How do you name your "reference" implementations of an interface? - oop

My question is rather simple and the title states it perfectly: How do you name your "reference" or "basic" implementations of an interface? I saw some naming conventions:
What do you use? What are the pros and cons? And where do you put those "reference" implementations? Currently i create an .impl package where the implementations go. More complex implementations which may contain multiple classes go into a .impl.complex package, where "complex" is a short name describing the implementation.
Thank you,

I wonder if your question reflects the customs of a particular language. I write in C#, and I typically don't have "default" implementation. I have an interface, say IDistance, and each implementation has a name that describes its actual purpose / how it is specific, say, EuclidianDistance, ManhattanDistance... In my opinion, "default" is not a property of the implementation itself, but of its context: the application could have a service/method called "GetDefaultDistance", which would be configured to return one of the distance implementations.

In Java, (whenever suitable) I typically use a nested class called RefImpl. This way for a given interface InterfaceXYZ, the reference implementation is always InterfaceXYZ.RefImpl and there is no need to fumble around making up effectively redundant names.
public interface InterfaceXYZ {
// interface methods ...
public static class RefImpl implements InterfaceXYZ {
// interface method impls.
And then have a uniform usage pattern:
// some where else
public void foo () {
InterfaceXYZ anXYZ = new InterfaceXYZ.RefImpl();

I asked a previous question about a "null" implementation and it was identified as the null object pattern - an implementation of an interface that does nothing meaningful. Like Mathias, I'm not too sure what would be considered a "default" implementation that didn't have some kind of name specific to its implementation.

If the interface is a RazmaFrazzer, I'd call the implementation a DefaultRazmaFrazzer.
If you've already got several implementations and you've marked one of them out as a "default" look at all the implementations and look at the differences between them and come up with an adjective that describes the distinguishing feature of the default implementation e.g. SimpleRazmaFrazzer, or if it's a converter, you might have PassThroughDefaultRazmaFrazzer - so you're looking for whatever makes the implementation distinctive.

The exact convention doesn't metter - be it IService + Service or Service + ServiceImpl. The point is to be consistent throughout the whole project.


Why does ABAP divide classes into implementation and definition?

I know that ABAP Objects are kinda old but as far as my knowledge goes you still have to use at least two "sections" to create a complete class.
public class MyClass {
<visibility> <definition> {
Wouldn't it make development easier/faster by having a combination of both like most modern languages have?
What are the reasons for this separation?
Easier/faster for the human (maybe), but costly for the compiler: It has to sift through the entire code to determine the structure of the class and its members, whereas in the current form, it only needs to compile the definition to determine whether a reference is valid. ABAP is not the only language that separates definition from implementation: Pascal did so for units, and Object Pascal for classes. One might argue that C++ allows for same construct without specifying an implementation section when you're not using inline member function declarations.
Maybe another reason:
Most (?) classes are not defined with manual written code, but via SE24. There you define the interface in one dynpro and write the code in another one.
Internally the interfaces are stored in one source, the code is stored in another source. So it is reasonable to separate the interface and the implementation.

