How can I programmatically create a screen shot of a given Web site? - screenshot

I want to be able to create a screen shot of a given Web site, but the Web site may be larger than can be viewed on the screen. Is there a way I can do this?
Goal is to do this with .NET in C# in a WinForms application.

There are a few tools.
The thing is, you need to render it in some given program, and take a snapshot of it.
I don't know about .NET but here are some tools to look at.
imagegrabwindow() (Windows PHP Only)
Create screenshots of a web page using Python and QtWebKit
Website Thumbnails Service
Taking automated webpage screenshots with embedded Mozilla

I just found out about the website which generates screenshots for a whole bunch of different browsers. To a certain degree you can even specify the resolution.

I wrote a program in VB.NET that did what you specified, except for the screen size issue.
I embedded a web control(look at the very bottom of all controls) onto my form, and tweaked it's settings(Hide scroll). I used a timer to wait on dynamic content, and then I used "copyFromScreen" to get the image.
My program had dynamic dimensions(settable via command line). I found that if I made my program larger than the screen, the image would just return black pixels for the off screen area. I did not research farther since my job was complete at that time.
Hope that gives you a good start. Sorry for any wrong wordings. I log onto windows to develop only once every couple of months.

Doing at as a screen shot is likely to get ugly. It's easy enough to capture the entire content of the page with wget, but the image means capturing the rendering.
Here's some tools that purport to do it.

You can render it on WebBrowser control and then take snapshot if page size bigger than screen size you have to scroll control take one or more snapshots and then merge all pictures :)

This is the code for creating screenshot programatically:
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
int screenWidth = Screen.GetBounds(new Point(0, 0)).Width;
int screenHeight = Screen.GetBounds(new Point(0, 0)).Height;
Bitmap bmpScreenShot = new Bitmap(screenWidth, screenHeight);
Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage((Image)bmpScreenShot);
gfx.CopyFromScreen(0, 0, 0, 0, new Size(screenWidth, screenHeight));
bmpScreenShot.Save("test.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);

Java ScreenShots of WebSite
Combine Screens together for Final Entire WebPage Screenshot.
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
System.setProperty("", "D:\\chromedriver.exe");
ChromeDriver browser = new ChromeDriver();
WebDriver driver = browser;
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(500, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
Long clientHeight = (Long) jse.executeScript("return document.documentElement.clientHeight");
Long scrollHeight = (Long) jse.executeScript("return document.documentElement.scrollHeight");
int screens = 0, xAxis = 0, yAxis = clientHeight.intValue();
String screenNames = "D:\\Screenshots\\Yash";
for (screens = 0; ; screens++) {
if (scrollHeight.intValue() - xAxis < clientHeight) {
File crop = new File(screenNames + screens+".jpg");
FileUtils.copyFile(browser.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE), crop);
BufferedImage image = FileInputStream(crop));
int y_Axixs = scrollHeight.intValue() - xAxis;
BufferedImage croppedImage = image.getSubimage(0, image.getHeight()-y_Axixs, image.getWidth(), y_Axixs);
ImageIO.write(croppedImage, "jpg", crop);
FileUtils.copyFile(browser.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE), new File(screenNames + screens+".jpg"));
jse.executeScript("window.scrollBy("+ xAxis +", "+yAxis+")");
jse.executeScript("var elems = window.document.getElementsByTagName('*');"
+ " for(i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { "
+ " var elemStyle = window.getComputedStyle(elems[i], null);"
+ " if(elemStyle.getPropertyValue('position') == 'fixed' && elems[i].innerHTML.length != 0 ){"
+ " elems[i].parentNode.removeChild(elems[i]); "
+ "}}"); // Sticky Content Removes
xAxis += yAxis;


