Geronimo vs Glassfish - glassfish

For a production environment, is Apache Geronimo better for applications that uses ActiveMQ, Derby, Solr?

In short if you want a lightweight deployment container use Geronimo (it's based on Apache and Jetty). If you want an "all in one do everything for you JEE5 container" then Glassfish is the way to go, but it's no small thing.
Finally, question why you want to have a container at all. What is it that you need to do that really needs a full on container? A lot of highly scalable solutions use a mixture of Spring and Jetty to achieve their aims. Very light, very agile.

All applications and hardware is different. So even if you find a comparison it doesn't really mean much. What you ultimately need to do is do your own load testing, on hardware that is the same or very similar to Production.
You can use or something like that to produce the load.


Ordering of applications deployed in Mule ESB

I am deploying four applications in mule.
mule is picking them and deploy them in random fashion(deploy any application without any particular order)
I want to deploy the applications in ascending order of their name. As first application is setting some environment variables which are used by later applications.
How can I achieve that?
I am using Mule Enterprise ESB 3.5.2 standalone, and I am trying it on Linux machine. On windows 7 same applications are picked and deployed in ascending order without any extra configuration.
Thanks in advance
Mule will (or at least used to, i havenĀ“t tried) respect the alphanumeric order of the application names on startup. However, this is not documented and could change. There is not a feature like that intentionally.
Ideally, you would architect your applications in a way that they are detached enough to, using asynchronoys channels, not to have direct startup dependencies.
Setting environment variables is typically something you should do elsewhere, statically, in your environment. If you have to compute runtime data that should be available to all applications, there are other ways to do that.
Using plain hot deployment or MMC deployment, you cannot know the start order and should design the applications to cope with that. That will make them more reliable and portable as well. Have the applications update information using standard communications methods (http, databas, hazlecast or whatnot).
If you really want the startup order to be trusted and respected, start mule using mule -app app1:app2:app3:app4. Note that you will lose the ability to add new applications on the fly.
You can, however, update the application and it will reload without reloading the other applications. That is something to keep in mind.
Mule generally deploy the application in alphabetic order .. for example Application starts with A will be deployed first then application starts with B and so on..
So, there is nothing much can be done over here and only thing as the time being comes into my mind is to design the apps in alphabetic order so that the dependent apps starts after the main or parent apps get started ...
but again I don't think it is a practical and recommended approach

Why would I use Apache ServiceMix over just ActiveMQ

I am starting to plan a new platform which needs to integrate various services from various externals platforms. Essentially I'm tying together a bunch of internal, homegrown services and several outside services we license from 3rd parties.
Generally speaking the external services are all web services but they are a mishmash of REST, SOAP and XML-RPC.
Some of our internal services have REST API's but there are many things that aren't so easy: XMPP, Hessian, custom socket protocols, Java RPC, uWSGI, and the list goes on.
From my research it seems like an ESB like Apache ServiceMix might be a good fit for my needs. However it looks REALLY complex. I'm not launching rockets but I do need transactional messaging (mostly for eCommerce and entitlement stuff). I feel like the message queue ServiceMix uses under the hood (ActiveMQ) might be enough on its own.
Can anyone explain what ServiceMix provides above and beyond ActiveMQ? I know there is a lot but it is hard for an ESB n00b like me to really grasp the tangible difference when I'm waste-deep in buzzwords.
ServiceMix is an OSGi based container that allows you to deploy and run applications in a controlled runtime environment (like a J2EE container but less heavy weight and without programming to e.g. J2EE contracts).
Thanks to OSGi you can partition your applications into parts and update/evolve these parts independently from each other. You can upgrade parts of your application without having to take down the entire application. There is far better life cycle management in OSGi then you get with standalone Java processes.
If you think of creating an application that will evolve over time, then OSGi is something you should consider. And ServiceMix provides you a runtime OSGi container to deploy your applications to. I highly recommend the book "OSGi in Action" from Manning.
For tying together different external services that might even use different transport protocols I recommend Apache Camel, which btw also deploys nicely into ServiceMix.
Btw, existing applications can be deployed into an OSGi container with fairly little effort (without requiring code changes).
Torsten Mielke

Glassfish in a production environment?