Interface reference variables

I am going over some OO basics and trying to understand why is there a use of Interface reference variables.
When I create an interface:
public interface IWorker
int HoneySum { get; }
void getHoney();
and have a class implement it:
public class Worker : Bee, IWorker
int honeySum = 15;
public int HoneySum { get { return honeySum; } }
public void getHoney()
Console.WriteLine("Worker Bee: I have this much honey: {0}", HoneySum);
why do people use:
IWorker worker = new Worker();
instead of just using:
Worker worker3 = new Worker();
whats the point of a interface reference variable when you can just instatiate the class and use it's methods and fields that way?
If your code knows what class will be used, you are right, there is no point in having an interface type variable. Just like in your example. That code knows that the class that will be instantiated is Worker, because that code won't magically change and instantiate anything else than Worker. In that sense, your code is coupled with the definition and use of Worker.
But you might want to write some code that works without knowing the class type. Take for example the following method:
public void stopWorker(IWorker worker) {
worker.stop(); // Assuming IWorker has a stop() method
That method doesn't care about the specific class. It would handle anything that implements IWorker.
That is code you don't have to change if you want later to use a different IWorker implementation.
It's all about low coupling between your pieces of code. It's all about maintainability.
Basically it's considered good programming practice to use the interface as the type. This allows different implementations of the interface to be used without effecting the code. I.e. if the object being assigned was passed in then you can pass in anything that implements the interface without effecting the class. However if you use the concrete class then you can only passin objects of that type.
There is a programming principle I cannot remember the name of at this time that applies to this.
You want to keep it as generic as possible without tying to specific implementation.
Interfaces are used to achieve loose coupling between system components. You're not restricting your system to the specific concrete IWorker instance. Instead, you're allowing the consumer to specify which concrete implementation of IWorker they'd like to use. What you get out of it is loosely dependent components and better flexibility.
One major reason is to provide compatibility with existing code. If you have existing code that knows how to manipulate objects via some particular interface, you can instantly make your new code compatible with that existing code by implementing that interface.
This kind of capability becomes particularly important for long-term maintenance. You already have an existing framework, and you typically want to minimize changes to other code to fit your new code into the framework. At least in the ideal case, you do this by writing your new code to implement some number of existing interfaces. As soon as you do, the existing code that knows how to manipulate objects via those interfaces can automatically work with your new class just as well as it could with the ones for which it was originally designed.
Think about interfaces as protocols and not classes i.e. does this object implement this protocol as distinct from being a protocol? For example can my number object be serialisable? Its class is a number but it might implement an interface that describes generally how it can be serialised.
A given class of object may actually implement many interfaces.

Is it bad practice for a class to have only static fields and methods?

