Good definition for "coherence" [closed] - cohesion

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm trying to tell someone his code is not "coherent" in the sense that it serves multiple purposes. I don't think I can explain it very well, so I'm looking for a good reference and/or definition.

I think the correct term is cohesion.
In computer programming, cohesion is a measure of how strongly-related and focused the various responsibilities of a software module are. Cohesion is an ordinal type of measurement and is usually expressed as "high cohesion" or "low cohesion" when being discussed.
Modules with high cohesion tend to be preferable because high cohesion is associated with several desirable traits of software including robustness, reliability, reusability, and understandability whereas low cohesion is associated with undesirable traits such as being difficult to maintain, difficult to test, difficult to reuse, and even difficult to understand.

I had Code Complete by Steve McConnell next to my computer (ie the programmers bible) with the page open explaining cohesion so I thought I'd share,
Cohesion arose from structured design
and is usually discussed in the same
context as coupling. Cohesion refers
to how closely all the routines in a
class or all the code in a routine
support a central purpose-how focused
the class is. Classes that contain
strongly related functionality are
described as having strong cohesion,
and the heuristic goal is to make
cohesion as strong as possible.

I use the term “separation of concerns” to explain this while refactoring. Often when code is fairly new, things will get lumped in together as the separate concerns are not clear at first.
One easy way to illustrate this to your co worker would be to ask them to write test cases for the code. This should illustrate that the code is not clear or coherent.
Another good phrase to use is that functions/objects “should do one thing, and do it well”, this has implications in everything from the object/method names to the overall architecture of the system.

In addition to the answers given so far, a simple way to think of high cohesion is lack of duplication of functionality, and clear seperation of related functionality into distinct modules, components or classes. Thus if you want a function similar to another function, and you cut and paste and subsequently modify a copy of the code, you are reducing cohesion. If you modify the the original to handle the new case, where the new case is clearly related to the existing functionality, you are increasing cohesion. Put another way, if your program has to do a given thing, no matter how times or in how many places, for maximum cohesion there should only be once piece of code that does that thing. At the same, a given class, module or component should have a single area of responsibility. Lumping unrelated functionality into a single class or component also reduces cohesion.
As CodeWiki says, cohesion is typically discussed with coupling, where the two can act in opposition to one another, particularly where strict interfaces aren't carefully planned. Many of the googled articles on cohesion relate to OO design, but cohesion and coupling are not restricted to OO.

Marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts; "a coherent argument" - from


When is a class too big or too small? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I recently had my code reviewed by a senior developer in my company. He criticized my design for using too many classes. I am interested to hear your reactions.
I was tasked to create a service which produces an xml file as a result of manipulating 3 other xml files. Let's name these aaa.xml, bbb.xml and ccc.xml. The service works in two phases. In phase one it scrubs aaa.xml against bbb.xml. In the second phase, it merges the product of phase one with ccc.xml to produce a final result.
I chose a design with three classes: an XmlService class which used two other classes, a scrubber class and a merger class. I kept the scrubbing and merging classes separate because the both classes were large and featured distinct logic.
I thought my approach was good because it kept my classes small and cohesive. My approach also helped to control the size of my test class.
The senior developer asserted that the scrubbing and merging classes would only be used by the XmlService class, and should therefore be part of it. He felt this would make the XMLService cohesive and this is what being cohesive means according to him. He also feels that breaking up classes this way makes them loose cohesiveness.
The irony is I tried to break these classes to achieve cohesiveness. What do you think? Who is right or wrong? Are we both right? Thank you for your suggestions.
If you follow the single responsibility principle (and based on the tone of your question, I think you do follow it), then the answer is clear:
A class is too big when it does more than one thing; and
A class is too small when it fails to fulfill its purpose.
That's very broad and indeed subjective -- hence the struggle with your colleague. On your side, you can argue:
There's absolutely no problem in creating additional classes -- It's a non-issue, compile-wise and runtime-wise.
The current implementation of the service may suggest that these classes "belong" to it, but that may change.
You can test each functionality separately.
You can apply dependency injection.
You ease the cognitive load of understanding the inner working of the service, because its code is smaller and better organized.
