NHibernate - Is it OK to use an abstract base to provide functionality instead of an interface? - nhibernate

I'm fairly new to NHibernate and have run into a strange inheritance chaining issue with my repository classes. I've been using Gabriel Schenker's FAQ as a reference, and following his examples I've been creating interfaces to define contracts for DAO operations in "repository" classes. The data schema I'm working with is rather extensive, and after a little while I found myself duplicating a lot of code. Specifically, the Add, Update, Delete, and "GetByID" methods were exactly the same after I added a generic "EntityType" parameter to the base interface. So, for example, this would be the most basic interface for repository operations:
public interface IBasicRepository<EntityType> where EntityType : class
void Add(EntityType entity);
void Remove(EntityType entity);
void Update(EntityType entity);
EntityType GetByID<IDType>(IDType id);
I'll just talk about the Add method from now on, for the sake of brevity. With the generic EntityType, the implementations were all the same:
public void Add(EntityType entity)
using (ISession session = NHUtility.OpenSession())
using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
Obviously, typing this same method body repeatedly (with the slight change of type) isn't only annoying, it's bad design in my book. So I created an abstract base class I'll call RepositoryBase which provides the implementation for Add(). Since I'm using an abstract instead of an interface, I "break the interface chain" for classes inheriting from RepositoryBase and am forced to make any derivation abstract as well, even though it seems more "correct" to use an interface. Using this crappy little entity example....
public class Entity1
public Guid ID { get; set; }
public String Name { get; set; }
...one can't do this...
public interface IEntity1Repository : RepositoryBase<Entity1>
//Illegal!!!! Bad, naughty programmer!
...but this is fine....
public abstract class Entity1RepositoryBase : RepositoryBase<Entity1>
public abstract ICollection<Entity1> GetByName(string name);
This just bothers me. It works, but it rubs me the wrong way, especially as the chain of inheritance/implementation with this particular schema could go quite deep. So I guess my questions are:
Am I just being stupid and anal retentive about this?
Is there a different/better design that I should be looking at here? I've looked at some other examples (notably Billy McCafferty's) and Schenker's approach seems simplest for novice NHibernating.
Thanks in advance.

One option could be:
public interface IRepository<T> where T: class
void Add(T entity);
void Remove(T entity);
void Update(T entity);
T GetByID<IDType>(IDType id);
With a base class that implements that interface. Ie:
public abstract class RepositoryBase<T> : IRepository<T> where T: class
Which is then extended for each type of entity if necessary:
public interface IProductRepository : IRepository<Product>
// Add extra methods
public class ProductRepository : RepositoryBase<Product>, IProductRepository
// Implement extra methods