I have a class that consists only of static member variables and static methods. Essentially, it is serving as a general-purpose utility class.
Is it bad practice for a class to contain only static member variables and static methods?
No, I don't think so at all. It is worse practice to have a class full of instance methods which don't actually depend on a particular instance. Making them static tells the user exactly how they are intended to be used. Additionally, you avoid unnecessary instantiations this way.
EDIT: As an afterthought, in general I think its nice to avoid using language features "just because", or because you think that that is the "Java way to do it". I recall my first job where I had a class full of static utility methods and one of the senior programmers told me that I wasn't fully harnessing the OO power of Java by making all of my methods "global". She was not on the team 6 months later.
As long as the class has no internal state and is essentially what is known as a leaf class (utility classes fall into this category), in other words it is independent of other classes. It is fine.
The Math class being a prime example.
Sounds reasonable.
Note: Classes that do this often have a private no-arg constructor just so that the compiler yields an error if a programmer tries to create an instance of the static class.
Static methods don't worry me much (except for testing).
In general, static members are a concern. For example, what if your app is clustered? What about start-up time -- what kind of initialization is taking place? For a consideration of these issues and more, check out this article by Gilad Bracha.
It's perfectly reasonable. In fact, in C# you can define a class with the static keyword specifically for this purpose.
Just don't get carried away with it. Notice that the java.lang.Math class is only about math functions. You might also have a StringUtilities class which contains common string-handling functions which aren't in the standard API, for example. But if your class is named Utilities, for example, that's a hint that you might want to split it up.
Note also that Java specifically introduced the static import: (
Static import is a feature introduced
in the Java programming language that
members (fields and methods) defined
in a class as public static to be used
in Java code without specifying the
class in which the field is defined.
This feature was introduced into the
language in version 5.0.
The feature provides a typesafe
mechanism to include constants into
code without having to reference the
class that originally defined the
field. It also helps to deprecate the
practice of creating a constant
interface: an interface that only
defines constants then writing a class
implementing that interface, which is
considered an inappropriate use of
The mechanism can be used to reference
individual members of a class:
import static java.lang.Math.PI;
import static java.lang.Math.pow;
or all the static members of a class:
import static java.lang.Math.*;
While I agree with the sentiment that it sounds like a reasonable solution (as others have already stated), one thing you may want to consider is, from a design standpoint, why do you have a class just for "utility" purposes. Are those functionals truly general across the entire system, or are they really related to some specific class of objects within your architecture.
As long as you have thought about that, I see no problem with your solution.
The Collections class in Java SDK has static members only.
So, there you go, as long as you have proper justification -- its not a bad design
Utility methods are often placed in classes with only static methods (like StringUtils.) Global constants are also placed in their own class so that they can be imported by the rest of the code (public final static attributes.)
Both uses are quite common and have private default constructors to prevent them from being instantiated. Declaring the class final prevents the mistake of trying to override static methods.
If by static member variables you did not mean global constants, you might want to place the methods accessing those variables in a class of their own. In that case, could you eleborate on what those variables do in your code?
This is typically how utility classes are designed and there is nothing wrong about it. Famous examples include o.a.c.l.StringUtils, o.a.c.d.DbUtils, o.s.w.b.ServletRequestUtils, etc.
According to a rigid interpretation of Object Oriented Design, a utility class is something to be avoided.
The problem is that if you follow a rigid interpretation then you would need to force your class into some sort object in order to accomplish many things.