How to get Captcha image from DotNetBrowser Control c# and set to pictureBox

I am using DotNetBrowser Control in my c# desktop application. I am not able to get captcha image using this.
It is easy in Webbrowser control but in DotNetBrowser I don't know how to do so in c#
This code is working if I am using Webbrowser control
private Image getCaptcha()
HtmlElement ement = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("imgCaptcha");
if (ement == null)
return null;
mshtml.HTMLWindow2 w2 = (mshtml.HTMLWindow2)webBrowser1.Document.Window.DomWindow;
w2.execScript("var ctrlRange = document.body.createControlRange();
ctrlRange.execCommand('Copy');", "javascript");
return Clipboard.GetImage();
I need similar code in DotNetBrowser control
You can use the 'Browser.ImageProvider.GetImage' method to get the screenshot of the page and then crop this image to the bounds of the captcha image.
The only restriction is that the Browser should use the lightweight rendering mode as getting an image is unavailable in the heavyweight mode.
The described approach may look like the following source code:
browserView = new WinFormsBrowserView(BrowserFactory.Create(BrowserType.LIGHTWEIGHT));
browserView.Browser.SetSize(1024, 768);
Bitmap screenshot = browserView.Browser.ImageProvider.GetImage() as Bitmap;
DOMElement captchaElement = browserView.Browser.GetDocument().GetElementById("imgCaptcha");
pictureBox1.Image = screenshot?.Clone(captchaElement.BoundingClientRect, screenshot.PixelFormat);

How to convert Xamarin.Forms XAML UI page to PDF file?

In Xamarin.Forms, I want to convert my xaml page UI (sometimes my page is scrollable when having more content) into the PDF. I have tried the PDFSharp ( open source. But it works only on UWP and having some issues in iOS and Android.
So is there any free open source plugin available to convert XAML UI into PDF in all three platforms? If open source not available, is there any other way or work around to achieve it in android, ios & UWP?
Thanks in advance.
I had a bit of trouble with this and managed to do it using UIkit and PdfKit tools.
Here is an exemple:
using UIKit;
using PdfKit;
//Calculate scroll View height
double xamlHeight = XamlFullPage.Height;
int numberOfPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(xamlHeight / Application.Current.MainPage.Height);
// Create a new PDF document
PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();
for (int i = 0; i<numberOfPages; i++) //while the all the page have not been taken into account
await SummaryScrollView.ScrollToAsync(0, i*Application.Current.MainPage.Height, false).ConfigureAwait(false); //find the beginnig of the current page
//Captures the XAML page as image and returns the image in memory stream
var image = UIScreen.MainScreen.Capture();
// Create a page with the printscreen
PdfPage page = new PdfPage(image);
//insert page in the i position
document.InsertPage(page, i);
//Write file in temp foleder
document.Write(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "TuitionFees" + fileName + ".pdf"));`

JAVA Selenium Webdriver Capturing wrong region in the screenshot

I am using selenium Web Driver(Java) to automate our web application.
I need to capture and compare the each icon of the application in all browsers.
For that first I've opened the application in Firefox and captured icons images with its xpath and then saving them at a particular path.
Later comparing the saved images when the application opened in another browser.
For this I have used the below code to capture the images, but the element image is not capturing, some unknown region in the screen is saving.
Please help, how to get the correct image of the element.
File screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
BufferedImage fullImg =;
Point point = x.getLocation();
//Get width and height of the element
int eleWidth = x.getSize().getWidth();
int eleHeight = x.getSize().getHeight();
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(point.getX(),point.getY(),eleWidth, eleHeight);
//Crop the entire page screenshot to get only element screenshot
BufferedImage eleScreenshot= fullImg.getSubimage(point.getX(), point.getY(), rect.width, rect.height);
ImageIO.write(eleScreenshot, "png", screenshot);
//Copy the element screenshot to disk
FileUtils.copyFile(screenshot, new File("E:\\ICONS\\Icon1.jpg"));
WebElement ele =driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='CCDLinkedformToolbar_cmdPrint']"));
File screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
BufferedImage fullImg =;
Point point = ele.getLocation();
int eleWidth = ele.getSize().getWidth();
int eleHeight = ele.getSize().getHeight();
BufferedImage eleScreenshot= fullImg.getSubimage(point.getX()+30, 95, eleWidth, eleHeight);
ImageIO.write(eleScreenshot, "png", screenshot);
FileUtils.copyFile(screenshot, new File("E:\\ ICONS\\Icon1.png"));
catch(Exception e){
Changes that i have made to my previous code are, added value to X coordinate and passed static value to Y coordinate, as per my application resolution.

