vs 2008 broken snippets functionality - vb.net

Is there a way to reset to the original vb.net snippets that came along with visual studio 2008?
I recently installed a purchased third party lib, that managed to break almost all the default snippets.
I can see that the snippets do physically exist in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VB\Snippets\1033 but only the following sections are loaded to vs 2008:
office development
Any help would be appreciated...

Found a solution !!!
I went to tools > Code snippet Manager
and re-added the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VB\Snippets\1033 folder
Everything works great now !!!

You can try to reset the IDE-settings by calling it with /resetsettings

It sounds like your SnippetIndex file is broken. There should be a file at the directory you listed named SnippetIndex.xml. This is the file that is consulted in order to build the initial list of snippets. Can you check that file and see how big it is. It should be at least 500+ lines (mine is 579).
If it's less then this is almost certainly your problem. You can fix this by repairing the Visual Studio install
Go to Control Panel -> Add Remove Programs
Select Visual Studio
Choose Repair


Visual Studio 2015 - Add New Item: "No items available for Templates"

The ADO.NET Model Templates are missing in my version of VS2015. I have tried installing the SQL Server data tools and re-installing the EF Tools as per suggestions found elsewhere but neither have helped. Does anyone have a solution for this issue?
Many thanks
I fixed the same problem in the following way
got to the Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Right click on Visual Studio 2015 -> Modify -> (tick the feature "Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools" ) and Update
give it a try
I was getting the No items found message when attempting to simply add a new class to my project, and managed to fix it using the steps provided by this blog post by Kevin Wilson
Close Visual Studio
Remove (and backup) the following directories from your Visual
Studio installation.
Run command prompt as administrator, and navigate to the Visual Studio directory, e.g.
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7IDE
Run the following command to regenerate the item and project template caches
devenv.exe /InstallVSTemplates
Restart Visual Studio, and if everything's worked, your class & project templates should all be working normally again.

Visual Studio 2015 - a lot of Packages are missing

So I recently bought a new computer. And now I wanted to install visual studio 2015. So I did. But now the problem is that i cant create a new project because i cant select a vb.net form or anything else and also im getting these error messages saying:
The 'ErrorListPackage' package did not load correctly
The'VisualStudioPackage' package did not load correctly
The Microsoft.visual studio package did not load correctly
anyone has a solution for this? because I'm kinda getting a bit frustrated now.
I tried a complete uninstall and install and it didnt work. I tried copying folders from my laptop to my new pc but also that didn't work. Also switching frameworks doesn't do anything. I also never experienced this problem before but can this problem occure because I have 2 drives?? Seems odd but I think I'm also going to do an uninstall again and then try the .iso installer and see if that helps.
So this is how I fixed it for myself.
I removed all files and folders that are linked to visual studio
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0
C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio Services
After I deleted all of those folders I deleted the regkeys located:
HKLM > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Visual Studio
After that I started the visual studio installer with admin rights.
And now I can create a project :)
This usually indicates an issue with an extension which ships with some dependent assemblies which Visual Studio itself (or another extension) also depends on. When these dependencies are different versions, it's not predictable which version will load.
To solve your problem, first disable your extensions and add-ins, then close Visual Studio, clear the ComponentModelCache folder under:
And start Visual Studio again.
This should clear the immediate issue.
Now enable each extension one-by-one restarting Visual Studio every time to see if the issues come back.
To dive deeper into the underlying issue, you could look into all the extensions under these folders:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions
Look for assemblies from Microsoft itself (commonly found are Microsoft.TeamFoundation.* and Microsoft.VisualStudio. in folders containing an extension that did not originate from Microsoft. These extensions are common culprits for these issues.
If you want to dig deeper, consider using fuslogvw from the Windows SDK to see which assemblies are loaded and which exact versions they are. You can also look into the Visual Studio logs after the issue surfaces to see what underlying cause there may be. The log should be available under:

