SQL statement for evaluating multiple related tables - sql

I have a Projects table, which lists the client info. Then I have four related jobs tables, for jobs within that project - Roofing, Siding, Gutters and Misc. The four tables have a projectID field to link them to the Projects table, and they all have a 'status' field. A project can have any combination of jobs.
I want to be able to select only the projects where all the job status fields are marked "completed."
There's probably a simple way to do this, but my brain overheats sometimes with SQL.

SELECT * FROM Projects
LEFT JOIN Roofing ON (projectID)
LEFT JOIN Siding ON (projectID)
LEFT JOIN Gutters ON (projectID)
LEFT JOIN Misc ON (projectID)
WHERE (Roofing.status IS NULL OR Roofing.status="completed")
AND (Siding.status IS NULL OR Siding.status="completed")
AND (Gutters.status IS NULL OR Gutters.status="completed")
AND (Misc.status IS NULL OR Misc.status="completed")

select p.*
from project as p
where not exists (select 1 from roofing where projectId = p.projectId and status <> 'completed')
and not exists (select 1 from siding where projectId = p.projectId and status <> 'completed')
and not exists (select 1 from gutters where projectId = p.projectId and status <> 'completed')
and not exists (select 1 from misc where projectId = p.projectId and status <> 'completed')

Alex's approach will get you all the information on one line (if there are no multiple records in the child tables), but if you need it one separtes lines try a union all statement. Just make sure you use the same columns in each union. If you have data in one or more tables that the other tables don't have you would then use null as the value for that column inthe union.
SELECT p1.projectid,'roofing' as JobType FROM Projects p1
JOIN Roofing r ON p1.projectID = r.projectID
union all
SELECT p1.projectid,'gutters' as JobType FROM Projects p1
JOIN gutters g ON p1.projectID = g.projectID
union all
SELECT p1.projectid,'siding' as JobType FROM Projects p1
JOIN Siding s ON p1.projectID = s.projectID
union all
SELECT p1.projectid,'misc' as JobType FROM Projects p1
JOIN Misc m ON p1.projectID = m.projectID

FROM Projects
--Step 3: filter the projects by the results from Step2
WHERE ProjectID not in
--Step 1: gather all the jobs into one bucket
SELECT ProjectID, Status
FROM Roofing
SELECT ProjectID, Status
FROM Siding
SELECT ProjectID, Status
FROM Gutters
SELECT ProjectID, Status
) as Jobs
--Step 2: find incomplete project IDs
GROUP BY Jobs.ProjectID
OR MAX(Jobs.Status) != 'COMPLETED'

Create a view that returns distinct ProjectIds for "all jobs completed" and join that to the Projects table. That way you only have to update the view if the criteria for "all jobs completed" changes, e.g. if a new job is added. The SQL statement for the view can be constructed several ways as shown in the other replies.


Optimize a complex PostgreSQL Query

I am attempting to make a complex SQL join on several tables: as shown below. I have included an image of the dB schema also.
Consider table_1 -
e_id name
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
and table_2 -
e_id date
1 1/1/2019
1 1/1/2020
2 2/1/2019
4 2/1/2019
The issue here is performance. From the tables 2 - 4 we only want the most recent entry for a given e_id but because these tables contain historical data (~ >3.5M rows) it's quite slow. I've attached an example of how we're currently trying to achieve this but it only includes one join of 'table_1' with 'table_x'. We group by e_id and get the max date for it. The other way we've thought about doing this is creating a Materialized View and pulling data from that and refreshing it after some period of time. Any improvements welcome.
from fds.region as rg
inner join (
select e_id, name, p_id
from fds.table_1
where sec_type = 'S' AND active_flag = 1
) as table_1 on table_1.e_id = rg.e_id
inner join fds.table_2 table_2 on table_2.e_id = rg.e_id
inner join fds.sec sec on sec.p_id = table_1.p_id
inner join fds.entity ent on ent.int_entity_id = sec.int_entity_id
inner join (
SELECT int_1.e_id, int_1.date, int_1.int_price
FROM fds.table_4 int_1
SELECT e_id, MAX(date) date
FROM fds.table_2
) int_2 ON int_1.e_id = int_2.fsym_id AND int_1.date = int_2.date
) as table_4 on table_4.e_id = rg.e_id
where rg.region_str like '%US' and ent.sec_type = 'P'
order by table_2.int_price
limit 500;
You can simplify this logic:
SELECT int_1.e_id, int_1.date, int_1.int_price
FROM fds.table_4 int_1
SELECT e_id, MAX(date) date
FROM fds.table_2
) int_2 ON int_1.e_id = int_2.fsym_id AND int_1.date = int_2.date
) as table_4
(SELECT DISTINCT ON (int_1.e_id) int_1.*
FROM fds.table_4 int_1
ORDER BY int_1.e_id, int_1.date DESC
) table_4
This can take advantage of an index on fds.table_4(e_id, date desc) -- and might be wicked fast with such an index.
You also want appropriate indexes for the joins and filtering. However, it is hard to be more specific without an execution plan.

