How to set default values for Tcl variables? - variables

I have some Tcl scripts that are executed by defining variables in the command-line invocation:
$ tclsh84 -cmd <script>.tcl -DEF<var1>=<value1> -DEF<var2>=<value2>
Is there a way to check if var1 and var2 are NOT defined at the command line and then assign them with a set of default values?
I tried the keywords global, variable, and set, but they all give me this error when I say "if {$<var1>==""}": "can't read <var1>: no such variable"

I'm not familiar with the -def option on tclsh.
However, to check if a variable is set, instead of using 'catch', you can also use 'info exist ':
if { ![info exists blah] } {
set blah default_value

Alternatively you can use something like the cmdline package from tcllib. This allows you to set up defaults for binary flags and name/value arguments, and give them descriptions so that a formatted help message can be displayed. For example, if you have a program that requires an input filename, and optionally an output filename and a binary option to compress the output, you might use something like:
package require cmdline
set sUsage "Here you put a description of what your program does"
set sOptions {
{inputfile.arg "" "Input file name - this is required"}
{outputfile.arg "out.txt" "Output file name, if not given, out.txt will be used"}
{compressoutput "0" "Binary flag to indicate whether the output file will be compressed"}
array set options [::cmdline::getoptions argv $sOptions $sUsage]
if {$options(inputfile) == ""} {puts "[::cmdline::usage $sOptions $sUsage]";exit}
The .arg suffix indicates this is a name/value pair argument, if that is not listed, it will assume it is a binary flag.

You can catch your command to prevent error from aborting the script.
if { [ catch { set foo $<var1> } ] } {
set <var1> defaultValue
(Warning: I didn't check the exact syntax with a TCL interpreter, the above script is just to give the idea).


Perl6: large gzipped files read line by line

I'm trying to read a gz file line by line in Perl6, however, I'm getting blocked:
How to read gz file line by line in Perl6 however, this method, reading everything into :out uses far too much RAM to be usable except on very small files.
I don't understand how to use Perl6's Compress::Zlib to get everything line by line, although I opened an issue on their github
I'm trying Perl5's Compress::Zlib to translate this code, which works perfectly in Perl5:
use Compress::Zlib;
my $file = "data.txt.gz";
my $gz = gzopen($file, "rb") or die "Error reading $file: $gzerrno";
while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {
# Process the line read in $_
die "Error reading $file: $gzerrno" if $gzerrno != Z_STREAM_END ;
$gz->gzclose() ;
to something like this using Inline::Perl5 in Perl6:
use Compress::Zlib:from<Perl5>;
my $file = 'chrMT.1.vcf.gz';
my $gz = Compress::Zlib::new(gzopen($file, 'r');
while ($gz.gzreadline($_) > 0) {
print $_;
but I can't see how to translate this :(
I'm confused by Lib::Archive example I don't see how I can get something like item 3 here
There should be something like
for $file.IO.lines(gz) -> $line { or something like that in Perl6, if it exists, I can't find it.
How can I read a large file line by line without reading everything into RAM in Perl6?
Update Now tested, which revealed an error, now fixed.
Solution #2
use Compress::Zlib;
my $file = "data.txt.gz" ;
my $handle = try open $file or die "Error reading $file: $!" ;
my $zwrap = zwrap($handle, :gzip) ;
for $zwrap.lines {
CATCH { default { die "Error reading $file: $_" } }
$handle.close ;
I've tested this with a small gzipped text file.
I don't know much about gzip etc. but figured this out based on:
Knowing P6;
Reading Compress::Zlib's README and choosing the zwrap routine;
Looking at the module's source code, in particular the signature of the zwrap routine our sub zwrap ($thing, :$zlib, :$deflate, :$gzip);
And trial and error, mainly to guess that I needed to pass the :gzip adverb.
Please comment on whether my code works for you. I'm guessing the main thing is whether it's fast enough for the large files you have.
A failed attempt at solution #5
With solution #2 working I would have expected to be able to write just:
use Compress::Zlib ;
.print for "data.txt.gz".&zwrap(:gzip).lines ;
But that fails with:
No such method 'eof' for invocant of type 'IO::Path'
This is presumably because this module was written before the reorganization of the IO classes.
That led me to #MattOates' IO::Handle like object with .lines ? issue. I note no response and I saw no related repo at
I am focusing on the Inline::Perl5 solution that you tried.
For the call to $gz.gzreadline($_): it seems like gzreadline tries to return the line read from the zip file by modifying its input argument $_ (treated as an output argument, but it is not a true Perl 5 reference variable[1]), but the modified value is not returned to the Perl 6 script.
Here is a possoble workaround:
Create a wrapper module in the curent directory, e.g. ./
package MyZlibWrapper;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Compress::Zlib ();
use Exporter qw(import);
our #EXPORT = qw(gzopen);
our $VERSION = 0.01;
sub gzopen {
my ( $fn, $mode ) = #_;
my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen( $fn, $mode );
my $self = {gz => $gz};
return bless $self, __PACKAGE__;
sub gzreadline {
my ( $self ) = #_;
my $line = "";
my $res = $self->{gz}->gzreadline($line);
return [$res, $line];
sub gzclose {
my ( $self ) = #_;
Then use Inline::Perl5 on this wrapper module instead of Compress::Zlib. For example ./p.p6:
use v6;
use lib:from<Perl5> '.';
use MyZlibWrapper:from<Perl5>;
my $file = 'data.txt.gz';
my $mode = 'rb';
my $gz = gzopen($file, $mode);
loop {
my ($res, $line) = $gz.gzreadline();
last if $res == 0;
print $line;
In Perl 5 you can modify an input argument that is not a reference, and the change will be reflected in the caller. This is done by modifying entries in the special #_ array variable. For example: sub quote { $_[0] = "'$_[0]'" } $str = "Hello"; quote($str) will quote $str even if $str is not passed by reference.

