How can I compare two tables and delete on matching fields (not matching records) - sql

Scenario: A sampling survey needs to be performed on membership of 20,000 individuals. Survey sample size is 3500 of the total 20000 members. All membership individuals are in table tblMember. Same survey was performed the previous year and members whom were surveyed are in tblSurvey08. Membership data can change over the year (e.g. new email address, etc.) but the MemberID data stays the same.
How do I remove the MemberID/records contained tblSurvey08 from tblMember to create a new table of potential members to be surveyed (lets call it tblPotentialSurvey09). Again the record for a individual member may not match from the different tables but the MemberID field will remain constant.
I am fairly new at this stuff but I seem to be having a problem Googling a solution - I could use the EXCEPT function but the records for the individuals members are not necessarily the same from one table to next - just the MemberID may be the same.

* (replace with column list)
member m
tblSurvey08 s08
ON m.member_id = s08.member_id
s08.member_id IS NULL
will give you only members not in the 08 survey. This join is more efficient than a NOT IN construct.
A new table is not such a great idea, since you are duplicating data. A view with the above query would be a better choice.

I apologize in advance if I didn't understand your question but I think this is what you're asking for. You can use the insert into statement.
insert into tblPotentialSurvey09
select your_criteria from tblMember where tblMember.MemberId not in (
select MemberId from tblSurvey08

First of all, I wouldn't create a new table just for selecting potential members. Instead, I would create a new true/false (1/0) field telling if they are eligible.
However, if you'd still want to copy data to the new table, here's how you can do it:
INSERT INTO tblSurvey00 (MemberID)
FROM tblMember m
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tblSurvey09 s WHERE s.MemberID = m.MemberID)
If you just want to create a new field as I suggested, a similar query would do the job.

An outer join should do:
select m_09.MemberID
from tblMembers m_09 left outer join
tblSurvey08 m_08 on m_09.MemberID = m_08.MemberID
m_08.MemberID is null


postgres - retain duplicates from query

I just ran into a bug in our code based on the way we're matching data against a Postgres array.
Here's the issue:
In the database, we have a surcharge column that lives in the appointment table where the ids of all surcharges attached to an appointment are stored. In some cases, a surcharge may be added twice and therefore would look like {1,1} in the database.
I was using a simple query like the following to retrieve the surcharge data associated with the surcharges that have been attached to the appointment:
SELECT s.* FROM surcharge s, appointment a WHERE = ANY(a.surcharges);
Unfortunately, I didn't test this case where more than one of the same surcharge exists. The result is that only 1 record is being returned rather than the 2 I really need.
To clarify, an example would be an appointment with appointment.surcharges = {1,1}, I'd actually want to be able to retrieve the record from surcharges TWICE because it has two surcharges associated with it. I then use those records to create billing-related transactions associated with the appointment.
All that said, is there a simple way to allow a query to return the duplicates that I need?
I can handle this situation in code, but it would be great to run a simple query to handle this situation.
I'm running Postgres 9.5.
Thank you in advance!
I think a plain inner join to an unnested table of surcharges should give you what you want:
FROM surcharge s
SELECT UNNEST(surcharges) AS surcharges
FROM appointment
) a
ON = a.surcharges;

poor report performance when using with clause

What is the best way to join humongous table two or more times?
For example In this fictitious example, we have students table, student record who has TUTOR_ID column is a reference to the same table to another student.
What I am trying to accomplish is a report that will find all tutors that share the same students.
So I have built a query like this:
First time to find parent child relationships
Second time to find all tutors that share the same students
I tried to use "with clause" but query performance is really bad
Is there a better approach to take?
WHERE -- ? conditions truncated