SELECT Statement in CASE

Please don't downgrade this as it is bit complex for me to explain. I'm working on data migration so some of the structures look weird because it was designed by someone like that.
For ex, I have a table Person with PersonID and PersonName as columns. I have duplicates in the table.
I have Details table where I have PersonName stored in a column. This PersonName may or may not exist in the Person table. I need to retrieve PersonID from the matching records otherwise put some hardcode value in PersonID.
I can't write below query because PersonName is duplicated in Person Table, this join doubles the rows if there is a matching record due to join.
SELECT d.Fields, PersonID
FROM Details d
JOIN Person p ON d.PersonName = p.PersonName
The below query works but I don't know how to replace "NULL" with some value I want in place of NULL
SELECT d.Fields, (SELECT TOP 1 PersonID FROM Person where PersonName = d.PersonName )
FROM Details d
So, there are some PersonNames in the Details table which are not existent in Person table. How do I write CASE WHEN in this case?
I tried below but it didn't work
SELECT d.Fields,
FROM Person
WHERE PersonName = d.PersonName) = null
THEN 123
FROM Person
WHERE PersonName = d.PersonName) END Name
FROM Details d
This query is still showing the same output as 2nd query. Please advise me on this. Let me know, if I'm unclear anywhere. Thanks
well.. I figured I can put ISNULL on top of SELECT to make it work.
SELECT d.Fields,
FROM Person p where p.PersonName = d.PersonName, 124) id
FROM Details d
A simple left outer join to pull back all persons with an optional match on the details table should work with a case statement to get your desired result.
Person p
LEFT OUTER JOIN Details d on d.PersonName=p.PersonName
Ooh goody, a chance to use two LEFT JOINs. The first will list the IDs where they exist, and insert a default otherwise; the second will eliminate the duplicates.
SELECT d.Fields, ISNULL(p1.PersonID, 123)
FROM Details d
LEFT JOIN Person p1 ON d.PersonName = p1.PersonName
LEFT JOIN Person p2 ON p2.PersonName = p1.PersonName
AND p2.PersonID < p1.PersonID
You could use common table expressions to build up the missing datasets, i.e. your complete Person table, then join that to your Detail table as follows;
declare #n int;
-- set your default PersonID here;
set #n = 123;
-- Make sure previous SQL statement is terminated with semilcolon for with clause to parse successfully.
-- First build our unique list of names from table Detail.
with cteUniqueDetailPerson
select distinct [PersonName]
from [Details]
-- Second get unique Person entries and record the most recent PersonID value as the active Person.
, cteUniquePersonPerson
, [PersonName]
max([PersonID]) -- if you wanted the original Person record instead of the last, change this to min.
, [PersonName]
from [Person]
group by [PersonName]
-- Third join unique datasets to get the PersonID when there is a match, otherwise use our default id #n.
-- NB, this would also include records when a Person exists with no Detail rows (they are filtered out with the final inner join)
, cteSudoPerson
, [PersonName]
coalesce(upp.[PersonID],#n) as [PersonID]
coalesce(upp.[PersonName],udp.[PersonName]) as [PersonName]
from cteUniquePersonPerson upp
full outer join cteUniqueDetailPerson udp
on udp.[PersonName] = p.[PersonName]
-- Fourth, join detail to the sudo person table that includes either the original ID or our default ID.
, sp.[PersonID]
from [Details] d
inner join cteSudoPerson sp
on sp.[PersonName] = d.[PersonName];