Selenium- screenshot of visible part of page

Is there a way to get Selenium WebDriver to take screenshot only of the visible part of the page for PhantomJS? I've browsed the source and there is no API AFAICT. So is there a trick to do that somehow?
EDIT: Chrome already snaps only visible part, so removed it as part of question.
According to the JavaDoc API for TakesScreenshot a WebDriver extending TakesScreenshot will make a best effort to return the following in order of preference:
Entire page
Current window
Visible portion of the current frame
The screenshot of the entire display containing the browser
As PhantomJS is a headless browser it probably doesn't have menus/tabs and other similar browser chrome. So all you can control is the Dimension of the browser window.
// Portrait iPhone 6 browser dimensions
Dimension dim = new Dimension(375, 627);
Taking a screenshot will most likely capture the entire page. If you want to restrict your resulting file to the dimensions you requested you could always
crop it to your required dimensions (not ideal but PhantomJS is not a real browser).
private static void capture(String url, WebDriver driver, Dimension dim, String filename) throws IOException{
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
int w = dim.getWidth();
int h = dim.getHeight();
Image orig =;
BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
bi.getGraphics().drawImage(orig, 0, 0, w, h, 0, 0, w, h, null);
ImageIO.write(bi, "png", new File(filename));
You can use robot class for this as belows
Robot rb=new Robot();
Once you have copied the screenshot on clipboard then u can save it to file.
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); driver.get("");
File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
FileUtils.copyFile(scrFile, new File("c:\\tmp\\screenshot.png"));

