subview running but not showing - cocoa-touch

From withing a UIViewController that is tied to a UIView (drawn in a nib file), i try to add another view, as a subview to the first view.
In case you are confused: UIViewController -> UIView + GraphView (extends UIView)
So i am saying:
GraphView *myGraphView = [[GraphView alloc] init];
graphView = myGraphView;
[self.view addSubview:graphView];
[myGraphView release];
I have also tried with insertSubview.
The UIView shows up and the GraphView subview is instantiated correctly (its properties are there and i can access its methods). But it never shows on the screen!
Its drawRect method is never called (i have an NSLog in there that never shows), even if i manually call [graphView setNeedsDisplay].
Does anyone have a clue?
Thanks a lot!!!

Doesn't look like you're setting the GraphView frame rectangle, it will not display if it's offscreen. Also you probably should be calling the UIView initWithFrame: initializer if you aren't.


inheritance in a UIView file

Simple question about inheritance
I have a standard program with a master view:
enter code here#interface MasterViewController : UIViewController
using a subview for drawing:
frame = CGRectMake(xo, yo, side*width, side*height); // maxSide
backView = [[BackView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
[backView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];
[self infoToBackView];
[self.view addSubview:backView];
#interface BackView : UIView
and BackView.m has its drawRect:
- (void)drawRect {
The problem I have is that I want BackView to inherit from MasterViewController, i.e. I want
Backview.h to be
#interface BackView : MasterViewController
which allows it to inherit the variables it needs from MasterViewController.
The problem is that this does not work; BackView must inherit from UIView to be able to draw with DrawRect. Therefore, before calling the UIView BackView, I must send it the variables it needs for drawing:
[self infoToBackView];
[backView setNeedsDisplay];
where infoToBackView is a method sending the needed variables to BackView.
The $64,000 question: How can I have a BackView that inherits from MasterViewController AND has drawRect?
BackView is a View, it is design to DRAW something.
ViewController are design to manage a view Herarchy.
They are not the same things. One is a plane, the other is an aiport! You cannot fly an airport...
UIView's subclass are design to draw. If you want to draw (text, shapes..) on screen, create a subclass of UIView. If you want to manage a scene in your app storyboard, create a subclass of UIViewController.
drawRect: is a method of UIView
Now you can pass variable to your view from your viewController, like a label (another kind of View) received a text to know what to display.
For example in your ViewController, you can have:
self.myBackView.color = [UIColor blueColor];
self.myBackView.progress = .5;
self.myBackView.text = #"MVC is awesome";
For a better understanding of the MVC design pattern, please reffer to Apple doc :

UIView inside a UIViewController or better way to do it?

I have a problem on how to properly do a certain kind of action.
The image below shows a UIViewController, but the second part of the view is a custom UIView (the one with the profile pic, name and Show View button).
The subclassed UIView is allocated using this code:
profileView = [[GPProfileView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, 70)];
profileView.myTripGradientColor = YES;
[self.view addSubview:profileView];
The problem is of course, that the button on the UIView can't show any view, since it's only the UIViewController that can push another ViewController to the window(correct?).
The UIView is used in several places in the app and needs to be added easily and have the same behavior across the application.
This worked great until I added the button, and I'm starting to think I've made this wrong, and there has to be a better way to do it (maybe change the UIView to something else?).
I was thinking I should be able to call:
And then somehow get the ViewController so I can push another ViewController into the view hierarchy, but nope.
Any suggestions and a tips on how to do this correctly?
I have no idea on how to push another UIViewController from the button.
What should I do in this method when pressing the button in the UIView:
- (void) showViewButtonTouched:(UIButton*)sender {
GPProfileSocialFriendsViewController *friendsSettings = [[GPProfileSocialFriendsViewController alloc] init];
How do I push GPProfileSocialFriendsViewController?
Your - (void) showViewButtonTouched:(UIButton*)sender method should be in your controller and would probably be better named - (void) showView:(UIButton*)sender or - (void) showProfile:(UIButton*)sender so it clearly denotes what it does (not how you got there).
It's not the view's responsibility to manage transitions from a state to another. If you move your method to your controller, your problem is no more (you can easily access self.navigationController or push directly if you don't have an navigation controller like this:
[self presentViewController:vcThatNeedsToBePushed animated:YES completion:nil];
I think you can create weak reference in GPProfileView on UIViewController. Like this:
#property (weak, nonatomic) UIViewController *rootController;
when you create GPProfileView, assign rootController-property:
profileView = [[GPProfileView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, 70)];
profileView.myTripGradientColor = YES;
profileView.rootController = self; // if view created in view controller
[self.view addSubview:profileView];
and in implementation of button selector:
self.rootController push... // or pop
May be this not correct, but you can try
You could let the view controller push the next view controller when the button is pushed. The view controller can add a target/action on the button, so that the action method in the view controller is called on the touch up inside event.

