass, should you re-declare the superclass method in your subclass #interface?
For example, if you are subclassing UIViewController (e.g. MyViewController), and you are planning to override "viewDidLoad" should you include that method in your MyViewController #interface declaration, or just implement it in MyViewController.m?
In examples I've come across, I've seen it done both ways (re-declaring the method in your subclass interface, or not re-declaring the method). There may not be any functional difference, but what is the best practice?

I often declare methods that I plan to override in either the public header or at least in a private category. The benefit to this is that you'll get an incomplete class definition warning if you forget to actually override the method... which comes in handy from time to time.
As for when to place it in the public header, that's pretty subjective and probably up to you/your team's coding styles. I usually only redeclare a method in the public header if I plan to radically change what the method is going to do or if I plan not to invoke the super class's version of the method.

People often use the header as documentation for the class (and tools like AutoDoc support this). Obviously, if you're following that convention, the only sensible choice is to include redefined methods so you can explain what you've done with them. Otherwise your docs for the class are either incomplete or scattered to the four corners of the earth.
But if we're just copy-pasting the declaration, I don't personally like to redeclare methods. It's not DRY and it bloats your header unnecessarily. Less code is better code.


objective-c override system method

I find a c++ system method causes crash in ios and I try to swizzle the method. However, I do not how to do that because it's a method of a c++ class. Anyone know whether can I do that?
Method swizzling is unique to objective-c (and even there one has to use it carefully), and is not applicable to c++.
I suppose that you don't have access to the source code of the c++ class.
Then the only way to "exchange" the implementation of a method at a specific c++-class is to derive a subclass, override the method, and then make sure that the subclass is used instead of the other class. It is still unlikely that you have a chance; the method being not virtual, the class to be replaced being used in non-polymorphic ways, the class to be replaced already having several subclasses, each of these points will prevent you from being successful.
Good luck though!

Protected variables with modern objective-C?

I feel that modern Objective-C encourages using instance variables as properties for memory management and key-value observation. That works fine, and I'm using interface inside implementation file for private variables, like this:
#interface MyClass ()
#property NSObject* myVar;
However, how can I make protected variables? In case above, my subclasses won't be able to see properties declared like that. I can go iVar route, but then it feels off with the rest of the code if private variables are declared like above and protected are iVars.
I've read this solution: Workaround to accomplish protected properties in Objective-C, but it seems to overcomplicate code too much.
Your best option is to use a category in a second header file, e.g. MyClass_protected.h, and include it in the main class and subclasses, as suggested in the solution you link. It's really quite straightforward, not "overcomplicated" at all, just one additional file.
Objective-C has very strong introspection characteristics. No matter how or where you declare a property (or any other function, for that matter), you can access it from anywhere. You will get a compiler warning unless the code you're writing can see the corresponding declaration or implementation (unless you use an introspective method like one of the performSelector... family). The only reasons for the interface are name-safety, type-safety, and preventing compiler warnings. Therefore, you have a few options:
The main class interface
You get implementation safety (i.e. the compiler will give a warning if you don't implement a method). However, every class (that imports yours) will see the methods. You can use a comment to indicate that the method should be protected, but of course no one will see it unless they check the source. I most often use this when I'm the only programmer on a project, as I know what should be protected and what shouldn't.
A category in the same .h file
As above, programmers won't see it's protected unless they check the source, but if they do it will be much more obvious. If you declare this in a named category (#interface MyClass (protected)) you lose type safety, but it's even more clear what you intend. I most often use this to emulate abstract methods - i.e. explicitly not implementation-safe, but should be visible to everyone.
A category in the subclass's .m file directly
It's a bad idea, don't do it. You do only see the methods in the subclass, but you lose implementation safety and it really just feels wrong. I have only ever used this for unit tests, and I eventually migrated those to a separate header.
A category in a separate header (MyClass_protected.h)
The preferred solution, and the closest Objective-C can get to protected methods. It's just one more file, seriously, don't get your panties in a bunch over that. You can use the class extension (they are anonymous categories) and you won't lose implementation safety. It's only visible to classes that include it, which should only be subclasses; the fact that the contained methods are intended to be used as protected should be obvious to all but the most incompetent programmers because of the header name.

Why do I need a class extension to make a method private?

