Darcs conflicts - conflict

I installed Darcs a few days ago and have a doubt.
I am the only programmer and I usually work on two or three instances of the application, making new feautures. The problems cames because this instances modify the same source code file, so when I finished them and send to main repository they make a conflict.
Is there any way to deal with this? Can I write the same file in multiple instances without making conflict when pushing to main repository?

First of all when changes occurs at different places of the file there is generally no conflicts when merging. When two patches can be merged without conflicts one says that they commute. In your case it happens that you've modified the same part of the file in two different branches. In this case darcs don't allow you to "push" the second patch that makes the conflict.
There is two ways to resolve such a confilct, but you have to start to locally merge the both patches to get the conflict in your working repo. To do this just pull the patches from the main repository. Then you have to edit the offended file and resolve the conflict.
The first way is simple and the prefered solution, you have to "amend-record" the patch that is not yet on the main repository (look at the usage of the "darcs amend-record" command).
The other solution is to record a resolution patch, by calling "darcs record" and then pushing both the conflicting patch and the resolution patch. This solution tends to complicate the history and can make some later operations longer. However when the branch has been heavily distributed this solution becomes needed.


Multi-Version Code Support in Git

I have been working on a big SQL based project that is taking an increasing amount of time and effort to maintain its versions. Lets keep it simple. I have three folders for each version of the code called Ver1, Ver2, and Ver3. All three version folders have the exact same filenames within it, but their content differs from version to version. If I make a change to a particular file in Ver3 that exists in Ver2 and Ver1, how can I use Git not to necessarily make the same changes in those other versions (not always practical due to partial rewrites for performance or logic changes), but to let me know that the other two versions of the file need to be updated in order to catchup to the Ver3? If Git isn't suited for this task, or if you have any experience with a similar issue, I would much appreciate any suggestions.

WiX: is there a way to tell what file isn't being overwritten in a major upgrade?

I have a big program in WiX that uses a bunch of MSIs, C# custom action programs, UIs, bootstrapper, you name it, it's there.
I'm having this problem: when I run a major upgrade, the previous version isn't being erased. That is, if I upgrade from version 1.0.0.x to 1.1.0.x, Programs & Features shows that both versions are installed on the machine.
This is a common problem, with many solutions here on SO. None of them are working for me -- if there's a post of SO about this, I've tried it.
I've been told that there's a one-to-one relationship between components in a major upgrade. That is, for every component that is removed, another component has to be added. When it's NOT a one-to-one relationship is when the old version doesn't get removed -- because there are still old components hanging.
Is there a way to determine what components are hanging? Like, in the log files or something? If I could determine what MSI is having the problem I could be far more proactive in solving the issue.
Although I haven't solved the problem, thanks to Mr. Urman's suggestions I may be on the right track.
I created that registry key, but... it didn't seem to do anything. However, I did search my uninstall logs for the word "Disallow", and I found this phrase 9 times:
Disallowing uninstallation of component: {GUID-HERE} since another client exists.
Also, this phrase appears before each grouping of the "Disallow" phrase:
PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding INSTALLLEVEL property. It's value is '1'.
This gives me something to go on. However, I can't seem to find the GUIDs that are mentioned! They're not in my solution nor are they searchable in the registry. Besides searching the registry, is there a way (Windows 7 32 bit) to find out what component a specific GUID corresponds to?
I've been told that there's a one-to-one relationship between components in a major upgrade. That is, for every component that is removed, another component has to be added. When it's NOT a one-to-one relationship is when the old version doesn't get removed -- because there are still old components hanging.
This is not strictly true. It's quite true of minor upgrades, and in certain configurations (those involving a late RemoveExistingProducts) major upgrades are just as picky. But your typical major upgrade functions more like the user had chosen to uninstall the old version, then to install the new version. Start by verifying your assumptions: make sure you have a proper major upgrade (you changed your ProductVersion and Product Code, and have the right entries in your Upgrade table, right?). Then diagnose.
How best to identify what's going on? In my experience, log files are your best bet. Since the older version is being uninstalled indirectly, you cannot use command lines to log it. So instead set the Logging policy by creating or setting the following registry value. (Remove it later when you want to revert the setting.)
Value (Reg_SZ): Logging
Data: voicewarmup
Then run your major upgrade, find the appropriate log file that was generated in %temp%. (Consider cleaning out %temp% ahead of time to make finding it easier. Or sort by date.) Look especially at the uninstallation (which you can identify by ProductVersion, or the presence of UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE). I'd look especially for lines like Disallowing uninstallation of component ... that contain a component GUID.
Once you have that GUID, you have to figure out what component it is, and how it got into its current state. You can manually examine your built .msi files (with a tool like Orca) to find the component, but few tools will tell you all the clients. My employer's product comes with a helper tool called InstallShield Msi Sleuth that can list all the installed products referencing a component code, or you can build your own from MsiEnumProducts or Installer.ComponentClients. You cannot just search the registry directly, because Windows Installer stores GUIDs in a compressed or packed form.
Then identifying the "why" could be the hard part. Or it could be as simple as an incorrect Shared DLL reference count, especially if you've only encountered this on a test machine that has seen non-released versions of your product.
As a related alternative, but only relevant to a minor upgrade or small update, you could set the EnforceUpgradeComponentRules Policy. This helps reveal problems as you hit them, rather than allowing Windows Installer to do its best to continue anyway.

