Eclipse RCP: Is it possible to shift the fields up without redrawing? - eclipse-plugin

In my editor, I have a composite containing a label control right at the top which flashes informative message in red colour whenever the user enters erroneous inputs in any of the below lying fields. The text keeps changing dynamically depending on user's input. I am able to achieve the effect of displaying red coloured text on erroneous inputs and displaying nothing in the label for correct inputs.
But, I want that when there is no error to display in the label composite, the rest of the below fields shift up in display. And when there is error to display, the error should appear in it's place(at the top of all other fields) pushing the other fields down.
Is there a way to achieve this effect without redrawing all the controls again?

Yes, call layout (true) on the parent.
For example I have a view that has a search bar at the top who's visibility can be toggled. I have a method to create the search composite and one to remove it:
private void createNameSearchBar () {
mySearchControl = new CardSearchControl (myViewComposite, SWT.NONE);
mySearchControl.setSearchListener (this);
private void disposeNameSearchBar () {
mySearchControl.dispose ();
mySearchControl = null;
private CardSearchControl mySearchControl = null;
private Composite myViewComposite;
private boolean mySearchBarState;
To hide or show the search bar control I call this method (myViewComposite is the top level control that owns the search bar and all the other contorls):
public void setSearchBarState (boolean show) {
mySearchBarState = show;
if (myViewComposite == null || myViewComposite.isDisposed ())
return; // no work to do
if (mySearchBarState && mySearchControl == null) {
createNameSearchBar ();
mySearchControl.moveAbove (null);
myViewComposite.layout (true);
} else if (!mySearchBarState && mySearchControl != null) {
disposeNameSearchBar ();
myViewComposite.layout (true);


javafx TabPane setSelection doesn't switch the tab

I want to control the TabPane and switch tabs with a Canvas, basically hide the tab headers and use canvas instead, the canvas displays different "Devices" and when user click on the device, the TabPane switch to show the content of that device.
fun canvasFlow_Click(mouseEvent: MouseEvent) {
val d =
if (d != null) {"switch to ${d.position}")
Why select doesn't work? I don't see tab content changed. from log, I see "switch to 1", "switch to 2" correctly, just the tab doesn't switch! Why?
Note: this is plain javafx and might not be the exact solution in your case (hard to tell without example) - but actually I can reproduce the described behavior.
The problem seems to be calling clearSelection: TabPane with tabs should have exactly one selected tab - which is not specified. But every internal collaborator (skin, header, listener) goes to great lengths to guarantee that constraint - this assumption was wrong, in fact the skin gets confused if the selection changes to empty - the previously selected content is not removed. Might be a bug, either don't allow the selectionModel to be empty or improve the skin to cope with it (wondering how that would be supposed to look - hide the content?)
Anyway, here the solution is to not call that method before manually selecting a tab. There's no need to do so anyway, it's a SingleSelectionModel so takes care of allowing at most one item selected.
An example: un/comment the clearSelection and see how the content is not/ correctly updated with/out the call.
public class TabPaneSelection extends Application {
private Parent createContent() {
TabPane pane = new TabPane();
HBox headers = new HBox();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
int index = i;
Tab tab = new Tab("header " + i, new Label("content " + i));
Button button = new Button(tab.getText());
button.setOnAction(e -> {
// do __not__ clear selection
BorderPane content = new BorderPane(pane);
return content;
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
stage.setScene(new Scene(createContent(), 400, 300));
public static void main(String[] args) {

How to override the default response to a touch for a control in UWP?

Is it possible to override the response to a touch interaction for a control in UWP? For example, for a DataGrid XAML control, the default behavior when a row is tapped is to select this row and deselect all other selected rows. Can this be changed to have the tapped row added to the selection as if the control key was pressed?
EDIT: My solution is for Surface Pro in tablet mode so the user would only interact with the app via touch. So I wanted him to be able to select multiple items using touch only. In the image I added, the default behavior if the user clicks on "Chicken Sandwich" is to deselect "Burger" and select "Chicken Sandwich" unless the CTRL key is held down. However using the CTRL key on Surface device without mouse and keyboard would mean that we will need to have the on-screen keyboard on display which would be a bit cumbersome. I would like instead to change the default behavior where if the user clicks on an unselected item it's added to the selection, and if he clicks on a selected item the item it gets removed from selection (in the example below, "Chicken Sandwich" will be added to the selection on first touch and removed from selection on second tap), so basically same functionality as holding the CTRL key down but without using it.
Based on the document, the DataGrid class provides the behavior that selecting multiple items while holding down the SHIFT or CTRL keys during selection. What you need to do is just to set the SelectionMode property as Extended.
Please check the following code as a sample:
List<object> selectedItems = new List<object>();
bool flag = false;
private void dataGrid_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
var item = dataGrid.SelectedItem;
if (selectedItems.Contains(item))
flag = true;
foreach(var cur in selectedItems)
flag = true;
flag = false;