TableViewController within a ViewController

I have a UIViewController (StoreViewController), and in it's .xib is a UITableView to the left, and a standard UIView to the right. I have created a UITableViewController called StoreTableController and want to somehow make it the the controller of the table view within the StoreView.xib.
Unfortunately, I need to keep the File Owner of the nib file as StoreViewController. I have a delegate within the StoreTableController which has been set as the StoreViewController (this is for calling certain methods), and within the StoreViewController I have an instance of the StoreTableController.
So far I have tried keeping an outlet of the UITableView within StoreViewController and then doing this:
[self addChildViewController:self.tableController];
[self.tableController setTableView:self.table];
[self.table setDataSource:self.tableController];
[self.table setDelegate:self.tableController];
Where self.table is the outlet, and self.tableController is the instance of the StoreTableController.
However, I do not fully understand how to use UIViewController containment, so this is obviously incorrect.
I have tried variations of this as well, but really don't know what to do.
I have avoided using a UISplitViewController here because not only is the left view larger than the right, but also there are various things I plan to do which mean this must be done in a single .xib file if possible.
Any help is very much appreciated.
First, put a regular UIView instead of a UIScrollView in your .xib. Connect it with an IBOutlet called "tableContentView".
Then, create a new instance of UITableViewController (or your custom class, derived from UITableViewController) in your code, and add its UIView to the tableContentView like so:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Add tableView
UITableViewController *someTableViewController = [[UITableViewController alloc] init];
someTableViewController.view.frame = self.tableContentView.bounds;
someTableViewController.view.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth;
[self.tableContentView addSubview:someTableViewController.view];

How to add a subclass as a subview so that background of subview is set in front of superview

I got 2 classes
#interface PlayScene : UIView
#interface GameOverMenu : PlayScene <UITextFieldDelegate>
in PlayScene I create an instance of GameOverMenu
GameOverMenu* gorm = [[GameOverMenu alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 520)];
gorm.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];
[self addSubview:gorm];
But background is set not for subview but for superview, I mean background doesn't hide elements of PlayScene view so that buttons and some drawing remain in front of the background
If the problem is still not clear, I want to make my subview stand in front of superview with black(for example) background, covering the whole screen in front of superview.
As if subview class was inherited just from UIView and not from PlayScene
Use any of the below methods :
insertSubview: atIndex:
insertSubview: aboveSubview:
If you are trying to create an instance of GameOverMenu which is subclass of PlayScene and then add this instance as subview on the view of PlayScene, then probably you can try creating an instance each of PlayScene and GameOverMenu and adding these two as subview to a third view.. maybe ViewControllers view or maybe just a view.. based on your requirement...

UIViewController with no Xib showing blank when using pushViewController

I have subclassed UIViewController like so:
#interface MyClass : UIViewController
I dont have a xib file for the controller, instead I would just like to use a blank UIView and I will layout elements programmatically on that. The problem arrises when I try and push this view controller.
MyClass * thing = [[ImageGallery alloc] init];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:thing animated:YES];
A new title bar is animated in, but there is no view, its see through, so I end up seeing a static background I set on my main "window/view". How should I properly subclass a UIViewController without a xib?
What you have described is correct behaviour so far.
You will want to override the -(void)loadView method, and after the [super loadView]; call, you can set your background colour and begin to place the objects in programatically, that you desire.