How to determine an array index in Objective C? - objective-c

I have two arrays in Objective C and I need to find what index something is so I can insert it in the same place. For instance, lets say I have a "name array" and an "age array". How do I find out what index "charlie" is in the "name array" so I know where to insert his age in the "age" array?

-[NSArray indexOfObject:] would seem to be the logical choice.

In Cocoa, parallel arrays are a path to doom and ruination. You can't use them effectively with Bindings, so you'll have to write a lot of glue code instead, as if Bindings didn't exist. Moreover, you're killing off any future AppleScript/Scripting Bridge support you may intend to have before you even begin to implement it.
The correct way is to create a model class with name and age properties, and have a single array of instances of that class. Then, to find an item by name or age, use NSPredicate to filter the array, and indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: to find the index of each item from the filtered array in the main array.
The difference between indexOfObject: and indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: is that the former will send isEqual: messages to determine whether each object is the one it's looking for, whereas the latter will only look for the specific object you passed in. Thus, you can use indexOfObject: with an object that isn't in the array but is equal to one that is, in order to find the equal object in the array.

You might just want to use an NSDictionary, too, if you're doing lookups based on strings.


Filling NSMutableArray for later use in obj-c

How do you fill a NSMutableArray with a set capacity for later use?
Basically I want to set up a NSMutableArray to act as a map for my game objects, so I have this line...
gameObjects = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:mapWidth*mapHeight];
Which I had hoped would create and fill my MutableArray so I can get then access it with this kind of index...
int ii = (cellY*mapWidth)+cellX;
NSDictionary *currentObject = [gameObjects objectAtIndex:ii];
But I just learned initWithCapacity doesn't fill the array, so should I create blank objects to fill it with, or is there a Null that I can fill it with? Also would I do that with 2 for loops or is there an instruction something like "initWith:myObject" ?
I want to be able to check at a certain index within the array to see if there's an object there or not, so I need to be able to acces that index point, and I can only do that if there's something there or I get an out of bounds error.
I'll be using this NSMutableArray pretty much as a grid of objects, it's a 1 dimensional array organised as a 2 dimensional array, so I need to be able to fill it with mapWidth*mapHeight of something, and then calculate the index and do a check on that index within the array.
I've looked on here and googled but couldn't find anything like what I'm asking.
Thanks for any advice.
I think what you are looking for is [NSNull null]. It is exactly what you want- a placeholder value.
You can find more information on the topic in this question.
initWithCapacity is just a performance optimization -- it has no effect on the array behavior, it just keeps the code "under the covers" from having to repeatedly enlarge the internal array as you add more entries.
So if you want a "pre-allocated" array, you'd need to fill it with NSNull objects or some such. You can then use isKindOfClass to tell if the object is the right type, or simply == compare the entry to [NSNull null]. (Since there's only ever one NSNull object it always has the same address).
(Or you could use a C-style array of pointers with nil values for empty slots.)
But you might be better off using an NSMutableDictionary instead -- no need to pre-fill, and if the element isn't there you get a nil pointer back. For keys use a NSNumber object that corresponds to what would have been your array index.
initWithCapacity only hints to NSMutableArray that it should support this many objects. It won't actually have any objects in it until you add them. Besides, every entry in the array is a pointer to an object, not a struct like you'd normally have in a standard c array.
You need to change how you're thinking about the problem. If you don't add an object to the array, it's not in there. So either you pre-fill the array with "empty" objects as you've said, which is weird. Or you can add the objects as you need them.

How to remove only one instance of an object from an NSMutableArray?

