When is the configuration loaded with nHibernate? - nhibernate

I was reading that the initial load time for the configuration can be fairly long in nHibernate depending on the # of mapping tables, etc.
Is this done once and stored in session or cache?
Will it happen every time the ASP.NET process recycles?

A Configuration object is normally associated to an ISessionFactory. If you have lots of mappings building (by calling cfg.BuildSessionFactory) a session factory might be slow. That's why you need to construct a session factory only once and use it throughout your entire application. In an ASP.NET application when the process recycles, you will lose the reference to this session factory and it needs to be reconstructed again.
If you find it is extremely slow to construct your session factory you could improve performance by disabling the reflection optimizer : Environment.UseReflectionOptimizer = false (cf doc)

The Configuration is used to build the ISessionFactory. It's a one shot deal - which will occurs at the application startup.


ASP.NET Core - caching users from Identity

I'm working with a standard ASP.NET Core 2.1 program, and I've been considering the problem that a great many of my controller methods require the current logged on user to be retrieved.
I noticed that the asp.net core Identity code uses a DBSet to hold the entities and that subsequent calls to it should be reading from the local entities in memory and not hitting the DB, but it appears that every time, my code requires a DB read (I know as I'm running SQL Profiler and see the select queries against AspNetUsers being run using Id as the key)
I know there's so many ways to set Identity up, and its changed over the versions that maybe I'm not doing something right, or is there a fundamental problem here that could be addressed.
I set up the default EF and Identity stores in startup.cs's ConfigureServices:
services.AddDbContext<MyDBContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString("MyDBContext")));
services.AddIdentity<CustomIdentity, Models.Role>().AddDefaultTokenProviders().AddEntityFrameworkStores<MyDBContext>();
and read the user in each controller method:
var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(HttpContext.User);
in the Identity code, it seems that this method calls the UserStore FindByIdAsync method that calls FindAsync on the DBSet of users.
the EF performance paper says:
It’s important to note that two different ObjectContext instances will have two different ObjectStateManager instances, meaning that they have separate object caches.
So what could be going wrong here, any suggestions why ASP.NET Core's EF calls within Userstore are not using the local DBSet of entities? Or am I thinking this wrongly - and each time a call is made to a controller, a new EF context is created?
any suggestions why ASP.NET Core's EF calls within Userstore are not using the local DBSet of entities?
Actually, FindAsync does do that. Quoting msdn (emphasis mine)...
Asynchronously finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values exists in the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the store. Otherwise, a request is made to the store for an entity with the given primary key values and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found in the context or the store, then null is returned.
So you can't avoid the initial read per request for the object. But subsequent reads in the same request won't query the store. That's the best you can do outside crazy levels of micro-optimization
Yes. Controller's are instantiated and destroyed with each request, regardless of whether it's the same or a different user making the request. Further, the context is request-scoped, so it too is instantiated and destroyed with each request. If you query the same user multiple times during the same request, it will attempt to use the entity cache for subsequent queries, but you're likely not doing that.
That said, this is a text-book example of premature optimization. Querying a user from the database is an extremely quick query. It's just a simple select statement on a primary key - it doesn't get any more quick or simple as far as database queries go. You might be able to save a few milliseconds if you utilize memory caching, but that comes with a whole set of considerations, particularly being careful to segregate the cache by user, so that you don't accidentally bring in the wrong data for the wrong user. More to the point, memory cache is problematic for a host of reasons, so it's more typical to use distributed caching in production. Once you go there, caching doesn't really buy you anything for a simple query like this, because you're merely fetching it from the distributed cache store (which could even be a database like SQL Server) instead of your database. It only makes sense to cache complex and/or slow queries, as it's only then that retrieving it from cache actually ends up being quicker than just hitting the database again.
Long and short, don't be afraid to query the database. That's what it's there for. It's your source for data, so if you need the data, make the query. Once you have your site going, you can profile or otherwise monitor the performance, and if you notice slow or excessive queries, then you can start looking at ways to optimize. Don't worry about it until it's actually a problem.