Select all alias on modifySSLConfig using JACL script

I would want to edit all of the SSL configurations on all of my alias. I have found some resources to do this and my code so far is
$AdminTask modifySSLConfig {-alias NodeDefaultSSLSettings -sslProtocol TLSv1.2}
$AdminConfig save
I would want to be able to do this on all of the alias that can be found on my server, but I don't know how
Any ideas or leads on how to do this will help. Thank you.
I am now able to find all of the SSL configs by using this code
[$AdminTask listSSLConfigs {-scopeName (cell):Node01Cell:(node):Node01}
My next problem is, how would I be able to extract the alias string from there? I would only need the alias so that I can replace it on another variable so that I can just use a foreach loop for this
$AdminTask modifySSLConfig {-alias ${aliasvariablegoeshere} -sslProtocol TLSv1.2}
set hold [list [$AdminTask listSSLConfigs {-scopeName (cell):Node01Cell:(node):Node01}]]
foreach aliasList [$AdminConfig show $hold] {
foreach aliasName [$AdminConfig show $aliasList] {
set testTrim "alias "
set test5 [string trimleft $aliasName $testTrim]
$AdminTask modifySSLConfig {-alias ${test5} -sslProtocol TLSv1.2}
$AdminControl save
I have done this and was able to extract just the alias name and was able to put it on the variable like I wanted, but it gives me an invalid parameter error. Any ideas why this is happening and how would I be able to resolve this?
You can list all the SSL configs using:
AdminTask.listSSLConfigs('[-all true]')
for JACL use:
$AdminTask listSSLConfigs {-all true}
and then iterate over the list and change whatever you need.
Instead of -all you can provide scope for example: -scopeName (cell):localhostNode01Cell:(node):localhostNode01
For details about SSLConfig commands check SSLConfigCommands command group for the AdminTask object
in general this should work:
foreach aliasList [$AdminTask listSSLConfigs {-scopeName (cell):PCCell1:(node):Node1}] {
puts $aliasList
set splitList [split $aliasList " "]
puts $splitList
set aliasname [lindex $splitList 1]
puts $aliasname
$AdminTask modifySSLConfig { -alias $aliasname -sslProtocol TLSv1.2 }
but I cannot make $AdminTask to correctly resolve $aliasname param...
Strongly suggest you to switch to jython. ;-)
I have managed to make it work, it seems like whatever I do I can't make the alias that I got to be a valid parameter so I made the whole thing as a string command instead. Here is my code.
foreach aliasList [$AdminConfig list SSLConfig] {
foreach aliasName [$AdminConfig show $aliasList alias] {
set strTrim "alias "
set strFinal [string trimleft $aliasName $strTrim]
set command "-alias $strFinal -sslProtocol TLSv1.2"
$AdminTask modifySSLConfig $command
puts saved
$AdminConfig save
I was able to figure it out for Jython:
import sys
import os
import string
import re
#$HOME/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ -lang jython -f $HOME/
#Updates Websphere security to TLSv1.2
AdminTask.convertCertForSecurityStandard('[-fipsLevel SP800-131 -signatureAlgorithm SHA256withRSA -keySize 2048 ]')
sslConfigList=AdminTask.listSSLConfigs('[-all true]').splitlines()
for sslConfig in sslConfigList:
sslElems=sslConfig.split(" ")
AdminTask.modifySSLConfig (['-alias',sslElems[1],'-scopeName',sslElems[3],'-sslProtocol', 'TLSv1.2', '-securityLevel', 'HIGH' ])
After that you should also update all your ssl.client.props files with:
Restart your deployment manager and force manual syncNode on all nodes, for example:
~/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/*/bin/ <DeplymentManagerHost> <dmgr port=8879> -username <username> -password <password>