How to add clickhandler to the subrow of the celltablebuilder

I am able to build custom rows with celltablebuilder. When clicking on a particular anchor cell, I am able to build additional subrows for that row. This subrow has buttons, when clicking on the button I have do some action. I am able to add buttons with clickhandler in the subrow, but when clicking on the button nothing is happening clickhandler is not firing.
Can anybody please help.
protected void buildRowImpl(GridDTO rowValue, int absRowIndex ) {
buildRows(rowValue, absRowIndex, true);
if (showingFriends.contains(rowValue.getComponentId())) {
buildAdditonalRows( absRowIndex, gridDTO);
private void buildAdditonalRows(int index, GridDTO rowValue, ){
TableRowBuilder row = startRow();
td = row.startTD();
if(rowValue.getXpath() != null){
renderCell(td, createContext(1), cellTable.getColumn(1), rowValue);
td = row.startTD();
Button button = new Button ();
button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
DivBuilder div = td.startDiv();
div.html(new afeHtmlBuilder().appendHtmlConstant(button.toString()).toSafeHtml());
CellPreviewEvent provides subindex. You can use it to get subrow value.
Example usage :
dataGrid.addCellPreviewHandler(new CellPreviewEvent.Handler<TreeItem>() {
public void onCellPreview(final CellPreviewEvent<TreeItem> event) {
Or you can provide custom CellPreviewEvent.Handler implementation with selectionMode. For more details you can look at AbstractHasData
I had a similar situation where i needed a widget inside a cell to listen for click events... What i found out is that the widget doesn't respond to events once you inserted it into a cell (In other words, only the actual HTML that makes up for the widget gets put into the cell, any kind of event handling isn't included). The work around is to add the events to the Cell (You can make a custom cell class for that particular cell-widget and override OnBrowserEvent to listen for events.)
See GWT: On adding custom widget to celltable losing events of the custom widgets for a more eloquent explanation and example code.

How to detect a click on a form reset button from QtWebKit?

Looking at the signals in the QtWebKit API, I failed to find anything that would seem to me to be what I am looking for.
linkClicked() seems to be the closest, but a reset button is no link, and definitely does not point to an URL.
I considered the following signals (judging by their name), but according to their description none of them match my purpose either: contentsChanged(), contentsChanged(), contentsChanged(), selectionChanged().
None of its signals matches my purpose.
Here I can see how to get an object representing the button(s), but it has no signals whatsoever.
I want to catch a click in a reset button in order to store the data in the form before it gets cleared, so it can be restored later.
For now, I did manage to retrieve the buttons as a QWebElementCollection of QWebElement objects, and I can modify them, but I do not know how to get them to send a signal upon click, or something similar.
// Get reset buttons.
QWebElementCollection inputResets = mainFrame()->documentElement().findAll("input[type=reset]");
inputResets += mainFrame()->documentElement().findAll("button[type=reset]");
// Change their text (just a test).
foreach(QWebElement element, inputResets)
Well, I got it working with this, although I do not think it is the best approach:
bool EventFilter::eventFilter(QObject* object, QEvent* event)
if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease)
QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(event);
if (mouseEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
QWebView *view = dynamic_cast<QWebView*>(object);
QPoint pos = view->mapFromGlobal(mouseEvent->globalPos());
QWebFrame *frame = view->page()->frameAt(mouseEvent->pos());
if (frame != NULL)
// Get the existing reset buttons.
QWebElementCollection inputResets = frame->documentElement().findAll("input[type=reset]");
inputResets += frame->documentElement().findAll("button[type=reset]");
// Check if any of them is at the clicked position.
foreach(QWebElement element, inputResets)
if (element.geometry().contains(pos))
qDebug() << "Clicked element tag:" << element.localName();
return QObject::eventFilter(object, event);
return QObject::eventFilter(object, event);
You can probably accomplish this with Qt WebKit Bridge.

Knowing When a Particular Data-Point is Clicked?

I have a bar graph and I want to allow the user to right click a particular bar, select some operation (add one or anything really) that will affect only that bar. Is this type of thing possible using ZedGraph?
You can add a Mouse Click event to the Form and call FindNearestObject() passing in that mouse point, you'll get back the nearest object. Something like this perhaps:
private void zedGraphControl2_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
object nearestObject;
int index;
this.zedGraphControl2.GraphPane.FindNearestObject(new PointF(e.X, e.Y), this.CreateGraphics(), out nearestObject, out index);
if (nearestObject != null && nearestObject.GetType() == typeof(BarItem))
BarItem barItem = (BarItem)nearestObject;
barItem[index].Y += 1;