Furthermore, I think your boss has a misguided understanding of cohesion. Think of it as focus: the narrower the focus of your program, the higher the cohesion. If the code on your satellite classes is merged within the service class, the latter becomes less focused (less cohesive). It's generally accepted that higher cohesion is preferred over lower cohesion. Try to enlighten his/her view about it.
Cohesion is a measure of how strongly related is the functionality within a body of code. That said, if merging and scrubbing aren't strongly related, including them both in the same class reduces cohesion.
The Single Responsibility Principle is also worth mentioning here. Creating a class for the sole purpose of scrubbing and another for the sole purpose of merging follows this principle.
I'd say your approach is the better of the two.
What would you name the classes? ScrubXml and MergeXml are nice names. ProcessXML and ScrubAndMergeXml aren't, the first being too general and the second having a conjunction. As long as none of the classes rely at all on the internals of one or the others (i.e., low coupling), you've got a good design there.
Names are very useful in determining cohesion. A cohesive module does one thing, and therefore has a simple specific name. A module that does more than one thing is less cohesive, and needs a more general or more complicated name.
One problem with merging functionality in X into Y if X is only used by Y is the reductio ad absurdam: if your call graph is acyclic, you'll wind up with all your functionality in one class.
As someone who is coming back from the GodClass building fest of several years in duration, and now trying very hard to avoid that mistake in the future; the error of making a 6000 to 10000 line single source unit with a single class, with over 250 methods, 200 data fields, and some methods over 100 lines, the single responsibility principle looks like something worth defending against the predilections of your unenlightened supervisor.
If however, your supervisor and you are disagreeing over a matter of whether 2000 lines of code belong in one class or three, then I think you're both closer to sane, than I was. Maybe it's a matter of scale and perspective. Some object oriented programming aficionados like a certain "Coefficient of Standalone" per class, in direct violation of the generally understood ideas about how to improve cohesion and minimize coupling.
A set of 3 classes that work well together is, objectively, a more object-oriented system, than a single class that does the same thing. one could argue that if you write an application using only one class, that the application is not really object oriented at all.
If the scrubber and merger are not meaningful outside the context of the main class, then I agree with your reviewer, particularly if you've had to expose any implementation details in order to allow this separation. If you're using a language supporting nested private classes or something similar, that might be a reasonable alternative to maintain the logical separation without exposing implementation details to outside consumers of the main class.
This is a very subjective area, and will be different depending on coding and style guidelines, and who approves your code.
That said, if your defense of your design didn't hold up, and your senior team member still insisted on merging your classes, then you have to compromise:
You've already got the logic separated out. Write the one service class and keep the methods separate like other good design, and then write a glue method. Add some comments above each method explaining how they could easily be partitioned to multiple classes if the need arises in the future.

Ravioli code - why an anti-pattern? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I recently came across a term 'God object' which was described as an 'anti-pattern'. I'd heard of bad coding practices, but I'd never heard them described thus.
So I headed off to Wikipedia to find out more, and I found that there is an anti-pattern called 'Ravioli code' which is described as being "characterized by a number of small and (ideally) loosely-coupled software components."
I'm puzzled - why is this a bad thing?
Spaghetti code is a pejorative term
for source code
Ravioli code is a type of computer
program structure, characterized by a
number of small and (ideally)
loosely-coupled software components.
The term is in comparison with
spaghetti code, comparing program
structure to pasta;
It's comparing them. It isn't saying it's an anti-pattern.
But I agree. The article is confusing. The problem is not with ravioli analogy but with the wikipedia article structure itself. It starts calling Spaghetti as a bad practice, then says some examples and after that say something about Ravioli code.
EDIT: They improved the article. Is an anti-pattern because
While generally desirable from a coupling and cohesion perspective, overzealous separation and encapsulation of code can bloat call stacks and make navigation through the code for maintenance purposes more difficult.
I'd say it's pretty obvious Ravioli code and Lasagna code are both pejorative terms - being intentionally placed alongside their fellow pasta simile 'spaghetti code' - and both terms describe real world anti-patterns. Some code is very time-consuming to maintain and very prone to failure simply because it is broken down into so many separate sub-processes - that is ravioli code. Some code has so many layers of abstraction that it becomes very difficult to implement a change to it and/or understand at what level a failure is occurring - that is lasagna code. The only practical way to make a change to lasagna code is often to simply bypass the layers and write the straightforward code that does the job. I have to maintain some ravioli code, but in general such code suffers from its convolution and fails to find widespread use, so there are few examples of it that we would all be familiar with. By contrast, lasagna code is everywhere at the moment.
