How do I redirect from Apache to Tomcat? - apache

I'm working on my first Java site. I'm running Apache Tomcat on port 8080, and Apache HTTPD on port 80. The current URL that I can access the site at is (for example) I want to remove the port number from the URL before I point the domain at the new IP.
At the moment I am only using Apache for phpmyadmin, however I plan on using it for CGI scripts and other stuff once I figure out mod_jk etc... So I don't want to change Tomcat's port to 80 and turn off Apache.
I hope this makes sense.

The correct way to do things is to leave Apache at 80 and Tomcat at 8080 and use a plug in (preferably mod_proxy) to proxy Tomcat from Apache. mod_proxy would only take you 10 minutes to set up.
This how-to is very simple to follow.

The usual way this is done, as you already mentioned, is to use mod_jk from Apache HTTPD to forward that content that you want to be processed by Tomcat.
There is a Quick HowTo at You need to do the following:
Copy into the appropriate modules directory for Apache HTTPD.
Create a configuration file
In Apache HTTPD's httpd.conf, add a section to configure mod_jk.
Ensure that Tomcat is configured to accept the mod_jk protocol, which is usually on port 8009.
The lines in httpd.conf with JkMount:
JkMount /examples/* worker1
tell Apache HTTPD which requests are to be forwarded to Tomcat.

Both the helpful answers above are good, but I much prefer mod_proxy over mod_jk. There's no extra installation to do for mod_proxy, unlike mod_jk, and the setup is much easier. mod_jk gives you more control over detailed tuning of Tomcat parameters, but if you just want a simple redirect from Apache to Tomcat, mod_proxy is the way to go.

If you want static content to be served by Apache instead of Tomcat you should use mod_jk :
And what about SSL - if we want Apache to handle HTTPS, because it is faster then java/Tomcat?

you should configure your tomcat using this link. for tomcat 7


Apache route subdomain to nginx on port?

I have a server running CentOS 7 that has an Apache web-server running on port 80. I am also using a common open-source Git project called GitLab, which uses the nginx web-server instead of Apache. I have configured GitLab's nginx to run on port 4444.
I have a subdomain "" that I would like to forward to "" however I would like the URL to continue saying "".
I belived that I need to have an Apache VirtualHost file, however I'm not sure what to do.
Is this possible? If so, how can I do so?
You would indeed need a VirtualHost with a proxy/reverse proxy directive. See

Rewrite URL - Apache in front and jboss serving content

I have been trying to get this work for the last 2 days since I am relatively new to Apache server. This is what I am trying to do in my local machine.
I have installed Apache Server and it acts as a front gate for all requests and sends them to JBOSS server. This is through AJP method.
I have enabled the mod_rewrite in http.conf and I want to do a simple redirect in my localhost. Below is what I tried..
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^first.html$ second.html
This is not working as the log says it is looking the files in the document root C:\Apacheserver\Apache2\htdocs and i dont have any files in this location as the file comes from JBOSS(For ex: C:/jboss4.0/jboss-4.0.3SP1/server/MyApp/deploy/unisysv2.ear/web-app.war).
How do I make this redirect work under this condition.
You should configure "bridge" between Apache an JBoss. Use mod_jk module or mod_proxy for that purpose, which are implementation of ajp communication protocol between Apache and JBoss.

Apache .htaccess whitelist doesn't block Tomcat with Mod_jk

My problem is, that I recently set up a Tomcat7 application container with Apache2.2 Frontend. As the project is still under development I am controlling access by an IP whitelist set up in .htaccess for the domain.
I set up mod_jk via AJP13 to Tomcat, it works absolutely fine, except the fact that .htaccess doesn't block the forward for Tomcat. In other words if you enter from a "black" IP, you get forwarded to the error page but if you enter you slip through Apache into Tomcat
I started messing with urlrewritefilter with Tomcat, but for some reason it didn't work.
I am wondering if there is any way to set up .htaccess or apache instead to block requests forwarded to Tomcat similarly to request for Apache?
Also noticed a dramatic speed decrease when using it like that, us that common when using Apache as a frontend?
.htaccess files will work only when Apache is using a <Directory> based configuration (in httpd.conf). In case of mod_jk, matching requests (as specified by JkMount directive) will simply be forwarded to the AJP connector.
Use <Location> to control access instead:
<Location "/AppContext">
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from .myCompany.local
See <Location> Directive> for details.
I faced the same problem and found a solution which may solve your case too.
Use a reverse proxy server like Nginx or Squid to redirect the traffic Apache Tomcat. Both of them can use htpassword for authentication and hence, will serve your need. If you want to use Apache as frontend then backend can be nginx which in turn will redirect to Tomcat after proper authentication. It may have a performance hit, though.