Design : multiple visits per patient

Above is my schema. What you can't see in tblPatientVisits is the foreign key from tblPatient, which is patientid.
tblPatient contains a distinct copies of each patient in the dataset as well as their gender. tblPatientVists contains their demographic information, where they lived at time of admission and which hospital they went to. I chose to put that information into a separate table because it changes throughout the data (a person can move from one visit to the next and go to a different hospital).
I don't get any strange numbers with my queries until I add tblPatientVisits. There are just under one millions claims in tblClaims, but when I add tblPatientVisits so I can check out where that person was from, it returns over million. I thinkthis is due to the fact that in tblPatientVisits the same patientID shows up more than once (due to the fact that they had different admission/dischargedates).
For the life of me I can't see where this is incorrect design, nor do I know how to rectify it beyond doing one query with count(tblPatientVisits.PatientID=1 and then union with count(tblPatientVisits.patientid)>1.
Any insight into this type of design, or how I might more elegantly find a way to get the claimType from tblClaims to give me the correct number of rows with I associate a claim ID with a patientID?
EDIT: The biggest problem I'm having is the fact that if I include the admissionDate,dischargeDate or the patientStatein the tblPatient table I can't use the patientID as a primary key.
It should be noted that tblClaims are NOT necessarily related to tblPatientVisits.admissionDate, tblPatientVisits.dischargeDate.
EDIT: sample queries to show that when tblPatientVisits is added, more rows are returned than claims
SELECT, tblClaims.claimType
tblPatientClaims ON = INNER JOIN
tblPatient ON tblPatientClaims.patientid = tblPatient.patientID INNER JOIN
tblPatientVisits ON tblPatient.patientID = tblPatientVisits.patientID
more than one million query rows returned
SELECT, tblPatient.patientID
tblPatientClaims ON = INNER JOIN
tblPatient ON tblPatientClaims.patientid = tblPatient.patientID
less than one million query rows returned
I think this is crying for a better design. I really think that a visit should be associated with a claim, and that a claim can only be associated with a single patient, so I think the design should be (and eliminating the needless tbl prefix, which is just clutter):
CREATE TABLE dbo.Patients
-- , ... other columns ...
REFERENCES dbo.Patients(PatientID)
-- , ... other columns ...
CREATE TABLE dbo.PatientVisits
REFERENCES dbo.Patients(PatientID),
REFERENCES dbo.Claims(ClaimID),
VisitDate DATE
, -- ... other columns ...
, PRIMARY KEY (PatientID, ClaimID, VisitDate) -- not convinced on this one
There is some redundant information here, but it's not clear from your model whether a patient can have a visit that is not associated with a specific claim, or even whether you know that a visit belongs to a specific claim (this seems like crucial information given the type of query you're after).
In any case, given your current model, one query you might try is:
SELECT, c.claimType
FROM dbo.tblClaims AS c
INNER JOIN dbo.tblPatientClaims AS pc
ON =
INNER JOIN dbo.tblPatient AS p
ON pc.patientid = p.patientID
-- where exists tells SQL server you don't care how many
-- visits took place, as long as there was at least one:
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.tblPatientVisits AS pv
WHERE pv.patientID = p.patientID);
This will still return one row for every patient / claim combination, but it should only return one row per patient / visit combination. Again, it really feels like the design isn't right here. You should also get in the habit of using table aliases - they make your query much easier to read, especially if you insist on the messy tbl prefix. You should also always use the dbo (or whatever schema you use) prefix when creating and referencing objects.
I'm not sure I understand the concept of a claim but I suspect you want to remove the link table between claims and patient and instead make the association between patient visit and a claim.
Would that work out better for you?

MS Access Selecting Related Rows

I have 2 tables with a many-to-any relationship. For the example we will call the tables "Guys" and Girls" There is a junction table that contains the related primary keys...who has dated who.
If I want to find all the girls that Guy 1 has dated, I do a select on the junction table selecting all girls with guys.ID. This give me a RecordSet. Now to find the names of the girls, I need to select from the girls table a row using the key from each RecordSet row.
Isn't there an easier way? Since I've defined the relationships in Access I would think that there must be a way to build a single query. How do I do that?
FROM (guys
INNER JOIN junct ON guys.guyID = junct.guyID)
INNER JOIN girls ON junct.girlID = girls.girlID
WHERE guys.guyID = [whatever id you're looking for]

Where are Cartesian Joins used in real life?