I like to think I don't write any pasta code myself, but you can at least follow a string of spaghetti...
It's listed in the page of Spaghetti code but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. It's there because this is a relevant term and not important enough to have its own page.
Regarding the bad side of it, Googling gives a comment in
The problem is that it tends to lead to functions (methods, etc.) without true coherence, and it often leaves the code to implement even something fairly simple scattered over a very large number of functions. Anyone having to maintain the code has to understand how all the calls between all the bits work, recreating almost all the badness of Spaghetti Code except with function calls instead of GOTO. ...
You gotta judge if it's reasonable :).
Pretty much the only reason "ravioli code" has survived as a phrase is because programmers have an innate sense of humor. Try as I might - and believe me, I've tried - it's really hard to come up with an example of object oriented code that was both (a) packaged such that it was really hard to navigate in the same meta-sense that "spaghetti code" is hard to navigate, and (b) reflected a frequent anti-pattern in coding practice.
The best example of "ravioli code" I can come up with is a multitude of classes, each tightly packaged, but where it's really hard to dig out where the main flow of execution is. Neural network applications might exhibit this, but that's sort of the point. A more mundane example would be UI code that is very heavily event-oriented, but again, it's hard to go overboard with that - if anything, most UI code isn't event-driven enough.
The problem is that different people use the term "ravioli code" to mean different things.
A reasonable number of reasonably small components is good. A huge pile of tiny components with no apparent overall structure is not so good.
Loosely coupled components are good. Components that hide their interdependencies in order to look loosely coupled are not so good.
Being able to see the relationship between different components is actually a good thing.
Most code bases have the opposite problem though, so moving towards more modularity is usually a good thing. I expect most folks have never even seen "ravioli code" in the bad sense. In practice, it tends to look more like chopped ravioli (where what should be a module is split across multiple "modules" -- none of which make sense on their own, but only in combination with their corresponding other parts), or like ravioli cooked without enough water (so you end up with a giant blob of "modules" all stuck together).
TODO: Write a "Hello world" program as ~100 modules to demonstrate overmodularity.
TODO2: Attempt to build a bridge out of truckloads of ravioli to demonstrate suboptimal structural characteristics.
If you apply a dogmatic rule that all classes in all projects must be loosely coupled regardless of any reason, then I can see there being a lot of potential problems.
You could spin your wheels trying to make a perfectly fine application more and more and more loosely coupled without ever actually adding any value to it.
Let me hasten to add, though, that I think that we should all aim towards loosely coupled classes, components, etc
It's not necessarily, is it? The Wikipedia article doesn't describe it as bad. A number of loosely-coupled software components, where the size and number of these components is sensible in relation to the problem domain, sounds pretty ideal to me.
In fact, if you look up other definitions of ravioli code, you'll find it described as the ideal software design pattern - I still prefer the caveat that the size and number need to be appropriate.
Reading the article, Spaghetti is an anti-pattern; but Ravioli and Lasagna are not anti-patterns.

The limit of OOP Paradigm in really complex system? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I asked a question previously about Dataset vs Business Objects
.NET Dataset vs Business Object : Why the debate? Why not combine the two?
and I want to generalize the question here: where is the proof that OOP is really suitable for very complex problems ? Let's take a MMO Game Engine for example. I'm not specialist at all but as I read this article, it clearly stands that OOP is far from being enough:
It concludes:
Programming well with Entity Systems is very close to programming with a Relational Database. It would not be unreasonable to call ES’s a form of “Relation Oriented Programming”.
So isn't OOP trying to get rid off something that is here to stay ?
OOP is non-linear, Relational is linear, both are necessary depending on the part of a system so why try to eliminate Relational just because it isn't "pure" Object. Is OOP an end by itself ?
My question is not is OOP usefull. OOP is usefull, my question is rather why the purists want to do "pure" OOP ?
As the author of the linked post, I thought I'd throw in a couple of thoughts.
