How to tell image search which image matters? - seo

Google image search seems to do a poor job on a site I run in identifying which image on a page should be indexed. In addition it doesn't seem to link that image with lots of the associated data.
Are there any ways of focusing attention for spiders on particular images and associated data, do they need to be within the same tags, or adjacent on the page?

A few tips:
Use a descriptive name, i.e. "tabby-cat.jpg" instead of "img02396.jpg".
Use alt tags on images.
Use descriptive text on the page and around the image.
Make sure the images are in the generated source, i.e. if you click "View source" in your browser, you see <img> tags.
It's also useful to validate your site at in case there are major errors like missing brackets etc that could prevent a spider from parsing the page. (Note: I wouldn't worry about making everything 100% valid since Google is fine with invalid code)
Images in CSS (i.e. backgrounds) are not indexed AFAIK. However I'd suggest using CSS backgrounds for "design" images (a subtle way of getting Google to ignore site headers, custom borders, shadows, etc).
Nor are any images generated from Javascript.
Make sure you're not blocking images through robots.txt. I know that Joomla does this by default.
Sign up at Google Webmaster Tools, add your site, then allow it to be used in Google's "Image Labeller" game which should help tag images.

All images on a page should be indexed. If they aren't then improve your alt tags and possibly rename the image file. There really isn't anything more you can do since search-engines do not read any other context for the image itself except size. If google thinks the image is a duplicate it won't index it either.
Of course if images really do inherit context from the surrounding page then you could just use less images or move them into CSS.

I think Search robot can not read images as we do, so the simple and must thing you should do to your images is using descriptive names, so that spider could know what this image all about. Second one is using ALT tags on images, put in keywords relating to the images.
Those thing are what I do.


Differ images cause drop the google rankings

I'am working with a large project with lot of images. to increase it's page speed, chrome "lighthoues" recommend me to differ images. But my company gives priority to the ranking of the page. I'am not sure how this effect for google crawlers.
As you know after dffer the images, there is no real image url under the "src" attribute. So how can google understand and optimize my images? can some one provide me a realiable resource to understand the problem?
above is a sample differed image tag. As you can see src tag doesn't contain the actual image. actual image is under data-src attribute which will be loaded to the site using javascript.
I just wanna know how does this affect to our SEO/Page-ranking?
I thought I had read somewhere that lazy-loading is fine for SEO but to be sure I did some googling and found the following. Spoiler alert; googlebot will render the full page and thus all images will have populated src="" attributes.

What is more important for images - alt tag or name

I am making a blog with huge ammount of images, and one way to do it, is by using Flickr Gallery plugin, which provides a functional gallery or your albumbs, but the links aren't looking good (www.......5129512891.jpg), but they do have the proper alt tags (Red Carpet From Turkey).
So now I am wondering if I should stay with this Flickr gallery, because it eases my job thousand times, or I should look for a way to have both good link ( and an alt tag. (I am talking about a blog, primarily for images, not just here and there).
My goal is to appear in Google Images first, for example, when someone types "Red carpet from turkey", and click on images, I want my pictures to be first in the results.
So now I am wondering if I should stay with this Flickr gallery, because it eases my job thousand times, or I should look for a way to have both good link ( and an alt tag.
Google searches for keywords in the filename and in the alt tag for an image. It also searches relevancy information in the surrounding text (see here for image SEO - disclaimer I maintain that post).
My goal is to appear in Google Images first, for example, when someone types "Red carpet from turkey", and click on images, I want my pictures to be first in the results.
Then you want a relevant filename, alt tag and surrounding text. You must make sure the quality of the image is good (Google checks it for ranking). You can also create an image sitemap to help crawlers find your images.
Both of them are important for SEO score. Its important to set alt tags and a related name for the image. You have to decide if its profitable to change every image name or let them as they are.
Take care with the image size, it matters too.

Improve loading speed withouth loosing search ranking

I have a webpage whit many areas whose visibility can get toggled by the user.
The default visibility state for those area is hidden (css, display: none).
I don't have control to what's going to be put inside, but it could be a lot of images.
I saw with firefox's network observer all images where loaded with the page. This is quite a waste of bandwidth since the user might choose not to display every areas.
I came to a workarround, I put all that content inside a <script type="late-rendering"></script> and to avoid any potential conflict (eg: "" inside the content), I replace all "<" with "8691jQfdtxm" (randomly picked string). Then when the user want to make an area visible, I just fill the area with that content after replacing 8691jQfdtxm with "<".
It works fine, but I think proceeding like this will make crawlers (eg: Google) think my webpage is pure garbage. How could I avoid that?
Unless search engines were heavily relying on the alt tags of your images, or their filenames, there is little risk you will loose search rankings. If your site does load more quickly instead, it will provide a better user experience, which will be probably detected by Google, and this influences rankings positively.
Google executes a lot of Javascript these days. And your trick of breaking the html with a random string seems hokey to me.
I would preload all the textual content ( e.g. have it all in there on first load, with the div closed via display:none ). This content will not count as much as visible content - but it does count.
Then I'd do a delayed loading of the images. Like with make all your images something like:
<img src="blank.jpg" loadlater="realimage.jpg">
blank.jpg can be a tiny image. when the div opens you can use javascript/jquery to rewrite each src with loadlater.

Javascript served tooltips - bad for Google / SEO?

I have a client who wants a feature on his site that he has seen on a competitors. It is essentially a group of icons where, when you mouseover them, an extended tooltip appears with content, links, etc...
The tooltips are not hidden divs. The tooltip content appears nowhere in the source code of the page itself. I believe the text of the tooltips is being called from an external file (e.g. an XML file or some such thing) via javascript.
My question(s) are this:
a) since the tooltip content isn't actually on the page, does it even affect SEO efforts at all?
b) would Google consider this spam (or at best questionable)?
Many thanks!
a) since the tooltip content isn't actually on the page, does it even
affect SEO efforts at all?
It wont affect SEO efforts in the slightest
b) would Google consider this spam (or at best questionable)?
I should also point out from an accesibility point of view this is pretty bad practice as well.
a) No, all content loaded from external scripts won't be considered relevant for SEO. So it's just like you don't have extra content.
If your text is in display: none or visibility: hidden , it will affect SEO but make sure that user have access to the content.
b) No because you just want to give extra information and it won't be used by Google. Google takes content as spam when it is hidden and user doesn't have access.

Link a Blog into scrolling text of SWF file

I'm working on an entirely flash-based site for a client who has already been using Blogspot for his News/Homepage updates. He wants to continue updating through Blogspot, but wants the blog to automatically fill in the text box on the flash site Homepage. I'm not sure if this is possible, or how I would go about doing it.
Here is the blogspot page:
Here is an example of what the scrolling SWF text box will be like:
Is this possible? Any help would be absolutely amazing!
You can use URLLoader to load the page as text. I'm not sure of the best way to parse it though.
Maybe you can try looking for the CSS tag that is being used for the text in question and then grabbing the text in between those tags? There might be better ways to do this though.
Note, you can update values to the htmlText property of a text box, which will allow Flex to maintain some of the styles specified from the loaded page.