Where are Cartesian Joins used in real life?
Can some one please give examples of such a Join in any SQL database.
just random example. you have a table of cities: Id, Lat, Lon, Name. You want to show user table of distances from one city to another. You will write something like
SELECT c1.Name, c2.Name, SQRT( (c1.Lat - c2.Lat) * (c1.Lat - c2.Lat) + (c1.Lon - c2.Lon)*(c1.Lon - c2.Lon))
FROM City c1, c2
Here are two examples:
To create multiple copies of an invoice or other document you can populate a temporary table with names of the copies, then cartesian join that table to the actual invoice records. The result set will contain one record for each copy of the invoice, including the "name" of the copy to print in a bar at the top or bottom of the page or as a watermark. Using this technique the program can provide the user with checkboxes letting them choose what copies to print, or even allow them to print "special copies" in which the user inputs the copy name.
CREATE TEMP TABLE tDocCopies (CopyName TEXT(20))
INSERT INTO tDocCopies (CopyName) VALUES ('Customer Copy')
INSERT INTO tDocCopies (CopyName) VALUES ('Office Copy')
INSERT INTO tDocCopies (CopyName) VALUES ('File Copy')
SELECT * FROM InvoiceInfo, tDocCopies WHERE InvoiceDate = TODAY()
To create a calendar matrix, with one record per person per day, cartesian join the people table to another table containing all days in a week, month, or year.
SELECT People.PeopleID, People.Name, CalDates.CalDate
FROM People, CalDates
I've noticed this being done to try to deliberately slow down the system either to perform a stress test or an excuse for missing development deliverables.
Usually, to generate a superset for the reports.
In PosgreSQL:
FROM generate_series(1, 12) month
department d
sales s
ON s.department =
AND s.month = month
GROUP BY, month
This is the only time in my life that I've found a legitimate use for a Cartesian product.
At the last company I worked at, there was a report that was requested on a quarterly basis to determine what FAQs were used at each geographic region for a national website we worked on.
Our database described geographic regions (markets) by a tuple (4, x), where 4 represented a level number in a hierarchy, and x represented a unique marketId.
Each FAQ is identified by an FaqId, and each association to an FAQ is defined by the composite key marketId tuple and FaqId. The associations are set through an admin application, but given that there are 1000 FAQs in the system and 120 markets, it was a hassle to set initial associations whenever a new FAQ was created. So, we created a default market selection, and overrode a marketId tuple of (-1,-1) to represent this.
Back to the report - the report needed to show every FAQ question/answer and the markets that displayed this FAQ in a 2D matrix (we used an Excel spreadsheet). I found that the easiest way to associate each FAQ to each market in the default market selection case was with this query, unioning the exploded result with all other direct FAQ-market associations.
The Faq2LevelDefault table holds all of the markets that are defined as being in the default selection (I believe it was just a list of marketIds).
SELECT FaqId, fld.LevelId, 1 [Exists]
FROM Faq2Levels fl
CROSS JOIN Faq2LevelDefault fld
WHERE fl.LevelId=-1 and fl.LevelNumber=-1 and fld.LevelNumber=4
SELECT Faqid, LevelId, 1 [Exists] from Faq2Levels WHERE LevelNumber=4
You might want to create a report using all of the possible combinations from two lookup tables, in order to create a report with a value for every possible result.
Consider bug tracking: you've got one table for severity and another for priority and you want to show the counts for each combination. You might end up with something like this:
select severity_name, priority_name, count(*)
from (select severity_id, severity_name,
priority_id, priority_name
from severity, priority) sp
left outer join
errors e
on e.severity_id = sp.severity_id
and e.priority_id = sp.priority_id
group by severity_name, priority_name
In this case, the cartesian join between severity and priority provides a master list that you can create the later outer join against.
When running a query for each date in a given range. For example, for a website, you might want to know for each day, how many users were active in the last N days. You could run a query for each day in a loop, but it's simplest to keep all the logic in the same query, and in some cases the DB can optimize the Cartesian join away.
To create a list of related words in text mining, using similarity functions, e.g. Edit Distance