ComboBox DataBinding DisplayMember and LINQ queries -

I decided to iterate through the Data.DataTable and trimmed the values there.
Utilizing SirDemon's post, I have updated the code a little bit:
Sub test(ByVal path As String)
Dim oData As GSDataObject = GetDataObj(path)
Dim oDT As New Data.DataTable
Dim t = From r In oData.GetTable(String.Format("SELECT * FROM {0}gsobj\paths ORDER BY keyid", AddBS(path))) Select r
If t.Count > 0 Then
oDT = t.CopyToDataTable
For Each dr As Data.DataRow In oDT.Rows
dr.Item("key_code") = dr.Item("key_code").ToString.Trim
dr.Item("descript") = dr.Item("descript").ToString.Trim
dataPathComboBox.DataSource = oDT
dataPathComboBox.DisplayMember = "descript"
dataPathComboBox.ValueMember = "key_code"
dataPathComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0
dataPathComboBox.Enabled = True
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
This works almost as I need it to, the data is originally from a foxpro table, so the strings it returns are <value> plus (<Field>.maxlength-<value>.length) of trailing whitespace characters. For example, a field with a 12 character length has a value of bob. When I query the database, I get "bob_________", where _ is a space.
I have tried a couple of different things to get rid of the whitespace such as:
dataPathComboBox.DisplayMember = "descript".Trim.
But nothing has worked yet. Other than iterating through the Data.DataTable or creating a custom CopyToDataTable method, is there any way I can trim the values? Perhaps it can be done in-line with the LINQ query?
Here is the code I have so far, I have no problem querying the database and getting the information, but I cannot figure out how to display the proper text in the ComboBox list. I always get System.Data.DataRow :
Dim t = From r In oData.GetTable("SELECT * FROM ../gsobj/paths ORDER BY keyid") _
Select r
dataPathComboBox.DataSource = t.ToList
dataPathComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0
'dataPathComboBox.DisplayMember = t.ToList.First.Item("descript")
dataPathComboBox.Enabled = True
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
I know that on the DisplayMember line the .First.Item() part is wrong, I just wanted to show what row I am trying to designate as the DisplayMember.

I'm pretty sure your code tries to set an entire DataRow to a property that is simply the name of the Field (in a strongly type class) or a Column (in a DataTable).
dataPathComboBox.DisplayMember = "descript"
Should work if the DataTable contains a retrieved column of that name.
Also, I'd suggest setting your SelectedIndex only AFTER you've done the DataBinding and you know you actually have items, otherwise SelectedIndex = 0 may throw an exception.
EDIT: Trimming the name of the bound column will trim just that, not the actual bound value string. You either have to go through all the items after they've been bound and do something like:
dataPathComboBox.Item[i].Text = dataPathComboBox.Item[i].Text.Trim()
For each one of the items. Not sure what ComboBox control you're using, so the item collection name might be something else.
Another solution is doing that for each item when it is bound if the ComboBox control exposes an onItemDataBound event of some kind.
There are plenty of other ways to do this, depending on what the control itself offers and what you choose to do.

DisplayMember is intended to indicate the name of the property holding the value to be displayed.
In your case, I'm not sure what the syntax will by since you seem to be using a DataSet, but that should be
... DisplayMember="Item['descript']" ...
in Xaml, unless you need to switch that at runtime in which case you can do it in code with
dataPathComboBox.DisplayMember = "Item['descript']"
Again, not 100% sure on the syntax. If you are using a strongly typed DataSet it's even easier since you should have a "descript" property on your row, but given hat your error indicates "System.DataRow" and not a custom type, I guess you are not.

Because I can't figure out the underlying type of the datasource you are using I suggest you to change commented string to
dataPathComboBox.DisplayMember = t.ElementType.GetProperties.GetValue(0).Name
and try to determine correct index (initially it is zero) in practice.

Related - SQLite query response turning empty after first interaction

so I'm using SQLite in a project with a populated database. I'm using the Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core and System.Data.SQLite NuGet package libraries. So the problem presents when I'm trying to get the result of a query. At first the SQLiteDataReader gets the response and all the elements of the desired table. I know this cause in the debugger I have a breakpoint after the setting the object and when I check the parameters of the SQLiteDataReader object the Result View shows all the elements of my table, but as soon as I remove the mouse from the object and check it again the Result View turns out empty, without even resuming with the next line of code. Does anyone know if its a known bug or something cause Ive used this exact method of querying a table in another project and it works.
The code:
Public Function RunQuery(com As String)
If CheckConnection() Then
command.CommandText = com
Dim response As SQLiteDataReader
response = command.ExecuteReader
Dim len As Integer = response.StepCount
Dim col As Integer = response.FieldCount
Dim resp(len, col) As Object
For i = 0 To col - 1
Using response
For j = 0 To len - 1
resp(i, j) = response.GetValue(j)
End Using
Debugger with populated result view
Debugger with empty result view
edit: added the for loop to show that its not only on the debugger that the result view is empty. When using response.Read() it throws an exception "System.InvalidOperationException: 'No current row'"
As I have told you in the comment, a DataReader derived class is a forward only retrieval object. This means that when you reach the end of the records returned by the query, that object is not capable to restart from the beginning.
So if you force the debugger to enumerate the view the reader reaches the end of the results and a second attempt to show the content of the reader fails.
The other part of your problem is caused by a misunderstanding on how to work on the reader. You should loop over the Read result not using a StepCount property. This property as far as I know, is not standard and other data providers don't support it. Probably it is present in the SQLite Provider because for them it is relatively easy to count the number of records while other providers don't attempt do calculate that value for performance reasons.
However, there are other ways to read from the reader. One of them is to fill a DataTable object with its Load method that conveniently take a DataReader
Dim data As DataTable = New DataTable()
Using response
End Using
' Now you have a datatable filled with your data.
' No need to have a dedicated bidimensional array
A DataTable is like an array where you have Rows and Columns instead of indexes to iterate over.