Terraform template_file get pass all received variables to a function

is there in Terraforom in template_files a way to pass through all the received variables to other place?
I mean something similar than $# in bash.
For example:
resource "template_file" "some_template" {
template = "my_template.tpl")}"
vars {
var1 = "value1"
var2 = "value2"
and then from the rendered file:
echo "Var1: ${var1}"
echo "Var2: ${var2}"
echo "But I want it in someway similar to this:"
for v in $#; do
echo "$v";
According to the documentation, no.
Variables for interpolation within the template. Note that variables
must all be primitives. Direct references to lists or maps will cause
a validation error.
Primitives in terraform are string, number and boolean.
So it means you can not pass a hash or a list to group all the variables in one.
Use join and pass all the variables as one and parse/split them within a script (with tr/IFS tricks)
join("; ", [var.myvar1, var.myvar2, var.myvar3])
and then
IFS=';' read -ra ADDR <<< "$IN"
for i in "${ADDR[#]}"; do
echo "$i"

TCL, get full error message in catch command

proc test {} {
When I run this script I get error message:
invalid command name "aaa"
while executing
(procedure "test" line 2)
invoked from within
(file "./a.tcl" line 7)
If I run test command in catch I get only first line of error message.
proc test {} {
catch test msg
puts $msg
This prints:
invalid command name "aaa"
Is it possible to get full error message (file, line, procedure) in catch command? My program has many files and by getting just one line of error message it is difficult to find from where is it.
The short answer is to look at the value of errorInfo which will contain the stack trace.
The more complete answer is to look at the catch and the return manual pages and make use of the -optionsVarName parameter to the catch statement to collect the more detailed information provided. The return manual page gives some information on using this. But a rough example from an interactive session:
% proc a {} { catch {funky} err detail; return $detail }
% a
-code 1 -level 0 -errorstack {INNER {invokeStk1 funky} CALL a} -errorcode NONE -errorinfo {invalid command name "funky"
while executing
"funky"} -errorline 1
The detail variable is a dictionary, so use dict get $detail -errorinfo to get that particular item.