Selecting from table with categories of people

I created a database in ms sql , in the database I have three category of persons namely staff, customers, suppliers whom I stored in different tables create serial unique id for each.
Now these persons id are stored under person_id and a column names person type which stores whether its a staff, custimer or supplier in the transaction table, The problem lies in selecting the records from the transaction table like this pseudo code
Select t.*,s.na as staff,sp.name as supplier, c.name as customer
From Trans t
left join Staff s on s.id = t.pid
left join Suppliers sp on sp.id = t.pid
left join Customers c on c.id = t.pid
This returns one row, instead of at least 3 or more, How do I solve this problem
My trans table
person_id Person_type Trans_id
1 staff 1
1 customer 2
2 customer 3
3 suppler 4
1 staff 5
Expected output
person_name Trans_id
james 1
mark 2
dan 3
jude 4
james 5
Staff, Customers, and suppliers are stored in their different tables
That's what the Join does, combine data from multiple tables into one result row. If you want to "keep the rows", not combine them, you can use UNION
Select t.* From Trans t
left join Staff s on s.id = t.pid
Select t.* From Trans t
left join Suppliers sp on sp.id = t.pid
Select t.* From Trans t
left join Customers c on c.id = t.pid
This will get you the multiple rows you want BUT still not sure you have defined it right. I see you are only taking columns from Trans, so you're not getting any data from the other tables. And you're doing left outer joins so the other tables won't affect the selection. So I think it's just that same as selecting from just Trans.
If what you want is data from Trans where there is corresponding entry in the other tables, then do the UNION, but also change the outer joins to inner.

how use distinct in second join table in sql server

I have a SQL table consists of id, name, email,.... I have another SQL table that has id, email, emailstatus but these 2 id are different they are not related. The only thing that is common between these 2 tables are emails.
I would like to join these 2 tables bring all the info from table1 and if the email address from table 1 and table 2 are same and emailstatus is 'Bounced'. But the query that I am writing gives me more record than I expected because there are multiple rows in tbl_webhook(second table) for each row in Applicant(first table) .I want to know if applicant has EVER had an email bounce.
Query without join shows 23000 record but after join shows 42000 record that is because of duplicate how I can keep same 23000 record only add info from second table?
This is my query:
,H.[Email], H.[EmailStatus] as BouncedEmail
FROM Applicant A (NOLOCK)
left outer join [tbl_Webhook] [H] (NOLOCK)
on A.Email = H.Email
and H.[event]='bounced'
this is sample of desired data:
id email name emailFromTable2 emailstatus
1 test2#yahoo.com lili test2#yahoo.com bounced
2 tesere#yahoo.com mike Null Null
3 tedfd2#yahoo.com nik tedfd2#yahoo.com bounced
4 tdfdft2#yahoo.com sam Null Null
5 tedft2#yahoo.com james tedft2#yahoo.com bounced
6 tedft2#yahoo.com San Null
Use a nested select for this type of query. I would write this as:
select id, application, load, firstname, lastname, email,
(case when BouncedEmail is not null then email end) as EmailFromTable2,
from (SELECT A.[Id], A.[Application], A.[Loan], A.[Firstname], A.[Lastname], A.[Email],
(case when exists (select 1
from tbl_WebHook h
where A.Email = H.Email and H.[event] = 'bounced'
then 'bounced
end) as BouncedEmail
FROM Applicant A (NOLOCK)
) a
You can also do this with cross apply, but because you only really need one column, a correlated subquery also works.
;WITH DistinctEmails
FROM [tbl_Webhook]
,H.[Email], H.[EmailStatus] as BouncedEmail
FROM Applicant A (NOLOCK) left outer join DistinctEmails [H] (NOLOCK)
on A.Email = H.Email
WHERE H.rn = 1
and H.[event]='bounced'
i believe query below should be enough to select distinct bounced email for you, cheer :)
,H.[Email], H.[EmailStatus] as BouncedEmail
FROM Applicant A (NOLOCK)
Inner join [tbl_Webhook] [H] (NOLOCK)
on A.Email = H.Email
and H.[EmailStatus]='bounced'
basically i just change the joining to inner join and change the 2nd table condition from event to emailstatus, if u can provide your table structure and sample data i believe i can help you up :)

