How to use constant var in SSIS - sql-server-2005

I have defined a variable as:
DateSecondsOffset Int default as 1
in a SQL Server Integration Service project. I use it as constant.
In a task, I have the following SQL to set another var NextDT:
SELECT dateadd(s, max(timestamp), 1) DT from myTable
I would like to replace the 1 with DateSecondOffset so that I can change it when needed. Can I just type in the var name there or prefix it with # or something else?

You have to pass package variable as a parameter for SQL task.
You can define do it
- in "Execute SQL Task Editor"->"Parameter Mapping" section
- or in ReadOnlyVariables options (ReadWriteVariables options if you want to be able to change variable value during the task) in the "Script Task Editor" window
Then declare variable inside sql query and init it with first parameter:
DECLARE #DateSecondsOffset INT
SET #DateSecondsOffset = ?
SELECT dateadd(s, max(timestamp), #DateSecondsOffset ) DT from myTable
See Patrick Index: Passing Variables to and from an SSIS task

If you're in a Script..
If you're referring to it in a field..
Replace Scope with your scope which can be found in the "package explorer" tab under variables.
If you're referring to it in a SQL...
SELECT #DateSecondOffset
Be sure to setup your input/output parameters in a SQL Task and ReadOnly/ReadWrite Variables on a script task.

The syntax for referencing a parameter in an Execute SQL task depends on the type of connection you're using.
For example ADO.NET connections you use #ParameterName. For OleDB connections you use ?.
Full details can be found here


Pentaho CDE how to use parameter in SQLQuery

I'm looking a sample dashboard "Map Component Full Test".
I want to replace the datasource of pie chart for "sql over sqljdbc".
How can I use parameter in SQLQuery?
I'm waiting for your answer.
If you want to use parameter in SQL Query,
write Query like this.
select * from table
where id = ${parameter_name}
And another property should be set like this.
Arg ← parameter_name ,
Value ← not set (this value is affected by graph component's setting)
※here, "parameter" does not mean the components, like "Simple
They are not same.

Mule: how to send Array parameter to DB Update

I have a PG table with a field of type char(10)[].
I need to update a record in the table with values from a Mule flow.
So, i did something like this:
flowVars.test=['aaa', 'bbb',ccc'];
Then, I'm trying to submit an update statement like this:
update tab1 set fld1=#[flowVars.test]
it's failing with the error:
Cannot cast an instance of java.util.ArrayList to type Types.ARRAY
My understanding is that SQL array should be used in this scenario but I can't figure out how to get an instance of such an array in a flow and how to work with it in MEL.
Can someone please advise?
Thank you,
There are many sources that suggest to use the Connection#createArrayOf(). But I don't know how to use it in the Database connector.
However, for this purpose I will do this solution:
Convert the ArrayList to a String. It should be formed as: {value1, value2, ...}
Change the Database Query Type from Parameterized into Dynamic
Update the SQL Query become: update tab1 set fld1 = '#[flowVars.test]'. The additional single quote is required for this query type.
Finally, by using the following configuration I can update field of type character(10)[]:
<expression-transformer expression="#[flowVars.test = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'].toString().replace('[', '{').replace(']', '}')]" doc:name="Expression"/>
<db:update config-ref="Postgre_Database_Configuration" doc:name="Database">
<db:dynamic-query><![CDATA[update tab1 set fld1 = '#[flowVars.test]']]></db:dynamic-query>
Ok, I've found an answer in MuleSoft doc.
Starting from version 3.6 DB connector supports custom types and allows defining mapping between SQL arrays and structures and custom user classes.
It's documented here .

