Updating permissions on Amazon S3 files that were uploaded via JungleDisk - permissions

I am starting to use Jungle Disk to upload files to an Amazon S3 bucket which corresponds to a Cloudfront distribution. i.e. I can access it via an http:// URL and I am using Amazon as a CDN.
The problem I am facing is that Jungle Disk doesn't set 'read' permissions on the files so when I go to the corresponding URL in a browser I get an Amazon 'AccessDenied' error. If I use a tool like BucketExplorer to set the ACL then that URL now returns a 200.
I really really like the simplicity of dragging files to a network drive. JungleDisk is the best program I've found to do this reliably without tripping over itself and getting confused. However it doesn't seem to have an option to make the files read-able.
I really don't want to have to go to a different tool (especially if i have to buy it) to just change the permissions - and this seems really slow anyway because they generally seem to traverse the whole directory structure.
JungleDisk provides some kind of 'web access' - but this is a paid feature and I'm not sure if it will work or not.
S3 doesn't appear to propagate permissions down which is a real pain.
I'm considering writing a manual tool to traverse my tree and set everything to 'read' but I'd rather not do this if this is a problem someone else has already solved.

Disclaimer: I am the developer of this tool, but I think it may answer your question.
If you are on Windows you can use CloudBerry Explorer Amazon S3 client. It supports most of the Amazon S3 and CloudFront features and It is freeware.

I use the Transmit Mac app to modify permissions on files I've already uploaded with JungleDisk. If you're looking for a more cross-platform solution, the S3Fox browser plugin for Firefox claims to be able to modify permissions on S3 files as well.

If you need a web based tool, you can use S3fm, free online Amazon S3 file manager.
It's a pure Ajax app that runs in your browser and doesn't require sharing your credentials with a 3rd party web site.

If you need a reliable cross-platform tool to handle permissions, you can have a look at CrossFTP Pro. It supports most of the Amazon S3 and CloudFront features as well.


AWS download files from S3 in web browser

I am a newbie to AWS and one of the tasks I have is to figure out how to download MSIs, ISOs stored in S3 through a web browser. I read that I could use CLI behind the scenes. So if a customer clicks on one download; the app would make a request to S3 using one of the commands and that would download the file lets say through Google Chrome or IE (Please correct me if I'm wrong in the usage of CLI).
Now if the download stops for some reason due to internet failure; is there a way to resume the download? How do I get a download done through a client.
Thanks in advance for helping. Unfortunately the AWS links gave me very little information so seeking help here!
Files stored in Amazon S3 can be directly accessed via web browser, just like clicking a link on any website.
If the files are marked as publicly-accessible, anyone with the link can download the file.
If you wish to limit access to the files, your application can generate a pre-signed URL that will work for a limited time period that you specify (eg 5 minutes). Users can use/click that link to download the file within that time period.
You can also download files using the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI), which has Copy and Sync commands. This would, however, require installation of the CLI on the user's computer. This is great if they are regularly download files or if you wish to automate the download (eg every hour or daily).
If you wish to explore AWS, sign-up for an account and make use of the Free Usage Tier, which lets you try some services for no charge.

TCL Amazon S3 Interaction

I have a TCL/TK Windows application that creates a small executable that I distribute to my customers. Because it is an exe file I can not email the file. Instead I upload it to an Amazon S3 bucket then create a URL link and email the link to them. They download the file from the link and run the exe.
What I would like to do is add the ability upload to an Amazon bucket within the application that will enable me to upload the file and create a URL that I can copy and email to the customer. I have seen Amazon S3 API's written for other languages, python, java, but not TCL. Has anyone done this? How hard is it? Can you point me to a tutorial?
Actually I do not have to use a S3 bucket. If there is another suggestion for how to distribute small files to customers from within TCL programs I am open to suggestions. Besides what has been laid out above the only other requirement is that multiple people must be able to upload to the same location, the TCL program runs on Windows and I would like to not use a 3rd party program. Security is not a major concern, nor is privacy, these things are handled other ways.
Actually, Tcl does provide an S3 package, but since I don't have Amazon S3 account, I cannot test it out.

Can I find any free solution for storing my files online?

I am developing an application which needs to fetch some data from an XML file for the automatic update process and for some other functions. This approach requires the files to be located in a direct link, so it can be hard-programmed to use that specific URL.
I heard that you can use a lot of free-to-use file-sharing services such as Google Drive, Box and Dropbox. Can you tell me if it's true or not? And are there any other services beside those I mentioned?
I don't need a web hosting that supports PHP and other frameworks, I just want to store files and make my application access it when required.
Yes, both Dropbox and Google Drive provide web hosting of your public folders, but there is a 10GB bandwidth limit with Dropbox.
You can use any free web hosting like 110mb or 5gbfree too.
You can try github, bitbucket or mega.co.nz

How can I remotely upload files to Amazon S3?

I am looking for a way to transfer files from a server to Amazon S3 bucket, without first downloading the files to my computer. All of the files I plan to transfer can be accessed publicly (e.g. http://something.com/file.ext). Everything I tried only allows me to directly upload files from my Mac to S3.
P.S. Although I have access to windows, a Mac app that can do this would be great... or maybe a browser-based solution :)
You can check out this PHP class (and a net tuts tutorial on it), it works well, I've been using it for a while now. It includes bucket creation, deletion, adding files and more. You can easily add files remotely from another server, or from the same server you're running it on.

Anyone actually using Mosso Files (Amazon S3 competitor)?

We have a bunch of data on S3 (images) but just started reading about Mosso Files (rackspace). Sometime this month they are going to add CDN capabilities so any file you upload is part of the limelight CDN.
Anyone using this service, it's not as well documented or publicized at S3.
Yes, it's not well documented or publicized as S3. But dude it has CDN support which S3 is lack off (unless you willing to pay extra of course). Bad thing is you can't FTP into Mosso CloudFile, you will either have to upload it through web-based control panel or API. Yet, it's still cheap and worth especially with CDN.
I am using the service and it's pretty good and cost effective compare to S3.
We use it for all our client sites, from images to podcasts, and it's hand down, the best way to distribute content and make it highly available - especially at this price!