SQL Server: querying hierarchical and referenced data

I'm working on an asset database that has a hierarchy. Also, there is a "ReferenceAsset" table, that effectively points back to an asset. The Reference Asset basically functions as an override, but it is selected as if it were a unique, new asset. One of the overrides that gets set, is the parent_id.
Columns that are relevant to selecting the heirarchy:
Asset: id (primary), parent_id
Asset Reference: id (primary), asset_id (foreignkey->Asset), parent_id (always an Asset)
---EDITED 5/27----
Sample Relevent Table Data (after joins):
id | asset_id | name | parent_id | milestone | type
3 3 suit null march shape
4 4 suit_banker 3 april texture
5 5 tie null march shape
6 6 tie_red 5 march texture
7 7 tie_diamond 5 june texture
-5 6 tie_red 4 march texture
the id < 0 (like the last row) signify assets that are referenced. Referenced assets have a few columns that are overidden (in this case, only parent_id is important).
The expectation is that if I select all assets from april, I should do a secondary select to get the entire tree branches of the matching query:
so initially the query match would result in:
4 4 suit_banker 3 april texture
Then after the CTE, we get the complete hierarchy and our result should be this (so far this is working)
3 3 suit null march shape
4 4 suit_banker 3 april texture
-5 6 tie_red 4 march texture
and you see, the parent of id:-5 is there, but what is missing, that is needed, is the referenced asset, and the parent of the referenced asset:
5 5 tie null march shape
6 6 tie_red 5 march texture
Currently my solution works for this, but it is limited to only a single depth of references (and I feel the implementation is quite ugly).
Here is my primary Selection Function. This should better demonstrate where the real complication lies: the AssetReference.
Select A.id as id, A.id as asset_id, A.name,A.parent_id as parent_id, A.subPath, T.name as typeName, A2.name as parent_name, B.name as batchName,
L.name as locationName,AO.owner_name as ownerName, T.id as typeID,
M.name as milestoneName, A.deleted as bDeleted, 0 as reference, W.phase_name, W.status_name
FROM Asset as A Inner Join Type as T on A.type_id = T.id
Inner Join Batch as B on A.batch_id = B.id
Left Join Location L on A.location_id = L.id
Left Join Asset A2 on A.parent_id = A2.id
Left Join AssetOwner AO on A.owner_id = AO.owner_id
Left Join Milestone M on A.milestone_id = M.milestone_id
Left Join Workflow as W on W.asset_id = A.id
where A.deleted <= #showDeleted
Select -1*AR.id as id, AR.asset_id as asset_id, A.name, AR.parent_id as parent_id, A.subPath, T.name as typeName, A2.name as parent_name, B.name as batchName,
L.name as locationName,AO.owner_name as ownerName, T.id as typeID,
M.name as milestoneName, A.deleted as bDeleted, 1 as reference, NULL as phase_name, NULL as status_name
FROM Asset as A Inner Join Type as T on A.type_id = T.id
Inner Join Batch as B on A.batch_id = B.id
Left Join Location L on A.location_id = L.id
Left Join Asset A2 on AR.parent_id = A2.id
Left Join AssetOwner AO on A.owner_id = AO.owner_id
Left Join Milestone M on A.milestone_id = M.milestone_id
Inner Join AssetReference AR on AR.asset_id = A.id
where A.deleted <= #showDeleted
I have a stored procedure that takes a temp table (#temp) and finds all the elements of the hierarchy. The strategy I employed was this:
Select the entire system heirarchy into a temp table (#treeIDs) represented by a comma separated list of each entire tree branch
Get entire heirarchy of assets matching query (from #temp)
Get all reference assets pointed to by Assets from heirarchy
Parse the heirarchy of all reference assets