The Apple documentation says that the - (void)removeObject:(id)anObject method removes all occurrences of the given object from an NSMutableArray.
Is there a way to remove only one occurrence of the object from the array?
If you have a particular instance that you want removed, which has a unique memory address but would otherwise compare equal to other instances, you would use removeObjectIdenticalTo:.
If you want to remove the first object in the array that fits the bill, use indexOfObject:, which finds the lowest index, followed by removeObjectAtIndex: You can also use indexesOfObjectsPassingTest: to get the list of all indexes that contain equal objects, as an NSIndexSet, and then pick one out from there -- perhaps lastIndex, e.g.
It is really simple:
[yourArray removeObjectAtIndex:[yourArray indexOfObject:yourObject]]
Yes, you want to find the index of the specific object you want to remove and call:
- (void)removeObjectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
See the Apple documentation for NSMutableArray here.

ObjC: Best use an NSArray or NSDictionnary for this (zBuffer)?

Say I have a collection of "node" instances. An integer property call zIndex will be used to group them.
What are the pros/cons for storing them in :
1) An array of arrays
2) A dictionary of arrays
In pseudo code, I would describe the expected result like this:
zBuffer[100] = [node1, node 2];
zBuffer[105] = [playerNode, collectable1];
zBuffer[110] = [foreground1, foreground2];
And I'm wondering about what zBuffers should be; Must NSArrays only be used for sequential read/write? Like not using non-continuous indexes?
I tried with an NSMutableArray:
[zBuffer objectAtIndex:zOrder]
But it fails if the array contains no data for that index (like out-of-bound exception).
Thanks for your advices!
As far as I can see, one of your requirements is that the indexes you use to access zBuffer be not contiguous (100, 105, 100). In this case, I would not use an array for that, since the indexes you can use with an array must be less than the count of elements of the array (if you have 3 elements, then indexes range from 0 to 2).
Instead I would use NSMutableDictionary, where you can use the zIndex key as a "name" for groups of objects you are looking for.
This suggestion does not take into account any other requirements that you might have, especially concerning complexity and the kind of operations you are going to carry through on your collection of nodes (beyond accessing them through zIndex).
You could actually provide both. It looks like what you want to have is a sparse array: so you look up objects by index, but it's permissible for there not to be an object at a certain index. So you could make that.
I'd do that by creating an NSMutableArray subclass that implements the primitive methods documented. Internally, your subclass would use an NSMutableDictionary for storage, with numbers (the "filled" indices) as keys. -objectAtIndex: returns either the object with that number as its key or nil if the array is empty at that point.
There are some ambiguities in this use of the array contract that it's up to you to decide how to address:
does count return 1+(highest index in use), or the number of objects in the array?
the enumerator and fast enumeration patterns never expect to see nil, so you need to come up with an enumerator that always returns an object (but lets me see what index it's at) if you want users of your class to enumerator over the array.
you won't be able to initialise it with the +arrayWithObjects: (id) firstObject,... pattern of initialisers because they use nil as a sentinel.