How to insert Listbox items in MS Access database in a single row

I have the following code:
Dim queryString As String
queryString = "Insert into ServiceRecords([Personnel]) Values(#Personnels)"
command1 = New OleDbCommand(queryString, connection)
For i As Integer = 0 To Me.ListBox1.Items.Count + 1
command1.Parameters.AddWithValue("Personnels", ListBox1.Items(i))
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
But I get the error below, and I don't know how to fix it. I think it happens because of my code.
And this is what I get:
Let's review.
First, as muffi suggested, use the Add method instead of .AddWithValue but instead of DBType use OLEDBType. There is not .String type in OleDBType. You will have to check your Access db to get the correct datatype. Probably VarChar. In addition, the parameter name should match the parameter name in your query string. With Access the position is the important thing but with other databases the name matters.
Second, as Charles suggested, change the plus one to minus 1. Most people start counting at one but computers usually start at zero so the upper index of the ListBox is one less than the Count (remember you are starting at zero not one).
Third , as Charles also pointed out it is wrong to clear the parameters before you execute. Then you would have nothing in your parameter. It is not necessary to clear them at all because you are overwriting the Value property with each iteration of your loop and I have set the name and datatype outside the loop because they stay the same. We don't want to reset properties for each iteration when they don't change.
command1.Parameters.Add("#Personnels", OleDbType.VarChar)
For i As Integer = 0 To ListBox1.Count -1
command1.Parameters("#Personnels").Value = ListBox1.Items(i)

Checking 3rd character with Char.IsNumber in

I am searching a database and pulling results from it. Before displaying it in WPF I am checking the contents of the text in a field called PrimarySponsor which can be (1) blank/null (2) number at 3rd character (3) persons name. I am currently using Char.IsNumber to check option 2 if there is a number at position 4.
If reader("PrimarySponsor") Is DBNull.Value Then
resultxPrimSpon = ""
ElseIf Char.IsNumber(reader("PrimarySponsor"), 3) Then
resultxPrimSpon = "Terminated"
resultxPrimSpon = reader("PrimarySponsor")
End If
Before I put the Char.IsNumber check in I was getting 4 results displaying. When i add the Char.IsNumber code I only get 2 results along with the error;
Error while connecting to SQLServer.Sepcified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: index.
Anyone have any ideas about why this is happening or how to work around it?
It's not clear where you get that error because Char.IsNumber is not a sql-server method. So i assume that it's a custom message from you. However, the "Specified argument was out of the range" is documented:
ArgumentOutOfRangeException: index is less than zero or greater than
the last position in s.
So it seems that at least one of the strings is shorter than 4 characters. In general you should store the reader values in a variable of the correct type if you have to access it more than once. In this case in a String-variable.
But it's also a good idea to create a custom type that has all properties. Then you can add all to a List(Of T). Here's an example:
Public Class Sponsor
Public Property PrimarySponsor As String
End Class
Of course you could also fill a List(Of String) instead of a List(Of Sponsor). Then you don't need to create a new type. But i assume that you have more than one column in the table. Using a custom type increases readability and maintainability much.
Dim allSponsors As New List(Of Sponsor)
Using reader = command.ExecuteReader()
If reader.HasRows Then
Dim primSponsorColumnIndex = reader.GetOrdinal("PrimarySponsor")
While reader.Read
Dim sponsor As New Sponsor()
If reader.IsDBNull(primSponsorColumnIndex) Then
sponsor.PrimarySponsor = ""
sponsor.PrimarySponsor = reader.GetString(primSponsorColumnIndex)
If sponsor.PrimarySponsor.Length >= 4 AndAlso _
Char.IsDigit(sponsor.PrimarySponsor(3)) Then
sponsor.PrimarySponsor = "Terminated"
End If
End If
End While
End If
End Using
First use DataReader.IsDBNull to check if the value is Null. Then check if Length >= 4 before you use Char.IsDigit(sponsor.PrimarySponsor(3)) to avoid the ArgumentOutOfRangeException.
Difference between Char.IsDigit() and Char.IsNumber() in C#

How should I handle filling multiple textboxes when I don't know how many of them will have data?