Simple Injector Property Injection

How do you perform property injection with Simple Injector.
The with Ninject you do is as per bellow:
public IUnitOfWork UnitOfWork { get; set; }
How can I do the equivalent to this with Simple Injector. I tried finding a solution online but had no luck.
Why do I want to use Property Injection?
I want to use property injection to set up unit of work in my base controller so that it will create a new unit of work OnActionExecuting and commit the changes OnResultExecuted. It also means I don't have to pass in the UoW with each new controller I create through the constructor.
Another option is to use the RegisterInitializer method:
container.RegisterInitializer<BaseControllerType>(controller =>
controller.UnitOfWork = container.GetInstance<IUnitOfWork>();
It keeps all configuration in your composition root and does not pollute your code base with all kinds of attributes.
Update: (as promised)
While this is a direct answer to your question I have to provide you with a better option, because the usage of a base class for this is a IMO not the correct design, for multiple reasons.
Abstract classes can become real PITA classes as they tend to grow towards a god class which has all kinds of cross cutting concerns
An abstract class, especially when used with property injection, hides the needed dependencies.
With focus on point 2. When you want to unit test a controller which inherits from the base controller, you have no way of knowing that this controller is dependent on IUnitOfWork. This you could solve by using constructor injection instead of property injection:
protected abstract class BaseController : Controller
protected readonly IUnitOfWork uoW;
protected BaseController (IUnitOfWork uoW)
this.uoW = uoW;
public class SomeController : BaseController
public SomeController(IUnitOfWork uoW) : base(uoW) { }
While this solves point 2, point 1 is still lurking. The main reason you're wanting this, as you say, is because you do not want to commit your changes in every Action method. Changes must just be saved by the context when the request is done. And thinking about design in this way is a good thing, because Saving changes is, or can be seen as a cross cutting concern and the way you're implementing this is more or less known as AOP.
If it's comes to AOP, especially if you're working with atomic actions in the action methods of your controllers, there is a far better, more SOLID and more flexible design possible which deals with this very nicely.
I'm referring to the Command/Handler pattern which is described in great detail here (also read this for the query part of your application).
With this patterns you don't inject a generic IUnitOfWork abstraction, but inject the specific needed ICommandHandler<TCommand> abstractions.
The action methods would fire the responsible commandhandler for this specific action. All commandhandlers can simple be decorated by a single open-generic SaveChangesCommandHandlerDecorator, 'ValidationDecorator', 'CheckPermissionsDecorator', etc...
A quick example:
public class MoveCustomerCommand
public int CustomerId;
public Address NewAddress;
public class MoveCustomerCommandHandler : ICommandHandler<MoveCustomerCommand>
public void Handle(MoveCustomerCommand command)
// retrieve customer from database
// change address
public class SaveChangesCommandHandlerDecorator<TCommand> : ICommandHandler<TCommand>
private readonly ICommandHandler<TCommand> decoratee;
private readonly DbContext db;
public SaveChangesCommandHandlerDecorator(
ICommandHandler<TCommand> decoratee, DbContext db)
this.decoratee = decoratee;
this.db = db;
public void Handle(TCommand command)
// Register as
container.Register(typeof(ICommandHandler<>), new []{Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() });
// And use in controller as
public ActionResult MoveCustomer(int customerId, Address address)
var command = new MoveCustomerCommand
{ CustomerId = customerId, Address = address };
return View(new ResultModel());
This keeps your controllers clean and let it do what it must do, namely be the layer between the business logic (the commandhandler implementation in this case) and the view.
Need to create the following:
First create the attribute class
public class Inject : Attribute
Then create a custom property behavior
class PropertySelectionBehavior<TAttribute> : IPropertySelectionBehavior
where TAttribute : Attribute
public bool SelectProperty(Type type, PropertyInfo prop)
return prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TAttribute)).Any();
Finally tell the container to use custom behavior
container.Options.PropertySelectionBehavior = new PropertySelectionBehavior<Inject>();
All that is left to do is decorate the property with the attribute
public IUnitOfWork UnitOfWork { get; set; }

How to do logic based on object ID

Suppose I have a game, where there are buildings sorted by type. Each type is represented as a separate class, but sometimes I have to do some uncommon logic for the buildings of the same type. How could one implement this kind of behaviour?
For example, I can identify buildings by ID, so I can have a giant switch or command pattern inside the building type class. But I think that something is not right with this approach.
Another approach is to have different class for any divergent logic. But this proposes a lot of small classes.
This is what polymorphism aims to solve, and one of the big differences between procedural and oop programming. You can achieve it through extending a base class, or by implementing an interface. Here is extending a base class:
public abstract class Building {
abstract void destroy();
public BrickBuilding extends Building {
public void destroy() {
public HayBuilding extends Building {
public void destroy() {
In places in your code where you would have used a switch statement to switch on building type, just hold a reference to the abstract Building type, and call method destroy() on it:
public class BuildingDestroyer {
public void rampage() {
for(Building building : allTheBuildings) {
// Could be a BrickBuilding, or a HayBuilding
Or, to address your concern about having a lot of small types, you can 'inject' a destroy behaviour you want into a common building type, like so...albeing, you will end up with a lot of different destroy behaviour classes too...so, this might not be a solution.
public interface DestroyBehaviour {
void destroy(Building building);
public class Building {
private int id;
public DestroyBehaviour destroyBehaviour;
public Building(int id, DestroyBehaviour destroyBehaviour) {
this.id = id;
this.destroyBehaviour = destroyBehaviour;
public void destroy() {
destroyBehaviour.destroy(this); // or something along those lines;
You can get rid of the giant switch by having a BuildingFactory class which exposes a registerBuildingType(typeName, instanceCreatorFunc) method, that each building class calls (from a static initialize method for example) and that gets called with a unique string for that class (class name would suffice) and a static "create" method that returns a new instance.
This approach also has the advantage of being able to load new buildings from dynamically linked libraries.