Rancid/ Looking Glass perl script hitting an odd error: $router unavailable

I am attempting to set up a small test environment (homelab) using CentOS 6.6, Rancid 3.1, Looking Glass, and some Cisco Switches/Routers, with httpd acting as the handler. I have picked up a little perl by means of this endeavor, but python (more 2 than 3) is my background. Right now, everything on the rancid side of things works without issue: bin/clogin successfully logs into all of the equipment in the router.db file, and logging of the configs is working as expected. All switches/routers to be accessed are available and online, verified by ssh connection to devices as well as using bin/clogin.
Right now, I have placed the lg.cgi and lgform.cgi files into var/www/cgi-bin/ which allows the forms to be run as cgi scripts. I had to modify the files to split on ';' instead of ':' due to the change in the .db file in Rancid 3.1:#record = split('\:', $_); was replaced with: #record = split('\;', $_); etc. Once that change was made, I was able to load the lgform.cgi with the proper router.db parsing. At this point, it seemed like everything should be good to go. When I attempt to ping from one of those devices out to, the file correctly redirects to lg.cgi, and the page loads, but with
main is unavailable. Try again later.
as the error, where 'main' is the router hostname. Using this output, I was able to find the function responsible for this output. Here it is before I added anything:
sub DoRsh
my ($router, $mfg, $cmd, $arg) = #_;
my($ctime) = time();
my($lckobj) = LockFile::Simple->make(-delay => $lock_int,
-max => $max_lock_wait, -hold => $max_lock_hold);
if ($pingcmd =~ /\d$/) {
`$pingcmd $router`;
} else {
`$pingcmd $router 56 1`;
if ($?) {
print "$router is unreachable. Try again later.\n";
if ($LG_SINGLE) {
if (! $lckobj->lock("$cache_dir/$router")) {
print "$router is busy. Try again later.\n";
$val = &DoCmd($router, $mfg, $cmd, $arg);
if ($LG_SINGLE) {
In order to dig in a little deeper, I peppered that function with several print statements. Here is the modified function, followed by the output from the loaded lg.cgi page:
sub DoRsh
my ($router, $mfg, $cmd, $arg) = #_;
my($ctime) = time();
my($lckobj) = LockFile::Simple->make(-delay => $lock_int,
-max => $max_lock_wait, -hold => $max_lock_hold);
if ($pingcmd =~ /\d$/) {
`$pingcmd $router`;
} else {
`$pingcmd $router 56 1`;
print "About to test the ($?) branch.\n";
print "Also who is the remote_user?:' $remote_user'\n";
print "What about the ENV{REMOTE_USER} '$ENV{REMOTE_USER}'\n";
print "Here is the ENV{HOME}: '$ENV{HOME}'\n";
if ($?) {
print "$lckobj is the lock object.\n";
print "#_ something else to look at.\n";
print "$? whatever this is suppose to be....\n";
print "Some variables:\n";
print "$mfg is the mfg.\n";
print "$cmd was the command passed in with $arg as the argument.\n";
print "$pingcmd $router\n";
print "$cloginrc - Is the cloginrc pointing correctly?\n";
print "$LG_SINGLE the next value to be tested.\n";
print "$router is unreachable. Try again later.\n";
if ($LG_SINGLE) {
if (! $lckobj->lock("$cache_dir/$router")) {
print "$router is busy. Try again later.\n";
$val = &DoCmd($router, $mfg, $cmd, $arg);
if ($LG_SINGLE) {
About to test the (512) branch.
Also who is the remote_user?:' '
What about the ENV{REMOTE_USER} ''
Here is the ENV{HOME}: '.'
LockFile::Simple=HASH(0x1a13650) is the lock object.
main cisco ping something else to look at.
512 whatever this is suppose to be....
Some variables:
cisco is the mfg.
ping was the command passed in with as the argument.
/bin/ping -c 1 main
./.cloginrc - Is the cloginrc pointing correctly?
1 the next value to be tested.
main is unreachable. Try again later.
I can provide the code for when DoRsh is called, if necessary, but it looks mostly like this:&DoRsh($router, $mfg, $cmd, $arg);.
From what I can tell the '$?' special variable (or at least according to
this reference it is a special var) is returning the 512 value, which is causing that fork to test true. The problem is I don't know what that 512 means, nor where it is coming from. Using the ref site's description ("The status returned by the last pipe close, backtick (``) command, or system operator.") and the formation of the conditional tree above, I can see that it is some error of some kind, but I don't know how else to proceed with this inspection. I'm wondering if maybe it is in response to some permission issue, since the remote_user variable is null, when I didn't expect it to be. Any guidance anyone may be able to provide would be helpful. Furthermore, if there is any information that I may have skipped over, that I didn't think to include, or that may prove helpful, please ask, and I will provide to the best of my ability
May be you put in something like
my $pingret=$pingcmd ...;
print 'Ping result was:'.$pingret;
And check the returned strings?