MySpace Login URL? - myspace

I want to allow users log-into MySpace directly from a URL?
I see that when MySpace submits its login form it goes to:
But I need to tack on all the hidden parameters as well as the login text box and password text box.
Does anybody have this done already?
I know I would do something like:$ctl00$cpMain$cpMain$LoginBox$Password_Textbox=

Considering the security implications of that, I hope it cannot be done.
But you can try grabbing all the form elements / form tag & input 's etc and change the form's action attribute to the fully qualified absolute path.
<form action="" method="post">


Splunk submit button (submitButton) does not refresh dashboard if no inputs are changed

I have a dashboard with a submit button (submitButton). The search isn't run until the button is pressed which is exactly what I want (the search takes a long time). I don't want the search starting as the user changes the other dropdowns (time), environment (Prod vs. QA), etc.
HOWEVER, sometimes it would be nice to hit the submit button and perform the search again without changing any of the other fields (time, environment, etc.). In this case the submit button does nothing! I can tell the underlying data has changed via searches, but the dashboard is not updated. Simply changing any of the fields, doing a search, and then changing them back and searching again solves the problem, but surely the submit button should just work w/o this workaround?
If "nothing" has changed, then Submit is supposed to "do nothing".
If you want to refresh the page with all the parameters as set, you should be able to click the URL bar and press return (so long as there are no hidden tokens, they'll all get set in the query portion of the URL).
Each panel in the dashboard should (automatically) have a refresh button you can click to refresh the display without changing inputs.
Unfortunately, this is intended behavior.
I also wish that the submit button would rerun dashboard searches. I opened a post on Splunk ideas about this issue:
If you have a account, you can vote for this idea.
I've browsed through Internet and found some solution that with some modifications worked for me fine
div.fieldset.dashboard-form-globalfieldset div.dashboard-element.html.dashboard-element-html {
display: inline-block;
so basiclu im refreshing page with all of its attributes and passing attributes values form current ones chosen using tokens. splunk code didn't like & so replaced it with & and it worked fine. <> - can be found in your splunk page address.

submit form data to custom page for emailing

I created a custom form on a shopify page and when the submit button is pressed i want all the data within the form fields to go to another page that is a request form where the user would enter data and upon submission the data will be emailed instead of buying anything. How is this done in shopify? the page that i'm talking about is this one
You can redirect to another page with a custom form but the email will not be send since you are required to use /contact#contact_form as the form action.
One way to bypass that is to submit the form as a contact form and redirect the user upon form success. Please note that this way if you submit the form more than once you will get a google challenge for spam protection which is not user friendly.
Another way is to create a custom APP and using a proxy to submit to that page and handle the request from there.
Or an another option is to use a third party app of some sort and use their form builder ( hopefully allowing you to tie the product variants in some way to the actual form ).
There are free services like formspree that allows direct submissions to an email but I don't know what are the limits there.

Passing variables? wordpress

Hello all I'm very thankful for this community here, wouldn't know what to do without you all.
First of all, I'm not even sure if the title to this post is accurate; please read on. In a nutshell what I'm trying to do in Wordpress is create a 'reply' button that will be displayed on the individual post's page. When someone clicks on this 'reply' button it will take them to a different WP page that is using a private messaging plugin. On this page I would like the 'to:' field to automatically know who to reply to (author of the post).
Now here's my question. Is this accomplished by "passing a variable" from first page to the second or is there another way to do this?
I'm not asking for specific code help so please don't tell me to go talk with the plugin developer. I'm just trying to get a general idea of how something like can be accomplished so that I can do some research myself.
At the very least, If someone get give me a starting point for me to do some google research that would be all I need. Being fairly new I don't even know what phrase I should be googling for.
Yes, you can do that by implementing simple wp plugin. First of all you need to know that, there are lots of wp specific functions. You can use the_content for putting your reply link after post content, and get_author_meta in order to get post's author email for putting it in your custom link. I know, you don't want to talk about code, but I can give you sample example; In order to apply this functionality on all post, you can simply implement a plugin.
Edit: For redirecting to Private Messaging plugin's send page with prepopulated recipient field, I have updated get_the_author_meta('email') with get_the_author_meta('user_login'). Now, you can go to mail send page, by clicking Reply link
add_filter('the_content', 'add_custom_link');
function add_custom_link($content) { // You can think that $content => individual post
if(is_single()) {
$content .= 'Reply to this post';
return $content;
Save this code in a php file and zip it.Then, upload it to your wp site as plugin. And you will see your custom link at the end of your posts. Do not forget to update variables in plugin according to your needs(for example reply url domain)
Here is a working plugin demo:
Create a form that posts to the secondary page.
Use a hidden form field to pass the post ID
Make sure you prefix the form fields so your $_POST variable doesn't conflict with any other core/plugin variables
On the secondary page: make sure you sanitize that user input before you do anything else
with it
use the sanitized post id to look up the post's author, without
having to expose the author's email in the url.
Your Form should look something like so:
<form action="url-of-page-2" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="myprefix_id" value="<?php echo get_the_ID();?>">
<input type="submit" value="reply">

joomla user authentication by my own custom written form inputs

I've been struggling to find out about user authentication using your own form elements.
In order to make it clear, heres what i want to do.
I'm going to have a button which is going to redirect to a page.
Now, this page can be redirected to in the following ways.
A popup opens where the user needs to enter their email address and password.
My form is like this
<form action="userlogin.php" method="post">
<li><input type="text" id="email" name="email" /></li>
<li><input type="password" id="pass" name="pass" /> </li>
The user clicks the submit button and if the email address and password exist then we have a successful login and if they dont then we add that user in the database and then redirect.
I dont understand how to authenticate user login using this form i've mentioned about. Which file do i have to post it to and how can it work like a normal joomla login.
Please do help.
You can write your own authentication routine relatively easily in two steps.
Authentication Logic
For the authentication logic, in the plugins folder, there is another folder called "authentication". Aside from the default joomla authentication, there is another called "example.php", which you can clone and work on from there. These are the plugins that you can enable/disable in the plugins manager in your Joomla Administrator, so you can look at them and see the different ways that they authenicate (gmail, openid, etc.).
Be sure to scan/replace all the naming used in the copied file (it's not very big), and when you're happy with it, make an entry in table jos_plugins so that you can enable it in the Joomla administrator.
Your Form (using template atomic as the example, and assuming you're using mod_login)
Within /templates/atomic/html/mod_login you should have, a file called default.php. This is where you change the form to suit your needs, and incorporate into the authentication logic your wrote in the plugin.
Popup Approach
That will depend on the template you're using, and how it, or you, generally handle popups. Rockettheme have many popup modules (some being free) which demonstrate how you could do it that way, or jquery if you're comfortable with that, the list goes on....
You could override the existing login form and open this in a modal popup?

How to make submit form which goes to the same page in Joomla

I am making form with submit button in Joomla custom HTML and I would like to stay on the same page after I click on the submit button.
Is that possible? Thanks in advance.
Just leave the form action attribute out. This will post back to the same page. Have a look at this question and answer: Is it a good practice to use an empty URL for a HTML form's action attribute? (action="")
If "stay on the page" means that the page will not reload, or anoter page will be loaded, yes, thats quite possible. I think the best way of doing this is replacing the <input type=submit> with a <button>, which calls a javascript function that evaluates the form, submits the data via ajax, and notifies the user that the form was successfully submitted.