FYI: I started seriously (i.e. for commercial work) using OOP / ORM / UML in 1997, and it took me about 5 years of day to day usage to get really good at it IMHO. I'd been programming in ASM and non-OOP languages for about 5 years by that point.
The question may be imperfectly phrased, but I think it's a good question to be asking yourself and investigating - once you understand how to phrase it better, you'll have learnt a lot useful about how this all hangs together.
"So isn't OOP trying to get rid off something that is here to stay ?"
First, read Bjarne's paper here:
IMHO, no-one should be taught any OOP without reading that paper (and re-reading after they've "learnt" OOP). So many many people misunderstand what they're dealing with.
IME, many university courses don't teach OOP well; they teach people how to write methods, and classes, and how to use objects. They teach poorly why you would do these things, where the ideas come from, etc. I think much of the mis-usage comes from that: almost a case of the blind leading the blind (they aren't blind in "how" to use OOP, they're just blind in "why" to use OOP).
To quote from the final paragraphs of the paper:
"how you support good programming techniques and good design techniques matters more than labels and buzz words. The fundamental idea is simply to improve design and programming through abstraction. You want to hide details, you want to exploit any commonality in a system, and you want to make this affordable.
I would like to encourage you not to make object-oriented a meaningless term. The notion of ‘‘object-oriented’’ is too frequently debased:
– by equating it with good,
– by equating it with a single language, or
– by accepting everything as object-oriented.
I have argued that there are–and must be–useful techniques beyond object-oriented programming and design. However, to avoid being totally misunderstood, I would like to emphasize that I wouldn’t attempt a serious project using a programming lan-
guage that didn’t at least support the classical notion of object-oriented programming. In addition to facilities that support object-oriented programming, I want –and C++ provides features that go beyond those in their support for direct expression of concepts and relationships."
Now ... I'd ask you ... of all the OOP programmers and OOP projects you've seen, how many of them can honestly claim to have adhered to what Bjarne requests there?
IME, less than the majority.
Bjarne states that:
"The fundamental idea is simply to improve design and programming through abstraction"
...and yet many people invent for themselves a different meaning, something like:
"The fundamental idea is that OOP is good, and everything-not-OOP is inferior"
Programmers who have programmed sequentially with ASM, then later ASM's, then pascal, then C, then C++, and have been exposed to the chaos that was programming pre-encapsulation etc tend to have better understanding of this stuff. They know why OOP came about, what it was trying to solve.
Funnily enough, OOP was not trying to solve every programming problem. Who'd have htought it, to say how it's talked about today?
It was aimed at a small number of problems that were hugely dangerous the bigger your project got, and which it turned out to be somewhere between "good" and "very good" at solving.
But even some of them it isn't any better than merely "good" at solving; there are other paradigms that are better...
All IMHO, of course ;)
Systems of any notable complexity are not linear. Even if you worked really hard to make a system one linear process, you're still relying on things like disks, memory and network connections that can be flaky, so you'll need to work around that.
I don't know that anyone thinks OOP is the final answer. It's just a way of dealing with complexity by trying to keep various problems confined to the smallest possible sphere so the damage they do when they blow up is minimized. My problem with your question is that it assumes perfection is possible. If it were, I could agree OOP isn't necessary. It is for me until someone comes up with a better way for me to minimize the number of mistakes I make.
Just read yr article about Entity Systems, which compares ES to OOP, and it is flagrantly wrong about several aspects of OOP. for e.g., When there are 100 instances of a class, OOP does not mandate that there be 100 copies of the classes methods loaded in memory, only one is necessary. Everything that ES purports to be able to do "better" than OOP because it has "Components", and "Systems", OOP supports as well using interfaces and static classes, (and/or Singletons).
And OOP more naturally fits with the real-world, as any real or imagined Problem Domain, consisting of multiple physical and/or non-physical items and abstractions, and the relationships between them, can be modeled with an appropriately designed hiearchical OOP class structure.
What we try to do is put an OO style on top of a relational system. In C# land this gets us a strongly typed system so that everything from end to end can be compiled and tested. The database has a hard time being tested, refactored, etc. OOP allows us to organize our application into layers and hiearchies which relational doesn't allow.
Well you've got a theoretical question.