ruby variable inside sql statement

I am trying to use a ruby variable inside an sql statement. The following code works and deletes the second record of the templates table. How do i replace this number with my user defined variable "deleteid"?
deleteid = gets.chomp
$db.execute %q{DELETE FROM templates
WHERE id = 2}
You can use string interpolation:
$db.execute %{DELETE FROM templates WHERE id = #{deleteid}}
$db.execute %Q{DELETE FROM templates WHERE id = #{deleteid}}
User can pass arbitrary string. Using deleteid directly can be dangerous. As #muistooshort commented, you should escape the deleteid.
Consult your db driver's documentation for methods that accepts parameter and escape the parameter (or prepare method).
For example, if you use sqlite3-ruby, you can use Database#query, which will escape for you.
$db.prepare(%q{DELETE FROM templates WHERE id = ?}, [deleteid])
in pg, use Connection#exec_params:
$db.exec_params(%q{DELETE FROM templates WHERE id = $1}, [deleteid])

How to evaluate parameter variable stored in a file in jMeter?

Say, I have a jMeter variable var equals 123.
I also have a query stored in a sql file:
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE ID = ${var}
All I need is to read that query from the file and evaluate ${var} into actual value, and then execute it in JDBC Sampler. So I need to combine these two pieces into
and pass the query to JDBC sampler.
Though, jMeter doesn't evaluate the ${var} parameter stored in that sql file and all I can pass to JDBC sampler is (obvious one):
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE ID = ${var}.
Does anyone know how to make jMeter evaluate the stored variable into actual value?
I had a similar requirement.
You need to use Beanshell Preprocessor for the JDBC sampler. Copy the below script and put it in a .bsh file and call it. I assumed you have the query stored in 'SQLQuery' variable.
I tested the below script and it works.
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
String regex = "\\$\\{([^}]+)\\}";
SQLQuery = vars.get("SQLQuery");
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(SQLQuery);
String token =; //${var}
String tokenKey =; // var
SQLQuery = SQLQuery.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote(token), Matcher.quoteReplacement(vars.get(tokenKey)));
vars.put("SQLQuery", SQLQuery);
You need to use a "Prepared Select Statement" as Query Type. Prepared Statements
Then replace your ${var} with ?
And add the 2 parameters at the bottom.
Parameter values: ${var}
Parameter types: INT

Using a variable from Foreach Loop Container in a SQL Task [SSIS]

Ok, I have a simple process...
Read a table and get the rows that
have a "StatusID" of 1. Simple.
Select ProductID from PreorderStatus where StatusID = 1
Foreach row returned from that
query, perform an action. For
simplicity sake, let's just modify
the original table to set the
"StatusID" to 2.
Update PreorderStatus set StatusID = 2 where ProductID = #ProductID
In order to do this in SSIS, I have created a simple "Execute SQL Task" with the first statement. In the editor I have set the Result Set to return a Full result set and the Result Name of 0 is set to fill an object variable named ReadySet.
The output is then routed to a For Each Loop container. The Enumerator is set to Foreach ADO Enumerator and the object source variable set to the ReadySet variable from above. I have also mapped the variable v_ProductID to index 0.
Setting a breakpoint at the begining of the Foreach loop shows the variable being set correctly. GREAT!! Now on to step two....
Now I have placed a new SQL task in the foreach container. Now I have a head scratcher. How do I actually use the variable in the SQL statement. Simply using "v___ProductID" or "User::v_ProductID" doesn't seem to work. Mapping a parameter seemed like a good idea (got a #ProductID and everything!) but that didn't seem to work either.
I get the feeling that I am missing something pretty simple but can't tell what. Thanks for any help!!
I think there is a better approach. Here are the approximate steps:
Drag a DataFlow task onto the design surface.
Open it up and add a OLE DB source and OLEDB Command components to the design surface.
Modify the source to use the query you have described.
Connect the source to the Command component.
Modify command component to use "Update PreorderStatus set StatusID = 2 where ProductID = ?" query and on param mapping page map the ? variable to the input coming from the datasource.
When I want to use an execute sql task and vary something based on a variable, I use a stored proc and make the variable the input parameter for the proc.
Then you set the parmeter in the execute SQL task and set the SQL statement to something like:
exec myproc ?