NHibernate HybridSessionBuilder, how to switch hibernate cfg based upon url values - nhibernate

I am using the HybridSessionBuilder supplied by Palermo and his team .. link ..
We have our staging environments set up so that the url will be one of the following based on the environment
what we normally do is take a look at the url and if it has "-test" we use the test configurations and so on (connection strings, etc).
This is the first project that uses nhibernate in this type of environment. What would be a good way to tell the Session Builder to use the correct hibernate cfg (I will build 1 for each environment).
The HybridSessionBuilder lives in an infrastructure layer and is injected into repositories via StructureMap.

Here's how I select a single configuration file using the HybridSessionBuilder:
public Configuration GetConfiguration()
var configuration = new Configuration();
string cfgFile = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetAssembly(this.GetType()).CodeBase) +
return configuration;
If you want to select configuration files based on the URL I would just identify the call stack that leads to this function and pass in either an enum value or the config file's name directly.


Spring Cloud Server serving multiple property files for the same application

Lets say I have applicationA that has 3 property files:
-> applicationA
- datasource.properties
- security.properties
- jms.properties
How do I move all properties to a spring cloud config server and keep them separate?
As of today I have configured the config server that will only read ONE property file as this seems to be the standard way. This file the config server picks up seems to be resolved by using the spring.application.name. In my case it will only read ONE file with this name:
-> applicationA.properties
How can I add the other files to be resolved by the config server?
Not possible in the way how you requested. Spring Cloud Config Server uses NativeEnvironmentRepository which is:
Simple implementation of {#link EnvironmentRepository} that uses a SpringApplication and configuration files located through the normal protocols. The resulting Environment is composed of property sources located using the application name as the config file stem (spring.config.name) and the environment name as a Spring profile.
See: https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-config/blob/master/spring-cloud-config-server/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/config/server/environment/NativeEnvironmentRepository.java
So basically every time when client request properties from Config Server it creates ConfigurableApplicationContext using SpringApplicationBuilder. And it is launched with next configuration property:
String config = application;
if (!config.startsWith("application")) {
config = "application," + config;
list.add("--spring.config.name=" + config);
So possible names for property files will be only application.properties(or .yml) and config client application name that is requesting configuration - in your case applicationA.properties.
But you can "cheat".
In config server configuration you can add such property
search-paths: '{application}, {application}/your-subdirectory'
In this case Config Server will search for same property file names but in few directories and you can use subdirectories to keep your properties separate.
So with configuration above you will be able to load configuration from:
This can be done.
You need to create your own EnvironmentRepository, which loads your property files.
searches for the property files to load :
for (String prof : profiles) {
for (String app : apps) {
String value = location;
if (app != null) {
value = value.replace("{application}", app);
if (prof != null) {
value = value.replace("{profile}", prof);
if (label != null) {
value = value.replace("{label}", label);
if (!value.endsWith("/")) {
value = value + "/";
output.addAll(matchingDirectories(dir, value));
There you could add custom code, that reads the required property files.
The above code matches exactly the behaviour described in the spring docs.
The NativeEnvironmentRepository does NOT access GIT/SCM in any way, so you should use
JGitEnvironmentRepository as base for your own implementation.
As #nmyk pointed out, NativeEnvironmentRepository boots a mini app in order to collect the properties by providing it with - sort of speak - "hardcoded" {appname}.* and application.* supported property file names. (#Stefan Isele - prefabware.com JGitEnvironmentRepository ends up using NativeEnvironmentRepository as well, for that matter).
I have issued a pull request for spring-cloud-config-server 1.4.x, that supports defining additional file names, through a spring.cloud.config.server.searchNames environment property, in the same sense one can do for a single springboot app, as defined in the Externalized Configuration.Application Property Files section of the documentation, using the spring.config.name enviroment property. I hope they review it soon, since it seems many have asked about this feature in stack overflow, and surely many many more search for it and read the currently advised solutions.
It worths mentioning that many ppl advise "abusing" the profile feature to achieve this, which is a bad practice, in my humble opinion, as I describe in this answer

vNext ConfigurationModel null reference-ing when picking up a config.json?