Finding objects in Core Data by array attribute, performantly in >10k elements

I need to find core data objects by a key, which holds a unique immutable array (fixed length, but chosen at runtime) of arbitrary objects (for which not only element membership, but also element order determines uniqueness). NSManagedObject however forbids overriding [isEqual:]. Now what?
I have an entity (see diagram image for entity "…Link") in my Core Data model for which I have to guarantee uniqueness based on an attribute key ("tuple"). So far so good.
The entity's unique attribute however has to be an NSArray.
And to make things a bit more difficult I neither know the class type of the tuple's elements.
Nor do I know the tuple's element count. Well, actually the count is the same for every tuple (per core data context at least), but not known before the app runs.
There must only ever be one instance of my link entity with a given tuple.
And for obvious reason only ever one tuple instance with a given array of arbitrary objects.
Whereas two tuples are to be considered equal if [tuple_1 isEqual:tuple_n] returns YES. NSManagedObject forbids the overriding of [isEqual:] and [hash] though, otherwise things would be pretty much a piece of cake.
"…Tuple" objects are created together with their array of tokens (via a convenience method) and are immutable (and so is each "…Token" and its data attribute). (think of "…Tuple" as a "…Link"'s dictionary key.)
"…Tuple" implements "- (NSArray *)tokens;", which returnes a neatly ordered array of tokens, based on the "order" keys of "…TokenOrder". (Tuples are expected to contain at most 5 elements.)
I however expect to have tens of thousands (potentially even more in some edge cases) of "…Link" objects, which I have to (frequently) find based on their "tuple" attribute.
Sadly I couldn't find any article (let alone solution) for such a scenario in any literature or the web.
Any ideas?
A possible solution I've come up with so far would be:
Narrow amount of elements to compare
by tuple by adding another attribute
to "…Tuple" called "tupleHash",
which is pre-calculated on
object creation via: Snippet 1
Query with NSPredicate for objects of matching tupleHash (narrowing down the list of candidates quite a bit).
Find "…Link" featuring given tuple in narrowed candidate list by: Snippet 1
Snippet 1:
NSUInteger tupleHash = [[self class] hash];
for (id token in self.tokens) {
tupleHash ^= [ hash];
Snippet 2:
__block NSArray *tupleTokens = someTokens;
NSArray *filteredEntries = [narrowedCandidates filteredArrayUsingPredicate:
[NSPredicate predicateWithBlock: ^(id evaluatedObject, NSDictionary *bindings) {
return [evaluatedObject.tuple.tokens isEqualToArray:tupleTokens];
(Sorry, markdown appears to oppose mixing of lists with code snippets.)
Good idea of or just insane?
Thanks in advance!
I strongly suggest that you calculate a hash for your objects and store it in your database.
Your second snippet will seriously hurt performance, that's for sure.
You don't need to use the hash method of NSArray.
To calculate the hash, you can perform a SHA1 or MD5 on the array values, concatenated. There are many algorithms for hashing, these are just two.
You can create a category for NSArray, say myHash to make the code reusable.
As recommended in a comment by Joe Blow I'm just gonna go with SQLite. Core Data simply appears to be the wrong tool here.
Fast thanks to SQL's column indexing
No object allocation/initialization on SELECT, prior to returning the results. (which Core Data would require for attribute checks)
Easily query link tuples using JOINs.
Easy use of SQLite's JOIN, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, etc
Little to no wrapper code thanks to EGODatabase (FMDB-inspired SQLite Objective-C wrapper)