Firstly let me agree with you that OOP is not a solve-all solution. It's good for somethings, it's not good for others. But that doesn't mean it doesn't scale up. Some horribly complex and huge systems have been designed using OOP.
I think OOP is so popular because it deserves to be. It solves some problems rather wonderfully, it is easy to think in terms of Objects because we can do that without re-programming ourselves.
So until we can all come up with a better alternatives that actually works in practical life, I think OOP is a pretty good idea and so are relational databases.
There is really no limit to what OOP can deal with - just as there is no real limit to what C can deal with, or assembler for that matter. All are Turing-complete, which is all you really need.
OOP simply gives you a higher-level way of breaking down the program, just as C is a higher-level than assembler.
The article about entity systems does not say that OO cannot do this - in fact, it sounds like they are using OOP to implement their Entities, Components, etc. In any complex domain there will be different ways of breaking it down, and using OOP you can break it down to the object/class level at some point. This does not preclude having higher-level conceptual frameworks which are used to design the OOP system.
The problem isn't the object oriented approach in most situations, the problem is performance and actual development of the underlying hardware.
The OO paradigm approach software development by providing us with a metaphor of the real world, were we have concepts which defines the common accepted and expected properties and behaivour of real objects in the world. Is the way that humans model things and we're able to solve most of the problems with it.
In theory you can define every aspect of a game, system or whatever using OO. In practice if you do, your program will simply behave too slow so the paradigm is messed up by optimizations which trade the simplicity of the model from performance.
In that way, relational databases are not object oriented so we build an object oriented layer between our code and the database... by doing so you lost some of the performance of the database and some of its expressiveness because, from the point of view of OO paradigm a relational database is a full class, is an very complex object that provides information.
From my point of view OO is an almost perfect approach in the theoretical sense of the word, as it maps closely to the way we, humans, think, but it doesn't fit well with the limited resources of the computational development... so we take shortcuts. At the and, performance is far more important than theoretical organization or clearness so this shortcuts become standards or usual practices.
That is, we are adapting the theoretical model to our current limitations. In the times of cobol in the late 70's object oriented was simply impossible... it would imply to many aspects and too little performance so we used a simplified approach, so simplified you didn't have objects or class, you had variables ... but the concept was, in that time, the same. Groups of variables described related concepts, properties that today will feet into an object. Control sequences based on a variable value where used to replace class hierarchies and so on.
I think we've been using OOP for a long time and that we'll continue using it for a long time. As hardware capabilities improve we'll be able to unsimplify the model so that it becomes more adaptable. If I describe perfectly (almost) the concept of a cat (which involves a lot of describing for a lot of concepts involved) that concept will be able to be reused everywhere... the problem here is not, as I've said, with the paradigm itself but with our limitations to implement it.
EDIT: To answer the question about why use pure OO. Every "science" wants to have a complete model to represent things. We have two physic models to describe nature, one at the microscopic level and one for the macroscopic one, and we want to have just one because it simplifies things it provides us with a better way to prove, test and develop things. With OO the same process applies. You can't analytically test and prove a system if the system doesn't follow a precise set of rules. If you are changing between paradigms in a program then your program cannot be properly analized, it has to be disected in each one, analized and then analized again to see that the interactions are correct. It makes a lot more difficult to understand a system because in fact you have two or three system that interact in different ways.
Guys, isn't the question more about ORM than OOP? OOP is a style of programming - the thing that actually gets compared is a Relational Database mapped onto objects.
OOP is actually more than just the ORM! It's also not just the inheritance and polymorphism! It's an extremly wide range of design patterns and above all it's the way we think about programming itself.
Jorge: it's ok that you've pointed out the opitimization part - what you didn't add is that this step should be done last and in 99% cases the slow part is not the OOP.
Now plain and simple: the OOP style with all the principals added to it (clean code, use of design patterns, not to deep inheritance structures and let's not forget unit testing!) it a way to make more people understand what you wrote. That in turn is needed for companies to keep their bussiness secure. That's also a recepie for small teams to have better understanding with the community. It's like a common meta language on top of the programming language itself.
It's always easier to talk about concepts from a purists point of view. Once you're faced with a real life problem things get trickier and the world is no longer just black and white. Just like the author of the article is very thorough in pointing out that they're not doing OOP the "OOP purist" tells you that OOP is the only way to go. The truth is somewhere in between.