Even the Java designers make utility classes (java.lang.Math comes to mind)
Your options are:
double distance = Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y); //using static utility class
RootCalculator mySquareRooter = new SquareRootCalculator();
mySquareRooter.setValueToRoot(x*x + y*y);
double distance;
distance = mySquareRooter.getRoot();
catch InvalidParameterException ......yadda yadda yadda.
Even if we were to avoid the verbose method, we could still end up with:
Mathemetician myMathD00d = new Mathemetician()
double distance = myMathD00d.sqrt(...);
in this instance, .sqrt() is still static, so what would the point be in creating the object in the first place?
The answer is, create utility classes when your other option would be to create some sort of artificial "Worker" class that has no or little use for instance variables.
This link seems to go against most of the answers here. Even if it contains no member variables (i.e. no state), a static class can still be a bad idea because it cannot be mocked or extended (subclassed), so it is defeating some of the principles of OO
I wouldn't be concerned over a utility class containing static methods.
However, static members are essentially global data and should be avoided. They may be acceptable if they are used for caching results of the static methods and such, but if they are used as "real" data that may lead to all kinds of problems, such as hidden dependencies and difficulties to set up tests.
From TSLint’s docs:
Users who come from a Java-style OO language may wrap their utility functions in an extra class, instead of putting them at the top level.
The best way is to use a constant, like this:
export const Util = {
print (data: string): void {
Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
class EmptyClass {}
class ConstructorOnly {
constructor() {
// Use an object instead:
class StaticOnly {
static version = 42;
static hello() {
console.log('Hello, world!');
Examples of correct code for this rule:
class EmptyClass extends SuperClass {}
class ParameterProperties {
constructor(public name: string) {}
const StaticOnly = {
version: 42,
hello() {
console.log('Hello, world!');

Rule of thumb for naming wrapper classes

I find myself creating a significant number of wrapper classes, purely because I want to mock out the behaviour of
Classes that don't lend themselves well to the RhinoMocks isolation model (for instance like DirectoryInfo or WindowsIdentity)
Native Win API methods (I normally collect all the methods I need into a single class and wrap the native calls as a class method)
I then find myself appending the class that is wrapped with a 'W' (to indicate that it's a wrapper) and so I end up with DirectoryInfoW (as opposed to DirectoryInfoWrapper which seems rather verbose). Similarly, I end up with wrapped native methods called NativeMethods.DuplicateTokenW.
What would be a good rule of thumb to follow when naming wrapper classes?
Naming conventions are whatever works for the team that you're working with. As long as everyone's ok with a particular convention, then it's ok.
I tend to prefer the more verbose version though, i.e. DirectoryInfoWrapper, rather than having a single letter that doesn't explain anything to anyone who's not familiar with the code. But that's just me.
I'll agree with aberrant80 , if everyone agrees with the convention you are using, then it'll work.
I personally prefer using names that are shorter and descriptive to the class's purpose. At least at the interface level. If you're using a mock framework, then IDirectory or IDirectoryInfo would be a decent set of names, while DirectoryInfoW or DirectoryInfoWrapper would be an interface implementer.
A better example might be wrapping an HttpRequest; define an IRequest to state 'this is what is important to my application', then Request, HttpRequestWrapper, Request, etc would be implementers.
So, to summarize, try and use descriptive, non-overly-verbose interface names.
Just as a side note, I found a more aesthetically pleasing (well, to me) way of wrapping native method calls:
public class NativeMethods
// made virtual so that it can be mocked - I don't really want
// an interface for this class!
public virtual bool RevertToSelf()
return WinApi.RevertToSelf();
private static class WinApi
public static extern bool RevertToSelf();
i.e. avoid name collision by encapsulating native method calls in a private nested class.
No 'good' solution to the wrapper class naming issue though, I'd probably go with aberrant80's suggestion and explicitly call my wrappers wrappers.
If you are using C++, you can use namespaces and then just re-use the same class name. For example:
namespace WrapperNamespace
class MyClass {...};
namespace InternalNamespace
class MyClass {...};