Do you use Glassfish 2 or v3 in a production environment?
Do you find it robust?
Have you ever been able to find a complete set of documentation?
What do you do when you find that Glassfish ignores J2EE standards, like class and anotation scanning?
Glassfish is Sun's reference standard for a J2EE app server. V3 supports the new 3.1 standard. However, it is only a preview. It is currently scheduled to be released on Dec 10, 2009. Of course, it can always be dangerous to be a very early adopter in a production environment. Currently V3 doesn't support JMS or clustering, for example, but they should be in the final release.
I've used V2 in production for about 3 years and I personally like it. The web admin console makes it very easy to manage (http://localhost:4848, admin, adminadmin), and the performance is good. Here's one example, where someone benchmarked Glassfish: Blog. Of course, you should search for more examples and your YMMV. Here's a Sun document for Glassfish to help Tomcat User.
One last thing that I would add is that Sun ships, and integrates, both Tomcat and Glassfish in their Java IDE Netbeans so you can easily switch between the two app servers to test your particular app.
GlassFish Server V3 or V2 can be used in production environments but the number of users should be less than 1500. Its not very robust and scalable during high load. If used for simple applications GF works perfectly fine, as it is the reference implementation of Java EE standards by Sun which only server to be a guide to other vendors of application servers.
For more complex and high load applications, its better to go to IBM WebSphere Application Server. That's the most robust app server I have seen in my 15 yrs of experience.
Do I use GF in production? no.
Do I find it robust? yes, but I do not tax it very hard.
Have I ever found a complete set of documentation? I think so... the GlassFish v2.1 docs and the GlassFish v3 docs (
What do I do when GlassFish ignores the J2EE standards? I file an issue here:
Do I use in production? Yes. (Now, using 3.0.1)
Is it robust? Yes. But my point of view is from someone that likes to follow the server's developers community and can try some tricks.
What about documentation? The official one is really good, and the developers blogs are a great plus ( What is maybe far from other communities, at the moment, is the collective experience material (like forums), but I think the mail lists are good enough (

Is Mono appropriate for developing servers?

Is Mono appropriate for developing server applications, or only desktop applications? I'd like to develop server applications in C# for Linux. I want to write a First Person Shooter (FPS) game in C#/XNA, and I've a Linux dedicated server. But this question is generally for all types of server applications...
Mono handles ASP.NET (including ASP.NET MVC) quite well. Most other server implementations work very well, as well. It does depend, slightly, on what exactly you are trying to serve, and how you are going to use it.
Mono also supports WCF directly in the core, which allows most non-web service applications to be written very effectively.
Given your edit, and your desire to handle the server side of a multi-player FPS game, Mono should work fine. You will likely want to avoid using the high level interfaces like WCF and ASP.NET, and go straight to the System.Net namespace (depends a bit on how many players you'll be synchronizing, but if it's large, you'll want speed here over ease). Mono supports this quite well.
That being said, Mono's support of the System.Net namespace is very good, and quite mature, so you should have no problems using it for the server side of a multiplayer FPS game.
I don't see why not. I believe FogBugz uses Mono to deploy to apache servers.
Here is a conversation about running the FogBugz application on mono as an example of having a server app running on it.
It looks like your needs cover a broad range of different applications.
I think the overall answer would be yes, Mono is appropriate for developer server applications.
As others have pointed out, Mono has ASP.NET support as well as WCF built-in.
You also have the ability of working directly down to the Socket level if you need to squeeze every last bit of performance out of your server application (although you'll have to figure out how to persist state if the need is there).
I'd definitely be interested in seeing the performance difference of something like that between the two platforms (I wouldn't expect much's possible that Mono might even get slightly better performance because of the rest of the *NIX stack).

Why use Glassfish instead of Apache? What's it strengths and weaknesses?

Sorry for my ignorance here, but when I hear the word webserver, I immediately imagine Apache, although I know people use Microsoft's IIS too. However since I've been hanging out here at Stackoverflow I've noticed lots of people use Glassfish.
Which made me wonder, why would I want to use Glassfish (in the sense that I'm interested, but I don't really understand why it might make my life easier). From what I read it's Sun's open-source derivate of Apache's Tomcat, thus I imagine it's a good (or great) quality product. But since I don't know its strengths and weaknesses, I don't know when it would be wise to choose Glassfish over another server. Could anyone elaborate ?
GlassFish is an Application Server which can also be used as a Web Server (Http Server).
A web Server means: Handling HTTP requests (usually from browsers).
A Servlet Container (e.g. Tomcat) means: It can handle servlets & JSP.
An Application Server (e.g. GlassFish) means: It can manage Java EE applications (usually both servlet/JSP and EJBs).
You should use GlassFish for Java EE enterprise applications.
The need for a seperate Web server is mostly needed in a production environment. You would normally find a Application server to be suffice most of your development needs. A web server is capable of holding larger number of active sessions and connections, thus providing the necessary balance without performance costs.
Stick to a simple web server if you are only working with servlets/jsps. It is also to be noted that in a netbeans environment, glassfish has better support than other App servers. In the context of eclipse though, WSAD and JBoss seem to the preferred options.
Glassfish will soon release the modular kernel.
This means that the containers you need start up and shutdown as you need them. I.e no EAR deployed, EJB container won;t start up. This seems to have made it very good for development as it can start and stop very quickly. This takes it a lot closer to development environments like Rails (where redeployment is a massive part of your development)
I have used GlassFish server for developing Web Services.
It provides a very interactive Admin Console where admin can test the Web Services.
I really find it helpful while developing Web Services