Get the on-screen location of web page with Selenium WebDriver

Is there a way to get the on-screen coordinates of HTML window (page body) with Selenium WebDriver?
Seen this a few times and haven't found an elegant solution from WebDriver yet (they have a param that looks to support in in their ILocatable settings but the method is not implemented yet).
What I do is use UIAutomation to get the windows AutomationElement and use a treewalker to find the actual object of the window - downside is I noticed the browsers occasionally update what their window is so the conditionals have to change every once in awhile to accommodate.
Here is some example code (I removed some company code here so it's more elegant on my end but this should work for C#)
public static Rectangle GetAbsCoordinates(this IWebElement element)
var driver = GetDriver(element);
var handle = GetIntPtrHandle(driver);
var ae = AutomationElement.FromHandle(handle);
AutomationElement doc = null;
var caps = ((RemoteWebDriver) driver).Capabilities;
var browserName = caps.BrowserName;
switch (browserName)
case "safari":
var conditions = (new AndCondition(new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Pane),
new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ClassNameProperty, "SearchableWebView")));
doc = ae.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, conditions);
case "firefox":
doc = ae.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Document));
case "chrome":
doc = ae.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "Chrome Legacy Window"));
if (doc == null)
doc = ae.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "Google Chrome"));
if (doc == null)
throw new Exception("unable to find element containing browser window");
doc = doc.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Document));
case "internet explorer":
doc = ae.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, new AndCondition(new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Pane),
new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ClassNameProperty, "TabWindowClass")));
if (doc == null)
throw new Exception("unable to find element containing browser window");
var iWinLeft = (int) doc.Current.BoundingRectangle.Left;
var iWinTop = (int)doc.Current.BoundingRectangle.Top;
var coords = ((ILocatable) element).Coordinates;
var rect = new Rectangle(iWinLeft + coords.LocationInDom.X, iWinTop + coords.LocationInDom.Y, element.Size.Width, element.Size.Height);
return rect;
public static IWebDriver GetDriver(this IWebElement e)
return ((IWrapsDriver)e).WrappedDriver;
public static IntPtr GetIntPtrHandle(this IWebDriver driver, int timeoutSeconds = Timeout)
var end = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(timeoutSeconds);
while(DateTime.Now < end)
// Searching by AutomationElement is a bit faster (can filter by children only)
var ele = AutomationElement.RootElement;
foreach (AutomationElement child in ele.FindAll(TreeScope.Children, Condition.TrueCondition))
if (!child.Current.Name.Contains(driver.Title)) continue;
return new IntPtr(child.Current.NativeWindowHandle);;
return IntPtr.Zero;
The posted code by Zechtitus is amazing, I tried it under IE11 and Chrome Version 39.0.2171.95 m and it worked like a charm. Although I had to pass the real object of IWebDriver instead of using WrappedDriver because it doesn't work with Chrome. Just for your info, I have Win 7 ultimate x64 and using Selenium WebDriver 2.44. this is the code that I took it from Zechtitus and modified it:
public static Rectangle GetAbsCoordinates(IWebDriver driver, IWebElement element)
var handle = GetIntPtrHandle(driver);
var ae = AutomationElement.FromHandle(handle);
AutomationElement doc = null;
var caps = ((RemoteWebDriver)driver).Capabilities;
var browserName = caps.BrowserName;
switch (browserName)
case "safari":
var conditions = (new AndCondition(new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Pane),
new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ClassNameProperty, "SearchableWebView")));
doc = ae.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, conditions);
case "firefox":
doc = ae.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Document));
case "chrome":
doc = ae.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "Chrome Legacy Window"));
if (doc == null)
doc = ae.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "Google Chrome"));
if (doc == null)
throw new Exception("unable to find element containing browser window");
doc = doc.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Document));
case "internet explorer":
doc = ae.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, new AndCondition(new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Pane),
new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ClassNameProperty, "TabWindowClass")));
if (doc == null)
throw new Exception("unable to find element containing browser window");
var iWinLeft = (int)doc.Current.BoundingRectangle.Left;
var iWinTop = (int)doc.Current.BoundingRectangle.Top;
var coords = ((ILocatable)element).Coordinates;
var rect = new Rectangle(iWinLeft + coords.LocationInDom.X, iWinTop + coords.LocationInDom.Y, element.Size.Width, element.Size.Height);
return rect;
public static IntPtr GetIntPtrHandle(this IWebDriver driver, int timeoutSeconds = 20)
var end = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(timeoutSeconds);
while (DateTime.Now < end)
// Searching by AutomationElement is a bit faster (can filter by children only)
var ele = AutomationElement.RootElement;
foreach (AutomationElement child in ele.FindAll(TreeScope.Children, Condition.TrueCondition))
if (!child.Current.Name.Contains(driver.Title)) continue;
return new IntPtr(child.Current.NativeWindowHandle); ;
return IntPtr.Zero;
and I used it like this:
Rectangle recView = GetAbsCoordinates(MyWebDriverObj, myIWebElementObj);
the correct X, Y are then stored in recView.X and recView.Y
As I said, it's working for me for both IE11 and Chrome.
Good luck
hmmm, I cannot directly comment to the one user asking about chrome so I will have to add another comment here.