I'm writing an application in VB in which I need to show the user some information which will be copy and pasted into another application however limitations of the other application mean that the string needs to be split into chunks no larger than 55 characters (it's just written notes). I thought the neatest way to do this was to have several textboxes each with a 'copy to clipboard' button to make it convenient for the user.
The code I have is:
Dim invdesc As List(Of String) = Split(splitstring, 55)
txtinvDesc1.Text = invdesc(0)
txtinvDesc2.Text = invdesc(1)
txtinvDesc3.Text = invdesc(2)
Split uses a regular expression to return a list of several lines without breaking up words and most of the time this will return a maximum of seven results but occasionally six (my original string max length is 330) and often fewer so my original idea to fill out any strings shorter than 330 with trailing spaces won't work as it's still possible I will either miss text or call a result that isn't there.
Ideally I would just do some kind of loop that only inputs to txtinvDesc(x) while there is data available and ignores the rest (or hides them) but I don't know any way to refer to a textbox other than explicitly or how to put them in any kind of list/array.
So it's a bit of an open question in "how best can I handle this requirement?"
You can create a collection (e.g., Array or List) of TextBox like with any other type/class (as you are doing with String in your code). Sample:
Dim allTextBoxes As New List(Of TextBox)
Alternatively, you might iterate through all the controls in the main form by checking its type (a textbox or not). In that case you would have to set a relationship between the given name of the textbox and the data list index, via other collection for example:
Dim mappingList As New List(Of String)
For Each ctr As Control In Me.Controls
If (TypeOf ctr Is TextBox AndAlso mappingList.Contains(ctr.Name)) Then
ctr.Text = invdesc(mappingList.IndexOf(ctr.Name))
End If
--- CLARIFICATION (not as evident as I thought)
The proposed for each loop relies on a mapping approach, that is, it relates each element in invdesc with the corresponding TextBox name. By definition, both arrays HAVE TO have the same number of elements (otherwise the mapping system wouldn't have made any sense). This is the most efficient and overall-applicable alternative; if the names of the textboxes and invdesc have elements in common (e.g., the numbers), you might just compare the names. BUT WHEN MAPPING YOU HAVE TO ACCOUNT FOR ALL THE ELEMENTS (if there is no associated TextBox to a given item, let the value blank; but all the items have to be accounted).
If you want to index the tbs:
Private TBs as New List (of TextBox)
Early on (after FormLoad) maybe in a FormSetup:
Dim invdesc As List(Of String) = Split(splitstring, 55)
For n As Integer = 0 To invdesc.Count-1
TBs(n).Text = invdesc(n)
' handle the varying 7th TB:
For n As Integer = invdesc.Count-1 To TBs.Count - 1
TBs(n).Enabled = False
TBs(n).Text =""
Or a For/Each:
Dim ndx As Integer = 0
For Each tb As TextBox In TBs
tb.Text = invdesc(ndx)
ndx += 1 ' thanks varo!
Then hide/disable or at least clear the text from any empty ones.
If it turns out there are always 6 you really only need an if statement:
txtinvDesc1.Text = invdesc(0)
txtinvDesc2.Text = invdesc(1)
txtinvDesc3.Text = invdesc(2)
If incDesc.Count-1 = 6 Then
txtinvDesc7.Text = invdesc(6)
txtinvDesc7.Enabled= False
txtinvDesc7.Text = ""
End If
I would change the TB names to start at txtinvDesc0.Text to avoid getting confused (as I may have)
Use multiline textbox and in OnKeyPress event force 55 chars per line. You can find subclassed TextBox with that feature in this SO answer :

Windows Forms - How to access ListView's SubItems by column name?

I've tried this but it's giving me 'System.NullReferenceException':
For Each MyListViewItem As ListViewItem In MyListView.Items
These lines of codes work (weird!):
For Each MyListViewItem As ListViewItem In MyListView.Items
But I need to access them by column name.
I found that this code gives me blank subitem name
For Each MyListViewItem As ListViewItem In MyListView.Items
Note that I added the columns in design time. While items in run-time:
While Reader.Read
Dim SubItems(2) As String
SubItems(0) = Reader("ItemForMyColumn")
SubItems(1) = Reader("ItemForSomeOtherColumn")
MyListView.Items.Add(New ListViewItem(SubItems))
End While
Thanks in advance!
It is likly throwing the null reference exception when trying to access the Text property on the SubItems("MyColumn") part of your sample.
You could check to see if MyListViewItem.SubItems("MyColumn") is not null before trying to read the Text property from it.
It could also be (based on your edit) that the name you are using to look it up doesn't match that's in the SubItems list.
If you print the name that you are looking for by using the index, what do you see?
After Edits
I might be this wrong, but it looks like by using this constructor for the ListViewItem, it's only going to be getting the Text property set.
I suggest trying something like this in your init code for the ListViewItem
(Forgive me, my VB is really really rusty and I don't have VS open)
While Reader.Read
Dim listViewItem As New ListViewItem()
Dim subItem1 As New ListViewSubItem()
subItem.Text = Reader("ItemForMyColumn")
subItem1.Name = "MyColumn"
//Do this as many times as you need
listViewItem.SubItems.Add( subItem1 )
MyListView.Items.Add( listViewItem )
End While
I think the you can get any subitems by its name as below:
When add columns dynamically
Then when get any subitems