How to keep apache as front and tomcat as back end?

Basically i want my tomcat to run on PORT 80 how do i do that because whenever i have to access something then i have to go for localhost:8080/resource but instead i want to use the link as only localhost/resource how do i achieve this?
Currently on my machine apache is running on 800 port and tomcat on 8080.
it seems you are looking for something called Reverse Proxy. Using Reverse Proxy, you will have
apache on 80 port
tomcat on 8080 port
so when access, the request first go though apache, apache then pass the request tomcat, tomcat do the corresponding things and return response to client.
have a look at:
Tomcat documentation has a HOWTO for this.
Its a good practice to never expose Tomcat directly internet. You can use Apache for serving static content and send only those requests to tomcat that need dynamic content.
In server.xml find the element that reads
Connector port="8080"
and change it to 80. Save and restart tomcat.
Just make sure that apache is running on port 800 otherwise it will now clash with tomcat.
To modify the HTTP port for Tomcat, modify the configuration file server.xml (located in Tomcat's conf directory). Find the HTTP connector element (that is currently configured to port 8080), change the port number to 80, and restart Tomcat.
Note that this is not going to work if any other running service is currently bound on port 80.

Apache & JBoss use port 80 at the same time

I have both Apache 2 and JBoss 4.2.3 on the same machine and would like both of them to use port 80. There are several ways I see people doing this mod_jk, mod_proxy, but I'm not sure which one is the best.
I don't need any load balancing, but I do need HTTPS.
You can't have two applications listening to the same tcp port (80) at the same time. You can use mod_jk to have http requests on port 80 routed from Apache server to the JBoss server. This is the method I am most familiar with and prefer. mod_proxy should also work, but I find that method a little more complicated.
Configuring https on Apache is probably best dealt with as a separate topic. There are issues with purchasing a ssl certificate, creating a self-signed certificate, etc.
There are two steps to accomplish configure mod_jk to route requests from the Apache server to the JBoss server:
Configure the Apache web server to forward some requests to the JBoss server.
The Apache configuration will vary depending on the distribution of Apache that you are using (windows, RHEL, debian, built from source, etc.) but the concepts should be similar for any Apache installation.
You need to download mod_jk for your platform from the tomcat web site:
Your OS vendor may provide a binary for you, so check there first. You may also compile mod_jk yourself if you prefer.
Copy the mod_jk binary ( for Linux/UNIX system, not sure about windows) into your Apache servers modules directory (this depends on the Apache distribution you are using).
Add the equivalent directive to your Apache configuration:
LoadModule jk\_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod\
You should add two configuration files to the Apache configuration directory: mod_jk.conf and You should include mod_jk.conf from the main Apache configuration file:
Include /etc/apache2/mod\_jk.conf
The file is included by mod_jk.conf with the JkWorkersFile directive.
More detailed settings for mod_jk.conf can be found at the tomcat documentation page:
The important directives are:
JkWorkersFile (specifies where the file lives)
JkMount (mount point for mapping of URI to tomcat worker)
An example:
JkWorkersFile /etc/apache2/<br>
JkMount /examples/* myworker<br>
JkMount /examples myworker
These directives map the /examples and /examples/ URI to the myworker tomcat worker.
Conceptually you can think of a worker as representing a tomcat or JBoss instance and the mount as a way of mapping a URI to a worker. This way of representing things allows one Apache server to be the front end for several tomcat or JBoss servers. This can be handy if you have only one IP address you can use but wish to run several application servers behind one Apache server.
The files describes the tomcat or JBoss server(s) that the Apache server will connect to. Important entries in this file are:
There are other worker properties that can be found in the tomcat documentation page for the file:
Configure the JBoss server to accept connections from the Apache server
The JBoss server is configured to accept mod_jk connections on port 8009 (the default ajp port) out of the box, but it is good to know where to configure this in case you want to change any of this in the future.
The configuration is in the tomcat based portion of the JBoss server located in ${JBOSS_SERVER_CONFIGURATION}/deploy/jbossweb.sar/server.xml. This is for JBoss AS 5.1.0.GA, previous versions are in a similar location. The mod_jk connector is configured in the Connector section for the AJP 1.3 protocol and looks like:
<Connector protocol="AJP/1.3" port="8009" address="${jboss.bind.address}" redirectPort="8443" />
The most common reason to modify this section is if you have multiple tomcat or JBoss servers connecting to apache via the AJP protocol, you can adjust the port number that the AJP connector will listens on so there are no conflicts.