I've been reading a little bit about this and what I don't understand is why people adds class extensions to make a method private.
Wouldn't it suffice to just leave it out from the header file?
It looks to me to be enough, but I might be missing a bigger point?
Short answer: now (as of Xcode 4.4, I think), you don't. Reason: you don't need to forward declare methods. Put your private methods in your .m file, and you're done.
Previously (Xcode 4.3 and older), you had to forward declare your methods before you could call them. Because you already declared the class in the .h file, you can't declare it again in the .m file, so a class extension is the way to add methods to an already declared class.
Edit: as #Yar mentioned above (and below), a private method in a .m file that isn't declared would not be visible to subclasses of that class, meaning it would be impossible for that subclass to call or override that method. Still, I'd be inclined to just not bother declaring it, unless/until you end up with a subclass that needs to override or call it. For me this happens pretty infrequently.
It would be sufficient to leave it out of the header file, but then your subclasses don't know it's there, either. This means that you get a compiler error if you try to call these private methods. This is why you use an external file that is a class extension, and all subclasses import that extension in the .m file.
Obviously, this situation is not ideal because you get three files for each class, minimum, but the joy of Objective-C is about making LOTS of files and not worry about it. If you are scared to make files, you will end up with big classes, which is an anti-pattern.
One problem is naming the class extension file, since it's a category with no, um, category. I've been using a scheme like Blah4Subclasses, which is probably about as bad a suggestion as you'll get.
the class continuation has nothing to do with access, wrt the translation. the objc language does not specify access for methods. so it's a relatively weak private. what people end up falling back on is the ability to hide method declarations in their implementation file.
the important point to take away is that the class continuation is generally only visible to your class (because it is often placed in the *.m file). this pattern reduces the likelihood of a private method's use because it is not visible to the client, or to the compiler (in translations other than the one which contains the class' #implementation in the typical structure).
also note that the class continuation is capable of a lot -- so it's a convenient place to store your private #interface; properties, ivars, methods.
lastly, it is also a habit from earlier days, because it was a more frequent necessity. not too long ago, the declaration was added so the compiler knew the object responded to a specific selector, and the signature of that selector. because clang parses the entire #implementation block these days, many people find they do not need the declarations in the class continuation because the compiler can match methods seen in the #implementation, regardless of order of declaration.
You can add #private in your .h file.

Is it necessary to implement all initializers for NSTextFieldCell subclass?

As per the docs, I have created a custom subclass of NSTextFieldCell with the sole purpose of overriding the method setUpFieldEditorAttributes:.
The docs don't mention any initializers for NSTextFieldCell's or its super class NSActionCell, but the documentation for NSCell explicitly mentions:
When subclassing NSCell you must implement all of the designated
initializers. Those methods are: init, initWithCoder:, initTextCell:,
and initImageCell:.
Now, since I don't really do anything in the custom subclass, except override an explicit override point in the Cocoa class, is there really any point in creating 4(!) initializers which only call their super class implementations?
Due to the verbose nature of the init... methods in Objective-C, this would quintuple the lines of code in the implementation, the number of comments to write (and read, for people into that sort of thing) and generally maintain.
I know that I could just have created those methods in the time it took me to write this, but I genuinely wonder if the existence of a method that just calls super makes any difference?
Edited to add:
I misread the NSTextFieldCell docs, which also state that all of the designated initializers must be implemented, but the question still stands - do 3 (init somehow disappeared as a designated initializer down the inheritance chain) initializers that just call super really make any difference?
In Apple's "DragNDropOutlineView" sample code, they implement "ImageAndTextCell", a custom subclass of NSTextFieldCell.
In it, the only initializer they override is
-(id) init
NSTextFieldCell apparently handles the others for you.
And, as you state, overriding a superclass's methods simply to call the superclass is a waste of time, as the runtime will do that if you don't override it anyway.

About methods overriding a method in the superclass without implementation

I have a class with several subclasses.
They all override a class method, but I don't have a specific implementation for the method in the superclass.
Since I can't just declare it in the interface but I need to implement it as well (to avoid debugger warnings), I was wondering if I can just provide empty implementations of the method in the superclass.
The reason why I'm adding the methods definitions to the superclass is that I've a multi-target project, the current application delegate is considered with the specific overridden method:
[(GenericDelegate *)[NSApp delegate] myMethod];
Yes, this is a perfect normal practice. In fact, it has a name: a "Template Method." You search for that in the Cocoa documentation.
You will find that Apple also does it occasionally in their own code. The drawRect: method in UIView is the first one that comes to mind.
So, anyway, yes, if it suits your needs, I would go ahead and do it. Just make sure that you think through whether or not, for example, a protocol wouldn't suit your needs better.
There are other options as well. Check out the answer/discussion over here: Does Objective-C have something like C++ virtual functions?
All methods are virtual in objective c, "pure" virtual (as in C++) function don't exist and hence the equivalent methods in objective c need an empty implementation in the superclass, just to silence the compiler warning (I don't think there is any other way to do so). There is nothing wrong with that. This post is related to your question.