design pattern query

i have a question regarding design patterns.
suppose i want to design pig killing factory
so the ways will be
1) catch pig
2)clean pig
3) kill pig
now since these pigs are supplied to me by a truck driver
now if want to design an application how should i proceed
what i have done is
public class killer{
private Pig pig ;
public void catchPig(){ //do something };
public void cleanPig(){ };
public void killPig(){};
now iam thing since i know that the steps will be called in catchPig--->cleanPig---->KillPig manner so i should have an abstract class containing these methods and an execute method calling all these 3 methods.
but i can not have instance of abstract class so i am confused how to implement this.
remenber i have to execute this process for all the pigs that comes in truck.
so my question is what design should i select and which design pattern is best to solve such problems .
I would suggest a different approach than what was suggested here before.
I would do something like this:
public abstract class Killer {
protected Pig pig;
protected abstract void catchPig();
protected abstract void cleanPig();
protected abstract void killPig();
public void executeKillPig {
Each kill will extend Killer class and will have to implement the abstract methods. The executeKillPig() is the same for every sub-class and will always be performed in the order you wanted catch->clean->kill. The abstract methods are protected because they're the inner implementation of the public executeKillPig.
This extends Avi's answer and addresses the comments.
The points of the code:
abstract base class to emphasize IS A relationships
Template pattern to ensure the steps are in the right order
Strategy Pattern - an abstract class is as much a interface (little "i") as much as a Interface (capital "I") is.
Extend the base and not use an interface.
No coupling of concrete classes. Coupling is not an issue of abstract vs interface but rather good design.
public abstract Animal {
public abstract bool Escape(){}
public abstract string SaySomething(){}
public Wabbit : Animal {
public override bool Escape() {//wabbit hopping frantically }
public override string SaySomething() { return #"What's Up Doc?"; }
public abstract class Killer {
protected Animal food;
protected abstract void Catch(){}
protected abstract void Kill(){}
protected abstract void Clean(){}
protected abstract string Lure(){}
// this method defines the process: the methods and the order of
// those calls. Exactly how to do each individual step is left up to sub classes.
// Even if you define a "PigKiller" interface we need this method
// ** in the base class ** to make sure all Killer's do it right.
// This method is the template (pattern) for subclasses.
protected void FeedTheFamily(Animal somethingTasty) {
food = somethingTasty;
public class WabbitHunter : Killer {
protected override Catch() { //wabbit catching technique }
protected override Kill() { //wabbit killing technique }
protected override Clean() { //wabbit cleaning technique }
protected override Lure() { return "Come here you wascuhwy wabbit!"; }
// client code ********************
public class AHuntingWeWillGo {
Killer hunter;
Animal prey;
public AHuntingWeWillGo (Killer aHunter, Animal aAnimal) {
hunter = aHunter;
prey = aAnimal;
public void Hunt() {
if ( !prey.Escape() ) hunter.FeedTheFamily(prey)
public static void main () {
// look, ma! no coupling. Because we pass in our objects vice
// new them up inside the using classes
Killer ElmerFudd = new WabbitHunter();
Animal BugsBunny = new Wabbit();
AHuntingWeWillGo safari = new AHuntingWeWillGo( ElmerFudd, BugsBunny );
The problem you are facing refer to part of OOP called polymorphism
Instead of abstract class i will be using a interface, the difference between interface an abstract class is that interface have only method descriptors, a abstract class can have also method with implementation.
public interface InterfaceOfPigKiller {
void catchPig();
void cleanPig();
void killPig();
In the abstract class we implement two of three available methods, because we assume that those operation are common for every future type that will inherit form our class.
public abstract class AbstractPigKiller implements InterfaceOfPigKiller{
private Ping pig;
public void catchPig() {
//the logic of catching pigs.
public void cleanPig() {
// the logic of pig cleaning.
Now we will create two new classes:
AnimalKiller - The person responsible for pig death.
AnimalSaver - The person responsible for pig release.
public class AnimalKiller extends AbstractPigKiller {
public void killPig() {
// The killing operation
public class AnimalSaver extends AbstractPigKiller {
public void killPing() {
// The operation that will make pig free
As we have our structure lets see how it will work.
First the method that will execute the sequence:
public void doTheRequiredOperation(InterfaceOfPigKiller killer) {
As we see in the parameter we do not use class AnimalKiller or AnimalSever. Instead of that we have the interface. Thank to this operation we can operate on any class that implement used interface.
Example 1:
public void test() {
AnimalKiller aKiller = new AnimalKiller();// We create new instance of class AnimalKiller and assign to variable aKiller with is type of `AnimalKilleraKiller `
AnimalSaver aSaver = new AnimalSaver(); //
Example 2:
public void test() {
InterfaceOfPigKiller aKiller = new AnimalKiller();// We create new instance of class AnimalKiller and assign to variable aKiller with is type of `InterfaceOfPigKiller `
InterfaceOfPigKiller aSaver = new AnimalSaver(); //
The code example 1 and 2 are equally in scope of method doTheRequiredOperation. The difference is that in we assign once type to type and in the second we assign type to interface.
We can not create new object of abstract class or interface but we can assign object to interface or class type.