Entity Framework in Visual Studio 2013 library not found

I get a rather unusual error in Visual Studio 2013 in Visual Basic when trying to work with Entity Framework. This doesn't matter whether I work with an existing project or create a new one. It started to happen when I changed to a new PC with Win 8.1.
I create a new model using the wizard from a database. It creates the diagram very nicely. However, I get an compilation error telling the library EntityFramework.dll doesn't exist. However, the only thing is that the path to EntityFramework.dll is wrong (Looks like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\..\IDE\EntityFramework.dll). The address, however, would be D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE. Where would I change that value?
Apparently when reinstalling Visual Studio to a different drive the %VS120COMNTOOLS% environment variable is not updated correctly and points to the folder on the drive where VS was originally installed. The template for generating DDL SQL is using the %VS120COMNTOOLS% environment variable to find assemblies it needs to generate the code. Since the variable is pointing to a folder that no longer contains the necessary files the T4 template transformation fails.
Open the developer command prompt for VS2013
set the variable manually to point to the correct location (e.g.
set VS120COMNTOOLS="D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\")
start VS from the command prompt by executing devenv
verify if things now work
(Note that if you follow the above steps to set the variable it will only work for VS instances started from this command prompt.)
If the above works go to the computer properties (e.g. in Win 8/Win 8.1 type "This PC" in the search window), right click on the icon and select "Properties", go to the "Advanced" tab and click the "Environment Variables" button, then in the "System variables" window find the VS120COMNTOOLS variable, double click (or click the "Edit" button) and fix the variable so that it points to the right folder.
Don't forget the last backslash after Tools... C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools <---- will not work, but... C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\ <--- will work
It might look funny but I encounter the same issue (with windows 8.1) but none of the suggested methods worked for me!!
I checked my environment variables it had the correct path but when I tested it with explorer (typed %VS120COMNTOOLS% in explorer's address bar) it does not showed up!! Rather it said
"windows cannot find %VS120COMNTOOLS% make sure you typed the name correctly"
So what I did was I just deleted the variable and recreated it with the exact same path
and after rebuild the error gone!!!
So if you guys have the same issue give it a go
In my case, it was a permission issue and not related to the environment variable file path as the path was correct in my case.
So what I did is added permissions to my current user on the whole visual studio installation folder and then launched Visual Studio as administrator. I re-generated my Model and it worked!
I had this problem with VS2013 on Windows 8.1. I solved the problem by copying
EntityFramework.dll and Microsoft.Data.Entity.Design.dll
from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE
to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools
The files are in both locations and now everything works fine.
I had to delete my DB Entity Model and start over again to get things working.
It's probably just an MS coding error making VS2013 look in the wrong place.
I had this problem with VS2013 on Windows Server 2012R2. Two drives (C and D). I tried repairing and uninstall-reinstall but that didn't fix anything. It was hacky but I got it to work.
First I changed the system variables to go from D to C. To do this, go to Control Panel --> System and Security --> System. On the left hand side you will see Advanced System Settings. On the bottom of the Advanced tab you see Environment Variables. I had to edit VS120COMNTOOLS to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools. It previously was D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools.
Then I copied the EntityFramework.dll and Microsoft.Data.Entity.Design.dll from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\IDE. If the IDE folder doesn't exist then create one. That is what I had to do. Seems so strange but it works!
I had to delete the current edmx in my project, readd it, and restart VS. Such a wierd problem and took me quite a while to piece together multiple stackoverflow articles to get the whole problem solved.
The following path of %VS120COMNTOOLS% is working for me:
set VS120COMNTOOLS="D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\"
I also faced the same issue. I have my VS2012 at "D:\Program Files (x86)\".
I tried to set the common folder for VS using the following set command from VS2012 command Prompt.
set VS120COMN="D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7"
This resolved the issue for me.

Add VB.NET to Visual Studio 2010 Professional

In the past I have only used Visual Studio 2010 Professional for C#, but now I need to work on a little bit of Visual Basic. When I go to create a project it only shows C# project templates. I am assuming when I installed Visual Studio 2010, I only installed C#.
How do I now install VB.NET support?
I tried following a MS tutorial: I went to Control Panel and selected Change/Uninstall on Visual Studio, but then it asked me to insert a CD, of which I have none since it was donwloaded.
Nevermind I figured it out. (win7) Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Uninstall/Change on Visual Studio -> then when you hit the Add/Remove features and you get the popup asking about the cd (which is where I assumed i was stuck before) if you hit Download it takes you to the dialog where you choose additional languages to install and it worked.
I apologize for my earlier flippant comment, and offer you
I had same problem but i did the simplest solution ,since i had my .iso(visual studio express) file i had downloaded I used my winrar to extract files ,went to VBExpress ,open the folder and click on the setup and it all worked out successfully...

Where to get MonoTools for Visual Studio 2010/2012 plug-in. No luck with their web site as it is down

I have been trying to get the MonoTools for Visual Studio from their web site (mono-tools.com). But with no luck. Where to get MonoTools for Visual Studio 2010/2012 plug-in?
You can easily modify the MonoTools installer to work with VS2012. .vsix files are ZIP files. In the root of the zip, you'll see a file named extension.vsixmanifest, which lists the versions of Visual Studio that are supported by the extension.
Download the MonoTools package
Rename it to have a .zip extension
Right-click and select "open" - you don't want to extract the file, just open the archive using the built-in Windows mechanism
Copy extension.vsixmanifest anywhere - say, to your desktop.
Open it up in a text editor (I love Notepad++, EMACS is also pretty awesome under OSX.)
Change the SupportedProducts key to the following:
<VisualStudio Version="10.0">
<VisualStudio Version="11.0">
Copy the modified file back into the archive.
Rename it from .zip to .vsix
Run it. The Visual Studio Version Selector should appear and let you pick VS2012.
If the Mono menu item doesn't appear after restarting VS, you may need to run
devenv /setup
from a VS command prompt (or, from c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 11\common7\ide).
This works for just about any VS2010 extension.
That was a former product from Novell, and it is no longer offered or developed.
Xamarin doesn't offer it either.
can get it from here: http://mono-tools.com/
free if you do their survey
but i don't see a vs2012 version
It costs at minimum $999.00 - https://store.xamarin.com/ and is included as part of Mono for Android. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like after it's installed.
There is also a training course on this from PluralSight -- http://www.pluralsight-training.net/microsoft/Courses/TableOfContents/android-intro