There is no single answer, as long as you understand the different ways (OOP, entity systems, functional programming and many more) of doing things and can give good reason for why you're choosing one over the other in any given situation you're more likely to succeed.
About Entity Systems. It's an interesting conception but it brings nothing really new. For example it states:
OOP style would be for each Component to have zero or more methods, that some external thing has to invoke at some point. ES style is for each Component to have no methods but instead for the continuously running system to run it’s own internal methods against different Components one at a time.
But isn't it same as Martin Fowler's anti-pattern called "Anemic Domain Model" (which is extensively used nowadays, in fact) link ?
So basically ES is an "idea on the paper". For people to accept it, it MUST be proven with working code examples. There is not a single word in the article on how to implement this idea on practice. Nothing said about scalability concerns. Nothing said about fault tolerance...
As for your actual question I don't see how Entity Systems described in article can be similar to relational databases. Relational databases have no such thing as "aspects" that are described in the article. In fact, relational - based on tables data structure - is very limited when it comes to working with hierarchical data, for example. More limited than for example object databases...
Could you clarify what exactly you are trying to compare and prove here? OOP is a programming paradigm, one of the many. It's not perfect. It's not a silver bullet.
What does "Relation Oriented Programming" mean? Data-centric? Well, Microsoft was moving towards more data-centric style of programming until they given up on Linq2Sql and fully focused on their O/RM EntityFramework.
Also relational databases isn't everything. There is many different kinds of database architectures: hierarchical databases, network databases, object databases ect. And those can be even more efficient than relational. Relational are so popular for nearly the same reasons why OOP is so popular: it's simple, very easy to understand and most often efficient enough.
Ironically when oo programming arrived made it much easier to build larger systems, this was reflected in the ramp up in software to market.
Regarding scale and complexity, with good design you can build pretty complex systems.
see ddd Eric Evans for some principle patterns on handling complexity in oo.
However not all problem domains are best suited to all languages, if you have the freedom to choose a language choose one that suits your problem domain. or build a dsl if that's more appropriate.
We are software engineers after all, unless there is someone telling you how to do your job, just use the best tools for the job, or write them :)

How do I break my procedural coding habits? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I recently read an interesting comment on an OOP related question in which one user objected to creating a "Manager" class:
Please remove the word manager
from your vocabulary when talking
about class names. The name of the
class should be descriptive of its'
purpose. Manager is just another word
for dumping ground. Any
functionality will fit there. The word
has been the cause of many extremely
bad designs
This comment embodies my struggle to become a good object-oriented developer. I have been doing procedural code for a long time at an organization with only procedural coders. It seems like the main strategy behind the relatively little OO code we produce is to break the problem down into classes that are easily identifiable as discrete units and then put the left over/generalized bits in a "Manager" class.
How can I break my procedural habits (like the Manager class)? Most OO articles/books, etc. use examples of problems that are inherently easy to transform into object groups (e.g., Vehicle -> Car) and thus do not provide much guidance for breaking down more complex systems.
First of all, I'd stop acting like procedural code is wrong. It's the right tool for some jobs. OO is also the right tool for some jobs. So is functional. Each paradigm is just a different point of view of computation, and exists because it's convenient for certain problems, not because it's the only right way to program. In principle, all three paradigms are mathematically equivalent, so use whichever one best maps to the problem domain. IMHO, if using a multiparadigm language it's even ok to blend paradigms within a module if different subproblems are best modeled by different worldviews.
Secondly, I'd read up on design patterns. It's hard to understand OO without some examples of the real-world problems it's good for solving. Head First Design Patterns is a good read, as it answers a lot of the "why" of OO.
Becoming good at OO takes years of practice and study of good OO code, ideally with a mentor. Remember that OO is just one means to an end. That being said, here are some general guidelines that work for me:
Favor composition over inheritance. Read and re-read the first chapter of the GoF book.
Obey the Law of Demeter ("tell, don't ask")
Try to use inheritance only to achieve polymorphism. When you extend one class from another, do so with the idea that you'll be invoking the behavior of that class through a reference to the base class. ALL the public methods of the base class should make sense for the subclass.
Don't get hung up on modeling. Build a working prototype to inform your design.