Design pattern to save/load an object in various format

I have an object: X, that can be saved or loaded in various formats: TXT, PDF, HTML, etc..
What is the best way to manage this situation? Add a pair of method to X for each format, create a new Class for each format, or exists (as I trust) a better solution?
I'd choose the strategy pattern. For example:
interface XStartegy {
X load();
void save(X x);
class TxtStrategy implements XStartegy {
class PdfStrategy implements XStartegy {
class HtmlStrategy implements XStartegy {
class XContext {
private XStartegy strategy;
public XContext(XStartegy strategy) {
this.strategy = strategy;
public X load() {
return strategy.load();
public void save(X x) {
I agree with #DarthVader , though in Java you'd better write
public class XDocument implements IDocument { ...
You could also use an abstract class, if much behavior is common to the documents, and in the common methods of base class call an abstract save(), which is only implemented in the subclasses.
I would go with Factory pattern. It looks like you can use inheritance/polymorphism with generics. You can even do dependency injection if you go with the similar design as follows.
public interface IDocument
void Save();
public class Document : IDocument
public class PdfDocument: IDocument
public void Save(){//...}
public class TxtDocument: IDocument
public void Save(){//...}
public class HtmlDocument : IDocument
public void Save(){//...}
then in another class you can do this:
public void SaveDocument(T document) where T : IDocument
It depends on your objects, but it is possible, that visitor pattern (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visitor_pattern) can be used here.
There are different visitors (PDFVisitor, HHTMLVisitor etc) that knows how to serialize parts of your objects that they visit.
I would instead suggest the Strategy pattern. You're always saving and restoring, the only difference is how you do it (your strategy). So you have save() and restore() methods that defer to various FormatStrategy objects you can plug and play with at run time.

EF4 ObjectContext vs NHibernate Session

I'm trying to learn some NHibernate after diving into EF4. Is the equivalent of the EF4 ObjectContext (or DbContext) the NHibernate Session?
Specifically, in EF4, you derive from ObjectContext (or DbContext) and your class contains explicit ObjectSet's of each entity, for example:
public class EcommerceContext : ObjectContext {
public ObjectSet<Customer> Customers {get; set;}
public ObjectSet<Product> Products {get; set;}
// etc.
In the NHib examples I've seen so far, the Session object isn't used this way. Am I missing something?
If you're using NHibernate 3 it's fairly trivial to implement a data context.
public class YourDataContext
public ISession Session { get; private set; }
public YourDataContext(ISession session)
Session = session;
public IQueryable<Customer> Customers
return Session.Query<Customer>();
The same thing is possible in NHibernate 2 but slightly different. You will need the NHibernate.Linq library which is in the contrib modules.
public class YourDataContext:NHibernateContext
public YourDataContext(ISession session)
: base(session){}
public IOrderedQueryable<Customer> Customers
return Session.Linq<Customer>();
I'm guessing since you're asking about a datacontext that you're looking to use Linq, and if that's the case, you should definitely use NH3 as the linq provider is much improved.
It should be noted that a datacontext in EF and a datacontext in NH are going to behave differently because NH does not do objectracking and EF does, among other things. You'll see other differences as you learn about it.