This works for now because reference assets are always the last item on a branch, but if they weren't, i think i would be in trouble. I feel like i need some better form of recursion.
Here is my current code, which is working, but i am not proud of it, and I know it is not robust (because it only works if the references are at the bottom):
Step 1. build the entire hierarchy
;WITH Recursive_CTE AS (
SELECT Cast(id as varchar(100)) as Hierarchy, parent_id, id
FROM #assetIDs
Where parent_id is Null
CAST(parent.Hierarchy + ',' + CAST(t.id as varchar(100)) as varchar(100)) as Hierarchy, t.parent_id, t.id
FROM Recursive_CTE parent
INNER JOIN #assetIDs t ON t.parent_id = parent.id
Select Distinct h.id, Hierarchy as idList into #treeIDs
FROM ( Select Hierarchy, id FROM Recursive_CTE ) parent
CROSS APPLY dbo.SplitIDs(Hierarchy) as h
Step 2. Select the branches of all assets that match the query
Select DISTINCT L.id into #RelativeIDs FROM #treeIDs
CROSS APPLY dbo.SplitIDs(idList) as L
WHERE #treeIDs.id in (Select id FROM #temp)
Step 3. Get all Reference Assets in the branches
(Reference assets have negative id values, hence the id < 0 part)
Select asset_id INTO #REFLinks FROM #AllAssets WHERE id in
(Select #AllAssets.asset_id FROM #AllAssets Inner Join #RelativeIDs
on #AllAssets.id = #RelativeIDs.id Where #RelativeIDs.id < 0)
Step 4. Get the branches of anything found in step 3
Select DISTINCT L.id into #extraRelativeIDs FROM #treeIDs
CROSS APPLY dbo.SplitIDs(idList) as L
exists (Select #REFLinks.asset_id FROM #REFLinks WHERE #REFLinks.asset_id = #treeIDs.id)
and Not Exists (select id FROM #RelativeIDs Where id = #treeIDs.id)
I've tried to just show the relevant code. I am super grateful to anyone who can help me find a better solution!
--getting all of the children of a root node ( could be > 1 ) and it would require revising the query a bit
DECLARE #AssetID int = (select AssetId from Asset where AssetID is null);
--algorithm is relational recursion
--gets the top level in hierarchy we want. The hierarchy column
--will show the row's place in the hierarchy from this query only
--not in the overall reality of the row's place in the table
WITH Hierarchy(Asset_ID, AssetID, Levelcode, Asset_hierarchy)
SELECT AssetID, Asset_ID,
1 as levelcode, CAST(Assetid as varchar(max)) as Asset_hierarchy
FROM Asset
WHERE AssetID=#AssetID
--joins back to the CTE to recursively retrieve the rows
--note that treelevel is incremented on each iteration
SELECT A.Parent_ID, B.AssetID,
Levelcode + 1 as LevelCode,
A.assetID + '\' + cast(A.Asset_id as varchar(20)) as Asset_Hierarchy
FROM Asset AS a
INNER JOIN dbo.Batch AS Hierarchy
--use to get children, since the parentId of the child will be set the value
--of the current row
on a.assetId= b.assetID
--use to get parents, since the parent of the Asset_Hierarchy row will be the asset,
--not the parent.
on Asset.AssetId= Asset_Hierarchy.parentID
SELECT a.Assetid,a.name,
Asset_Hierarchy.LevelCode, Asset_Hierarchy.hierarchy
FROM Asset AS a
INNER JOIN Asset_Hierarchy
ON A.AssetID= Asset_Hierarchy.AssetID
ORDER BY Hierarchy ;
--return results from the CTE, joining to the Asset data to get the asset name
---that is the structure you will want. I would need a little more clarification of your table structure
It would help to know your underlying table structure. There are two approaches which should work depending on your environment: SQL understands XML so you could have your SQL as an xml structure or simply have a single table with each row item having a unique primary key id and a parentid. id is the fk for the parentid. The data for the node are just standard columns. You can use a cte or a function powering a calculated column to determin the degree of nesting for each node. The limit is that a node can only have one parent.