How can a modified Julia package be used natively?

So, there is this cool package I've found but it leaves a lot to be desired. Since it made more sense to modify it, rather than build a new one myself, I changed the code in the corresponding source directory (C:\Users[my username].julia\v0.4[package name]\src). I made sure to modify not just the base.jl file, but also the [name of package].jl one so that there are no issues with dependencies or the new functions I added. I tried running the package several times to ensure that Julia doesn't spit out any errors or exceptions (the original package had some deprecated stuff, which I also remedied). Still, I fail to use the additional functionality of the package that I augmented. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm using Julia ver 0.4.2, on a Windows 7 machine. As an IDE I use Notepad++. Thanks
I'm not exactly sure what you tried, but here's a guess as to what's going on: if you've already loaded the package in your julia session, edits to the source files won't take effect unless you explicitly reload the package. There are some good workflow tips here, and more explanation of the module system here.
However, for a newbie the easiest thing might be to quit julia and restart.
As far as making changes to a package, as Gnumic commented, your best approach is to make a branch and commit your changes there. Once you become convinced your changes represent an improvement, consider sharing your changes with the rest of the world.

IDE generated USEFORM macro calls changing their order

We have a C++Builder XE project (VCL Forms Application) that has a few dozen forms and units in it. Whenever a file belonging to the project is added, deleted, or renamed, the IDE should do two things:
A call to USEFORM macro is added to or altered in the Project Source file (ProjectName.cpp) if the affected unit is a form or frame
A CppCompile element in the project file (ProjectName.cbproj) is added or altered
However instead of just doing the necessary changes, the IDE shuffles some of the existing USEFORMs and CppCompile records, even if they aren't affected by the changes. If I add a Unit (cpp and header file), the USEFORMs are shuffled even when that wouldn't require any changes to the Project Source, only to the cbproj-file.
I don't see a specific pattern on how the new order is formed. If I edit or rename a single unit, about half of the USEFORMs seem to change position and just a couple or none of the CppCompile records. If a change is made to a copy of the project in two different machines, most of the changes seem to be similar, but not all. This indicates that the reordering is not random.
The behaviour causes problems when using Subversion to merge changes, because it forces to manually resolve conflicts inflicted by the changing order.
So the question is: What might be causing the foregoing behaviour and how to get rid of it?
I haven't been able to find a proper solution to the problem, but here's a simple method for making it slightly less annoying:
Adopt a policy of never committing the random IDE-generated changes to the version control repository. Whenever you make changes to code that trigger mixing up the files, revert all unnecessary changes in ProjectName.cpp and ProjectName.cbproj. At this point it is still fairly easy, as you know which parts of the files actually should have changed. That way, the manual labour is carried out when it still requires the minimal amount of work. Additionally, the work has to be carried out only once, in contrast to leaving the changes untouched, in which case the work has to be repeated every time someone merges the changes.

Design principles as to how linux repository managers update themselves?

I know there are other applications also, but considering yum/apt-get/aptitude/pacman are you core package managers for linux distributions.
Today I saw on my fedora 13 box:
(7/7): yum-3.2.28-4.fc13_3.2.28-5.fc13.noarch.drpm | 42 kB 00:00
And I started to wonder how does such a package update itself? What design is needed to ensure a program can update itself?
Perhaps this question is too general but I felt SO was more appropriate than programmers.SE for such a question being that it is more technical in nature. If there is a more appropriate place for this question feel free to let me know and I can close or a moderator can move.
I've no idea how those particular systems work, but...
Modern unix systems will generally tolerate overwriting a running executable without a hiccup, so in theory you could just do it.
You could do it in a chroot jail and then move or something similar to reduce the time during which the system is vulnerable. Add a journalling filesystem and this is a little safer still.
It occurs to me that the package-manager needs to hold the package access database in memory as well to insure against a race condition there. Again, the chroot jail and copy option is available as a lower risk alternative.
And I started to wonder how does such a package update itself? What
design is needed to ensure a program can update itself?
It's like a lot of things, you don't need to "design" specifically to solve this problem ... but you do need to be aware of certain "gotchas".
For instance Unix helps by reference counting inodes so "you" can delete a file you are still using, and it's fine. However this implies a few things you have to do, for instance if you have plugins then you need to load them all before you run start a transaction ... even if the plugin would only run at the end of the transaction (because you might have a different version at the end).
There are also some things that you need to do to make sure that anything you are updating works, like: Put new files down before removing old files. And don't truncate old files, just unlink. But those also help you :).
Using external problems, which you communicate with, can be tricky (because you can't exec a new copy of the old version after it's been updated). But this isn't often done, and when it is it's for things like downloading ... which can somewhat easily be made to happen before any updates.
There are also things which aren't a concern in the cmd line clients like yum/apt, for instance if you have a program which is going to run 2+ "updates" then you can have problems if the first update was to the package manager. downgrades make this even more fun :).
Also daemon like processes should basically never "load" the package manager, but as with other gotchas ... you tend to want to follow this anyway, for other reasons.