connection string of ADO.Net of SQL Server - sql

I am confused about the connection string format of ADO.Net when connect to a non-default instance of SQL Cluster. I did search but find various samples, could anyone let me know what is the correct format please (if I know the virtual server name and instance name)? I am using trusted connection.
thanks in advance,

See - great site for making DB connection strings.

ServerName\InstanceName ? Use double \ when handling strings in C#

The following web site gives many different connection strings for you. The following should work I believe:
This is also a duplicate of connection string to a SQL Server cluster

If you can connect to it using visual studio the connection properties should give you the connectionstring uses. Using that connectionstring might help.

If you want a quick & easy way to try different connection strings, I suggest DatabaseTester (disclaimer - I wrote it). It's free and a very easy way to test. And I agree with the other posts above, for figuring out connections strings is your best friend.


What is the proper connection string to SQL Server using Perl?

I feel like a bonehead asking this question, but I have scoured the net and can't actually find a working connection string to connect Perl to SQL Server. I've checked connectinstrings website and still couldn't find anything clear. Someone here has got to know!
I'd prefer to use DBI, but would use another library if someone else has an alternative.
DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:Driver={SQL Server};Server=;UID=$user;PWD=$pass")
Also see: Connecting Perl to SQL Server

Global Connection from SQL Server Database to VB.NET

I want to create a global connection class from Sql server database to to make it easy in later editing the connection. Could anyone guide me the way to code both creating and calling to individual form?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Keep your connection string in your web.config file. (this gives you a single point where you can change the connection string without needing to recompile your application, it also allows you to encrypt it in the future to protect your DB server).
I'd advise against using a single "connection" object for reuse. Open and close a connection for each query or transaction.
Check out the Repository pattern instead.

connection string

I have created a simple members database in ASP.NET with login and create account features. Can anyone give an example of the correct connection string that I would need to use to connect to this database remotely. Any answers would be greatly appreciated.
Based on the tag I'm guessing you're using SQL Server 2005. See:
You didn't specify anything about the database (is it SQL Server, Access, MySql, etc).
much less the server name, database name, etc.
However, until specifics are posted, here is a nice general resource for figuring out your connection strings:

Finding The DSN To My Database?

I have an SQL database and want to connect to it using VBA in order to support some legacy functionality. I'm using an ADODB connection and need to know what my database DSN is. How can I find this?
I'm using SQL Server 2008, thanks! :D
A DSN (data source name) is an indirect way of referring to the database. You have to create them manually (or semi-automatically using a wizard of some kind). Go to ControlPanel->AdministrativeTools->DataSources (ODBC) to see if one has already been defined for the database to which you want to connect.
But I think you might mean "connection string", not "DSN". There are many, many ways to tell ADODB how to find and connect to your database (DSNs are just one of those), but you always need a connection string.
I have often turned to to help me through the maze of similar-but-not-identical options.
There may not be a DSN. DSNs are not created automatically.
I'm not sure you really mean DSN, as a DSN is an ODBC concept. Still, look in Administrative Tools->Data Sources (ODBC).

Using SQL DSN With SubSonic

I want to create a SQL connection using DSN. Then I want to generate the DAL using Subsonic. Please can you give me some pointers on what to do?
You don't need a DSN in these days (I assume you want to abstract the connection) - you can do that with SubSonic 3 by specifying the provider right in the connection string. If you want to switch providers, just change the "providerName" attribute of the connectionString.
I'm wondering if this is for legacy issues but a DSN is entirely in your control, it seems - and I think there's a better way.