Embrace refactoring. Read the first few chapters of Fowler's book.
The single responsibility principle helps me break objects into manageable classes that make sense.
Each object should do one thing, and do it well without exposing how it works internally to other objects that need to use it.
A 'manager' class will often:
Interogate something's state
Make a decision based on that state
As an antidote or contrast to that, Object-Oriented design would encourage you to design class APIs where you "tell don't ask" the class itself to do things itself (and to encapsulate its own state): for more about "tell don't ask" see e.g. here and here (and maybe someone else has a better explanation of "tell don't ask" but these are first two articles that Google found for me).
It seems like the main strategy the little OO code we produce is to break the problem down into classes that are easily identifiable as discrete units and then put the left over/generalized bits in a "Manager" class.
That may well be true even at the best of times. Coplien talked about this towards the end of his Advanced C++: Programming Styles and Idioms book: he said that in a system, you tend to have:
Self-contained objects
And, "transactions", which act on other objects
Take, for example, an airplane (and I'm sorry for giving you another vehicular example; I'm paraphrasing him):
The 'objects' might include the ailerons, the rudder, and the thrust
The 'manager' or autpilot would implement various commands or transactions
For example, the "turn right" transaction includes:
So I think it's true that you have transactions, which cut across or use the various relatively-passive 'objects'; in an application, for example, the "whatever" user-command will end up being implemented by (and therefore, invoking) various objects from every layer (e.g. the UI, the middle layer, and the DB layer).
So I think it's true that to a certain extent you will have 'bits left over'; it's a matter of degree though: perhaps you ought to want as much of the code as possible to be self-contained, and encapsulating, and everything ... and the bits left over, which use (or depend on) everything else, should be given/using an API which hides as much as possible and which does as much as possible, and which therefore takes as much responsibility (implementation details) as possible away from the so-called manager.
Unfortunately I've only read of this concept in that one book (Advanced C++) and can't link you to something online for a clearer explanation than this paraphrase of mine.
Reading and then practicing OO principles is what works for me. Head First Object-Oriented Analysis & Design works you through examples to make a solution that is OO and then ways to make the solution better.
You can learn good object-oriented design principles by studying design patterns. Code Complete 2 is a good book to read on the topic. Naturally, the best way to ingrain good programming principles into your mind is to practice them constantly by applying them to your own coding projects.
How can I break my procedural habits (like the Manager class)?
Make a class for what the manager is managing (for example, if you have a ConnectionManager class, make a class for a Connection). Move everything into that class.
The reason "manager" is a poor name in OOP is that one of the core ideas in OOP is that objects should manage themselves.
Don't be afraid to make small classes. Coming from a procedural background, you may think it isn't worth the effort to make a class unless it's a thousand lines of code and is some core concept in your domain. Think smaller. A ten line class is totally valid. Make little classes where you see they make sense (a Date, a MailingAddress) and then work your way up by composing classes out of those.
As you start to partition little pieces of your codebase into classes, the remaining procedural code soup will shrink. In that shrinking pool, you'll start to see other things that can be classes. Continue until the pool is empty.
How many OOP programmers does it take to change a light bulb?
None, the light bulb changes itself.
You can play around with an OO language that has very bad procedural support like Smalltalk. The message sending paradigm will force you into OO thinking.
i think you should start it with a good plan.
planning using CLASS Diagrams would be a good start.
you should identify the ENTITIES needed in the applicaiton,
then define each entitie's ATTRIBUTES, and METHODS.
if there are repeated ones, you could now re-define your entities
in a way that inheritance could be done, to avoid redundancy.
I have a three step process, this is one that I have gone through successfully myself. Later I met an ex-teacher turned programmer (now very experienced) who explained to me exactly why this method worked so well, there's some psychology involved but it's essentially all about maintaining control and confidence as you learn. Here it is:
Learn what test driven development (TDD) is. You can comfortably do this with procedural code so you don't need to start working with objects yet if you don't want to. The second step depends on this.
Pick up a copy of Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Fowler. It's essentially a catalogue of little changes that you can make to existing code. You can't refactor properly without tests though. What this allows you to do is to mess with the code without worrying that everything will break. Tests and refactoring take away the paranoia and sense that you don't know what will happen, which is incredibly liberating. You left to basically play around. As you get more confident with that start exploring mocks for testing the interactions between objects.