In what namespace should you put interfaces relative to their implementors?

Specifically, when you create an interface/implementor pair, and there is no overriding organizational concern (such as the interface should go in a different assembly ie, as recommended by the s# architecture) do you have a default way of organizing them in your namespace/naming scheme?
This is obviously a more opinion based question but I think some people have thought about this more and we can all benefit from their conclusions.
The answer depends on your intentions.
If you intend the consumer of your namespaces to use the interfaces over the concrete implementations, I would recommend having your interfaces in the top-level namespace with the implementations in a child namespace
If the consumer is to use both, have them in the same namespace.
If the interface is for predominantly specialized use, like creating new implementations, consider having them in a child namespace such as Design or ComponentModel.
I'm sure there are other options as well, but as with most namespace issues, it comes down to the use-cases of the project, and the classes and interfaces it contains.
I usually keep the interface in the same namespace of as the concrete types.
But, that's just my opinion, and namespace layout is highly subjective.
| - IAnimal
| - Dog
| - Cat
| - IPlant
| - Cactus
You don't really gain anything by moving one or two types out of the main namespace, but you do add the requirement for one extra using statement.
What I generally do is to create an Interfaces namespace at a high level in my hierarchy and put all interfaces in there (I do not bother to nest other namespaces in there as I would then end up with many namespaces containing only one interface).
This is just the way that I have done it in the past and I have not had many problems with it, though admittedly it might be confusing to others sitting down with my projects. I am very curious to see what other people do.
I prefer to keep my interfaces and implementation classes in the same namespace. When possible, I give the implementation classes internal visibility and provide a factory (usually in the form of a static factory method that delegates to a worker class, with an internal method that allows a unit tests in a friend assembly to substitute a different worker that produces stubs). Of course, if the concrete class needs to be public--for instance, if it's an abstract base class, then that's fine; I don't see any reason to put an ABC in its own namespace.
On a side note, I strongly dislike the .NET convention of prefacing interface names with the letter 'I.' The thing the (I)Foo interface models is not an ifoo, it's simply a foo. So why can't I just call it Foo? I then name the implementation classes specifically, for example, AbstractFoo, MemoryOptimizedFoo, SimpleFoo, StubFoo etc.
(.Net) I tend to keep interfaces in a separate "common" assembly so I can use that interface in several applications and, more often, in the server components of my apps.
Regarding namespaces, I keep them in BusinessCommon.Interfaces.
I do this to ensure that neither I nor my developers are tempted to reference the implementations directly.
Separate the interfaces in some way (projects in Eclipse, etc) so that it's easy to deploy only the interfaces. This allows you to provide your external API without providing implementations. This allows dependent projects to build with a bare minimum of externals. Obviously this applies more to larger projects, but the concept is good in all cases.
I usually separate them into two separate assemblies. One of the usual reasons for a interface is to have a series of objects look the same to some subsystem of your software. For example I have all my Reports implementing the IReport Interfaces. IReport is used is not only used in printing but for previewing and selecting individual options for each report. Finally I have a collection of IReport to use in dialog where the user selects which reports (and configuring options) they want to print.
The Reports reside in a separate assembly and the IReport, the Preview engine, print engine, report selections reside in their respective core assembly and/or UI assembly.
If you use the Factory Class to return a list of available reports in the report assembly then updating the software with new report becomes merely a matter of copying the new report assembly over the original. You can even use the Reflection API to just scan the list of assemblies for any Report Factories and build your list of Reports that way.
You can apply this techniques to Files as well. My own software runs a metal cutting machine so we use this idea for the shape and fitting libraries we sell alongside our software.
Again the classes implementing a core interface should reside in a separate assembly so you can update that separately from the rest of the software.
I give my own experience that is against other answers.
I tend to put all my interfaces in the package they belongs to. This grants that, if I move a package in another project I have all the thing there must be to run the package without any changes.
For me, any helper functions and operator functions that are part of the functionality of a class should go into the same namespace as that of the class, because they form part of the public API of that namespace.
If you have common implementations that share the same interface in different packages you probably need to refactor your project.
Sometimes I see that there are plenty of interfaces in a project that could be converted in an abstract implementation rather that an interface.
So, ask yourself if you are really modeling a type or a structure.
A good example might be looking at what Microsoft does.
Assembly: System.Runtime.dll
Where are the concrete types?
Assembly: System.Colleections.dll
// etc
Assembly: EntityFramework.dll
Concrete Type?
Assembly: EntityFramework.dll
Further examples
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Logger<T>
- Microsoft.Extensions.Options.OptionsManager<T>
- Microsoft.Extensions.Options.OptionsWrapper<T>
- Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.MemoryCacheOptions
- Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.SqlServer.SqlServerCacheOptions
- Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Redis.RedisCacheOptions
Some very interesting tells here. When the namespace changes to support the interface, the namespace change Caching is also prefixed to the derived type RedisCacheOptions. Additionally, the derived types are in an additional namespace of the implementation.
Memory -> MemoryCacheOptions
SqlServer -> SqlServerCatchOptions
Redis -> RedisCacheOptions
This seems like a fairly easy pattern to follow most of the time. As an example I (since no example was given) the following pattern might emerge:
Maybe a technology like Entity Framework prevents you from using the predefined classes. Thus we make our own.
Not that it happens often but may there's a decision to switch technologies for whatever reason and now we have...
As long as we're programming to the interfaces we've defined in root Entities (following the Liskov Substitution Principle) down stream code doesn't care where how the Interface was implemented.
More importantly, In My Opinion, creating derived types also means you don't have to consistently include a different namespace because the parent namespace contains the interfaces. I'm not sure I've ever seen a Microsoft example of interfaces stored in child namespaces that are then implement in the parent namespace (almost an Anti-Pattern if you ask me).
I definitely don't recommend segregating your code by type, eg:
This doesn't add value to being descriptive. And it's akin to using System Hungarian notation, which is mostly if not now exclusively, frowned upon.
I HATE when I find interfaces and implementations in the same namespace/assembly. Please don't do that, if the project evolves, it's a pain in the ass to refactor.
When I reference an interface, I want to implement it, not to get all its implementations.
What might me be admissible is to put the interface with its dependency class(class that references the interface).
EDIT: #Josh, I juste read the last sentence of mine, it's confusing! of course, both the dependency class and the one that implements it reference the interface. In order to make myself clear I'll give examples :
Acceptable :
Interface + implementation :
namespace A;
Interface IMyInterface
void MyMethod();
namespace A;
Interface MyDependentClass
private IMyInterface inject;
public MyDependentClass(IMyInterface inject)
this.inject = inject;
public void DoJob()
//Bla bla
Implementing class:
namespace B;
Interface MyImplementing : IMyInterface
public void MyMethod()
Console.WriteLine("hello world");
namespace A;
Interface IMyInterface
void MyMethod();
namespace A;
Interface MyImplementing : IMyInterface
public void MyMethod()
Console.WriteLine("hello world");
And please DON'T CREATE a project/garbage for your interfaces ! example : ShittyProject.Interfaces. You've missed the point!
Imagine you created a DLL reserved for your interfaces (200 MB). If you had to add a single interface with two line of codes, your users will have to update 200 MB just for two dumb signaturs!