Techniques for implementing -hash on mutable Cocoa objects

The documentation for -hash says it must not change while a mutable object is stored in a collection, and similarly the documentation for -isEqual: says the -hash value must be the same for equal objects.
Given this, does anybody have any suggestions for the best way to implement -hash such that it meets both these conditions and yet is actually calculated intelligently (i.e. doesn't just return 0)? Does anybody know how the mutable versions of framework-provided classes do this?
The simplest thing to do is of course just forget the first condition (about it not changing) and just make sure I never accidentally mutate an object while it's in a collection, but I'm wondering if there's any solution that's more flexible.
EDIT: I'm wondering here whether it's possible to maintain the 2 contracts (where equal objects have equal hashes, and hashes don't change while the object is in a collection) when I'm mutating the internal state of the object. My inclination is to say "no", unless I do something stupid like always return 0 for the hash, but that's why I'm asking this question.
Interesting question, but I think what you want is logically impossible. Say you start with 2 objects, A and B. They're both different, and they start with different hash codes. You add both to some hash table. Now, you want to mutate A, but you can't change the hash code because it's already in the table. However, it's possible to change A in such a way that it .equals() B.
In this case, you have 2 choices, neither of which works:
Change the hashcode of A to equal B.hashcode, which violates the constraint of not changing hash codes while in a hash table.
Don't change the hashcode, in which case A.equals(B) but they don't have the same hashcodes.
It seems to me that there's no possible way to do this without using a constant as a hashcode.
My reading of the documentation is that a mutable object's value for hash can (and probably should) change when it is mutated, but should not change when the object hasn't been mutated. The portion of the documentation to which to refer, therefore, is saying, "Don't mutate objects that are stored in a collection, because that will cause their hash value to change."
To quote directly from the NSObject documentation for hash:
If a mutable object is added to a
collection that uses hash values to
determine the object’s position in the
collection, the value returned by the
hash method of the object must not
change while the object is in the
collection. Therefore, either the hash
method must not rely on any of the
object’s internal state information or
you must make sure the object’s
internal state information does not
change while the object is in the
(Emphasis mine.)
The question here isn't how to meet both of these requirements, but rather which one you should meet. In Apple's documentation, it is clearly stated that:
a mutable dictionary can be put in a hash table but you must not change it while it is in there.
This being said, it seems more important that you meet the equality requirement of hashes. The hash of an object should always be a way to check if an object is equal to another. If this is ever not the case, it is not a true hash function.
Just to finish up my answer, I'll give an example of a good hash implementation. Let's say you are writing the implementation of -hash on a collection that you have created. This collection stores an array of NSObjects as pointers. Since all NSObjects implement the hash function, you can use their hashes in calculating the collection's hash:
- (NSUInteger)hash {
NSUInteger theHash = 0;
for (NSObject * aPtr in self) { // fast enumeration
theHash ^= [aPtr hash];
return theHash;
This way, two collection objects containing the same pointers (in the same order) will have the same hash.
Since you are already overriding -isEqual: to do a value-based comparison, are you sure you really need to bother with -hash?
I can't guess what exactly you need this for of course, but if you want to do value-based comparison without deviating from the expected implementation of -isEqual: to only return YES when hashes are identical, a better approach might be to mimick NSString's -isEqualToString:, so to create your own -isEqualToFoo: method instead of using or overriding -isEqual:.
The answer to this question and the key to avoiding many cocoa-bugs is this:
Read the documentation carefully. Place every word and punctuation on a golden scale and weight it as it was the world's last grain of wheat.
Let's read the documentation again:
If a mutable object is added to a collection that uses hash values to determine the object’s position in the collection, [...]
(emphasis mine).
What the writer of the docs, in his/hers eternal wisdom, mean by this is that when you are implementing a collection, like a dictionary, you shouldn't use the hash for positioning since that can change. In other words it has little to do with implementing -hash on mutable Cocoa objects (which all of us thought it had, assuming the documentation has not changed in the last ~10 years since the question was asked).
That is why dictionaries always copy their keys - so they can guarantee
that the hash value won't change.
You will then ask the question: But, good sir, how does NSMapTable and similar handle this?
The answer to this is according to the documentation:
"Its keys or values may be copied on input or may use pointer identity for equality and hashing."
(emphasis mine again).
Since we were so easily fooled by the documentation last time, let's run a little experiment to see for ourselves how stuff actually work:
NSMutableString *string = [NSMutableString stringWithString:#"so lets mutate this"];
NSString *originalString = string.copy;
NSMapTable *mutableStrings = [NSMapTable strongToStrongObjectsMapTable];
[mutableStrings setObject:originalString forKey:string];
[string appendString:#" into a larger string"];
if ([mutableStrings objectForKey:string] == nil)
NSLog(#"not found!");
if ([mutableStrings objectForKey:originalString] == nil)
NSLog(#"Not even the original string is found?");
for (NSString *inCollection in mutableStrings)
NSLog(#"key '%#' : is '%#' (null)", inCollection, [mutableStrings objectForKey:inCollection]);
for (NSString *value in NSAllMapTableValues(mutableStrings))
NSLog(#"value exists: %#", value);
So, instead of using pointer equality, they focus on the words "may" here which in this case mean "may not", and simply copy the hash value when adding stuff to the collection.
(All this is actually good, since it would be quite difficult to implement NSHashMap, or -hash, otherwise).
In Java, most mutable classes simply don’t override Object.hashCode() so that the default implementation returns a value that is based on the address of the object and doesn’t change. It might just be the same with Objective C.