Now comes the big that most people, mistakenly start with, it's good stuff but it should really come third. At this point you can should reading about design patterns, code smells (that's a good one to Google) and object oriented design principles. Also learn about user stories or use cases as these give you good initial candidate classes when writing new applications, which is a good solution to the "where do I start?" problem when writing apps.
And that's it! Proven goodness! Let me know how it goes.
My eureka moment for understanding object-oriented design was when I read Eric Evans' book "Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software". Or the "Domain Driven Design Quickly" mini-book (which is available online as a free PDF) if you are cheap or impatient. :)
Any time you have a "Manager" class or any static singleton instances, you are probably building a procedural design.

Is Single Responsibility Principle a rule of OOP? [closed]

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An answer to a Stack Overflow question stated that a particular framework violated a plain and simple OOP rule: Single Responsibility Principle (SRP).
Is the Single Responsibility Principle really a rule of OOP?
My understanding of the definition of Object Orientated Programming is "a paradigm where objects and their behaviour are used to create software". This includes the following techniques: Encapsulation, Polymorphism & Inheritance.
Now don't get me wrong - I believe SRP to be the key to most good OO designs, but I feel there are cases where this principle can and should be broken (just like database normalization rules). I aggressively push the benefits of SRP, and the great majority of my code follows this principle.
But, is it a rule, and thus implies that it shouldn't be broken?
Very few rules, if any, in software development are without exception. Some people think there are no place for goto but they're wrong.
As far as OOP goes, there isn't a single definition of object-orientedness so depending on who you ask you'll get a different set of hard and soft principles, patterns, and practices.
The classic idea of OOP is that messages are sent to otherwise opaque objects and the objects interpret the message with knowledge of their own innards and then perform a function of some sort.
SRP is a software engineering principle that can apply to the role of a class, or a function, or a module. It contributes to the cohesion of something so that it behaves well put together without unrelated bits hanging off of it or having multiple roles that intertwine and complicate things.
Even with just one responsibilty, that can still range from a single function to a group of loosely related functions that are part of a common theme. As long as you're avoiding jury-rigging an element to take the responsibilty of something it wasn't primarily designed for or doing some other ad-hoc thing that dilute the simplicity of an object, then violate whatever principle you want.
But I find that it's easier to get SRP correct then to do something more elaborate that is just as robust.
None of these rules are laws. They are more guidelines and best practices. There are times when it doesn't make sense to follow "the rules" and you need to do what is best for your situation.
Don't be afraid to do what you think is right. You might actually come up with newer and better rules.
To quote Captain Barbossa:
"..And secondly, you must be a pirate for the pirate's code to apply and you're not.
And thirdly, the code is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules...."
To quote Jack Sparrow & Gibbs.
"I thought you were supposed to keep to the code."
Mr. Gibbs: "We figured they were more actual guidelines. "
So clearly Pirates understand this pretty well.
The "rules" could be understood via the patterns movement as "Forces"
So there is a force trying to make the class have a single responsibility. (cohesion)
But there is also a force trying to keep the coupling to other classes down.
As with all design ( not just code) the answer is that it depends.
Ahh, I guess this pertains to an answer I gave. :)
As with most rules and laws, there are underlying motives by which these rules are relevant -- if the underlying motive is not present or applicable to your case, then you are free to bend/break the rules according to your own needs.
That being said, SRP is not a rule of OOP per se, but are considered best practices to create OOP applications that are both easily extensible and unit-testable.
Both are characteristics that I consider as of utmost importance in enterprise application development, where maintenance of existing applications occupies more time than new development does.
As many of the other posters have said, all rules are made to be broken.
That being said, I do think that SRP is one of the more important rules for writing good code. It's not specific to Object Oriented programming, but the "encapsulation" part of OOP is very hard to do right if the class does not have a single responsibility.
After all, how do you correctly and simply encapsulate a class with multiple responsibilities? Usually the answer is multiple interfaces and in many languages that can help quite a bit, but it's still confusing to the users of your class that it may apply in completely different ways in different situations.
SRP is just another expression of ISP :-) .
And the "P" means "principle" , not "rule" :D