Does static typing mean that you have to cast a variable if you want to change its type? - variables

Are there any other ways of changing a variable's type in a statically typed language like Java and C++, except 'casting'?
I'm trying to figure out what the main difference is in practical terms between dynamic and static typing and keep finding very academic definitions. I'm wondering what it means in terms of what my code looks like.

Make sure you don't get static vs. dynamic typing confused with strong vs. weak typing.
Static typing: Each variable, method parameter, return type etc. has a type known at compile time, either declared or inferred.
Dynamic typing: types are ignored/don't exist at compile time
Strong typing: each object at runtime has a specific type, and you can only perform those operations on it that are defined for that type.
Weak typing: runtime objects either don't have an explicit type, or the system attempts to automatically convert types wherever necessary.
These two opposites can be combined freely:
Java is statically and strongly typed
C is statically and weakly typed (pointer arithmetics!)
Ruby is dynamically and strongly typed
JavaScript is dynamically and weakly typed
Genrally, static typing means that a lot of errors are caught by the compiler which are runtime errors in a dynamically typed language - but it also means that you spend a lot of time worrying about types, in many cases unnecessarily (see interfaces vs. duck typing).
Strong typing means that any conversion between types must be explicit, either through a cast or through the use of conversion methods (e.g. parsing a string into an integer). This means more typing work, but has the advantage of keeping you in control of things, whereas weak typing often results in confusion when the system does some obscure implicit conversion that leaves you with a completely wrong variable value that causes havoc ten method calls down the line.

In C++/Java you can't change the type of a variable.
Static typing: A variable has one type assigned at compile type and that does not change.
Dynamic typing: A variable's type can change while runtime, e.g. in JavaScript:
js> x="5" <-- String
js> x=x*5 <-- Int

The main difference is that in dynamically typed languages you don't know until you go to use a method at runtime whether that method exists. In statically typed languages the check is made at compile time and the compilation fails if the method doesn't exist.

I'm wondering what it means in terms of what my code looks like.
The type system does not necessarily have any impact on what code looks like, e.g. languages with static typing, type inference and implicit conversion (like Scala for instance) look a lot like dynamically typed languages. See also: What To Know Before Debating Type Systems.

You don't need explicit casting. In many cases implicit casting works.
For example:
int i = 42;
float f = i; // f ~= 42.0
int b = f; // i == 42
class Base {
class Subclass : public Base {
Subclass *subclass = new Subclass();
Base *base = subclass; // Legal
Subclass *s = dynamic_cast<Subclass *>(base); // == subclass. Performs type checking. If base isn't a Subclass, NULL is returned instead. (This is type-safe explicit casting.)
You cannot, however, change the type of a variable. You can use unions in C++, though, to achieve some sort of dynamic typing.

Lets look at Java for he staitically typed language and JavaScript for the dynamc. In Java, for objects, the variable is a reference to an object. The object has a runtime type and the reference has a type. The type of the reference must be the type of the runtime object or one of its ancestors. This is how polymorphism works. You have to cast to go up the hierarchy of the reference type, but not down. The compiler ensures that these conditions are met. In a language like JavaScript, your variable is just that, a variable. You can have it point to whatever object you want, and you don't know the type of it until you check.
For conversions, though, there are lots of methods like toInteger and toFloat in Java to do a conversion and generate an object of a new type with the same relative value. In JavaScript there are also conversion methods, but they generate new objects too.

Your code should actally not look very much different, regardless if you are using a staticly typed language or not. Just because you can change the data type of a variable in a dynamically typed language, doesn't mean that it is a good idea to do so.
In VBScript, for example, hungarian notation is often used to specify the preferred data type of a variable. That way you can easily spot if the code is mixing types. (This was not the original use of hungarian notation, but it's pretty useful.)
By keeping to the same data type, you avoid situations where it's hard to tell what the code actually does, and situations where the code simply doesn't work properly. For example:
Dim id
id = Request.QueryString("id") ' this variable is now a string
If id = "42" Then
id = 142 ' sometimes turned into a number
End If
If id > 100 Then ' will not work properly for strings
Using hungarian notation you can spot code that is mixing types, like:
lngId = Request.QueryString("id") ' putting a string in a numeric variable
strId = 42 ' putting a number in a string variable


Are dynamic types slower in Dart?

I have been wondering if dynamic types are slower in Dart.
Example given:
final dynamic example = "Example"
final String example = "Example"
Yes, using dynamic typed variables in Dart is often slower than using variables typed with an actual type.
However, your example is not using dynamic as type, it is using type inference to infer the String type. That might cost a little extra at compile-time, but at run-time, your two code examples are completely identical. Both variables are typed as String.
A dynamic method invocation may be slower because the run-time system must add extra checks to ensure that the variable can do the things you are trying to do with it.
If you have int x = 2; print(x + 3); the run-time system knows that int has a + operator, and even knows what it is.
If you write dynamic x = 2; print(x + 3);, the run-time system must first check whether x has a + operator before it can call it, and find that operator's definition on the object before calling it. It might not always be slower, some cases optimize better than others, but it can never be faster.
Not all code is performance sensitive, and not all variables can be typed. If you have a variable that holds either a String or a List, and you want to know the length, just writing stringOrList.length is more convenient than stringOrList is String ? stringOrList.length : (stringOrList as List).length. It may be slower depending on the compiler and the target platform.
Well, in your first example (heh), example is inferred to be a type String, not dynamic, so how could it be slower? The style guide even recommends not adding redundant types to those variables that can be inferred correctly.

a middle approach between Dynamic Typing and Static Typing

I wanted to ask if anyone knows of a programming language where there is dynamic typing but the binding between a name and a type is permanent. Static typing guards your code from assigning a wrong value into a variable, but forces you to declare(and know) the type before compilation. Dynamic typing allows you to assign values with a different type to the same variable one after the other. What I was thinking is, it would be nice to have dynamic typing, but once the variable is bound, the first binding also determines the type of the variable.
For example, using python-like syntax, if I write by mistake:
persons = []
adam = Person("adam")
persons = adam #(instead of persons += [adam])
Then I want to get an error(either at runtime or during compilation if possible) because name was defined as a list, and cannot accept values of type Person.
Same thing if the type can not be resolved statically:
result = getData()
result = 10
Will generate a runtime error iff getData() did not return an integer.
I know you can hack a similar behavior with a wrapper class but it would be nice to have the option by default in the language as I don't see a good legitimate use for this flexibility in dynamic languages(except for inheritance, or overwriting a common default value such as null/None which could be permitted as special cases).