using Microsoft.Framework.ConfigurationModel;
public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env)
var config = new Configuration();
Using the above, with the config.json placed in the root directory under the project name, I get a null reference exception?
This is practically a brand new/empty solution, I've never had this issue before.
I've tried empty files, no file, the default generated contents, different file extension, all give the same error, leading me to think that it is looking outside what should be the root dir.
However, it also does the same when supplied with a direct filepath...
It also doesn't fail when adding env variables on the line above, so it's not likely to be an issue with the Configuration object itself.
Same behaviour across both dnx core/coreclr and full.
Turns out Microsoft.Framework.ConfigurationModel from beta4 was renamed to Microsoft.Framework.Configuration in beta 5/6
with the = new Configuration method being replaced with having to use a ConfigurationBuilder, specifying the app path with appEnv.ApplicationBasePath in it's constructor.
= new ConfigurationBuilder(appEnv.ApplicationBasePath)
See: https://github.com/aspnet/Announcements/issues/25

repository created via RepositoryManager not behaving the same as repo created via workbench

I create sesame native java store using following code:
Create a native java store:
// create a configuration for the SAIL stack
boolean persist = true;
String indexes = "spoc,posc,cspo";
SailImplConfig backendConfig = new NativeStoreConfig(indexes);
// stack an inferencer config on top of our backend-config
backendConfig = new ForwardChainingRDFSInferencerConfig(backendConfig);
// create a configuration for the repository implementation
RepositoryImplConfig repositoryTypeSpec = new SailRepositoryConfig(backendConfig);
RepositoryConfig repConfig = new RepositoryConfig(repositoryId, repositoryTypeSpec);
Repository repository = manager.getRepository(repositoryId);
create a in-memory store:
// create a configuration for the SAIL stack
boolean persist = true;
SailImplConfig backendConfig = new MemoryStoreConfig(persist);
// stack an inferencer config on top of our backend-config
backendConfig = new ForwardChainingRDFSInferencerConfig(backendConfig);
// create a configuration for the repository implementation
RepositoryImplConfig repositoryTypeSpec = new SailRepositoryConfig(backendConfig);
RepositoryConfig repConfig = new RepositoryConfig(repositoryId, repositoryTypeSpec);
Repository repository = manager.getRepository(repositoryId);
When I store data in this repo and query back, the results are not same as the results returned from repository created using workbench. I get duplicate/multiple entries in my resultset.
Same behavior for in-memory store.
I also observed that my triples belong to a blank context which is not the case in repository created via workbench.
What is wrong with my code above?
There is nothing wrong with your code, as far as I can see. If the store as created from the Workbench behaves differently, this most likely means that it's configured with a different SAIL stack.
The most likely candidate for the difference is this bit:
// stack an inferencer config on top of our backend-config
backendConfig = new ForwardChainingRDFSInferencerConfig(backendConfig);
You have configured your repository with a reasoner on top here. If the repository created via the workbench does not use a reasoner, you will get different results on identical queries (including, sometimes, apparent duplicate results).
If you consider this a problem, you can fix this in two ways. One is (of course) to simply not create your repository with a reasoner on top. The other is to disable reasoning for specific queries. In the Workbench, you can do this by disabling the "Include inferred statements" checkbox in the query screen. Programmatically, you can do this by using Query.setIncludeInferred(false) on your prepared query object. See the javadoc for details.