NHibernate Second Level Cache with database change notification on desktop App

I am developing a WPF application using NHibernate to communicate with a PostgreSQL Database.
The only caching provider that works on a desktop app is Bamboo Prevalence (correct me if I am wrong). Given that every computer running my application will have different Session Factory, my application retrieves stale data from the cache.
My question is, how can I tell NHibernate/Prevalence to look at the timestamp of when the data was last updated, and if the cache is stale, refresh it?
Well, I found out that there is no way the Second Level cache can know if the database was changed outside Nhibernate/Cache, so what I did was creating a new column 'Timestamp' on all my tables.
On my queries, I first select the timestamp of the db using Session.Cachemode(CacheMode.Ignore) to get the timestamp of the db and I compare with the result from the cache. In the case the timestamps differ, I invalidate the cache for that query and run it again.
About the SysCache, even knowing it 'can work' on a WPF desktop app, I was not keen to use System.Web.Cache as my application would need the the complete .Net Framework instead of the Client Profile. I did a search and for my happiness someone wrote a Nhiberate cache proviver that implements (System.Runtime.Caching), witch is not a ASP.Net component. If anyone is interested you can find the source at:
Well that is a property that you could set at the cache level and expire items according to your applications needs and then have the cache. Ncache is a possible L2 cache provider for NHibernate. NCache ensures that its cache is consistent across multiple servers and all cache updates are synchronized correctly so no data integrity issues arise. To learn more please visit:

NHibernate session (and stateless session) and long running application

In the context of a windows web service that's meant to run jobs, we try to reuse the NHibernate DAL we developed for the web application.
For session management we have two options, each one having its advantages and drawbacks:
Stateful session
Going to grow a lot as it keeps track of everything (L1/session cache)
Needs to be carefully closed, session disposal doesn't seem to be enough to clear L1 cache (what I noticed using memory profiler)
Stateless Session
Currently fails to reuse mappings. All bags declared with "lazy=true" ends up with the following exception (even though the session has not be closed):
Initializing [...] failed to lazily initialize a collection of role:
[...], no session or session was closed
Obviously, we cannot update the mappings (they are shared with the web app) with lazy="false", it's gonna be a huge drawback for performances
Cannot interact with L2 cache: when shared L2 cache will be deployed, the service will be unable to invalidate L2 cache data in order for web application to have fresh up-to-date data
NHibernate has proven to be good until now, we have successfully used stateful session and NHibernate LINQ it in a web context, with structuremap for dependency injection.
My questions are:
Are there any good solutions to use NHibernate in a long running thread?
I'd prefer to use stateful session, but how to avoid memory leak?
Problem solved! There were actually a couple of problems.
First one was about instances' scope, and multi-threading:
Create a new session for each thread.
As soon as the thread finishes its work, clean all the instances attached to the thread. With StructureMap, within the thread, use new HybridLifecycle().FindCache().DisposeAndClear();. It will cause the session attached to the thread to close and dispose.
When the lifecycle is thread scoped, StructureMap uses a ThreadStatic variable to keep a reference to the object cache. So the trick is to call StructureMap's ObjectFactory within the thread. Initially, in our application, a main thread was responsible for creating new threads, and call the ObjectFactory. That's the major mistake we did, and were indeed unable to clean the threads once their job was done.
Session type:
No need to use a StateLessSession, as soon as the StateFul sessions instantiated are carefully disposed. In our case, StatelessSession have too many drawbacks (cache management is the main)
Important remark: be careful to instantiate NHibernate NHibernate Session Factory only once!
When NHibernate instances are managed carefully, there is no memory leak.
It's never a good idea to keep a stateful session open in a long running process.
My suggestion is to redesign your process to separate database related code from non-database related code so any database related operation can be kept within a short-span session.

Is Nhibernate Shards production ready?