Basically for UIAutomation you will want to get your hands on a tool called inspect (comes free in the 8.1 SDK). Older tools like uispy would probably work as well.
Basically you would fire up chrome and then fire up the inspector tool - your going to look at the tree like structure and then navigate down to the document which contains the DOM. Turn on highlighting in the tool to make this easier.
Chrome is quite dynamic it seems in the layout of the tree controls - have had to modify it a few times to accomodate the control I am looking at. If your using a different version than I had - basically find the document window in the tree and take a look at all of the control patterns associated with it - this is what I am passing into the PropertyCondition for how to search for the control. Intellisense should bring you up different things to query for like AutomationElement.NameProperty. It the example I had - I noticed there is a difference between when I run chrome on a winXP machine vs a win8 machine... hence the checking for null.
Like I have said before - this is not elegant and would be awesome if it was inbuilt into Selenium (I imagine they have much better methods for determining the coords of the DOM area)... I think this will also be problematic for people moving to Selenium Grid (like I am looking at doing) - far as I know with using it I don't know if you can shuttle over a bunch of supporting dll to selenium to the remote machine... at least without a lot of hacks.
If it still doesn't work for you - give me a specific idea on the OS, Chrome version and I'll try to take a look and give exact Property match. Probably best though if you fiddle yourself as these things are not static unfortunately.
Yes. Its possible. With little trick. Find below my code to get on
screen top position of web element.
public static long getScrollYPosition() {
WebDriver driver = DriverFactory.getCurrentDriver();
JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
Long scrollYPos = (Long) jse.executeScript("return window.scrollY;");
return scrollYPos;
long scrollPosition = getScrollYPosition();
long elemYPositionOnScreen = (long) elem.getLocation().getY() - scrollPosition;
you can try in this way:
WebDriver driver=new FirefoxDriver();
JavascriptExecutor js=(JavascriptExecutor) driver;
Double i= (Double) js.executeScript("var element = document.getElementById('hplogo');var position = element.getBoundingClientRect();return position.left");
I took a quick look at chrome and you may have better luck with the following.
doc = win.Find.ByConditions(new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ClassNameProperty, "Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND"));
I think that class name is consistent for chrome... seems to work on older and newer OS's for me - chrome version 34.0.1847.116m. Hope that helps.
This should work once it's supported:
WebElement htmlElement = driver.findElement(By.tagName("html"));
Point viewPortLocation = ((Locatable) htmlElement).getCoordinates().onScreen();
int x = viewPortLocation.getX();
int y = viewPortLocation.getY();
However right now it's throwing the following error:
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Not supported yet.
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebElement$1.onScreen(
(on org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-java:2.46.0)
I needed a this in Robot Framework and I was inspired by Jeyabal's solution, so here is an adaptation that works for me:
${verticalWindow}= Execute Javascript return window.scrollY;
${verticalElement} = Get Vertical Position /xpath
${hasScrolled} = Evaluate (${verticalElement} - ${verticalWindow}) == 0
Nothing from above worked for me. A workaround is to use window.innerHeight and window.innerWidth and work your way up from the the left, bottom corner. This assumes that the browser bottom border is almost 0 (no horizontal scrollbar or thick window decoration).
win_pos = selenium.get_window_position()
win_size = selenium.get_window_size()
win_bottom_y = win_pos['y'] + win_size['height']
# We assume viewport x == window x. For y coordinate we take the bottom
# of the browser and subtract the viewport height
viewport_height = selenium.execute_script('return window.innerHeight')
viewport_width = selenium.execute_script('return window.innerWidth')
viewport_y = win_bottom_y - viewport_height
This is not 100% accurate but it's a good workaround that can be tweaked for your case.
SOOO many factors have to be considered to get the element position relative to the screen. For the longest time I was using the UIAutomation code above, but UIAutomation is unreliable, it crashes or fails to find the browser (for some reason), with EdgeDriver, tabs crash consistently making getting the values via UIAutomation now as a 'fallback'.
That said, when it works, the answer is GOLDEN as to the on-screen coordinates of the HTML page.
However, something that always works is using javascript. So we calculate that first, then also attempt to call UIAutomation. If UIAutomation fails, we use this code's answer. If UIAutomation works, we use the UIAutomation values.
// use javascript to get our html document location, but it's off by 2 pixels compared to uiautomation. uiautomation, however, failed so often that is was unreliable
int outerHeight = Int32.Parse(BrowserHelper.ExecuteJavascript(browser, "return window.outerHeight"));
int innerHeight = Int32.Parse(BrowserHelper.ExecuteJavascript(browser, "return window.innerHeight"));
int outerWidth = Int32.Parse(BrowserHelper.ExecuteJavascript(browser, "return window.outerWidth"));
int innerWidth = Int32.Parse(BrowserHelper.ExecuteJavascript(browser, "return window.innerWidth"));
int browserNavHeight = outerHeight - innerHeight;
int browserNavWidth = outerWidth - innerWidth;
iWinLeft = browserNavWidth + 2;
iWinTop = browserNavHeight + 2;
Try this, I hope it will help you :
Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(element.getLocation(), element.getSize());