What is the point of CTypeDynamic?

I'm using reflection to serialize an object. Getting the values as objects is a real murder on performance due to late binding penalties. CType / DirectCast can get rid of most of it but I can't feed a type variable into it so currently I'm using a switch case block on the type variable to select the correct DirectCast.
It came to my attention that CTypeDynamic exists and takes type variables but the return type is Object so... it converts an object into an object, cool. That got me wondering, what is the purpose of this function?
The CTypeDynamic function looks for dynamic information and performs the cast/conversion appropriately. This is different from the CType operator which looks for static information at compile time or relies on the types being IConvertible.
This function examines the object at runtime including looking for Shared (aka static) custom operators. As always, if you know the type then use CType, but if you need dynamic casting then you need to use CTypeDynamic.
More information here:

Derive string from const enum

I have the following in my constants file:
typedef enum
If I declare an AnimalType variable somewhere in my code like following and set it to AnimalTypeBear:
AnimalType animalType = 0;
Is there away to somehow derive the string "Bear" from that animalType variable or just in general to access the string of its corresponding constant type (in this case AnimalTypeBear).
Enums are constant expressions like #define. Enums at compile time will be "translated" into the code as constants (while #define will be evaluated before compilation). So basically it is not possible to reference the enum string in this way.
As suggested by others you can use a string array.
You cannot do this without code in (Objective-)C. If you want to be able to use actual enumeration literals as strings in your code, or during I/O, with language support then you need to use a language with enumeration type support such as Pascal or Ada.
If you are keen to have this and don't mind work as long as it is reusable then you need to learn about reading the symbol tables structures from a binary and make sure that the information is not stripped from your application. You'll see the debugger can show the correct literals, also if you use Xcode's "Product > Generate Output > Assembly File" menu item you'll see the literals are in there as strings. It will be a lot of work for you, but would be reusable once done.
After that give up and write some code - a simple static array of labels and an index operation. Yes, it's a maintenance headache if you ever change your enumeration.
Alternatively you can write some different code, say in Ruby... Xcode supports adding your own file "types" and running scripts to (pre-)process them. So you could define, say, a file type ".enum" and use a Ruby script to convert that into a C enumeration definition and code to provide the strings. Apple has examples of using Ruby to pre-process files in this way. Once you have your script Xcode will do the rest, on each compilation it will run your script to convert your ".enum" into ".m" (or ".c") and the compile the result. This approach is usually best though for files which contain only one thing, e.g. localised string file processing, you don't usually write your enum declarations in their own files.

Is it good practice to define "what my variable will be"?

So I have this:
Dim aBoolean As Boolean = True
Will it make any difference to just do this?
Dim aBoolean = True
In other languages, I believe it was a good practice to also define the type of variable it would be, for performance or something. I am not entirely sure with VB.NET.
It depends. Explicitly defining the variable can improve readability, but I don't think it's always necessary. (To be clear, it has nothing to do with the actual functionality of your code).
In this specific example, you follow the declaration with a Boolean assignment of True, so it's already crystal clear that aBoolean is actually a Boolean when it is declared. The As Boolean syntax is not as necessary in this scenario.
Other cases may not be so clear. If the declaration was followed by the result of a function call, for example, it might be more clear to explicitly declare that the variable is a Boolean. e.g.
Dim aBoolean As Boolean = TestValidityOfObject(o)
As long as you have Option Infer turned on, it won't make a bit of difference. The second line is just a syntactic abbreviation for the first. At that point, it's up to your style preference as to which you should use.
Before type inference, there were performance issues when not declaring the type, but that's no longer an issue; due to type inference the variable will be of type Boolean whether you declare it or not.
Declaring the type can help the compiler catch errors sooner, and will often give you better Intellisense.
You're using what's called "type inference". This is where the compiler figures out at compile time what the type on the right side of the assignment is and uses that as the type of the variable.
This is, in general, a safe and convenient feature. However, there are a couple of things to keep in mind:
You must have Option Infer on; otherwise, the compiler doesn't do type inference and, depending on your setting for Option Strict, instead either gives you a compile time error (Option Strict On) or types your variable as Object and uses late binding everywhere. This is Pure Evil. (Option Strict Off)
In your particular case, there's no way for the compiler to mess up. HOWEVER, it's possible to use type inference in such a way as to change the semantics of your code:
For instance...
Dim myClass as MyBaseClass = New SubClass()
This is perfectly legal; we're typing the variable as a base class and assigning a value to it that represents an instance of a subclass. Nothing special. However, if we switch to type inference by just removing the type declaration...
Dim myClass = New SubClass()
Type inference will now see myClass as a SubClass instead of MyBaseClass. This might seem obvious, but the point is that you should be aware of what it's doing.
For more information and long-winded discussion about using type inference, see this question. While that question is targeted at C#, the only real difference is the first item that I listed above. Everything else is conceptually the same.