How to generate Entity-Relation diagram from SQL DDL? [closed] - sql

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Closed 6 years ago.
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For example DbVisualizer can be used to connect to a DB and create nice diagram out of existing tables and their relations. But in this specific case I do not have a live database but I have bunch of create table and alter statements.
Is there any tool to generate similar diagrams out of SQL DDL?

I found the MySQL tool MySQL Workbench to do a great job. There is a Mac OS X version. More information can be found at

SQLFairy will generate graphics from plain SQL DDL files:

Visual Paradigm for UML can do this.

I believe that Embarcadero's ERStudio can import a SQL script into a diagram, but it's a pricey tool to use just for something like this. You could always just create an empty database and run the scripts then point to that.


How to generate SQL tables from ER diagram in Power Designer 15? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to generate Sql tables from ER diagram in Powerdesigner ,but ,I don't know how can i do that?
Which Tools i should use?
I guess you have a Conceptual Data Model to represent your ER diagram.
You first need to generate a Physical Data Model from it, using Tools > Generate Physcical Data Model, picking the specific DBMS you want to use, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, available for PD 15.0 and up.
And then generate the script using Database > Generate Database as mentionned in the first comment.
The need to convert the ER diagram into a Physical DAta Model, is that the ER diagram could use some concepts which need to be resolved before going to SQL; and miss some concept specific to the databaase implementation (like performance indexes).

Freeware Query Builder [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for some freeware Query Builder.
Query Builder in Aqua Data Studio allows you to visually build queries:
select the column you want returned
generates joins for you(you just select by which columns you want to join it)
Good question! I thought there were many DB tools that fit your description, but when I checked a commonly-sourced Wikipedia article (see comment below), I found that most free/open source DB management software does not have a visual query builder feature! (I build my queries from scratch, so this is not a feature I particularly need.)
The freeware version of Toad for Data Analysts is a good bet. You can download and use it for 120 days. After that time, you need to reinstall on your PC. You might need to check to see if you will get write-access to non-Oracle databases, but I do know you can at least get read access to most non-Oracle DBs.
You might also like SQL Developer, which has a more robust community of users than that of the Freeware Toad for Data Analysts. That will only give you read-only access to certain non-Oracle databases.

What is a good, free database scripting tool [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking for a free tool that will allow me to specify a SELECT statement on a table and then generate the result set as a series of INSERT statements to transfer to another database. I have the SQL Publishing Wizard, but that only allows me to generate statements for the entire table, and I can't specify a WHERE clause to filter the data it publishes. So far the only tool I have seen is made by Red Gate, which my employer only gives to DBA's. Are there any free tools out there that will let me do the same thing, without having to go and bug a DBA everytime I need to update some data in a database?
SSMS Tools Pack has a good collection of features, including generating insert statements. Works on MS SQL 2005 and beyond.
I've used this one in the past, I don't think its been updated recently:

postgres daily query analysis tool [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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does anyone know of a postgres view / function / tool that could report on the slowest and most often used slower queries? i think this would be so useful for all sysadmins. thanks!
PostgreSQL 8.4 comes with some addon modules that will help you with detailed analysis of this. They don't actually create reports, but they get you access to more data.
You can also look at pgfouine ( It generates nice-looking HTML reports.
I wrote such a tool some time ago. You can get it here (file:
There are (as of now) no real docs.
pgBadger is also good log analyzer tool that you can use.

Need in SQL parser on Delphi [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Does anybody know about good SQL parser with sources, written in Delphi? I need in parsing SQL commands (with all new features of Firebird 2.5) into object structure.
Read this article for Delphi SQL Parser, it uses IB as database but should not be very different between it and FB.
And there's an open source project called SQL Parser for Delphi but hasn't updated since 2005, but it may give you start up point.
2 other native Delphi SQL parsers:
Zeoslib seems to have an sql parser to parse Interbase, MySQL, Oracle, Postgres, SqLite and Sybase.
General SQL Parser (commercial)