Different style on buttons in messagebox in different projects - vb.net

I have a problem with the style of the button in a messagebox.
If I call the following line of code in a current project the button get one type of visual apperance/style. And If I create a new VB.NET Windows Application project it gets a standard Windows apperance/style.
Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Yaay", "Yaay!", Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK)
See the difference between the buttons below.
I suspect they inherit the visual apperance from it's parent or maybe from some project settings. But I have not been able to find out from where.
Both projects are created in VB.NET 2.0, and both have same System.Windows.Forms - dll as reference (c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Windows.Forms.dll).
Screenshot can be found here.
Thanx in advance for your help!

I cannot see the image from where I am so I'm not sure if this will help you.
Open the Project Properties for each solution and look at the Application tab.
Is the "Enable Applicaton Framework" item ticked? And if so, is the "Enable XP Visual Styles" item also ticked?
That may the difference in the two solutions.


How do I get Visual Studio 2012 to generate code from a windows form design?

I am trying to add a simple windows form to my VB.Net project. I have used the designer to design the form how I want it with buttons, a text box and a Timer. The problem is when I try to view the code, there is only an empty class that looks like this:
Public Class MCastMain
End Class
I have set the application type to a windows form application in the project properties, and I have made a successful build of the application since doing so. I have been scrawling the internet and this forum for about half an hour now and I can't find one other person who is having this problem, nor can I find a tutorial that mentions any special steps that must be taken beyond what I have done. This is the first project I have done in Visual Studio.
I know this is probably stupid simple, but I have no idea what to do. Any help is appreciated as always.
Forms comes as partial class meaning the code is separated in two files.
The "empty" code you shown is from "mcastmain.vb" (if the file is named as the class).
With that one there is a (probably hidden) file "mcastmain.designer.vb" file which contains the generated code by the designer ; and is not meant to be modified (as any designer change will rewrite the file).
To show the hidden files you have to look in the solution explorer on the button on it's top there should be a "show all files" button. (it may be possible to do the same via the menu but I don't have VS right there to be sure where)

Using a 3rd party control

Please excuse the noobness that is probably about to follow...
I'm making an vb.net 2010 app which needs to have a calendar system in which the user can add appointments and events etc.
I've downloaded the source for a control which looks promising (http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/10840/Another-Month-Calendar) but I have no idea how to add this in to my project. I've googled for help on adding the control but have had no luck.
If I right click on my toolbox, go 'choose items...' and try and add it there, it tells me it couldnt be opened.
Any help is appreciated!
Well you've downloaded the source code.
Place the source code in a specific location on your pc and then compile it 9If your planning to use this control in your own project then compile it in release mode. Assuming that there are no compile errors close visual studio and then open up the project of your own that you want to use this control in.
Right click on the general tab in the toolbox and click choose items. Using the bowse button in the choose items dialog navigate to the folder in which you placed the source code for the control you want to use.
Now locate the 'Bin' folder and in that locate the 'release' folder. Inside that you will see a dll (named presumably something like MothCalendar.dll. Select that dll and then click add and OK (Button sequence will vary according to vs version). The control should then appear in your toolbox under the general tab and you should then be able to drag it onto your forms for use in your project.

Reason for toolbox items being greyed out [duplicate]

I'm trying to add a chart to my Visual Studio form but the button is greyed out. I'm using .NET Framework 3.5 and C#. Following instructions online I've downloaded and installed the dll files from this link: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=14422
I also added them as references and added the following line at the top of my form file:
using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting;
but the button is still greyed out.
What have I missed?
To make the chart control available, you need:
To be using .Net framework 4.0 or higher, OR for .Net framework 3.5 install this: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=14422
On the toolbox context menu -> Choose Items... have the Chart control selected. (Sort by name in the Choose Toolbox Items dialog and scroll to Chart. There are two: one for Windows forms, one for Web forms. You need only select what's relevant.)
The chart control appears in the "Data" section of the Toolbox.
You do NOT need to any any "using" clause to the form source file, or any reference in the project references. (The reference is added automatically for you when you add the control.)
I too had this issue and could not resolve it for hours.
As posted here:
Visual Studio 2010 toolbox controls disabled or inactive
In order to solve it for me I just right-clicked one of the items in the toolbox, and chose "Reset Toolbox"
This resets the entire toolbox, so as mentioned in the answer above, all custom tools are lost and need to be re-imported.
Had the same problem.
What I did was to make sure that I was using the same Framework with the chart framework version.
During project creation, by default using .net 3.5. But since the chart is written for Framework 4.0, it will not work with 3.5.
You need to change the solution or project Framework to 4.0 or above by doing this:
On the menu bar of Visual Studio, click <your project name>/Properties.
Change target framework to 4.0 or above.
Save the properties setting.
Rebuild your solution.
After this, you may use that chart component.

User control type not defined

I'm having trouble adding user controls to my project.
I right-click on my project and select Add -> User Control...
I then click Add
I drag a label onto the new user control, and save it.
I build the project, go back to my main form, and drag the control from the Components tab in the Toolbox onto the form.
I see the control, but I get an error:
Type 'crm.UserControl1' is not defined.
If I do this with a blank project, it works. I'm not familiar enough with vb.net or visual studio to understand what's going wrong.
If I double-click the error, it brings me to this line in the generated designer code for the form:
Me.UserControl11 = New crm.UserControl1()
and says that crm.UserControl1 is not defined. If I change it to Global.crm.UserControl1, it works, but obviously this code is overwritten when I fiddle with the designer.
Any ideas, or pointers to get me started in the right direction? Thanks in advance.
My main form had the same name as the root namespace. This is what caused the problem.
Kind of late to the party with this one but I had this problem and I think that the issue was due to the controls being built in a more recent framework than the one that I was using.
Basically my custom controls were built in 4.7, but my project was being built in 4.5.1
Once I changed the current build so that they both were the same it compiled happily.
As far as I know, it is kind of accessibility issue because you are able to solve the issue when you try to access the object globally. I think when you drag and drop the control, the definition codes of the control in the designer class automatically generated with private accessibility but I don't know why. You could try to change it as public. I hope this will work.
Way late to this party. I fixed it by referencing it in the aspx page with the following as it was missing.
<%# Register Src="~/Controls/mycontrolname.ascx" TagPrefix="ucControl" TagName="MyControl" %>

Windows Workflow 4.0 Activities not being added to the toolbox

I've created a class project in VS 2010 Beta 2. I've added one Activity to it. Saved it. Created another Activity. I would expect the first Activity to appear in the toolbox so I could drag it into my workflow, but it's not. Any ideas?
I had this problem with Visual Studio 2010 RTM as well. I wrote a blog post with a potential solution here.
Essentially, the toolbox doesn't load your custom activities if you have two projects in your solution that share the same folder.
Make sure your Custom Activity class is marked as public.
I experienced this issue too. My workflow service project was part of a solution with other projects. I removed the workflow service project from the main solution and created a new solution only containing the workflow service project. After a build, the custom activities were generated and listed in the toolbox.
I don't know if this is still relevant for you but I had the same problem.
I could solve it like this:
Right click on the Toolbox to open context menu.
Select Choose Items...
Select the tab System.Activities Components
Click on browse and select the dll that contains the custom activity
Make sure that the activity shows in the list and is checked
Click OK
Not really the same question but in Visual Studio 2012, on a 64 bit windows, I had a 64 bit application with CodeActivity and NativeActivity and they were not showing up in the toolbox. I changed the application to AnyCPU and built it, and the activities are now displayed...
I hope it will help someone :)
I resolved this by creating a Windows Workflow 4.0 Console application and then removing out the Program.cs. Very odd, but it worked.