Applying SSIS Package Configuration to multiple packages

I have about 85 SSIS packages that are using the same connection manager.
I understand that each package has its own connection manager.
I am trying to decide what would be the best configurations approach to simply set the connectionstring of the connection manager based on the server the packages are residing on.
I have visited all kinds of suggestions online, but cannot find anywhere the practice where I can simply copy the configuration from one package to the rest of the packages.
There are obviously many approaches such as XML file, SQL Server, Environment Variable, etc.
All the articles out there are pointing to use an Indirect method by using XML or SQL approach. Why would using an environment variable for just holding a connection string is such a bad approach?
Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
Why would using an environment variable for just holding a connection string is such a bad approach?
I find the environment variable or registry key configuration approach to be severely limited by the fact that it can only configure one item at a time. For a connection string, you'd need to define an environment variable for each catalog on a given server. Maybe it's only 2 or 3 and that's manageable. We had a good 30+ per database instance and we had multi-instanced machines so you can see how quickly this problem explodes into a maintenance nightmare. Contrast that with a table or xml based approach which can hold multiple configuration items for a given configuration key.
...best configurations approach to simply set the connectionstring of the connection manager based on the server the packages are residing on.
If you go this route, I'd propose creating a variable, ConnectionString and using it to configure the property. It's an extra step but again I find it's easier to debug a complex expression on a variable versus a complex expression on a property. With a variable, you can always pop a breakpoint on the package and look at the locals window to see the current value.
After creating a variable named ConnectionString, I right click on it, select Properties and set EvaluateAsExpression equal to True and the Expression property to something like "Data Source="+ #[System::MachineName] +"\\DEV2012;Initial Catalog=FOO;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
When that is evaluated, it'd fill in the current machine's name (DEVSQLA) and I'd have a valid OLE DB connection string that connects to a named instance DEV2012.
Data Source=DEVSQLA\DEV2012;Initial Catalog=FOO;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;
If you have more complex configuration needs than just the one variable, then I could see you using this to configure a connection manager to a sql table that holds the full repository of all the configuration keys and values.
...cannot find anywhere the practice where I can simply copy the configuration from one package to the rest of the packages
I'd go about modifying all 80something packages through a programmatic route. We received a passel of packages from a third party and they had not followed our procedures for configuration and logging. The code wasn't terribly hard and if you describe exactly the types of changes you'd make to solve your need, I'd be happy to toss some code onto this answer. It could be as simple as the following. After calling the function, it will modify a package by adding a sql server configuration on the SSISDB ole connection manager to a table called dbo.sysdtsconfig for a filter named Default.2008.Sales.
string currentPackage = #"C:\Src\Package1.dtsx"
public static void CleanUpPackages(string currentPackage)
p = new Package();
p.app.LoadPackage(currentPackage, null);
Configuration c = null;
// Apply configuration Default.2008.Sales
// ConfigurationString => "SSISDB";"[dbo].[sysdtsconfig]";"Default.2008.Sales"
// Name => MyConfiguration
c = p.Configurations.Add();
c.Name = "SalesConfiguration";
c.ConfigurationType = DTSConfigurationType.SqlServer;
c.ConfigurationString = #"""SSISDB"";""[dbo].[sysdtsconfig]"";""Default.2008.Sales""";
app.SaveToXml(sourcePackage, p, null);
Adding a variable in to the packages would not take much more code. Inside the cleanup proc, add code like this to add a new variable into your package that has an expression like the above.
string variableName = string.Empty;
bool readOnly = false;
string nameSpace = "User";
string variableValue = string.Empty;
string literalExpression = string.Empty;
variableName = "ConnectionString";
literalExpression = #"""Data Source=""+ #[System::MachineName] +""\\DEV2012;Initial Catalog=FOO;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;""";
p.Variables.Add(variableName, readOnly, nameSpace, variableValue);
p.Variables[variableName].EvaluateAsExpression = true;
p.Variables[variableName].Expression = literalExpression;
Let me know if I missed anything or you'd like clarification on any points.

S#arp Architecture 1.9 + Fluently.Configure() NHiberbante

I have a need to fluently configure nhibernate in my S#arp application so that I can use a custom NHibernate.Search directory for each of my tenants in a multi-tenant app.
However I have googled for hours looking for a solution but can't seem to find anything current that works.
I haven't tried this myself, but AddConfiguration takes a dictionary of cfgProperties, which I guess you can pass the tenant specific hibernate.search.default.indexBase value to.
I had a look at this, adding the key as described above will cause a problem if you attempt to use CfgHelper.LoadConfiguration() since it will return null.
But you can configure NHSearch to use different directories for each factory using the factory key:
<nhs-configuration xmlns="urn:nhs-configuration-1.0">
<search-factory sessionFactoryName="YOUR_TENANT1_FACTORY_KEY">
<property name="hibernate.search.default.indexBase">~\IndexTenant1</property>
<search-factory sessionFactoryName="YOUR_TENANT2_FACTORY_KEY">
<property name="hibernate.search.default.indexBase">~\Tenant2</property>
If you are following instructions on
You would need to change the method GetIndexDirectory to
private string GetIndexDirectory() {
INHSConfigCollection nhsConfigCollection = CfgHelper.LoadConfiguration();
string factoryKey = SessionFactoryAttribute.GetKeyFrom(this); // Change this with however you get the factory key for your tenants,
string property = nhsConfigCollection.GetConfiguration(factoryKey).Properties["hibernate.search.default.indexBase"];
var fi = new FileInfo(property);
return Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, fi.Name);