At the company I work we have a single database schema but with each of our clients using their own dedicated database, with one central database that stores client contact details and what database the client is using so we can connect to the appropriate database. I've looked at using NHibernate Shards but it seems to have gone very quiet and doesn't look complete.
Does anyone know the status of this project? Has anyone used it in production?
If it's not yet at a point that is considered usable in production, what are the alternatives? The two main ones seem to be:
Create a session factory per database and then a wrapper to select the appropriate factory to generate the correct session - this seems to me to have redundant session factories and not too efficient
Create just one session factory but when calling opensession pass it an IDbConnection - which would allow the session to have a different database connection.
My concern with 2 is how will NHibernate cope with a 2nd level cache as I believe it is controlled by the session factory - also the HiLo generator uses the session factory I believe. In these cases will having sessions attach to different dbs cause problems? For example we will end up with a MyCompany.Model.User class that has an id of 2 in both databases will this cause conflicts within the cache?
You could have a look at Enzo SQL Shard a sharding library for SQL Server. If you are already using NHibernate there might be a few changes required in the code though
NHibernate Shards is up-to-date with the latest NHibernate API changes and now supports all query models of NHibrrnate, including Linq. Complex scalar queries are currently not supported.
We use it in production for a multi-tenant environment, but there are a few things to be mindful of.
NHibernate Shards has a session factory for each shard, but only uses a single NHibernate Configuration instance to generate the session factories. This approach likely won't scale well to large numbers of shards.
Querying across shards does not play well with paging. It works, but can involve considerable client-side processing. It is best to keep result sets as small as possible and lock queries to single shards where feasible.

SQLite/Fluent NHibernate integration test harness initialization not repeatable after large data session

In one of my main data integration test harnesses I create and use Fluent NHibernate's SingleConnectionSessionSourceForSQLiteInMemoryTesting, to get a fresh session for each test. After each test, I close the connection, session, and session factory, and throw out the nested StructureMap container they came from. This works for almost any simple data integration test I can think of, including ones that utilize Fluent NHib's PersistenceSpecification object.
The trouble starts when I test the application's lengthy database bootstrapping process, which creates and saves thousands of domain objects. It's not that the first setup and tear-down of the test harness fails, in fact, the test harness successfully bootstraps the in-memory database as the application would bootstrap the real database in the production environment. The problem occurs when the database is bootstrapped a second time on a new in-memory database, with a new session and session factory.
The error is:
NHibernate.StaleStateException : Unexpected row count: 0; expected: 1
The row count is indeed Unexpected, the row that the application under test is looking for should be in the session. You see, it's not that any data from the last integration test is sticking around, it's that for some reason the session just stops working mid-database-boostrap. And I've looked everywhere for a place I might be holding on to an old session and I can't find one.
I've searched through the code for static singleton objects, but there are none anywhere near the code in question. I have a couple StructureMap InstanceScope singleton's but they are getting thrown out with each nested container that is lost after every test teardown.
I've tried every possible variation on disposing and closing every object involved with each test teardown and it still fails on this lengthy database bootstrap. I've even messed around with current_session_context_class to no avail. But non-bootstrap related database tests appear to work fine. I'm starting to run out of options and I may have to surrender lengthy database integration tests in favor of WatiN-based acceptance tests.
Can anyone give me any clue about how I can figure out why some of my SingleConnectionSessionSourceForSQLiteInMemoryTesting aren't repeatable?
Any advice at all, about how to make an NHibernate SqlLite database integration test harness repeatable for large data sessions?
Here is how we do it http://www.gears4.net/blog/archive/14/nhibernate-integration-testing
Hope it helps
I was able to solve this problem by not using an in memory database, and instead saving a hard copy file after initialization, once per test suite run. Then instead of reinitializing the database after each test, the file-based SqlLite database is copied and that new copy is used for testing.
Essentially, I only setup the initial database data once and save that database off to the side and it is copied for each test. There is a definite possibility that the problem could be on my end, but I suspect that there is an issue with large in-memory SqlLite databases. So I recommend using the file-mode of the database, if you are running into trouble with a large in-memory sqllite database.